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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. I was super-impressed with the filming of Phillip's death:  that was very unusual!


    Irene is a totally unsympathetic character.  While she appears to come to life when with "Phil" (seriously is that what they called him in the book?) she's so wrapped up in her own self pity, I cannot feel even a tiny bit sorry.  I so wanted June to deck her!  Verbally I thought she was doing a great job, stopped only by that slap from Irene.


    Also, does she (Irene) have too many teeth for her mouth?  It looks like she has to make a huge effort to close her mouth.


    I think she bears a striking resemblance to Eleanor Roosevelt.

    • Love 2
  2. I can't help it I dislike Irene so much.  If she does not want Soames so be it.  Must she have relationships with every other male in the family.  I just don't see her exquisite beauty,she has good bone structure but is not striking in any way.  She is so cold and almost devoid of any personality.


    As for Jolyon- these names are so odd-reallllly.  You need to see her and have absolutely no concern for your cousin.  Also June these people are so fucking forgiving it seems not to be real.  I find as I watch this I get quite angry and irritated.  I just do not see Soames as a villain.  I am really enjoying the series though.

    • Love 3
  3. I just got interested in a show The Forsyte Saga on PBS.  Of course,I was spelling it Forsythe, but I digress.  I liked the format for Masterpiece.  You click on it and it has all the different series shown under Masterpiece.  


    Could this set up work for the ID shows.  In the "I" sections of 'shows' could there be ID Discovery, and under it all the good (A Crime to Remember) and not so good (Cry Wolfe) shows?  I would like to talk about certain shows.  Also, for instance, there was an episode of Deadline Crime with Tamron Hall and I wanted to watch it but was not sure of its episode title.  I did watch it. 


    Is this amenable to you crime fiends?  

    • Love 4
  4. Old school dessert for me is we generally had dessert almost every day at supper.  It might have been as simple as store bought sandwich cookies, but always something sweet at the end. Tapioca pudding or even stewed prunes which I love.  It was portion control you had one serving.  My aunt who was a farm wife made a pie every day. 


    People were not as overweight back then(the 70's).  We just didn't eat as much packaged foods and of course fast food was a treat and not a necessity.  Also pop(soda) was a treat and no refills.  You would get your pepsi in a glass with mostly ice and that was all.  Now even fast food places give free refills. Who new back then they were doing us a favor. 


    I do remember cool whip and crisco and margarine.  We had a milk man and when I was very little we drank whole milk.  Some things are better today.

    • Love 2
  5. Random Thoughts:


    Impressed that Vince has CLEARLY managed his money well.  That alone tips my hat to him:  Given the trappings of 80's metal hair bands...he clearly managed to build on it, rather than squander it.   And I was surprised that I ended up liking his girlfriend as much as I did.


    Gunnar seems quite grounded - and I get his rationale that he'd live in a showbiz family most of his life, and didn't want to fall victim to it.  And I do strongly admire how he's taken those girls as his own:  It's difficult under the best of circumstances, and he's done it beautifully.


    But, for the love of God...could they quit calling Gunnar a 'rock star'!  He was POP!  lol.  (And, given the number of times Vince was clearly hammered in his TH's...I'm pretty sure I got a contact high just watching him.)


    Watching Robin Lynch eat Meatloaf made me LOL.  Vince and shopping/cooking cracked me up:  He's obviously never made a meatloaf, given he wore those rings while mixing it.  Total n00b move.  lol)


    It was fun to see Robin and Vince were friends.  And he liked the meatloaf.

    • Love 1
  6. She was also pretty grabby with Sonja.  She's lucky that Sonja is a very touch feely person.  If Beth were grabbing at someone like herself, things would have gone down a little differently.  I have a larger than average personal space, and if I was being screamed at, told to shut the fuck up, and physically grabbed, I would have walked or probably run from her.  I don't know how much I believe in astrology, but I'm a Scorpio just like Beth, and I think we would clash big time.  I'm very self-aware of my stereotypical Scorpio attributes, and I realize I'm an acquired taste.  It took me years to figure this stuff out, and it's really easy to drive people away.  I'm just not sure Beth is self-aware enough to realize she's the one who sets the tone of her relationships.



    I'm thinking Sonja wants the bathtub because it's a practical place to crash, when she comes home messy drunk and blacks out.  She can wake up (you know she must sleep nude) and immediately hose herself down.



    She talked about how difficult it was to move on after her husband died.  I think she deliberately keeps a bit detached from John because it's a comfortable relationship, and she won't be devastated if he died.  She doesn't seem to want an all encompassing relationship, and she's keeping her heart guarded.

    Redhead Zombie, I too am a Scorpio what are some of the traits?  Just curious.


    I am tiring of this show.

    • Love 1
  7. It's like the tabloids in the grocery store - somebody is buying them!  And somebody is out there in tvland watching the Kardashiams and, prior to that, Paris Hilton, etc...

    True.  How do I stop watching these shows?  I am serious.  I am going to wean myself off of these shows.  I know they are vile and have known it for a while, so why do I keep watching. 


    UnReal may not be totally accurate but it does make some good points.  Rachel's mother was right about one thing this is bully TV. I can justify watching because " these people have signed up for these shows"  so they deserve all of our scorn.   It is just that until you are there you don't realise the extent of manipulation.


    I am down to RHoNY, Celebrity Wife Swap  and Sister Wives, there is not a lot to watch right now so I am vulnerabal.  I am not kidding.

  8. I guess I pat myself on the back because I only really watch the housewives shows-well New York and Beverley Hills.  Then i thought sometimes I watch Big Brother and Sister Wives, so more than a lot of people.


    Bottom line if we did not keep watching these shows would not exist.  Also, we have in many cases driven away the unions.  None of these shows are covered by the union, the Screen Actors Guild and it goes for production as well.(please correct me if I am wrong.)  I am pro union as my husband is a plumber.  We are all screwed. 

    • Love 3
  9. Right now I am really frustrated, I don't drive right now for because my anxiety has gotten very bad.  We have a crappy bus system in my city.  It gets embarrassing to always ask for a ride.  I am just a little overwhelmed right now.


    My pet peeve is that so many businesses, doctor's offices and government agencies have moved to the out skirts of town.  Why this need to keep building so far out.  It is prime farmland for one.  Are there no city limits?  I am perplexed and it does affect my life.  How do elderly people get to their doctors appointments.  I don't give blood anymore because it is way out there. 


    Sorry If i am not completing my thoughts. I am so UPSET about this.  And I don't even want to think of the environmental issues.  I do think we deserve our demise if people insist on driving large vehicles and only cary one passenger.  I am just distraught right now.

    • Love 2
  10. Roamyn, you missed nothing.  I am going to look for the episode you talked about Raven, Thanks.


    I feel as if there is nothing on TV in general right now,

    • Love 3
  11. I'm about half way through, and it is terrible. And I will watch every additional second of it. Why would either of these girls want this idiot? Single teen momhood never looked so good when this guy's your other option.

    Well he did have money.  He was very bland.  I kept thinking who does he remind me of?  Colin Jost who does Week end Update on Saturday Night Live.

  12. Thanks for starting this ari333.  It is so sad to me that this women just wanted the insurance money.  He was a good guy and would have made a good husband and dad for a sane, good person.  They were married only 5 months.  She had this planned and had a beef with the other guy.


    It was so ridiculous that from the get go she mentioned poison.  She may have gotten away with otherwise.  


    It was an interesting case.  Also we got to see on camera her lies, manipulations and ultimate downfall.

    • Love 7
  13. There has been nothing good on ID.  They just played the Serial Killer series a lot.  I have no interest in it.  The famous serial killers have always spooked me.


    I was 
    forced to watch Blood Relatives and it is so boring.  Bring on a couple of good shows please.  


    I have been binging Damages and there were only 5 seasons.

    • Love 2
  14. I lean towards the "don't care" side.  I certainly wouldn’t lick money, but maybe there has been a time when I stuck some bills between my lips to hold them while I rooted around for something.  I can't think of a specific instance of that happening, but I don't rule it out because something at that level of exposure would not bother me (I have a healthy immune system).

    I am like you about this.  The one thing I always do is wash my hands at a restaurant before I eat. 

  15. Nah...she's not your cuppa, but that doesn't make you a terrible person.


    I always thought Farrah Fawcett was one of those "technically" attractive people (one that the majority of the population finds über hot but I'm pretty neutral on). 

    Thank god we don't all think alike on looks and attraction.  I did find her attractive but she was not even the prettiest on her show, I always thought that was Jacklyn Smith.


    I have never found either Brad Pitt nor Tom Cruise attractive but both are good looking.  We all like different things and that is great.


    I find Mike Rowe from Dirty jobs attractive and Kyle Chandler. My UO is that I really am not attracted to George Clooney.  It is his personality.

    • Love 4
  16. I didn't say they didn't.  I'm just tired of going to the People site and seeing every other headline being about them.  I can see your point, though.

    Agree Bilina, some sites have about five stories on the Duggars alone.  They are first rate hypocrites and just plain creepy.  They deserve what they get.  I just worry that all of this press will just make the right harp on it more and it won't go away.  I want it to be gone.


    The same goes for Caitlyn Jenner, who is so brave.  What about the kids with less resources and little support.  I am tired of this as well.  There has to be more important things going on.

    • Love 4
  17. I probably already mentioned this but happened to turn on the show where the spoiled brat adopted boy somewhere in WA kills his parents, and kidnaps his ex girlfriend. She miraculously survives this psycho, by convincing him that they can still be together (go girl). This brat was given every advantage by wonderful parents, but squandered them all, wallowed in self-pity, blamed his problems and failings on everyone but himself. I have never wanted to see someone dies, as much as this waste of airspace. Felt so awful for those wonderful parents, and the son they left behind, uggghhh.

    What was the name of the show?  Sounds interesting.  

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