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Everything posted by Frost

  1. I guess I'm going to have to get Peacock so I can finally see all the episodes in order 😁
  2. The actor playing Billy has grown up too much to be the "kid so dumb it's funny" storyline. I was always a little uncomfortable with it, but that scene buying school supplies was cringe worthy. George and the Pastor driving off on the motorcycle was the highlight of the episode.
  3. I was very disappointed. I loved Mayim on The Big Bang Theory. I can see her wanting to play a completely different kind of character, but the slapstick in this show is not funny or cute or endearing, just kind of cringeworthy. And I am not a fan of speaking to the audience. I find it disruptive. How many facelifts have been done to Swoozie Kurtz? I had to avert my eyes every time her face was on screen. The dig at "What Not to Wear" surprised me. That was what, six, seven years ago? One, no one forced her to go on the show and two, even if she regretted it, that's a long time to hold a grudge!
  4. I hadn't seen the episode where they installed the lift. I was sad they sacrificed all the turret rooms. I wish they could have found some boring part of the chateau to install a more standard elevator rather than Angel's Tower of Curiosities, but that's probably why I don't star in my own TV show! I would not like to ride in that lift. Too claustrophobic. I was amazed that Angel, Dorothy, and Dick's mother all rode up at one time. Poor Dick, having to run miles of telephone wire for an elevator phone he didn't want in the first place! Good for the French government though, for making an emergency line mandatory. 😁 I'd sure hate to be stuck between floors in that small tube! Every episode, I am more and more astonished at Dick's good nature. After all that back breaking work, he finds out his shaft is 2 inches short for he has to knock out the ceiling to the attic? Oh well! The doorway of the two foot thick wall is not wide enough for the lift parts so he has to carefully remove enough stones to widen it without bringing the house down around him? Oh well, might as well get to work! I'm just in awe of Dick.
  5. I liked Juliana so I'm fine with her winning, but I wasn't impressed with any of the final cakes last night. They all had major issues. When Duff said he could find a reason for any one of them to win, I said (out loud), "You could just as easily find a reason for any one of them to lose!" I liked that Lorenzo really embraced the Christmas Past theme, but making a plain gingerbread cake was a poor decision. Duff was right that he should have added fruits and/or nuts to it. That would have been traditional and elevated his cake. I think he could have won it all. Meghan was my favorite (even though I hate hate hate her catepillar eyelashes) and I was so disappointed with her mirror glaze and sloppy ornaments! I was impressed that she was able to leave behind all her instincts for elaborate decorations and come up with a clean design, but her execution was so bad. Juliana apparently made a delicious cake. I'm not sure why Duff was impressed with her buttercream skills. I didn't think her piping skills were anything special, even for a home baker. This was kind of a blah season. I was not a fan of the Naughty or Nice board and I didn't think any of the bakers were stand outs that I'll remember after the season is over. It was entertaining enough and what more can one ask of 2020? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
  6. Calling the mother of your children a "baby maker" is repulsive.
  7. I'm not a coffee drinker, but I think raspberry can actually go with a mocha flavor. Along with the 'everyone did a sugar cookie' lament, the judges could have just been sick of orange! There does seem to be a lot of overlapping flavors week after week, even though the primary ingredient is different for each baker. Eva is my least favorite left so far, so I was sad to see LaShonda go, but Lorenzo and Meghan are my top two so overall I'm still invested in the outcome. 😊 Four bakers seems a lot for the finale though. Didn't they used to just have three? I liked that the twist was to add a holly themed item. I absolutely hate adding some random flavor like rosemary to a cake that's half prepared already. Make the bakers make a brand new item for every twist. That challenges their creativity and their time management skills without screwing up a carefully crafted flavor profile. It certainly exposes people who just can't be bothered to do anything more than slap a simple sugar cookie together.
  8. The butterflies, birds, giraffe, wolf, etc are all fake. Angel uses real flowers and greenery in most of her decorating but all the the animals she orders are fake. I think she's bought one or two antique taxidermy birds at a flea market, but I may be wrong about that.
  9. Can someone explain to me why a random person would want to wear a beige T-shirt proclaiming "Kim is my lawyer"?
  10. I saw a picture of one of the kids holding a sign saying "My lawyer's name is Kim" or something like that. Did she pass the baby bar? And 🤮 on someone seriously consulting her on prison reform.
  11. Why are there new Expedition X episodes and no new Expedition Unknown episodes? I enjoy Josh Gates Tonight, but I'm missing the real show! I assume international travel is still a problem but aren't there any US based things Josh could investigate safely? I know I'm being selfish, with Covid still rampaging all over the place. 😢 I'll slink away now...
  12. I don't understand about this airing on "CBS All Access". Does that mean it's not actually going to be shown on the CBS channel? There's a cable channel I have to subscribe to?
  13. I'm ticked off. How many episodes did HGTV condense into this one episode? Did they think they needed to "dumb it down" for the American audience and take out all the interesting stuff about the plumbing and heating? I don't think Angel got to the wallpaper in the tower until the 3rd or 4th episode. At this rate, they're going to get to the wedding by the end of 2 shows, instead of the end of an entire season! I really loved learning about all the challenges Dick had to overcome to make the chateau livable and I can't believe HGTV thinks that their viewers wouldn't watch it.
  14. Nick at Nite has started showing episodes from the first season and I can't believe how young the kids look! Montana especially looks like a baby! (sigh) They grow up so fast...😊
  15. My local PBS affiliate was always very sporadic with when and in what order they aired the episodes so I've never seen the transformation from beginning to end. Angel would drive me absolutely batty if I had to deal with her on a regular basis 😄 but she's entertaining to watch on TV and I adore Dick's personality.
  16. I've seen this series on PBS periodically over the past several years, but it's now coming to HGTV! First episode is showing on Saturday, December 5th at 7pm central / 8pm eastern.
  17. I love Juliana and was not a Kess fan, so I was happy. And Meghan needs to take a weed whacker to her fake eyelashes! Have they always been that long? Duff said Jon's carrot cake was just as good as LaShonda's so I guess the decorating was the deciding factor for their pair. I'm not blown away by any of the bakers this season. There's no-one like Joshua (from several seasons ago) who was an obvious stand out from the beginning.
  18. This reminds me of a fan fic series that I love, in which Dean ends up a forensic anthropologist, like Bones. He gets to dig up bones in broad daylight! And get paid to do it! There must be enough hunters because he and Sam aren't exactly out of the life, but it isn't their focus. Way too much world building for the series though. It would have needed the entire 15th season to pull something like it off. Since they putzed around the first 19 episodes and only left one to wrap it up, I'm OK with Dean going out on a job while he and Sam were still in good health. Dean could finally let go and not worry about Sam any longer.
  19. That's officially Jessica Rabbit territory. Forget a bra. She needs some kind of shelving unit to keep those suckers up there!
  20. Like the song says, "there will be peace when you are done." I think Dean earned the peace and calm he got to enjoy in Heaven.
  21. I liked it. The vampire thing was a bit lame, but without dedicating an entire episode to it, there wasn't really a way to make it truly scary. I'm fine with Dean going out fighting. That's what he wanted. Jensen got a nice death scene out of it. And Dean got his dog at the end! And I'm fine with Sam ultimately having his apple pie life and living to a ripe old age. So it looks like Jack took the angels and demons out of the equation but left plain old monsters on earth? Seems a bit odd, but OK. Nothing in this episode made me angry or disgusted or retroactively ruined the series for me, so that's a series finale for the win!
  22. Kess is annoying me more each week. Combining lemon and peppermint, which she had never done before, and apparently not even tasting it herself to see if it was any good? She seemed to take it for granted that if she did it, it would be wonderful and was surprised when the judges didn't like the flavors. I was glad to see the Atlanta guy go home, although I'm sorry it had to be on something as horrifying as a chess pie. Seriously, that sounds gross. The "Santa from Atlanta" schtick - which I know was producer driven - was wearing on my last nerve.
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