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Posts posted by applecrisp

  1. Ooo, me too. I have a big 'ol crush on Moriarity.....well, Ben Stone I guess. My favorite ADA was Abbie but Casey was a close second. 

    Would not say I had a crush.  But I really thought he was the moral center of the show the first years.  Less cynical and I think that is why he got out.  Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't he screw up a lady's (Alison Janney) protection and outed her in testifying against the Russian mob?

    • Love 2
  2. Seriously that night was probably the worst set of circumstances in Lee's ENTIRE life.  He goes from being the macho hero who chases off the creep, to getting sex with a willing participant, to be being a murderer of a little girl.  Of course the night was worse for Lisa and Pippa.  Just saying, that all spiralled horribly out of control for Lee.  And I did love the actor a lot.  He just did puzzled and confused and sometimes sly so well. 


    What I appreciate about this show is that clearly the murderers are not evil masterminds planning out the perfect murder.  Situations get out of control and they respond to them, often stupidly.  And tragically.


    I watched the ep again last night and a few last thoughts. 


    I like how some of the progression mirrows earlier moments in the season.  I like seeing Beth kick the crap out of the bathroom stall where Ellie hid and cried.  I like that Paul who started the season sneaking off to help Joe, decided to involve the important parties in the end and STILL helped Joe (because a priest should do that in my opinion).  Paul also trusted Mark not to murder Joe too.  I like that Hardy knows exactly how to comfort Ellie now.  Not with pity or hugs, but a call to embrace her rage.  I like that Ellie is still sticking to her worldview (that we aren't alone, that love matters) despite having the worst six months of her life.  And that she entered the place where she had the lowest moment of her life and pulled it together to be a sharp professional. And I liked that she broke the case because she was "fussy" about details.  Of course there was almost no way for a viewer to notice those floorboards (she touches them when she's searching the house, but we never get a good look at them before the murder).  But I don't watch mysteries to solve them. 


    Oh and while it's true there was no overt "fan service", Tess's epic side-eye when Hardy insisted on Miller sitting in on the Claire interview was highly satisyfing.  That actress makes the most of her 10-second scenes. 


    I hope next season will be a whole new case with some check-ins on the Latimers & Joe.  I trust the writer can come up with a case outside of Broachchurch where it makes sense that Hardy and Miller would work together.  Besides, despite the Latimers being cool, I would think many people in the town would still wonder about Ellie's involvement with Joe's case.  It's not like everyone in town can know her personally and from the outside it does look very sketchy.  And they aren't gonna care about Sandbrook.  That's Hardy's triumph really. 



    I liked your summation.  These people were not evil masterminds, but Claire really took charge once the death had occurred.  She was the one I would call evil.

  3. They do like to recycle their stories.  I kind of wish they would so a show called "Surprise, The Spouse Didn't Do It'.  Sometimes in the opening remarks you get the feeling-it was the wife or yep it was the husband.  I am not one of these people who thinks it is great that I could predict the outcome.  I like to be surprised sometimes.


    On the last Deadly Sins, the police contact the suspect at Disney World and she was wearing mouse ears.  Just cracked me up. The cheapest easiest way to establish where she is.

    • Love 7
  4. I cried at the reveal of the Sandbrook case,mostly for Pippa and Lisa.  But I also cried for Hardy.  This case had taken so much from him.  I liked this show and will watch again.  It was not perfect but is still better than a lot of TV.

    • Love 3
  5. I get annoyed with myself when I can't formulate my thoughts into words. My ex would always talk over me and just be really loud. Yeah, that's not good communication!

    Just rude and good for you he is an ex.  I have that problem and have been told it is my 'menopause brain'.  Whatever.  I like the idea of this thread because sometimes people just look at you with a blank stare when you state your pet peeve. I guess to me it is invalidation. Or dismissal.  It is always great to be around like-minded individuals.


    I just don't understand rabid sports fans.  I can enjoy an evening baseball game, here and here, but this do or die attitude confounds me.  I don't personally know the players.  I don't have a stake in the game.  I don't understand bragging about someone else's victory.  I do not follow my alma mater as if it is somehow superior because they won a game.


    In fact, I tend to say I went there for the education.  I think the only way I would actively root for a team is if I were gambling.  I'm not about to do that.

    • Love 5
  6. This episode was pretty funny, not laugh out loud funny but it's a good combination of physical comedy and sly, subtle writing.  


    Stosh: "I want to rep you."

    Zara: "I have a whistle."

    Stosh: "No, I want to rep you. Represent you as an artist."

    Zara: "Oh, it did seem strange that you would give me heads up."


    That awkward upside down hug between Stosh and Zara in the backyard was funny when Stosh accidentally ended up with Zara's boobs in his face.


    Eric's chessboard dance to Broken Wings by Mister, Mister was good too, as was Stosh's ever escalating commission percentage.


    Becki Newton's Caryn being blown off by a guy she wasn't even interested kind of brought back memories of her work on 'Love Bites'.  Plus she is just adorable as a pawn.


    Caryn: "Tell him I'll put out.  All the bases."


    Caryn (dressed as a chess pawn): "You went out with me to make her jealous. You literally used me as a pawn."

    Carl: "I thought that was rather elegant, actually."

    Agree and i really like the actor.

  7. I watched Fear Thy Neighbor last night, and at first I thought the young woman was talking for her family, which seemed normal.  Then I realized she was the only one who was still alive.  I have to say I did not expect that,AT All.  


    It seems that they have raised the stakes on this show this year. Both so far, have featured murder over land disputes. Very unsettling.

    • Love 3
  8. I'm still reading Martha Grimes, but I know what you mean. The newer books are definitely missing something, & I think she may have written her characters into a box, so now they're stuck being a certain way & can't grow. Also, I despise her non Jury books.

    I am the opposite I like her books like Hotel Paradise and the character of twelve-year old Emma.  I have not read the Jury novels because I read Debra Crombies' series and did not think I wanted to read another british mystery series.


    So the movie Beautiful Creatures is true.  Could someone please explain, maybe some more detail. Thanks.

  9. There's already a potential mechanism for that in the with the character of Henrietta.  Henrietta's a powerful hexenbiest and hexenbiests clearly have a far longer lifespan (aside from Grimms or ruthless gypsies intervening) than most humans or Wesen.   There's probably a few flashbacks to be had there.  That said, I'd prefer them to be few and relatively far between.  I'm more interested in see Nick and co. deal with stuff in the now.


    In terms of wishlist, I want some human villains.  Maybe a serial killer who knows about and mimics Wesen.  One of the best, creepiest villains from the X-Files appeared in the 13th episode of Season Two: Donnie Pfaster, as played by Nick Chinlund.  That character wasn't a vampire, werewolf, alien or psychic supervillain, but damn did he ever deliver the nightmare fuel. 


    I get it.  The show is Griimm and the Grimm's main reason is dealing with evil/harmful Wesen.  Still, I can't help but recall an exchange between Nick or Hank and Wu during Tribunal a few weeks ago, which I'll paraphrase below:


    Nick/Hank: Remember what I/Nick said about Wesen.

    Wu: Yeah.  They're not all bad.


    Now, put almost any other descriptor in place of "Wesen" (like, say, "black people,"  "Asians," "Jews," "Muslims,") etc.and roll that around in your head for a little bit.


    I don't know, I guess I'd kind of like to see Nick and Hank rise to the level of Agent Kay from "Men in Black."


    Nick/Hank (Kay): All right, Wu(kid), here's the deal. At any given time there are a bunch of (approximately 1500) Wesen (aliens) on the planet, most of them right here in (Manhattan) Portland. And most of them are decent enough, they're just trying to make a living.



    I really like the idea in bold print.  There are some very scary humans who have no special power except they are sociopaths.   They are the true big bads.


    Also would like it if the wesen were tying to fool Nick and cops and committed some crimes that were mundane or nothing special to through off Nick and company.

    • Love 1
  10. The Fear Thy Neighbor was different, I too, thought the guy overreacted about his neighbor.  He never really told her,"hey i'm a private person,just leave me alone". The other incident I thought was odd, was when the boyfriend was working on his car, in his yard and he made fun of him for doing so. Hey they must be broke.  I did not understand that.


    We only heard from her through the reporter, so I felt we did not get the full story.  I am glad it is back as well.

    • Love 6
  11. Unlike that crazy family on Dateline on friday night, at least they realized they had to remain on good terms with the dad( even tho he wasn't the bio dad).  They understood what was imprortant the children.  I hope they eventually get custody.

    • Love 3
  12. I know I tend to watch these murder and mystery shows more than others, but I still have to ask, "Why is murder a solution to your problems".  Do people really think they will get away with it?  In this case, this family lost the little girl they loved so much.  They lost their freedom. Was it worth it??


    The victims lose so much more a dad, a son, or a brother.  It just keeps happening, almost to the point where before I even know the story I think it was the spouse.  No mystery here it was the wife. Or husband.  They may have an alibi but then they paid someone.  There is almost no mystery left and we are treated to an hour of dumb asses trying to get away with it.  The worst offense is when they get young people to help them a la a Pam Smart.  Just read where her co-conspirtitor was released.  People were upset because he killed the guy, why?? is she still in jail? SMH.  

    • Love 1
  13. What is it? Does it get the cat hair off? (Not that I can use it if it has a scent because it would probably irritate my son's incredibly sensitive skin. We don't use stuff with a scent anymore.)

    Yes, it does help to get the cat hair out of my throws. I saw it in a Good Housekeeping article and I asked my vet. I have heard it is often the fragrance of the products that people are allergic to.  It works pretty good. I sympathize with your son, because it seems like everything is scented.

  14. The detective did say she (daughter) was running the show.  This sort of reminded me of the Beth Peterson case where the whole family got involved in raising the little girl.  It was very crazy.  She should have gone to a sperm bank.


    I have to agree about the grandmother not looking like she was in very good health.  Hope there is other family.  Also, he may have been a laid back guy but he was a competitive speed skater which I am sure takes a lot of dedication and hard work.

    • Love 3
  15. I only watched the 2nd part of the program what a fucked up family.  They kill a nice guy and never get to see the beloved child again.

    • Love 3
  16. I tend to be a take-a-picture-of-the-thing sort of person, but I can say that when I was young and traveling with my family my mom would frequently insist on having at least one person in a picture and her reasoning was that if she just wanted a nice picture of the thing she could get a postcard or (at this point) find one online that was probably better than one she could take on her own. She wanted a picture that showed that we were there to make it more personal. Plus, having looked through many many photos of other people's trips I will say that I find it much more enjoyable if there's a mix of pictures with people and without than if they're all without. And in particular, if I'm looking back at photos from past trips--like looking at photo albums from family trips when I was a kid--it's definitely the photos with me and my sisters and parents and the sights in them that are most fun to see and bring back the most vivid memories.


    We had the same Mom.

  17. Mine is personal products that contain fragrance.  I use soap, shampoo and sometimes conditioner.  Then deodorant, mousse and lotion.  All usually have a smell.  I don't always mind the smell of shampoo because it is fruity. Sometime moisturizers have a fragrance, too. 


    Same with laundry, there is the detergent, fabric softener(I don't use) and fabric sheet I only use with items that have cat hair, also there are stain removers.  So many products so many different smells. 


    As I get older flowery smells are the worst. Even cat litter is scented and I don't think cats really like it.  Then there are cleaning products and I am switching to more natural ones. 

    • Love 2
  18. The Crowded House episode on Web of Lies was very disturbing and one I won't forget soon.  I just watched an episode about a young guy who was lonely and started a friendship with a young girl, younger than he thought.  She convinces him that they need to kill her parents to be together.


    He attempts to kill her dad, stabs him and learns in the middle of all this that she was lying. He administers first aid and Mom calls 911.  The guy lives.  Young man gets 8 years but nothing happens to his girlfriend.  I think she got some counseling. I just saw her as a sociopath and someone likely to hurt or kill again.

    • Love 5
  19. How do you feel about the actual original L&O? With Michael Moriarity, George Dzundza, Chris Noth? Jack McCoy is a replacement character.

    They were my favs. Loved Logan-so cute. Dzundza was only on the first season I think.  I really liked Moriarity, he 's a good actor and his character was a good but flawed guy.  Have you ever seen Bang The Drum Slowly.  A baseball movie he was very good in.  


    In the early seasons they did well with replacements, but for me there was just too much change and the"ripped from the headline stories " got very old.

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