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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. friendperidot, I know that must have been hard for you. For as desperate as some are to have children we do seem to throw many away with out looking back.


    If you are ready I would like to hear your story.

    • Love 5


    The Daily Show was better when John Oliver was hosting it.

    Jon Stewart started to take himself too seriously and fancied himself a journalist.  I remember he had on jim Cramer from Mad Money during the economic down turn of 2008, he was quite rude and I thought your a comedian, just make us laugh,

    • Love 1
  3. My cat Puddin is almost 18 and she acts like a little old lady, right now I am giving her pills and that is not fun.


    My gripe is with people who kind of brag that they never put on the AC.  My neighbor is a nice lady and and said she has only used it 3 times this year.  I don't get it I like to be comfortable, not sweating and irritable.  I feel like I am bad for hurting the environment.


    Also any pill tricks would be helpful. 

    • Love 1
  4. Evil Kin continues to astound me.  That families actually commit crimes together.  I know women can be as evil, I just hate to see women stand by their men and get almost no sentence for their part.  Last night on Highway to Hell the two women were involved in the crime spree as far as conning people etc.  


    It sounded like the two males were singing like canaries so why did they need the women's testimonies? They got to make a plea and serve almost no time?

    • Love 2
  5. I find Amy Schumer uninteresting and unfunny.  I have no idea why she has her own show, is cast in movies or one of Jon Stewart's final guests.

    I partially agree Delurker,I think she has her moments.  She become so popular so fast it is annoying.  I like some of her stuff but she is not all that.  I am tired of hearing about her.

    • Love 2
  6. I was listening to a podcast the other day that made me feel vindicated. For some of us, our later (or earlier) sleep patterns are genetic. If left alone, I'll wake up naturally at almost 9 and have always stayed up past midnight. I'll admit to questioning early risers about all of the nighttime activities they're missing, but this world is set up for the morning crew. We night owls are being punished for something we really can't help.



    On another note: My pet peeve for the month is parents who let their kids play with dog squeaky toys in stores. There are a million other distractions you could pick up and use to occupy your child, why make a beeline for the most annoying thing on the premises. I have very sensitive hearing. It's like a knife to the head. How is that not driving them crazy too?

    Early risers do miss out on stuff especially in the summer.  My husband and I don't go to a lot of the outdoor concerts and festivals and things.  I wish I could stay up for some of these. There is so much daylight and I do enjoy sitting around a fire at night and we have a really nice outdoor fireplace. 


    My husband always had to get up early and I felt bad never going to bed at the same time so I adjusted my schedule.  And also had jobs where I got up really early.


    The catch is if you deviate too much your sleep patterns get messed up and I like my sleep.  My pet peeve is that i can't switch back and forth.  Not a peeve i know it.

    • Love 1
  7. Ninjapenguins, you had quite a list.  The spicy food thing is so true.  People without televisions, here let me give you a medal.  You are quite special.  I am quite sure you are using your time to make the world a better place.  Oh, you don't know(any popular actor)  and you've never seen( any popular show).  That is wonderful, I am sure you are most accomplished.


    I think I have apologized all my life for enjoying TV and watching it a lot.  Right now I don't have a job.  I don't want to feel bad because it is something I enjoy.  And people can be so coy "Oh, I don't know what you are talking about, I don't watch TV".  Then they know what I am talking about.  I think, they think it somehow makes them look smarter. 


    I was a night person for many years and now I am in the early morning group.  It is what i got used to.  Again, It says nothing about you has a person.  How could it.  We need people to work later shifts etc.  I like the very early morning when few are up.  Even in winter.  I like the christmas lights.  Either way you are up when others are not and it makes the world peaceful and you notice little things.

    • Love 3
  8. I liked this episode.  We saw more of the house of Ross and Demelza, it has an upstairs and some nice furnishings.  I was surprised Ross stayed at the shipwreck as long as he did.  Then came home and was so despondent over his wife.


    I did think it is a lovely show and it is hard to go back to drivel.  I am watching the Paradise on Netflix and it does not compare.

    • Love 1
  9. Thanks. The doc gave me only about three days' worth of pain meds. I know they have to C their A's because of addicts, and it sucks for those of us who actually need meds. I have an acquaintance who abuses opiates, and I thought of her today as I'm in pain. I don't belittle addiction at all; we all have our demons. I've never done an illegal drug or abused RX meds. I've been medicated for depression half my life, so if one ever had the leaning toward that route (substance abuse), it would be me. I just never have. My self-hatred was abuse enough, I guess!

    I have that problem with my meds. The thing is I looked up an the Mayo website and I am not even on the highest dose.  Frustrating.  You do get treated suspiciously-IF they don't know you.


    Yet I do feel for them because of the whole sudafed situation.  It takes time out of their day.  I was talking to the older pharmacist and mentioned Breaking Bad-I didn't watch, he was quite mad they made a TV show about it.

  10. My UO is the comeback of Wet Hot American Summer the usual actor's who seem to have more fun making it than the actual show.  Jon Hamm on the "I'm funny" tour.  I do like him but he's trying too hard. It is just not funny.  I think they are all phoning it in.


    It is getting mostly good reviews. I am at a loss.  I like silly and have found many of the actors in some funny movies/TV.  It seems when there is some new comedy I can predict who will be in it.  Tired of the same characters.


    By the way I wanted to like this. There is so little comedy on right now.

  11. I really like the new Poldark.  I watched some clips of the seventies version and thought it did not stand up well.  I understand those who watched it at the time may find it good.  i actually thought there was over-acting.  I really like this Demelza.  I have a slight crush on Ross.  That has not happened since the early days of Mad Men.


    I am enjoying it and am sad only eight episodes, at least give it as many as Downton.

    • Love 4
  12. Welcome, JerseyDiva, not a lot of people get watching true crime shows, yet some of the most popular shows are about the same subjects.  How many CSI, Law and Order or NCIS shows are there.  


    I just like the non-fiction stuff, always more unpredictable and many colorful characters.

    • Love 5
  13. If the zucchini is sold by the pound I would count them as one - bag or no bag.  They'll be weighed together and show up on your receipt as one.


    Grocery store anti-peeve - stopped by the store on Sunday to pick up an ice cream cake for my son's birthday.  Only one register was open and there was probably a line of 6 - 7 people.  When I was about 4th, the two people in front of me told me to go ahead since I only had 1 item.  They both had less than 10 and had been waiting several minutes already, so that was really considerate of them.  I told them not too worry, my cake was going to be fine but I appreciated the offer. 

    Sometimes I lose faith in human beings and then they go and do something nice.  I was at a coffee shop and had forgotten my wallet.  I think I was going to come back.  Anyway a young man was waiting and ordered and not missing a beat said and her coffee.  What a nice gesture.

    • Love 6
  14. Anybody watch Evil Kin last night?  I think if I were a descendant i would not be proud of that fact.  There had to be so much lawlessness in the expanding country.  To think there were pirates in Illinois.  I really like these old stories, have never heard of these people.

    • Love 2
  15. LOL, it looked like they were playing War.  At one point the camera showed Ross had all face cards and I thought he was going to start winning.  Yay!  Only, no.  Guess the rules of whatever the game was are different than War.

    I thought about War too.  Can you imagine losing your livelihood to War.  Cracks me up.

    • Love 2
  16. I hear you Bilgistic.  The rooms with no clocks get to me.  It seems like forever.  One thing is if you are feeling rotten they will turn the lights down and let you rest.


    Hard wood floors have become so popular and they do look nice but they seem to take a lot of care.  I have it in the kitchen and am worried i will get water in the floor and you know.  But they also seem a little colder.

  17. I agree with very much of your post.  There should be a governing body to help solve disputes.  One person can make another's life hell with no impunity.  So, so wrong.  Our neighbor had a tree by a chain link fence that was bulging in our yard,


    One day some guys descended on our backyard and tore down the fence. I really wanted to call the police but called my husband.  I did not have a lot of precious plants but some ground cover.  They angled the fence so the tree is now in our yard.  2 years later there are so many weeds and brush outside of their fence that they never bother about.


    We rarely see them, they are not loud so you just live with it.  They are assholes and we have other good neighbors and I think we are good neighbors.  So there you go.  Do you raise a ruckus?  I don't have the energy.


    The Vietnamese woman was on Fear Thy Neighbor as well,  Her name was Thuy.  She was a piece of work.  She had money so she didn't have to work.  Could you imagine working with someone like that?  She moved from Vegas to the south and is now doing it to her new neighbors.

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