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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. Did anyone watch Fear Thy Neighbor or am I the  only one?  Well, in this case, I sided with the old guy.  He only had a lawyer to speak on his behalf.  I don't think he should have used that gun at all.  It just seemed like he and his wife started out as good and kind neighbors by bringing the family food or money when needed.  


    Then some feuding started.  His beloved and kind wife had cancer and the neighbors were like "yeah she was sick with something and he was broken up about it."  I thought couldn't you have checked up on them and given some kindness and support??  They saw it was killing him.  


    It was awful the dad had to go through much surgery, I have sympathy for that but that is all.  I don't think they were good neighbors and did not feel sorry for them.

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  2. When I was training to be a dietitian, as part of our practicum we went with the person in charge of prison food service, this was in Iowa.  The woman in charge thought she was all that. I think TPTB had a week to kill so we went to some prisons.  Like this was an option. I hope I can work in a prison someday.  How fun and rewarding!! 


    I gotta say they ate pretty well.  I was a poor college student and I liked that we got free meals.

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  3. I could have sworn one of the other shows that featured this story hinted at an incestuous relationship between Becky and her son.

    Even without that, this story was a hot mess from start to finish. That suburban veneer covers over all manner of debauchery and treachery. Anytime the implication is "that kind of thing doesn't happen here," I know I'm in for some weird shit.

    That statement is so true. It is like people are patting themselves on the back or something.  For these two hour shows it does seem they drag things out and that kind of messes with the time frame and sometimes important stuff comes out later in the broadcast.  I wish they would tell the story in a more linear fashion.  


    For example, I never realized the shooting of the Becky(the killer) was the next day after the the murder. Things were told in a disjointed fashion so I never got a sense of how things played out.


    Thanks Lordonia, I think I saw this on Snapped

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  4. The last Fear Thy Neighbor was really bad.  I think the neighbors of this nut were subjected to many years of psychological torture.  I know that is harsh but this guy was angry and crazed.  He went around the city videotaping the cops at a donut shop or roads in disrepair.  He was angry and vengeful.   He built a truly ugly fence and his yard was a mess in an otherwise nice neighborhood.  


    Meanwhile the(good) neighbors were repeatedly getting citations about their garbage cans and their dogs.  Why wasn't some of this checked on by the city?  It was a disgrace.  Of course the good guy was killed.  The family had also lost their son.  At the end the prosector said that no vandalism or disruption was caused by the guy who lost his life.  He had taken the high road.


    I don't know how he did.

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  5. Redhead Zombie, I have said on several occasions that I like Aphrodite, I think partly because when I first started watching she stated what I was thinking-"this poor family had been through so much." I thought it was nice that she had expressed it, something most journalists do not.  Same as the woman on Fatal Vows, when she expressed that this women had killed a really nice guy and so many women were looking for one.  I thought Amen to that!


    I still watch her if she has a story I am interested in.  I have started watching with a more critical eye and can understand why she annoys so much.  There are people that just bug us.  I did not know she was a MJ apologist though.  That is too bad.

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  6. I was quite irritated by the first lawyer this woman had.  He declared her case as very winnable and promtly was disbarred. He then states she did it.


    She actually did not really have any time to dream as it all happened that night.  

  7. I just watched The Impostor last night, I know people were talking about it at TWoP.  I just could never find it to watch it.  I felt sorry for the family that took him in.  They were lower income and not so educated but that doesn't make you guilty.  I was very unimpressed by the FBI person.  She did not seem to be very good at her job.

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  8. I thought it took awhile for the whole reveal but was a good episode.  In the back of my mind I thought he was having sex with the young girls, yet they did not come out and say that until the second half.  He made it a point to say that the daughter in the plane was not supposed to be on that plane.  Which I thought was telling and odd.


    Also took awhile for them to figure out he killed for the insurance money.  I felt bad for the two girls and the young man.  When asked if her mother knew about the abuse, she said she thought her mom did know but she was probably crazy.  Their must be some denial.

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  9. There's a new series called The Killing Hour, which just started this past Friday.  The case was one from England in the 1980s, and I was not familiar with it.  This might be a British series since the next episode is also about a UK murder.  I do remember that case from some other show.

    I saw it.  I would like a show that was about crimes in other countries.  

  10. Another pet peeve. A woman at work showed me how uninformed some people can be.

    A group of people talking. The conversation was about the Chicago/Baltimore baseball game being played in an empty stadium. She asked Why? Answer - because of the riots. She asks huh? What riots?

    Excuse me? A 40 year old woman with a master's degree. She explains that she doesn't watch the news.

    The situation in Baltimore has been on the news, referred to on ads for the news, in the paper, and the top story on any news website you go to. I couldn't check my email without seeing a headline or a photo. I get not watching 30 minutes of news every night. But do people choose to remain ignorant of EVERYTHING?

    Earthquake? Really ? Where?


    I don't watch the news or read very much of the newspaper.  The quality has gone down so much.  I am aware of what is going on, but news has changed.  I don't seek out info on Bruce Jenner but it is all over the news.  Same with the 'tough mom' from Baltimore, who is now all over the media.  That is partly what depresses me about the news, it has become shallow.


    I go to online sites and I pick and choose what I read, so I do not think I am as informed as I used to be.  And I don't care.  I try to stay on top of politics but sometimes that can be just as shallow.  I am from Iowa so we get all the presidential candidates here and I try to follow the topics.  I just do not think the real issues are being discussed.  I am just frustrated.  

    • Love 3
  11. Oooh, I can so relate to the blocking of parking.  I have a neighbor who feels free to let his guests park in my parking spot and when I tell them to get out they take their sweet ol' time about it.  Makes me want to put broken glass under their tires but then they'd never leave.


    This is more of a rave than a peeve but I saw on the news this morning that some people are paying thousands (like 80+) of dollars to be in Vegas for the big boxing match this weekend because it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Maybe so but I could live for years off that kind of money and I resent every person in the world wealthy enough to not even have to think about that.


    Love your rant. qoass it is sometimes quite hard to coexist with neighbors and at least I, feel like a pain if I complain so it causes me anxiety. I just don't like confrontation. But mostly I fear they will say "who cares" and not listen to you.  Then they don't fix the problem or change their behavior.


    I want to believe they will but it really can be stressful and I suffer from anxiety bad enough that I filed for disability.  I don't drive so I am stuck at home.  My problem is not the parking but other things.


    About that boxing match, I think it is a brutal sport and actually would like to see it outlawed.  I, too, resent these people.  

    • Love 1
  12. I googled it after I saw this post.  Found it on youtube.  It seems to be the full documentary, but it kinds of jumped forward at a few points.  When I realized it was the case of the mom and daughters who had been sexually assaulted and burned to death, I almost didn't watch it because that case has always been my absolute worst nightmare.  I have a 13 year old daughter, and it is so painful to hear what the youngest  went through (and all of them).  It was really well done though, and it just dumbfounds me that the police were outside for 30 minutes while the horrors inside were going on.  I had never heard that before.

    I too watched it Bluemastiff , I actually have to commend Deadly Sins as they told a lot of the story in 15 mins. or so.  


    I really think the police should have had some kind of reprimand.  I would have probably sued them.  Yet this group was praised by the city manager for handling the case so well.


    There was so much talk about the death penalty.  I just think regardless of which side you were on in this debate, don't criticize a man who has lost his whole family. 

    This was a really good doc and recommend it.

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  13. Can someone refresh my memory? ID aired a few episodes of a show that I can't recall the name of and seemingly yanked it from the schedule awhile back. The premise of the show was that in each case the murder victim had just recently moved to a new city. Kind of a weak premise but I thought it was actually a decent show and featured stories I hadn't seen a million times on Dateline/48 Hours, etc.


    I've DVR'ed a few episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor, Mansions and Murders, Most Infamous and The Perfect Murder. Any of those any good? It seems like Fear Thy Neighbor is popular here but I've just been skimming the posts about it so I don't spoil myself.


    Sad to see that Bloodlands, Nightmare Next Door and Nowhere to Hide don't seem to be on the schedule anytime soon (if ever). I really enjoyed those, especially when the last batch of Nightmare Next Door episodes cut down on the stupid puns which I thought really improved the show. And Nowhere to Hide was awesome, basically the private detective version of Homicide Hunter which is my favorite ID show.


    I enjoy the bolded ones, FTN is good although this year they are doing more familiar cases.  Also, it can give you pause about your own neighbors.  If an elderly but persnickety male moves next door you may want to keep your distance.  


    I like Nightmare Next Door seems to be about smaller towns or cold cases.  I thought the Perfect Murder were familiar cases mostly and of course not a perfect murder, I still might enjoy them but they are not really presented in a new or unusual way.  On Disappeared I thought some cases were most likely a perfect murder, so frustrating and sad.  I always like cases that are new.  I also like the varied formats of Web of Lies or even Fatal Vows because it gives so much background on the couple. 

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  14. Could someone maybe give some suggestions about a book I might like. Lately I go to the library and can't find much. I like Anne Tyler, Alice Hoffman and Sharon Mc Crumb.  I like Phillipa Gregory for royalty drama. 


    I somehow always pick female authors, but maybe am missing out.  Anyhow thanks for any suggestions.

  15. Yes, it is going too fast. Why is she not under suspicion by the police?  They need to slow this speeding train down.  Also we need a break from the killing.  I would like to see her settle old scores with more preparation.


    She is being hateful to Emma, when will she realize the truth. 


    It probably doesn't help that this show is on Sunday, same time every other good show is on.

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  16. One other thing, I recently watched Broadchurch-an English show about a murder of a boy in a small town.  The killer gets off, to the shock of everyone.  The young defense barrister does a fist bump after the victory.  Someone called it out on that thread.  I too, thought it inappropriate but had to have it pointed out to me.


    I was not too happy with the lawyers squealing in the elevator. These are real people.  Just thought it unprofessional and wish Peter Van Zandt had given them a dirty look or something.  Sometimes things bug and this did for me.

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  17. I agree Ohmo, didn't they wait to read her, her rights.  Also, couldn't they argue on appeal the lawyer did not provide a good defense?  Just curious.  In these cases I think the truth is somewhere in the middle.  Both sides were very biased.

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  18. Ganesh, I understand.  I get upset on these threads when someone just watches the show to complain.  This show is a sitcom, so how realistic is it.  If you have problems with a show fine but must you always be so negative.  Maybe take a break from the thread and comments.  

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