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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. There was a case in Texas-in fact Kelly Siegler was the prosecutor.  The women stabbed her husband close to 200 times.  Kelly demonstrated and asked "did your arms get tired then", while still making stabbing motions.  I remember I was so impressed by her.  Yet she was criticized by some.


    Lifetime made a movie called The Blue-eyed Butcher.  I think she got life but the sentence was reduced. 

    • Love 3
  2. Well if I can't fly, I would like the speed of the cat so a leopard or cheetah. Can't remember off- hand if they have had both.  The eisbeibers are good with their hands  so that would be OK, too.


    Just would not want to be a vegan like Monroe.

    • Love 1
  3. When Sabrina was on cross, I felt at first she was sobbing and then when the lawyer questioned her more she seemed fine and a little defiant.   This was not a satisfying case because I am not sure about the outcome. 


    Noticed crochet lady too.

    • Love 1
  4. If not Brandi then maybe Kim, or the 2 together, after what she said about Chad at the reunion last season. Could you imagine what Brandi would say about Max if given the chance to hurt/teach Lisa a lesson? YIKES!


    I don't remember what was said about Chad or by who?  Could you clarify?  Thanks.

    • Love 1
  5. Tattle and Maizie I feel for you, kittens are such innocent creatures. On one of the threads in Everything Else TV, there was a discussion about the ASPCA adds and how they upset so many people even more than the ones for children.  I am the same way and am a little disturbed to admit it.


    Did anyone see the latest Murder Comes to Town?  A mother of four grown children is killed and they eventually find the killer.  Here's the weird part, TPTB told the family the killer took a plea deal and will serve 15- 19 years.  This was a pretty brutal murder and they were shocked, me to.  

    • Love 4
  6. Love those two, and how they interact.


    I think the jury voted for life, which to me is, worse, he will spend years and years until hopefully a very old age living with what he did, rather than about 25 on DR once appeals process runs its course.

    I do too.  One time Stacey(I think) stated how this ungrateful bitch killed her very nice husband and so many women were out there looking for nice guys.  I  thought that really is a shame. And it happens sooo much.


    On the most recent Wives With Knives-yes I've started watching that,too, a girl stabbed her BF with a corkscrew.  The only thing I could think of was the list that was on this board.  It should have been called Shrews with Corkscrews.


    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

    • Love 6


    I've actually thought about this myself since the victim who died always seems so saintly, it's like no one boring or average ever is a victim.  The thing is, I'm quite ordinary, but I'm sure if I were the victim of murder my family would be talking about the times I was a such a good big sister to my siblings, and my friends would talk about the fun times we had travelling and how I was so great with their kids, I was such a caring nurse, etc.  I could be made to sound wonderful and amazing, but so could anyone, right?

    Jenkait, I have thought about that too.  Like who would show up to my funeral or how many people would search for me. I am an introvert so I don't think many and that's OK because it may just be a few who really liked me and knew me.

    • Love 2
  8. kieyra, I agree with you. I actually wrote a couple of days ago this post in the "Party of one" section:


    "My problem with Girls is that most of the time I sort of hate everyone and there are a lot scenes that I find so uncomfortable to watch. But the moments that speak to me REALLY hit a nerve (in a good way) so I'm still in. Also I like Lena. I like the fact that she puts her body out there even when "society" says it's not the ideal body to be proud of having (and I wonder if this is one of the causes people seem to dislike her so much)."


    It pains me to admit but watching the show and reflecting about my early/middle twenties I can see some entitlement, really poor decisions and a group of female friends that had their share of fights and "dancing on my own" moments.


    I think you may be on to something.  People really seem to enjoy ripping Lena apart for her less than perfect body.  


    I am 52 and from Iowa, I am probably not their target audience yet I like the show now more than when it started.   Hannah is self-centered and she gets called on it a lot.  She digs her own grave when she talks non-stop about her feelings -like in the episode where her publisher died.  If she had kept quiet  she would not have looked so bad.  She "shares" way too much.


    I just like the show. They are still young and trying to figure things out. It shows a life style I have never been a part of. 

    • Love 7
  9.   Also, suddenly in love with the younger boyfriend?  I couldn't help side-eyeing that too...  These things can work out obviously, but the whole picture was just of someone who maybe could be making better choices.

    That seems to happen on a lot of theses shows, especially Who the Bleep Did I Marry?  Also on the most recent epi. of Dateline, where a lady married a guy soon after meeting and was separated about a month or two after.


    Why the rush to get married?  I just don't get it.  I always wonder if the families are involved and urging them to get to know the person better.  Red flags are going up all over, wasn't he married a couple of times too?

    • Love 1
  10. Completely agree with both of you.  That relationship was not as the mistress states otherwise why would she care if he is free.  They were just friends.  I have this bridge for sale.


    I am so glad he did not take the plea deal.  

    • Love 1
  11. Hincandenza, I agree about the show not giving us well thought-out explantions. 


    I would not be happy being a hexenieast, but if you could have your pick, what kind of wesen would you want to be?  


    I think I would want to be the eagle one.  Because flying would be great-even though I am afraid of heights. 


    What about everyone else??

    • Love 1
  12. I couldn't help but think she had poor taste in men.  She was an attractive woman.  Maybe because it was a small town.


    Her daughters seemed lovely, did they really have much negative to say about the killer/ ex.?

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  13. Did anyone watch Unraveled?  It's a new series.  It was about a woman who can't deal with her husband wanting a divorce.  Here are a couple of tidbits.  She got bone lengthening surgery, which cost $80,000, but told her husband she had a bone disease.  She promised never to get plastic surgery again.


    Then she comes home with 2 black eyes and claims she was in a car accident.


    He wants a divorce and so she does something drastic.


    Anyhow,so far I like this show.

    • Love 4
  14. I hear "I seen" a little too much both on the news and people in general. It really bugs me. I am in Iowa. I make mistakes as we all do, this just grates.


    Also, does anyone remember David Letterman's show that was on in the morning?  It was short-lived.  He would have Edmund Newman (hope I got the name right) who was an old school news guy.  He would correct David's mistakes at times.  


    He was a delight and he would give a news update and then talk a little about word usage or grammar.  


    I am a little intimidated by posting on this thread.

    • Love 2
  15. I messed up that post.  I had seen this story on 48 Hours or Dateline and they interviewed a couple of the teenagers, who thought they were going to die.  This show focused mainly on the polce.  


    I thought the police did a good job of getting evidence and they did get lucky with the fingerprint. 


    The guy had no record after that and lived a seemingly crime free life.  I wonder about that too.  He had no remorse and said he rarely thought about it.  Guess he was good at compartmentalization.  At least he has to spend his "golden" years in the slammer.

    • Love 4
  16. Last night's Murder Book was about the 1957 murder of 2 police officers in El Segundo, California.


    According to the episode, in 2002 someone called claiming to know the identity of the killer.  A woman said her father -- or uncle, I forget -- was very sick and claimed his brother was the killer.  The police investigated, but eventually concluded the brother couldn't have been the killer .  Among other reasons, the alleged killer was about half a foot too short at the time of the murders.


    Nevertheless, that prompted the police to "re-open" the PMR.  They had 2 finger prints that were each partly useful and partly too smudgy, but the techs were able to combine it into "one" good fingerprint and compare it to the FBI database.  That in turn eventually led to the arrest and confession of the true killer.


    Supposedly, the killer lived a quiet, respectable life after the murders, but given his crime spree on the night also included rape, robbery and the carjacking of 4 teenagers, I have my doubts.

  17. It took me a week to finally watch this because I didn't want to deal with the fact that this was the last show.


     If I'm being objective, it probably wasn't one of their best. The supporting cast was practically non-existent, the antagonist didn't get her comeuppance, and Henry's story seemed pretty forced.  However, as a finale, it worked. I liked that Henry was finally at a place where he could admit that he had feelings for Eliza. I also liked that Eliza and Henry weren't forced together at the end for the sake of a happy ending.


    Their  relationship is probably my most favorite sitcom relationship of 2014. I loved how they constantly challenged each other to get better. If you look from the pilot to the finale you could see a difference in both. 


    It saddens me that they got done in by a horrific pilot, a name that's not as clever as the writer thinks and that time slot.  I really don't get why they couldn't have run out the first season and then cancelled it it's not like they have anything that's going to improve the ratings.


     Yes and on my TV guide they have had unannounced title for the Selfie spot.  If you don't have something to replace it......WTF.  still mad.

  18. Suz - I'm new at this & all, and for the life of me I can't figure out what "TH" means. 


    Anyhow, how 'bout Wives With Knives last night?  OMG -- and her husband STAYED with her after that?!?  WTF?!!!  Talk about sleeping with one eye open.  Sheesh!


    Could you give a synopsis, I don't always watch this show?  Also, Maizie in the general crime thread someone mentioned that a couple on this show was on the reality show Wife Swap. Wold you know anything about it? Just curious.


    I watched Stranger in My Home- Bitter Pills and thought it odd.  An older lady lives with her neighbors after being sick and is murdered.  I was very irritated with the daughter.  First a lady who needed a place to stay moved in to help out and it became too much for her.  Then the neighbors take her in while she is doing renovations on her house.


    It seemed to me both she and her mother took the easy and cheap way out and should have hired a care worker of some sort.  Just angered me.

    • Love 4
  19. I have a fanwank theory as of a few episodes ago that I've kicked around.  Sorry for the verbosity, but thought I'd share.  Lemme know what you think!


    My idea is that thousands of years ago, a single person or small family somehow gained incredible supernatural powers.  We could fanwank an Anne Rice-style "ancient demon infected the blood of a few people" as the source or something. :) I'm gonna call these original superpowered magicians "UberMages", or UM for short, to save typing later on.  We're talking full on occultism, Necronomicon stuff, summoning angels and demons, conjurings, metamorphosis- the whole freakin' bag of mystical powers.  These early UMs were capable not just of the minor feats we see hexenbiest do, but something more along the lines of... well, baby Diana at full adult strength (you can probably see where I'm going with this).  And they ruled completely and quite visibly, like Egyptian pharaohs.



    Grimms and Wesen:

    Along with those powers came the ability to cast truly powerful spells, and one of the things the UMs did with these powerful spells was to make animal-human hybrids- the very first Wesen!  We actually have it as in-show canon that all modern Wesen descend from a few that date back thousands of years, to Egypt.  Those could have been created by the UMs in making more powerful workers or "god-like" rulers that they controlled behind the scenes to interface with the people... or perhaps originally just out of alchemical curiosity.


    It's probable they even could have made the Grimms as sort of "shepherds" of their new Wesen flock, with comparable powers to help them seek out and punish any renegade Wesen.  So in that sense, I'd say that Grimms are a kind of Wesen: built by the same UberMages tinkering with the basic forces of Nature.  And they have no idea they've been killing their own "kind", as similar products of the UMs awesome magic.



    Royals and Hexenbiests:

    However, those mighty UberMages- like the dragons in "Game of Thrones"- got weaker and weaker over the centuries as they became diluted through breeding and intermingling with humans and Wesen alike.  All that's left of them these past many centuries are a split faction of descendant families, each a pitiful shadow of their common ancestors: the Royals and Hexenbiests, capable of trifling spells and minor feats to be sure, but rarely anything too grand, and nothing on the scale of what those ancients could do. 


    The hexenbiests may have been a line of these UberMages who split off when they experimented on making themselves like Wesen- hence the woge- where the Royals did not, and in fact largely abandoned the dwindling ability to perform UM magic for more practical- and violent- means to exert political power. 




    Since neither of these descending lines maintained the full sorcery of the UMs, their despotic rule slipped away from the larger world, resulting in the loss of their power over the human and Wesen worlds, and causing the Wesen to disperse among the world as a hidden race living as regular humans.  The two descendant UM families engaged in a desperate power struggle to hold on to what was left.  And while the hexenbiest still passed down enough knowledge to do their weaker UM spells, they didn't have collective enforcer strength of the original Royal "mafiosi" and were ultimately ousted from the halls of power. 


    I suspect the Royals thus still have in their bloodline the ability to do hexenbiest magic if they chose to spend the time learning the craft... but they hardly need it, given their power is just as real and more impactful than love spells.  They would eventually (a few hundred years ago) convince the Grimms to become for a while their private elite enforcers, to help them maintain power among the Wesen only.




    After losing the power struggle with the Royals, the hexenbiest became somewhat disgraced while the Royals cemented their now limited power over parts of the hidden Wesen world.  This would explain why Renard, as half hexenbiest, would be specifically shunned as a bastard by much of the Royal family.  Still, the hexenbiests had that shadow of ancient sorcerer's power, and cultivated it carefully and obsessively with spells and books and tribal knowledge: the hallmark of the hexenbiests.  Their blood doesn't have the power of the ancients so they spells can't be anywhere near as strong and they don't know how the ancients did their most impressive feats... but they've kept what knowledge they could, enabling them to still do some effective magic.



    Diana and the Keys:

    The child of Adalind and Sean unites the bloodlines of those two families again, and since both of their bloodlines- Sean as half-royal, and Adalind as hexenbiest- ultimately descend from those sorcerers, the child for some (not fully explained) reason has something even more like the original UM powers- hence even as an infant being able to show telekinesis and pyrokinesis, or project illusions into the mind of someone far off in the woods. 


    Sean is also a half-breed of royal and hexenbeist, but he clearly has nothing more than weak hexenbeist (er, Zauberbeist) powers, so some other element would have to explain the quirk that made Diana genetically regress into being more like a full-blooded UberMage- and it would have to be something no one would have ever thought to try before, at least not very often.  Such as maybe losing your powers to a Grimm, getting them back via hexenbiest spell, and then having a child by a royal, maybe?  Hexenbiests would have known and done the first two plenty of times over the generations- losing powers to a Grimm's blood was well known to them, and the spell that returned Adalind's powers was also apparently not unheard of- but all three seems exceedingly rare given how the Royals would not normally have any involvement- much less parenting- with hexenbiests.


    The Royals already wanted Diana when she was just a royal child, even if a bastard like Sean... but when they realized she might have something akin to UM powers?  Well, that changes everything: she's now not just a child, but the first UberMage in thousands of years, and with THAT kind of power, molded and shaped under the tutelage of the Royals?  You'd be able to rule the world in full: the whole world, Wesen and human.  The Royals would be like the pharaohs of old, hence keeping them from the child.


    Ah, but the child itself wouldn't be enough: after all, over the centuries we'd naturally expect the occasional half-hexenbiest, half-Royal baby, or even the genetic anomaly that was a throwback to the UM's power, with people like John Dee or Alestair Crowley.  So even though Diana will be unusually powerful, she'll not know how to use that to do much more than cool tricks like pyrokinesis or telekinesis, or the known hexenbiest spells.  You'd also need the knowledge of the ancient sorcerers themselves, their darkened tomes containing spells of unimaginable power- lost to the ages, and performable only by an unusually powerful descendant of that bloodline.


    So where is that knowledge, those secret spells that even some hexenbeist could cast, far more powerful than anything known to Wesen or Royal or Grimm for centuries?  Where would they have hidden that?  Who knows- but maybe when those Knights of the Crusades split a map up into 7 keys because it led to unimaginable power, what they were actually hiding was a map to a secret location with the full hidden knowledge of those ancient masters.


    Now, a hexenbeist or even Royal with that kind of full sorcery knowledge would be immensely powerful, if limited by their diluted blood- powerful enough the Royals could potentially exert more control than they do already, perhaps even a touch of what the UMs once possessed.  But combined with an unusually "pure" child in Diana, a child that has near-UM level blood and the 7 keys to uncover those long lost hidden secrets of the ancients? 


    Well, then you would have access to the powers of the Gods themselves, and rule over the entire world.



    Anyway, that's my extended, super-long (sorry!) fan-wank/retcon for Grimm.

    I like the idea of their powers being diluted.

    • Love 2
  20. Ed Herrman was such a great narrator as well as an actor.  His voice was distinctive but not distracting.  He is of course remembered as the patriarch of the Gilmores,  but he was in so many things.  He even played Herman Munster.


    He was a character actor and I am afraid a dying breed.  I think that is what makes me the most sad.  When I watch old movies,I always marvel at all the unique people who were the supporting cast.   I am especially fond of his role on St. Elsewhere as the priest who started the hospital.  The highest compliment is he was a true character.

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  21. Oh, I wish I had known it was on.  Truth be told, in the lean years I've re-gifted things. If I thought someone would like something I got for free. I would probably just give it to them, but if times were tight....


    Also, what is the etiquette when you give someone a present you really like but know they don't use it. Is it OK to ask for it back??  I think I know the answer but I realllly liked the present.!

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