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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. I liked Leno.  No, his show wasn't particularly brilliant (although some of his early stand-up was) but he was often funny.  But I also liked Letterman too.  And Kimmel and Fallon are okay.  Didn't care for Conan.  Miss Craig Ferguson like mad, though.  I'll confess to not generally seeing late night talk shows anymore unless I tape them for a guest/musical act in which I'm particularly interested.

    When Leno was a stand up on Letterman, he killed.  He is a funny guy.  I do think some feel he sold out to be mainstream.  I just never watched his show.

    • Love 1
  2. Stranger in My Home was interesting last night.  A prosecutor actually admitted he had gotten some new info about a jailhouse snitch and he felt the accused may not have gotten a fair trial.  It was Sarah Jo Pender who I really think was guilty.  She later broke out of prison and was AWOL for a while.


    Just a refreshing change.  Someone who wanted the legal system to do what it should.  Too bad she was not a sympathetic person.

    • Love 1
  3. I just like the shows about relatives.  Evil Stepmothers was troubling for me.  You know the cases you can't shake.  In the most recent, the stepmother basically had her son from a previous marriage kill her stepson.  Yes was truly evil.  But the boy's father quickly divorced her and went back with her and they remarried. I guess to him she was a trophy wife. This made me so hurt for this thirteen year old kid who had a mother die and then his father marries this witch.  Who is left to mourn for him.  


    I thought about it last night it made me so upset. At least this woman's two kids will have nothing to do with her.  She even very strongly favored the daughter over her son.  The daughter established a relationship with her older brother and have written her off.  

    • Love 5
  4. I actually liked this episode.  Grimm is not a great show like Mad Men, Fargo etc.  but it creative and unique.  It has had more staying power than some-Sleepy Hollow.  I like most of the characters so I watch it.  


    I did stick with Lost until the bitter end.

  5. I'm curious as to how "Jon Stewart would have done so much more of a better job with the election" than Trevor Noah. In what way? Because I'm not seeing much in the way of explanation or deconstruction of TDS beyond it's just !=Jon Stewart. 

    I haven't watched in a while, but have always felt Jon was a little over rated.  It is not a news show it is a comedy.  Lighten up.

    • Love 2
  6. Ari33 if you find a link.  My messages are always meandering so there you go.


    I saw this story on Shadow of Doubt and knew he was the big G.  Sad story but am glad they emphasized her pregnancy- two innocents died.

    • Love 1
  7. Stampiron, I think your post says it all.  Of course they should have been suspects, they were in a dispute with her parents and she was going to benefit financially.  Both maintained their innocence.  


    New evidence came out and proved someone else did this.  He had no connection to Bambi and her ex.  The jailhouse snitch was a proven liar.  I am glad he was set free.  


    Also, don't name your daughter  Bambi if you want her to grow up being responsible.    Just kidding.  Sad.

    • Love 7
  8. I've been wondering why Claire doesn't have more issues with a super evil villain who seems to specifically be out to hurt her and her new/second/simultaneous husband looking exactly like her old/first/simultaneous husband.  She had a little of that in the pilot and early on, but you'd think in addition to everything else having someone who looks just like your old/first/simultaneous husband torturing and raping your new/second/simultaneous husband would be a major mind f#$k.

     I could not separate he two.  How could she go back to Frank?


    There is no question I would prefer the modern era, yet Claire has just been an active part in one of the most horrific wars ever.  The brutality, the constant bombing of England  and the evil that was the nazis.  Brutality still exists in modern times as does rape and sadism.  1945 offers more creature comforts and women in Europe and America are treated better.  There are still places where women are not treated well.

    • Love 2
  9. Has anyone been watching Evil Stepmothers?  Why do I love these type shows.  The first episode had a woman who was truly evil, she even had her stepdaughter call her grandmother (as her mom) sorry a little complicated.  She called this poor woman under duress and said "mom help me."  How awful to receive such a call when you can't help. I really felt for that woman.


    The lsat episode,featured Miss Smithy can't remember the first name who was recently on 48 Hours and Dateline. I don't know if not enough time has passed or something but I didn't see her as truly evil.   

    • Love 1
  10. Bitch better pray I'm not diagnosed with a terminal illness, lest I get my affairs in order, change my name to KARMA, and hunt her down myself.  ;-)

    Truthfully, I am a little surprised I have not run a crossed a little "Karma" there are so many unusual names now.  Also, spellings of names.

  11. Shades of frickin' General Hospital!  No, writers--Nick did not "sleep with both" Adalind and Juliette!!  Adalind took on Juliette's physical appearance and raped Nick!!  And having Monroe saying that stupid line, of all people.  Sheesh!


    The continuing Nick and Adalind "domestic bliss" storyline is making me ill.


    I'm so pissed that they introduced such a great character as Uncle Felix just to immediately kill him off.  He would have been a great addition to the show.

    Yes this totally.  I guess I give props for having a history and people who are interested in history in general.  Better than Sleepy Hollow because they are messing with the founding Fathers too much and I hate that.  


    There is a lot that can be laughed at about this show but I think it has always been creative and most of the characters are likable.  In that way it is similar to Lost which I watched to the bitter end.

  12. Those cops are making me stabby.

    Yeah and they couldn't even use good grammar.  All idiots.  I am now wondering about Missouri.  Is this the new Florida?  Ryan Ferguson, Ferguson -the suburb and now the Faria case.


    i am going there to visit my sister should I be scared?

    • Love 2
  13. Hamilton was, by far, the hottest of the Founders. Adams and Franklin are my favs. Jefferson...meh. I want to like him because he was brilliant, invented cool things, and had some good lines in 1776, but Ken Howard aside, I find it hard to warm up to him. Having said that, if you watched Sleepy Hollow before deciding what it does or does not do, you would've seen that it has taken Jefferson down more than once. 


    I will now move to Pet Peeves to vent some more.

    I watched the first two seasons and some of the third.  There has been some complaints against Jefferson, just not enough to my liking.  I just really despise Jefferson I guess.

  14. And Jefferson largely sat out the Revolution. He fled from his mansion. "Don't lecture me about the war, you didn't fight in it!"

    I would think Crane would find Jefferson's unapologetic slave-owning to be problematic, at the very least. ETA - It was mentioned upthread it was addressed but I can't remember the specifics. I need to go back and rewatch this show now that I'm all into Hamilton. Where has Ham been in the show? He was Washington's Right Hand Man.


    I think he has mostly been left out of this show.  I can understand Adams,who was vehemently opposed to slavery, was in Europe for most of the war.  I think that is why  I am not enjoying the John Adams biopic because he was not really where all the action is. 


    Why insist though that Jefferson was this great guy.  He resembles more of a modern day politician than most and was a phony.

  15. My UO is Sleepy Hollow, having just watched the John Adams biopic SH really does a discredit to our founding fathers.  Mostly, Franklin who could be a pain in the butt, yet was rational and would have had nothing to do with all the supernatural crap.  My opinion of course.  It is going deeper and darker and has no where to go.


     And why the Jefferson love when the man was an unapologetic slave owner, when so many African-Americans are on the show.

  16. Did anyone see Web of Lies?  Sad story of a good guy killed by some phycho creep.  At first,it seemed that it was the local gang seeking payback for him turning them in. It was a 16 year old boy who had tried luring other young men to their death.  Most of the evidence was from his computer.  Police really thought he was a serial killer in the making.  The family had run a boxing gym trying to help kids in the neighborhood and at least one cop trained there.  So there were many people from law enforcement at his funeral.


    During the investigation, the dad was found to have a warrant for an outstanding murder and is now serving time. So sad for the mother and brother left behind.

    • Love 5
  17.  The uncle of the boyfriend.  His name is Jimmy Steed.  The victim was Carla Cook Fuqua.  I think it's just unsatisfying because the killer never explained the murder.  Why was she there?  Did she try to blackmail him or something?   It's just very odd.


    By the way, Joe Alaskey, who narrates Murder Comes To Town a la Paul Winfield, passed away recently.  He was a voice artist who  did many Looney Tunes voices.



    I really thought that was just dramatic license.  No way can they know that unless he confessed. 


    I have liked this show a lot.  Is it the same guy that voiced Bugs Bunny??  I thought he sounded like Peter Lorrie.  Anyhow, liked this show because it is about rural areas and the poverty that is often a fact of life.  There is a lot of drug use and few high paying jobs.  People on the margins.  The uncle of her boyfriend killed her.  There are 3 other missing persons cases in this county and they are still not solved.


    This area reminds me of Justified (my recent binge watch) and was set in Appalachia.

    • Love 4
  18. Millennium, could you give some examples of the inaccuracies?  I noticed that he was sent to the hospital at age 6 rather than age 4. Did not notice much more.  


    I had to get fingerprinted for my job and the prints did not show up, so I was again fingerprinted.  The guy doing it said these would probably not show up very well either.  I had never heard of this before and thought it odd.  I just don't want to do it again.  He said it happens with women more often and can be from the kind of work they do.  Only thing I can think of is when I cook I often take out hot things with no oven mitts (within reason).

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