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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. I'm not shipping Greg and Caroline but I am hoping he will end up with primary custody of Flora.  Greg bonded with her in one day more than Caroline during  all these weeks.  At first I thought the drunk driving incident was going to force  Caroline into a big moment where she rushed into the police station and clutched the baby to her neck with wild, relieved sobbing and a realization that she loved Flora more than she knew.  Nope.  She just looked down at her like she was making a positive ID.  Yes, she had been very worried, she feels the responsibility of Flora keenly, but Caroline just doesn't love her the way she should and it's not her fault.  As she said, she didn't want a baby.  She wanted Kate and Kate wanted a baby.  Enough with the dead Kate scenes. 


    In other news, are women in action comics now completely bare breasted?  The last time I saw one, they were wearing big, metal bras of various types.  I thought PBS was the one station I could watch with my son in the room.  He got up and left out of embarrassment.


    Other than that I enjoyed the episode.  More comedy and less tragedy.  Alan didn't have many lines but his facial expressions had me laughing through most of the show.


    I agree with your post.  It's funny that your son left the room.  I understand, when i watch something with my nephew who is older, I want to leave - when something is a little too explicit.. Just a little uncomfortable.  I like Kate but am tired of her ghost as well.


    I thought more of them would be fans of "football" was a little surprised about that.  


    It can't be said enough more Gillian and Caroline love their 'sisterly" bond. 

    • Love 3
  2. The minute that 20 items or less cashier calls you over there, they will come and you can only stand there and maybe shrug.   I try not to call for that trick-of course they are trying to be helpful.  Also, I like to see the register at some stores because there are pricing mistakes.


    I say"no,you go ahead" I look like I am being magnanimous.  

  3. Just watched part of the case.  It made me think of a show on The History Channel where Hannibal of Carthage was actually a crappy general and his elephant trick was stupid.  The family of the Roman general Skippio made him out to be great because he had conquered the great Hannibal.  


    Reminds me of why De Guerein always talks up Kelly.  If you lose against the toughest your still pretty good.  I do think there is some doubt.  She did dismiss the testimony of the two boys watching the video.

    • Love 3
  4. My first real job was at Donutland.  I was fairly new and there was a sale on doughnuts.  This was 1982.  I remember the line getting long and I was thinking, "Oh shit".  I went in the back to call for back-up but that would take too long. 


    What I learned is people will wait for doughnuts if they are on sale.  When the next worker came in there were few left.


    I got to bring home a dozen a week.  Very soon my family was like, we really don't want anymore doughnuts.

    • Love 3
  5. Saw the ep. New Digs.  That one made me mad.  Did anyone see the last episode of Fear Thy Neighbor where two mothers got into it.  What made me mad was both mothers would only believe their kid.  Oh my son would never do that, type stuff. I really could not say which neighbor  I thought was worse.  Of course it ended in tragedy.

    • Love 1
  6. I agree with the shoeless kids and adults in public places. I don't even like my kids to play barefoot outside (a shoe or sandal helps protect their precious little toesies) but... Leave me and my flip flops alone!!!!!!!!! I love flip flops! I also love my Toms but I suffered a major toe injury (due to my only wearing flip flops probably) and can't exactly put my feet in real shoes at the moment.

    I hate dr offices and bringing my kids to the dr. I prefer waiting in the private room that way I can be sick in private, my kids aren't disturbing anyone, etc..... I have been known to open the door to my room if I've been waiting in excess of 45 minutes so as not to be forgotten like the previous poster mentioned.



    Totally understand.  You want to raise a flag and say don't forget me.  One of the first things I learned working at Burger King  was when people are waiting for something, fries for example, inform them why they are waiting. It always seems longer.  I don't see why at a doctor's office someone can't pop their head in and say a few more minutes.  I told my doctor that one time and he seemed to appreciate the feedback.  


    I get very anxious at the doctor's office so that is part of it.  I have also heard some triple book.

    • Love 1
  7. I was really surprised that Vinculus died.  I did not think the Gent could kill him.  And poor Stephen.  All the lost dreams.


    I really love this series, it is way too short.  I want more. Could they go back and add some new stuff and continue this?  When I watch this I find I have to pay very close attention to it and I find myself rewinding a lot as well.  It is so interesting and detailed.

    • Love 3
  8. As a black woman, I completely agree this was unnecessary and not one other black person I know has ever combined about that flag on the show. I don't want to get too political, but there's a big difference with folks flying a flag on their own property in a misguided sense of culture and the state Capitol flying g that flag, and for the reasons that got it put up there when Civil Rights be a me a thing.

    But I get the network's position . It's stupid, but it's also the culture we live in.

    I understand their position, but it is a knee jerk reaction.  I never ever understood Hogan's Heros.  I never will.  My brothers watched it and even as a kid the Nazi uniforms creeped me out.  They could've called it "Those Crazy Nazis".  It was so silly and I think produced in the sixties only 20 years after WWII.  


    At least, on The Dukes of Hazzards no one was ever in KKK regalia.

    • Love 2
  9. About waiting rooms, first that is so rude to play a video or music.  They usually have signs, the receptionist should have them step out.  I would rather wait in the main waiting room.  My pet peeve is when they take you back to the room and have you sit in there. It seems like an eternity,  No good magazines and no clock and sometimes in a gown freezing.


    You are not fooling me doctors.

    • Love 6
  10. KellsBells , you are preachin to the choir.  Sometimes it will happen in the same week.  There are so many cases out there.  Cover those.  I would like to see some of the Dateline or 48 hour cases selected.  The Aspen murder is one.


    I will say at times and with different shows, Fatal Vows for example will give you a different perspective.  They may tell a different side of the story.  So there are new facts.  

    • Love 2
  11. And that brings me to what I was about to say in my last post - the bad news is that some of the more inept managers (think Steve Carell's character in "The Office") will read these articles and then proceed to do stuff like the above, basically using that info to further divide the workplace instead of finding a way to get the best out of everybody.


    The additional bad news is that all these articles may just be trying to make introverts feel better in a business climate that remains largely stacked against them.

    I could totally see that on The Office a show I really enjoyed.  I don't mind being alone even for a couple of days.  I am okay with me.  There are people who can not be alone.  I find that sad. It's nice to know there are a lot more introverts out there.  For years I felt like a loser for not having exciting weekend plans or great vacations.


    I really felt pressured by it. Now I just don't care.  I would rather be at home with a beloved book or movie than getting "dolled up" and trying to have a conversation in a loud place.  Also the need to be on the go, busy,bust busy and then recount my day to some  poor schlub(hope I used that word right) who goes into detail about the day.  Why would I care?

    • Love 1
  12. I hate the 'what if it happened like this?' reenactments on some of the shows, including Perfect Murder.  And on that show, the cops tell their theories in verrrrrrrry sloooooooow manners that make me want to throw something at the TV. It's beyond annoying. The show otherwise is fine. Except....


    This week's show set in Gulfport Florida:  It was 1984.  Yet somehow folks had no problem at all using small cell phones wherever they went. I'm impressed at how technologically advanced Gulfport must have been in 1984.  In Los Angeles we didn't have any cell phones at all in 1984, much less small one that fit in the palm of your hand like that.  I am amaaaaazed.  /sarcasm


    Seriously, the people who do the reenactments for these shows need to step the hell up and pay attention to what the hell they are doing. Stuff like this makes me nuts. I saw one show a couple years ago set in the mid-seventies where the victim had a flat screen computer monitor on her desk at work.  Again, Los Angeles must have been way behind the times, we didn't have any computers at work at all in 1973.


    ETA:  Ha! Continuing to watch Perfect Murder -- flat screen computer monitors on all the police desks.  1984.  Stupid. 

    Almost cutesy.


    I did not notice the cell phones at all.  I can be clueless but when you notice it can take you out of the show so fast.

  13. Glad to have another ID fan.  I just started The Perfect Murder so have not seen all of the most recent.  I don't like the speculation either it seems forced and it gives way too much attention to a person who is innocent.  Seems wrong.


    I often wonder how I would feel if they kept bringing up my name when I had done nothing.  Quite a few years ago a guys aunt had died and she was rich. The one nephew was thought to be guilty by his own family.  A girl stepped forward and cleared him.  Does this ring a bell to anyone, it happened in Florida(just thought it would narrow things down).  Anyhow he was free but he had lost his family.


    I found that incredibly sad and still do.

    • Love 4
  14. Tim Conway was the instigator a lot, and he could usually keep a straight face.  My UO is why the heck are these shows not on TV.  Same with Johnny Carson.  I think both Burnett and Carson own the rights.


    They are doing us a disservice though I have a soft spot for both.  That's why so many young people know so many TV characters over movie stars.  I love to watch reruns of Match Game because of all the nostalgia.

    • Love 6
  15. Elizabeth Taylor was a grandma at 40.  So there you go.


    I understand Bilgistic. I just have to have downtime.  I can't go go go like some people.  Seeing things just to see things is pointless and why do our days on vacay need to be packed.  I like to enjoy the scenery.  I think it is fun to stay in a hotel, also.  Some people just want bragging rights,I swear.

    • Love 2
  16. Agree about tipping the hair stylist this is a somewhat new thing, at least in my area.  What do you do if they do a bad job but you don't realize because they style the hell out of it.  I found a gem and she has low prices and sometimes she gets me shampoo with her discount.


    I wish I could get highlights but when they grow out they are so noticeable.  i am in menopause yeah!! Sorry if TMI.  i am being treated for adrenal fatigue and have hormone issues.  oddly my hair has become quite wavy.  And a little thicker.  I used to hate it when someone would say, "that won't work on your  hair it's too thin.  Keep your commentary to yourself you'll cut how you want anyway.  Another reason this one is a keeper. 


    Hope I didn't jinx myself.

  17. I am in the process of letting my hair grown out after a very short style. But I always want a my short hair Dorothy Hamill style, but never ask because I think Who will know what I am talking about? so I just try to find pictures. I have a pet, not peeve necessarily but discomfort. Why do we have so much trouble ditching a beautician? It's like the Seinfeld episode. I have finally ditched my long term beautician, she is a couple years younger than me. A new place opened in the next town and I went to a very young girl there. She did exactly what I have been telling my long term lady to do, the very first time! Now my long term lady is very adept, very hip, very up to date. But she had a bad style of hair cutting. She did it all, yet it always seemed not quite right. So I guess if it has to be a peeve, it would be that aura that surrounds the doors of beauty salons, that makes it nearly impossible to ditch the beautician.

     I have the opposite problem, the good ones leave and I am left to find another. It is so hard to find someone who cuts short hair well.  I prefer short. It is easier and looks better on me. I get my hair dyed my color so I don't have to have it touched up as much.  i don't mind gray but prefer brown. Right now I have a keeper.  She would rather be rehabbing furniture but she is good. 


    For us the roles are reversed and she tells me her problems and I just listen-most of the time. Hey we fire our doctors sometime so why not the beautician?  They both charge too much.

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