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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. 4 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    I must live a sheltered life, 'cause I don't know that song.  :-(

    But those Hallmark holiday movies that have been airing for the past 3 months?  Make me want to KILL, KILL, KILL.

    They are the worst WQ.  

    I just wish in the JonBenet cases they would show pictures of the 5 year old girl and not the beauty queen.

    • Love 6
  2. On 12/7/2016 at 6:37 PM, KellsBells said:

    Just finished watching the new Crime to Remember. It was well-done, but sort of disappointing that it was such a well-known story. The only thing that I find odd is the female narrator they always have who is peripherally connected to the crime -- an unnamed neighbor, former classmate, whatever. She always has that same dreamy monotone. Is it the same woman on each show? I don't think they really need that element. 

    I also watched Married with Secrets for the first time today. Part of it anyway, it was sort of boring. It was the one about the scientist (or professor) who was obsessed with the prostitute. When I realized is was a 33-year-old crime, plus not all that interesting to begin with, I gave up on it. Seriously, a fairly banal crime from 1983? I think they can do better than that. 

    i saw that show Kell's, what i I thought was strange was the girl's father was African American and the real father was not.  I am all for diversity but at least get the race right. Did anyone else notice that?  It also happened on an Evil Stepmother show where the actress appeared Aisan and the real person was not.

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  3. 3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    No one mentions the former ballerina harpy?  She so got on my nerves with that loud, dramatic, screechy voice.  She must be married to a prince of a man, since looks and wealth are are her primary concerns in a man.

    Man, good Lord what was her issue with Bob?  HE made HER feel like he was looking down on her?  This creature is one of the most pretentious acting people I've ever seen on this show. I'm sophisticated, I'm well-travelled, I'm cultured.   Blah blah blah.  Get off your high horse.  You're no better than anyone else in that Podunk, Texas town. Get over yourself. 

    Agree about the harpy.  This really did not need 2 hours.

    Just don't like Josh M. not sure of spelling, I don't like his voice or his approach to the story.  Also sitting next to the  detectives with his very expensive suit, he looked like a dandy.  He just annoys.

    • Love 3
  4. On 11/21/2016 at 7:11 PM, duVerre said:

    I can't figure out why Ross didn't ask Demelza a few obvious questions when he met her on the beach. IIRC, he had no idea she was going to the ball without him, so wouldn't he ask her where she'd been in those gorgeous clothes? And even if I'm wrong about whether he knew where she'd spent the night, why didn't he seem to even register that she's ruining her ballgown, her hair is a rat's nest and she's got make-up smeared all over her face?  She looks like she may have been robbed, assaulted, raped, escaped a fire, been caught in a riot, had a nervous breakdown or gone completely nuts. But no, not a word about it. 

    Incidentally, I thought that first shot of her on the beach, wading in that dress, is the most beautiful visual in the series so far. 

    Yes. I thought the "old Ross" would have been concerned at the very least. He was too caught up in his problems. Of course the deleted scene would have explained some of that.

    I still see Ross as sympathetic to his workers and a basically decent man because of it.  I really like Capt. Henshaw.,both he and Dwight expressed their admiration for Demelza to Ross. 

    • Love 1
  5. On 9/27/2016 at 9:07 AM, Neurochick said:

    My UO:  I can't deal with the Poldark discussion because it's filled with people who say, "I like the version from the 70's better."  Well if you liked to so much, then don't watch this version.  See how simple that was?

    BTW, I didn't like the 70's version which is why I'm watching the current one.

    Agree.  Neurochick.   Take it at face value. I watched the '70's version and thought the production values were poor.  I love the scenery and most of the characters.  Ross is being an ass. In the forum, many don't talk about what is but everything else.  Let's just talk about the current show.

    • Love 1
  6. On April 30, 2015 at 1:37 PM, editorgrrl said:

    1st Sergeant Richelle Yoon is Mark's fiancée, played by Gwendoline Yeo.

    I always admire how factual you are in answering open questions on the boards, editorgrrl.  Thank you

    • Love 1
  7. On July 27, 2016 at 9:10 PM, Writing Wrongs said:

    Do they actually do any camp counseling? They are barely around the kids they are supposed to be in charge of.

    This and let's take the kids we are responsible for, in the woods, where there are numerous bear traps really close to the path.  Deb is a very neglectful camp leader and owner.  She did kick out the one counselor and he just takes off down the road.  Never checked up on him. These are still kids.

    She is the worst.  

    • Love 3
  8. On June 25, 2016 at 5:11 PM, editorgrrl said:

    There are at least 8 episodes of Your Number's Uphttp://crimefeed.com/2016/06/numbers-might-better-off-not-winning-lottery/

    • William “Bud” Post III (Pennsylvania, 1988)
    • Urooj Khan (Chicago, 2012)
    • Denise Rossi (California, 1996)
    • Abraham Shakespeare (Florida, 2006)
    • Jeffrey Dampier (Illinois, 1996)
    • Callie Rogers (UK, 2003)
    • Andrew Jack Whittaker (West Virginia, 2002)
    • Ibi Roncaioli (Canada, 1992)

    Thank you.  The Abraham Shakespeare case has been done a lot, but the others look like like they may be fresh. There was a show about lottery winners on TLC, in most cases it was a curse. 

    • Love 5
  9. Did anyone watch Your Number's Up?  At first I thought it was a very tasteless title and then realized it was about lottery winners.  The case of Jeffrey Dampier, I have heard.  I do think this is original and also the lesson- be careful what you wish for.....

    • Love 3
  10. I once bought some honey roasted peanuts by accident- I thought they were regular..  I could not keep away from them. I was not working at the time.  I put them in my husband's truck.  I did not put the seat back in the right position and he threw them out and was a little freaked.  He threw them out.  Of course I don't blame him.

     I have a problem.  I am trying to eat better.  Yeah! I'm not the only one.

    • Love 2
  11. On May 22, 2016 at 10:26 PM, breezy424 said:

    I'm craving a piece of chocolate.  Not just a Hershey kiss.  I'm talking about a 'really good' piece of chocolate. I've got the hidden stash of kisses.  It's not going to satisfy my craving.  My mom had a hidden stash.  She'd move it around when one of us discovered it.  One of her favorite places was underneath the vegetable draw in the bottom of the refrigerator.  I've got a hidden stash that I move around periodically too. 

    Anyone else have a hidden stash?  I also have the bag of potato chips.  No one has found that yet.  It's hidden in the back of the cabinet in the family room.  I cringe when someone opens those doors which isn't very often.  But OMG, I hope they don't see it.  It's been a great spot for over a year now.  

    Gosh, I wish I had a Godiva stash right now.  Just a piece.  A morsel....    

    I relate and it is just me and my husband.

    • Love 2
  12. I love this show.  The main characters, The Roses are a little snobby but ultimately decent people.  Reminds me a little bit of Green Acres.

    They have grown as people but have not lost their personalities.  Good show, shitty name.

    • Love 2
  13. Did anyone watch?  I think the wrongfully accused cases are catching up to the murdering spouses as favorite Dateline topics. This had some troubling info, for me it was that one brother got off and one was convicted.  He was not even at the crime scene.

    I am just frustrated with our justice system.

    • Love 5
  14. 5 hours ago, Sonja said:

    Hehe, true. I had forgotten about that. With Maggie Smith being preemptively scandalised in the background IIRC.

    I don't think they'd use apple juice with a diabetic considering the amount of 'whiskey' they drink in this show. Even if they don't do a lot of takes, that has to add up during a day of shooting.

    Is James Norton diabetic?

  15. 9 hours ago, Umbelina said:

    The Faith Militant believe in The Seven.  I can't remember what all has been said on the show about them, other than that, so I'll end it there.


    The show has definitely dropped many clues, and all of it is speculation.  There is also a completely unsullied section here, people that don't even watch previews, read reviews, etc. if you are more comfortable with that.

    Thank you for clearing that up.  I was thinking it was a new,emerging religion.  The Sparrows are like some of the reinvigorated evangelicals we have now.

  16. Someone at the AV club mentioned this and I have wondered this as well, I have a hard time getting a handle on religion in Westeros.  It seems as if every section has it's own god or gods.  The Old and the New Gods, The Drowned God of  the Iron Islands.  There is the God of Light and the Many Faced God. Where do the Faith Militants fit in?  If this is a story based on The United Kingdom where is the main religion??   


    I am just curious because the medieval period was so much about Christianity and to some extent Islam as well.  Just curious about people's thoughts.  Some said that killing the Head Sparrow would be equivalent to killing the Pope but I don't see it that way.

    Anyhow I liked this episode a lot but was very nervous about Rickon and Osha being "gifted" to Ramsey.

    • Love 2
  17. 22 hours ago, tobeannounced said:

    I deleted Fear Thy Neighbor off my DVR a while back.  It just makes me so stressed out and hits too close to home, no pun intended.  It's not like I could never be murdered by a serial killer, but the odds are a lot better that I could actually have some freakin' crazy neighbor who would make my life a living hell.

    I agree.  i am always wary of new neighbors.  I still like the show and watch it.  I find it very compelling.  The stories are usually ones I have not heard.

    • Love 5
  18. On April 15, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Dejana said:

    42 is three years old, so it came well before this documentary. As biopics go, it was well acted but a bit safe and "Jackie Robinson 101". I'd still recommend it to someone who liked conventional sports movies or a tween/teen who might not know much about him or how important he was. Many people simply won't watch documentaries at all, or dive into one out of the blue. OTOH, if they like the movie version, then maybe they'll seek out biographies or real footage.

    I, too, thought it was pretty good as biopics go.  Mostly because of Nicole Baharie of Sleepy Hollow she is such a good actress.  The doc really showed that Jackie was sticking up for himself and his race all along.  Must have been so hard to take all that shit from lesser players.  Also the "myth" of Pee Wee Reese. Rachel's picture was better. 

    • Love 1
  19. Got any state city or family names for that?  I was stuck on Sunday Night Brit TV. :D

    Yes, it happened on the Kansas side of Kansas City, I think the Overland Park area.  Her name was Sueanne Hobson.  She killed her 13 year old stepson, Chris Hobson in 1982 and got her bio son to do it.  Her husband , the boys father divorced her right away and then remarried her soon after.


    Her husband was by her side after that and regularly pushes for her parole.


    Her two bio children want nothing to do with her.  

    • Love 2
  20. There are cases that haunt me and I won't forget and that was one.  Partly because no one tried to stop and those were two innocents. The most recent case for me was on Evil Stepmothers, yeah the title is salacious,but the story of the boy who was killed by his stepmother(by way of her son) just bothered me.


    The dad promptly divorced her and then remarried her.  He is still with her.  Only silver lining is that her two children want nothing to do with her. I just find it so bad to think nobody is left to mourn.


    What are the stories that haunt people hear? 

    • Love 3
  21. Jagged, that one really got me as well.  He killed both daughters!  He gave them a last meal.  Mom did take them away at first though, right.  Just sad. 


    Both parents should be held accountable.  It's one of those stories that are hard to shake off even hard core ID fans.

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