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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. I watched The White House boys and also the most recent Aphrodite Jones and gotta say. "Florida!! reallllyyy". I know it is a cliche but there is a reason Florida is considered our craziest state.  On Vanity Fair, it was hard to watch.  I was astounded that this reform school was just recently shut down and that it had been in operation since the turn of the century.  Also there were some investigations over the years.


    The guy from the Miami Herald really stuck with this case and he deserves some praise.


    The case on Aphrodite was equally horrendous.  Three young girls being raised by a drunk mother and a monster for a father. It only really took the state of Florida ten years to investigate, a murder that happened in 1985.  Well, two murders.  I know she is not the most popular host, but I find her to be compassionate and I also like that she expresses her disgust and anger at some of these cases. 

    • Love 4
  2.  I thought the tapes the detective gave him, gave him something tangible to hold on to and hate.  I think he listened to the lies over and over and it just made him angrier and more vindictive.  I don't think it is allowed for an ex-cop to take evidence.


     That was when things started to change for Danny.  He became very vengeful and more focused on exacting his revenge on each and every family member even a very young Meg who did not even lie. 


    He became a man with nothing to lose and that makes someone very dangerous.  I was sympathetic to him in the beginning because it seemed as if he was treated unfairly by his family.  They wanted him to come to the big family celebration, just so the whole family was there.  The perfect Rayburns and all the children, look at how great we are. But they really did not want him there and I think panicked when he wanted to stay.


    Also Danny was loyal to no one and was a shitty friend to the O' Bannens-even though they were his "real family".  They were there for him and he used them. I liked when he was talking to their mother and she basically said the whole family was a fraud.  True.  Yes they did a bad thing but I am not so sure they are good people.

    • Love 8
  3. I had never heard this story before, so I liked that.  I was bothered that the wife, who was a doctor would want him at her work meetings and that the other doctors would allow it.  I could not believe it.  He made people uncomfortable in a place of business and no one spoke to her about her husband.  I am not blaming her at all. 

    Well, maybe a little.


    The question put to her brother was maybe a little unfair. "Do you regret saving his life in 2007?" His answer was the only one he could give as a practicing doctor, but I thought, "yes" I would regret it every day of my life, and who would blame him.  I am so leery of people who have no regrets.  


    It was a circumstantial case but I think he will be convicted.

    • Love 6
  4. The ghost was definitely Sarah.  I'm assuming that "Mia Kirshner" is how Danny sees Sarah as an older woman.  The idea that she has been with him since he was 15 makes sense that she would "grow up" in his mind.


    Sort of the opposite of a Beautiful Mind when we find out the niece hasn't grown and know she is not real

  5. From what Rosalie said, it does seem that men have a hard time controlling themselves around Wesen of this type.  I wonder if a Hexenbiest in the distant past put a curse on a pretty rival and created a new Wesen line.  I can see it now... 


    A Hexenbiest has fallen hard for a guy, but he's attracted to the pretty girl who lives in the third hovel on the left, and has a less abrasive personality.  Hexenbiests don't take rejection well, so the new rival is cursed with more sex hormones then usual, using one of those poisonous frogs in the spell, and the unfortunate result is that when men who get aroused by her touch her, they die.  The only way to procreate is to be unconscious during sex (thanks to Ariah for providing a means of having a man last long enough to actually deposit sperm to impregnate the Wesen), but even then, the curse kills the man, just more slowly.


    After inadvertently killing off a couple of suiters and being branded a witch, Hexenbiest informs her rival of what has happened to her:  "I wanted Glog, and he wanted you.  I'm a Hexenbiest, a type of Wesen, and I have the power to reign s--- down on your parade.  That's right, I cursed you.  Good luck explaining it to anyone else.  Men are always going to want you, and they'll really lose control when you're fertile, so have fun keeping them away.  I'm going to help you escape from these stupid townspeople, but not because I feel bad for what I've done, I just like the idea of you roaming around trying to keep men away from you so you don't keep killing their silly asses.  By the way, I've also placed a spell on you that won't let you kill yourself, or your children, and won't let you hide away on some mountain top away from other people.  Bye now!"


    Pretty little townsgirl runs, stays away from people as much as possible, but gets raped, has a kid, and spends all her time trying to keep men away while raising her child.  Down through the ages her descendants are eking out a living because they have to quit school soon after they start to mature sexually to keep the men around them safe.  They mostly have girls, but once in a while a boy is born, and while he doesn't have the problem of women killing themselves trying to get in his pants, he finds that any girls he fathers also has the Wesen trait.  If those men are responsible, they get fixed so they don't have kids, and they're able to have sex with the females of his species without dying, so they could marry a woman who understands what's going on, but since the males are so rare most of those Wesen women are doomed to never find sexual release...unless the males start polygamous marriages with the female Wesen of their kind.  Ooohhh, I see a spinoff in the making!


    Back to the show.  It could be that tattooed guy assumes that Ella's green face is a kind of free-form tattoo, which is kind of funny since his tattoos are all very linear and precise.  A case of opposites attract, although more than tattoo guy realizes. 


    If they get to the point of having children, though, what will happen then?  Will any future children carry the Wesen trait of their mother, or will they be born with splashes of green on their skin?


    i liked your story.  

  6. tobeannounced, I saw that show finally.  I was struck by how fast it all happened.  So tragic.  I was so glad the neighbor was still up to see the taxi.  


    I watched the show with reluctance at first but now it is one of my favorites.  And now I can watch all the re-runs.

    • Love 3
  7. I also see series 2 about the character arcs of Ellie and Hardy. In series 1, Hardy was already on the slide and Ellie, who started episode 1 on top of the world, plunged to the bottom by the end of episode 8. In series 2, just when we think they can't get lower, both do. But now in episode 5, Ellie is really rising like a phoenix from the ashes, becoming the detective who deserved the DI job. We just hope Hardy soon starts his rebound -- especially with his health.


    Just wanted to say I enjoy your posts, StaveDarsky and the extra info you have been giving us.


    When they showed the young girl from Sanbrook who was killed it just broke my heart.  I think she was loved so I really do not want it to be her parents to be guilty. That would be too painful.  The thought of her not being loved and cherished would break my heart. Of course my emotional state is one where I would cry during a Hallmark commercial.

  8. Everyone had such great comments.  Agree about the prosecution sending out the detective-not realistic.  When Gary and Rosie walked in, I thought Harry might leave and he would have every right to.  I would have. If Hector and Aisha want to socialize with them, fine. They are not family so quit inviting them to family events. I do know this was a baby shower for Anouk, but come on.


    The way the adults used Richie was terrible and selfish.  I agree at the end the only people I liked was the judge and Richie.

    • Love 6
  9. Did anyone see the Paula Zahn about the girl killed while delivering pizza?

    It wasn't solved for almost 30 years, but fairly early in the case, they settled on a guy who'd repainted his truck, which looked liked the suspect vehicle.

    He hanged himself when they called him in for more questioning, by searches of his house and vehicles found no link.

    Nothing more was ever said.

    At the end, when it was solved, and talked of how her parents and family had suffered, there was no thought spared for how he and his loved ones must have suffered.

    Collateral damage, I guess.

    Very sad, Aunt Jess.  Hey , but you told us about it so more people know.

    • Love 2
  10. This a haunting, awesome mystery and I feel invested in all the family members. The music is a wonderful complement. And the Florida Keys location is stunning. Everything is working for me.


    Seems like we know Danny is dead but they are setting it up as lots of people could have done it. Then there is a coverup I think. 


    Curious to see how this Sarah stuff fits in. 


    Also, seriously Danny - you worked like one day and wanted a paycheck? How about free room and board and helping your family get through a crisis? I'm not sure if he ever did one big thing to annoy his family but he's a dick in general.


    Interesting take that Danny is already dead.  It seems that John is the one who put him on the boat and started the fire.  


    I don't know what to think of Danny.

    • Love 1
  11. Thanks em I realized I had only watched half of episode 3.  Binge watching this show on my computer has made me a little confused.  I like this show but not because of the pilot.  I am up to episode 6 and can't get enough.  


    Kyle is great as is the whole cast, but Danny is the heart of the show.  I cannot believe he is Australian. 

    • Love 2
  12. i was just the opposite.  I strongly felt that he didn't.  It didn't make sense given what we saw of him telling his Dad that he wanted to make peace.  It also deepened my feeling that these people are just as bad if not worse than Danny.


    It's interesting to me that the Dad told Danny that he left the decision to the other three siblings, but so far Danny's keeping that to himself.  I was surprised he didn't use that to poison them to his mother.

    Her! Here!  Danny is the black sheep, but he is just  a sheep, the others are wolves.

    • Love 8
  13. I just thought it interesting when Thanasis was talking to Aisha on the stand, that he was about to ask another thing and he looked at Sandi who shook her head no.


    I thought it was telling and Sandi does have Aisha's back.


    This is a frustrating show.  How many times have you been at the grocery store and kids are running all over the place, while their oblivious parents stand by.  I have experienced this at restaurants as well.  One time we were at this restaurant and there were two kids by the waitress station and they were putting their fingers in the water, poured for waiting customers.


    I don't have any kids but I did work at a preschool for about 7 years.  Most of the kids were great, some were like Hugo and it always seemed like these kids took so much time and effort that some of these really sweet kids were given less attention.  


    After I left the job,I remember walking out of the store if there were screaming children.  The problem is not Hugo it is his parents.

    • Love 3
  14. Psycho bitch.

    Walnut Queen, was she ever.  And she was the longtime friend rather than Rachel who had met her in high school.  There was a Lifetime movie based on a true story starring Patty Duke, where her daughter's friend became close with the family for a couple of years after she had killed her daughter.


    It was a real cold case until one girl who knew about the crime had someone she knew die and realized how painful it is. 

    • Love 1
  15. tobeannounced, Agree with your post.  Sometimes one of these stories will really stick with me and this one did.  I could not remember all the names and I always delete after viewing.  Just felt so bad for this girl.


    Maizie, I too like Aphrodite-maybe they gave her that name because Jones is such a common surname.  Anyhow, I think she is very compassionate and she usually asks some good questions.  I just like her and agree she is better than Zahn. 

    • Love 4
  16. I am glad there has been some activity of late.  I watched the Web of Lies the episode was "Crowded House."   A young girl who is pi-polar, moves back with her mom.  Soon her mother helps her get her own apartment, no men allowed.  A guy she meets on the internet moves in.  They both like the same group Insane Clown Posse - although that really did not play a part.  I just mention it because it is  the description of the episode.  I have noticed it other times where the description does not mesh with the episode.


    Soon a lot of this guys loser friends move in and it becomes a bad situation very quickly.  She stops taking her meds and is unhappy.  This is where it becomes disturbing.  The mom just seems to not notice what is happening.  The girl calls to see if she can come to her mom's house-I didn't say home for a reason.  The daughter is out of touch and this goes on for 8 days.  Mom goes over for a look and the apartment is a mess, disgusting and smells bad.  Her daughter is looked in the bathroom dead and partly dismembered. 


    Mom goes home and on day 11 the sheriff arrives to say she is dead.  This really bothered me, I just wanted to scream at the WTF!!!  Why did you wait so long. How could you be so fucking clueless?  This was a young women who was vulnerable and you can't be bothered, you were so fucking busy.  HATE.

    • Love 2
  17. I watched the first episode of the Australian version and thought the family talked more Greek than in the US version.  I think I like it a little better.  Well Hector is better and played Anthony La Paglia.

    • Love 1
  18. Agree,27bored and Amethyst, Sandi should have had her own episode.  She has a lot more at stake than Anouk.


    I just don't see what is so great about Hector, seems nice enough but like so many everyday people.  He is ordinary.  I am still ticked off at the way the family reacted to the Greek lawyer, they acted like they were so much more moral than him.  They don't want get their hands dirty but they want their problem to go away.


    I thought Sandi had Aisha's back and I don't really think she even said thank you to her.


    The potential for this show has been squandered, it could have been so much better.

    • Love 3
  19. Did anyone see the most recent Deadly Sins?  Well, I was kind of shocked.  There is a kid who is adopted to an upscale family.  They take in some foster kids and he is sexually abused by one.


    He has some deep emotional problems and likes to go into people's house to rob them and watch them sleep.  He meets up with a guy in a halfway house.  They attack a family, force the mother to take out some cash.


    The bank knows her and can tell she is under duress.  They call the cops.  This part is so crazy to me. The cops just wait outside!! Meanwhile the two bad guys see the unmarked police car and they proceed to rape and murder the woman and her two children,  the youngest is 11 years old.


    Why didn't the cops move in and try to help?  There was a case just last week about a woman killed with police outside on Dateline.  I thought this was pretty bad.


    The icing-he got a weak sentence, I think 16 to 20 years. 

    • Love 1
  20. Who are these people and what have they done with the real characters?


    Everyone else has already said everything I was thinking with Emma & Co's blown-out-of-proportion worry over Regina going undercover. Why do they care at all? Those witches used to be her friends. And really, Emma, Regina doesn't know the first thing about going undercover? She's only been masquerading as a benevolent mayor of a small town for 28 years. Then Emma just sitting in the woodshop, twiddling her thumbs, instead of, I dunno, KEEPING WATCH as the witches made off with Pinocchio was beyond stupid.


    I will go against the seeming majority and say I HATED the Rumple-as-Hook reveal. RumpleHook was way creepier than actual Rumple, which was good, but the whole imposter thing just seems like such CHEAP writing. Oh, how do we make Rumple get the dagger back? I have no idea, let's just let him pretend to be someone else. I knew something was fishy when Hook referred to the car as "Gold's car". I don't think he has ever called him Gold, only Rumpelstiltskin or Crocodile.


    Apparently Granny just leaves her diner completely unattended at night.


    They really amped up the soap opera cheesiness this ep. Regina's "the worst" WAS The. Worst. The dumb "Pirate Oath" thing was only slightly less cheesy.


    I was hoping we would get some good backstory on this version of Maleficent and her history with Aurora's family, but they spent more time on Regina and Rumple than Mal herself. At least she rocked the wallowing hair.


    Also, I will keep asking this until the show explains it.... where is Anastasia, Will?


    Granny's place is interesting-open all hours, a coffee house/diner/bar and also a romantic spot for dates.  I would have thought she would have kicked out the evil threesome.

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