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Auntie Anxiety

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Everything posted by Auntie Anxiety

  1. What happens if you don't have perfectly straight hair and you try to use that CreaClip? I thought her bangs looked like crap.
  2. In MK's defense, I watched a show the other night called Trailblazers on Animal Planet and one of the expedition guides (a former SEAL or Special Forces, was a guide for many years, incredibly competent with tons of experience) cut that same thumb tendon and had to be removed from the expedition for medical reasons. He had never, ever had an accident before. The "junior" guide was left to lead the rest of the group (2 or 3 people, I can't remember) through the jungle so they (the academics who paid for it all) could get whatever samples they were after. Just a long way to say it can happen to the best of them.
  3. Jose doesn't need to scavenge Mary Kate's keurig machine. He's just going to carve one. Larry is comedy gold. Anyone else think we were going to see Randy fall asleep and tragically (hehe) lose his fire after hours of work?
  4. It seemed like she was waiting for Philip/Clark/Misha to say something about how being with her really wasn't all lies, that he did have feelings for her, that he was sorry for using her, that he'll always remember her.....and he was sincerely sorry about it all. Seems that their spy training never included learning how to deal with their emotions, thus Philip's need to be an EST-ian. I'm old enough to remember that EST was the original psychobabble from which the self-help industry sprung (how did anyone manage to live a fulfilling life before learning that you are supposed to "find" yourself?). Elizabeth was right about it being a for-profit scam. On a shallow note, Margo Martindale's eyes looked very "refreshed."
  5. Mike should have brought a tennis raquet as one of his 10 things. Think of all the uses: swatting bugs, fishing, using the very strong strings for building or securing other items, playing tennis.....
  6. I kept getting distracted by her eye makeup as well and finally decided that she must have had eyelash extensions (I know, right?) which I recently learned about on The People's Couch and might have had her lashes and brows dyed before embarking for the Seminole Forest Maybe Tawny wasn't much of a survivalist, but she stuck it out which is far more than I could have done (if I were delusional enough to even consider being on the show).
  7. If I remember correctly, Larry did a lot of survival training in his BACK YARD! Apparently, no one ever told him that Vancouver Island isn't exactly surburbia.
  8. One saving grace was that Julio at least told them he was having sinister thoughts instead of acting on them without warning. Not sure what his psych problems were, but not eating for five days could probably make someone hallucinate and make your brain unable to function. Maybe it just exacerbates issues you already have but you lose impulse control and self- restraint? Now he can go home and play with his tarantulas while every person who ever ends up googling him, including future employers, will know about his "difficulties." Would you want that guy around the office?
  9. That was some scary shit right there. I'd be afraid to fall asleep and I'm not talking about the bears. I'm talking about your partner! Holy crap. Tawny, you are a rock star. You are definitely a survivor; actually, you were one even before you did Naked and Afraid. Your daughter is a lucky kid to have such a strong mom.
  10. At the end of it Bright Wheel, it looks like Mark was hanging around at the presenter's location waiting for a handshake from Cowboy Chris. Mark got snubbed and it was pretty humiliating. Unlike many folks here, I like Mark Cuban and think that he has a lot of good business points when he is speaking to the presenters/inventors. Sacco seems to take himself much too seriously and for that reason, I'm out.
  11. The umbrella duo didn't explain how the boxes get refilled or monitored (aside from the obvious computer link) or simply serviced. So you have to hire someone to fix a damaged box, refill it if it is empty, do something in case the umbrella gets jammed, thus more money being spent to take care of these machines. When I saw the box initially, my first thought was that it would be vandalized within an hour or two of appearing.
  12. Why stop at preschool? Let's get every teacher in every school at every grade to have this app so the parent(s) can feel like they are going to school WITH their child(ren)? Yes, I'm prehistoric! I actually thought my job as a parent was to raise my kids to be independent. I didn't want to be their best friend. I didn't want to know about every second of their lives because it just isn't healthy emotionally. My advice to my now grown kids wrt parenting is that when your child wants to talk to you, you shut off the tv, you put down your phone and you actually listen. Drastic, huh? If you ask your child what happened in school today and the kid replies, "Nothing" or "I don't know," perhaps it's time to figure out how to ask your progeny a question that will elicit an actual response and learn how to ask a follow-up question. Welp, maybe that takes too much time and effort for the modern parent who is too involved in his/her own life and every second away from a device is a second "wasted." Guess this app is targeting the same group of parents who want to weigh their baby pre- and post- diaper change, to make sure the baby made a big enough dump because no one has been able to raise kids correctly before this scale came into being. It's called common sense.
  13. I am not a fan of the hovering parent app for numerous reasons, the biggest one being that parents need to learn about boundaries and stop obsessively helicoptering their kids. Also I am not quite comfortable with my hypothetical kid's picture on so many other phones and computers without having complete control over it. The fashion blogger's dress was sort of awful, wasn't it? Is mustard/baby poop yellow a new trend that I am unaware of? And I was so distracted by the bow in front that unevenly covered her chest. I think the idea is a good one but too easily replicated by bigger and better websites. Daymond cracked me up with his comments and gestures when Mark and Cowboy Chris were at each other's throats.
  14. I was sort of shocked that the judges found anything nice to say about Sam's one hour look, because I thought it looked like a rag. The jacket was ridiculous, ill-fitting and every seam looked unfinished. The romper(?) thing underneath was hideous and poorly (meaning "not") hemmed, the shorts were uneven and I thought the entire exercise showed just how crappy Sam's design aesthetic was. I didn't get Dom's outfit. That two step hem added no value whatsoever.
  15. I think Mike is the AF survival teacher. He is also the one who lived in an orphanage and seems to have had a lot of emotional upheaval in his life. Randy is the "survivalist" who lost his ferro rod, doesn't know how to fish and looks like he is doomed to fail.
  16. Last night's episode made me tear up again and again. I'm at the same stage of life as Heimo and Edna and Bob, thinking about my grown children, what my legacy to them will be, how decisions I made in the past have changed the trajectory of my life....all those existential thoughts that can sometimes haunt you if you let them linger too long. This season seems to be all about family. And dogs :-)
  17. I thought the story about the mysterious female agent at the Rez getting a pilot at the last minute was nothing but b.s.; figured they'd simply put Martha out of her misery before even getting to the airport. After all, she "saw" Philip and she'd always be a wild card. To me, it seems like Paige is dying a slow death, what with knowing her parents' secret and having to cover up for them. It's a tough place for a 15 yo to be.
  18. Matt really did bring it. His girlfriend should be thrilled to have such an upbeat, supportive, patient guy. Great advertisement for his survival classes. Lindsay? I have to give her credit for going naked when she probably still has a ton of body issues. And I had hair envy. Her hair looked clean and shiny the entire time. How did she do that? Maybe when you sit around and do nothing, you don't get dirty and you don't sweat.
  19. Yeah, I was glad Barbara gave those kids an offer, for no other reason than it would make them look good to their fellow students and it would make them look great on their college applications.
  20. I agree, but sometimes you have to make your own luck. I think he became so focused and spooked by the bears in the neighborhood that he couldn't even formulate a Plan B. In some situations, you really need to have a short memory. His fear paralyzed him.
  21. Would have taken a magic trick to make anyone invest in that magic show. Only thing missing was a mime act. They wanted to be the next Seigfried and Roy? Yeah, that turned out well......
  22. At Desmond's bon voyage party, he told a few male relatives that if he encounters a bear, it's the bear who will have the problem and need help getting away from Desmond. Right then and there I knew he was in trouble. People who are trained in survival (not that I actually know any but what I gather from watching them on television) never trivialize creatures or situations that they may face. Most of the bona fide survivalists have great respect for predators and also know that losing your head dooms you to failure. Desmond kept seeing bogeymen (bears) around every corner. Did it not occur to him to find a place to camp where there wasn't an obvious bear highway? It was like he simply gave up. I got slightly pissed about it because he took someone else's spot in the competition, someone who might have had a fighting chance to succeed or at least stay a little longer! Tracy's experience on the Appalachian Trail served her well; she's probably had a ton of experience with noisy nighttime forest creatures and she took it in stride. Mary Kate might have been filmed leaving from her mother's house, since her mom was going to take care of the kids while Mary Kate was away. Don't know how she was able to leave those adorable daughters. My prediction is that the military sniper guy will have some problems; he might have a good military skill set but I don't think he has the ability to be zen with the forest and wildlife. I was shocked that he would leave during divorce proceedings. Who does that?
  23. I already love Tracy, especially since I am a single woman of similar age and girth who adores her dog. She actually reminds me of Sue (Life Below Zero) with her measured speech and her ability to get things done as opposed to sitting around and feeling sorry for herself. I did think that she might be trans because her voice is low and those penciled-in eyebrows looked like she was trying too hard, but it hardly matters. I hope she goes far in this. Her backstory sounds like it is interesting (what we know of it); seems like she witnessed a lot of horror in the military and law enforcement. You can never "un-see" some stuff and it haunts you forever. A season or two ago, there was a young woman on Naked and Afraid who had PTSD from her career in law enforcement. I might be making this up, but I vaguely remember that she was with a child pornography/pedophile unit. She had a lot of issues that she needed to "set right." How did I miss Season 1? This is the kind of reality show that I absolutely adore!
  24. Thanks for this, MissT. It seemed so much worse since last season, or maybe there are more close-ups of the Lewis daughters. Looks like I missed the first episode; can l catch it On Demand? The thing I really enjoy about this show is that there seems to be less fakery. I am also finding it very bittersweet, knowing that this is all going to come to an end upon the passing of the youngest child. Bob broke my heart. I am a three time cancer survivor and I know just how difficult it can be to always have that threat lurking over you. And I live only an hour away from a couple of the best hospitals in the country! Treatment leaves you fatigued and the anxiety seeps your emotional energy. The fact that he has the strength to carry on is a real testament to his love of the wilderness. I'm glad that he'll have some time with his daughter and his dog. Grab the gusto, Bob.
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