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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. Except for the little song number midway through, this was by far the best of the season.  It just rang very true.  Lots of laughs too...

    (My bad, it took me forever to figure out it was Parker Posey as one of the image consultants.)

    I totally agree.  This season has been a little more experimental.  This seemed classic.


    * As in the only type of stalkers who are likely to even acknowledge a OOP/RO in the first place.

    TT could you explain what OOP/RO means.  


    I am having a hard time watching the stalker shows because it all seem so futile.  I get frustrated.  I do have a lot of sympathy for the victims.


    Watched Unraveled and felt Travis did kill his mother.  I am a little unsure about the sentence, it was a little harsh.

    • Love 2
  3. Just don't think Thomas Jefferson was all that.  He was 100% percent for slavery and HE did not write the Declaration of Independence, it was a collaborative effort.  


    I just can't stand the guy, talk about an ego.  I wish they would sandblast him off of Mt. Rushmore!! Read John Addams biography.  He gets so much credit it really irks.

    • Love 2
  4. She doesn't know how long she'll remain in the past, though. Maybe forever, maybe just a few more hours.

    That is something i did not think of, very good point.  I do however think if she came back to present day she would still be with Andy.  So no need to try so hard.  He may need to grow up a little himself.

    • Love 1
  5.      If you want to see a period nailed, watch Being Erica, which absolutely nails the 1990s in the episodes where Erica travels to them. Not only do they nail it, but they get the nuances of the different periods of it absolutely right- the tail-end 80's part of the 90's, the mid-90's, and the late 90's.


    Just started watching this show because of this forum.  Really like it.  BE is very specific and Hindsight is just full on she is back in the 1990s.


    Like them both, but I do like Erica's sessions with Dr. Tom where she is processing everything.  Would like something similar in this show.

    • Love 1
  6. Murder Book  this week was sad.  A dead mummified body is found and the police desperately try to find out his identity.  Almost 30 years later they found both the victim's name and the killer.  


    No one claims the body and he is buried in an unmarked grave.  He was a small time criminal.  He partners up with another criminal, named Spence, when he comes on to his partner,(sexual advance).  Spence said "I knew I was going to kill him."  


    I thought to myself, is this a hate crime?  Probably not.  We have been talking about how all victims are not saints, in this case even though he was a criminal, I just wish someone had claimed his body.  Still makes me cry.  The police were compassionate about it.

    • Love 6
  7. I think the show might be losing me.

    I am sorry to hear that, this show needs all the viewers it can get.  I already lost Selfie.  


    I get where you are coming from, this was not a great episode and a real downer.

    • Love 2
  8. Blue Plastic, I remember that case.Weren't they sent a threat or something and Google mixed up the address with a neighbor? Then the son got one as well.


    Strange case-if I am thinking of the right one. I also wondered about the daughter because she would get everything.


    Last night's case was something.  I liked their poll question, "Do you think Furhman(the hit man) was a hero?"  Glad I did not answer that because that was early on the show.

    • Love 1
  9. Yeah, Aunt Jess, Walnut Queen and ride the maverick, it all fits in with praising the victim so much.  They all become saints. Yet there are those who have a hand in their own death.  I have heard in Texas they would say," He needed killin." It is the truth in some cases, I just wish Arunya could have resolved the issue by going to another store.  It was so close.

    • Love 4
  10. The Unraveled case was about a woman from Thailand who was a hard worker and successful working at a supermarket.  A fellow co-worker starts to harass her and makes it hard for her to work. He also reports her for working off the clock.  


    She gets fired and goes ballistic, killing the co-worker and walking through the store with a gun.  All caught on cameras.


    She took it too far.  I do think workplace bullying is a problem I have experienced.  Never had a problem in school, but had to work with some toxic people.  Of course none of them should be killed.

    • Love 4
  11. Good for you Suz.  I have a hard time with those types of shows as well.  Just can't watch them or Hoarders.  I see enough on the Real Housewives.  


    Did anyone see Unraveled?  Just wondered what people thought about Arunya.  I really like this show.

    • Love 3
  12. Just saw the latest My Dirty Little Secret and surprise! The victim (a pastor's wife) was not remembered in glowing terms.  In fact, she was a pain in the butt.  Both the police and parishioners were not shy about saying so.  Almost made me feel sorry for her.


    This happens so rarely I thought I would mention it.

    • Love 6
  13. I had heard this story before and it is a whopper.  Glad Vanity Fair did a good job with it.  Did anyone watch Murder Comes to Town?  I had not heard this story and I have not been living under a rock,yet find myself increasingly missing big news stories.  I just can't take the news and rarely read the newspaper because it's just too crappy.  I get too depressed about everything.


    This whole family was killed in rural Indiana.  I am always surprised when an initial suspect has something-in this case a pair of shoes-that puts the focus on them. I really like this show and its small town murders.  The rural areas of this country can be so poor with few services and even fewer jobs.  People on the margins of society.

    • Love 4
  14. Just curious, bigamy is still a crime.  Is that correct.  So if a guy married a woman while he had not divorced his first wife, he would be in legal hot water( same for a woman)?  


    Is this because he duped another person into marrying him?  I guess my question is the deception the reason this person has committed a crime.  

    • Love 1
  15. Thanks Jumper Sage for the recommendations.  The Tsar and his wife were not remarkable in any way except that they loved their family and were killed very brutally.  So it is still shocking to me, now.  I would think it would have been quite painful to the people who knew them.  I guess I don't think it was an over-reaction for the aristocrats at that time who were at Downton.


    I remember when the leaders of Romania were taken out and shot.  The aftermath was shown on the news and I was shocked.  That they deserved it was another story.

    • Love 2
  16. Glade, oh God, I know.  The Russian aristocracy does not stir my sympathies one bit.  Peasants were basically serfs there and treated like dirt:  the ruling class got what they deserved when they lost power.  I'm not talking about shooting the Tsar's family, of course.  But loss of wealth and position?  Cry me a river. That one prince got so butthurt when Sarah said something about the Tsar.  Sure, she needs to just shut her mouth sometimes (and that was one of them) but it was like the guy couldn't BEAR to hear anyone question him.  Just like Robert.  A big baby. 


    I agree so much with you, yet when Violet talked about going to Russia it did seem somehow magical.  


    I am endlessly fascinated by the Russian aristocracy.  I would not watch this show otherwise.  It all really is very dreary if you think about it-the endless routine.  I would not like to be in the upstairs or the downstairs of Downton, better to be a merchant or a merchant's wife.

    • Love 3
  17. Everyone in that workshop was such a pretentious asshole - is that really how writers' workshops usually go? And the paragraph Hannah read out wasn't well written at all; I know the point of attending grad school is to improve her writing, but there has to be some raw talent to build on. 


    Agree, they were just as pretentious as Hannah.  Also, I have rarely liked the authors or books that have come out of the Iowa Writers Workshop.

  18. Great that they got him for both murders.  He ruined so many lives, especially the carpenter's family.  


    Some people can't handle the truth and if they don't see it now I don't think they ever will.  There was also a son who I think realized his father had ,in fact, had killed his mother. So there is that.

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