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Everything posted by Amelie06

  1. I know I should have been sympathetic to Damon's dilemma, but all I could think of is how old he actually is. He has lived a good 80 years longer than most people could ever possibly hope to live. He wasn't going to die instantly, he was going to get at least another 50-60 years unless there was some intervening event. Boo-fucking-hoo. How is dead-Elena Damon any different from single Damon. Didn't he spend a lot of time drinking alone? Looking like a sad bastard? Kai is such a dick. He really enjoyed messing up the wedding. Those fools should have known. Just go to the courthouse! They were basically asking for trouble.
  2. I'm disgusted by what happened to Nadia. Disgusted. The show should not have gone there. I know this kind of shit happens in real life, but this show is so unrealistic I don't know why they had to go for realism now. And real talk? When is the last time you've heard of a suspect kidnapping a member of the team investigating them? This happens in damn near every thriller but rarely if ever happens in real life. I just think that the writers took a certain pleasure in making her death as gruesome as possible and making sure we all knew how torturous it truly was. If we were going for realism, why didn't Nadia, a girl who until very recently had been on the street, do more than just try to reason with the murderer? She knew that he was a serial rapist/murderer! I kept waiting for her to turn into Nadia from the block and to fight dirty to get away from him. What stopped her from sitting up in the backseat of that car? If she could kick, why couldn't she sit up? Kick at one of the windows? I call bullshit on that, the writers were clearly hell-bent on raping Nadia to death but also wanted that gas station scene where our killer taunts her about how she almost got saved. Here is what I think must have happened in the writer's room... Writer 1: So what are we going to do for our latest crossover? Writer 2: Well if SVU is involved, we gotta have a creepy rape angle. Writer 3: True. Hmmm. But we already did one with a creepy child rape angle. We can't do that again. Writer 2: What if we had one of our female characters get raped and murdered? That would be different. Writer 1: That would be so edgy! But who to rape and murder? Writer 2: Not Lindsay. She's so pretty. But it should be someone she cares about. So then we can write even more Lindsay scenes. In fact, we'll even find a way to make our victims rape and murder all about Lindsay. Writer 3: Ok, so we're agreed. The best person to rape and murder is Nadia. Writer 2: We should make sure to be super graphic about the pain, terror, and torture that Nadia goes through before she had the privilege to die. You know, just in case the viewers don't think rape and murder is vile. I never really liked this show to begin with. I think I'm done. I stopped watching SVU ten years ago because it was too damn creepy. Surely, not all grandmothers can be sexing their grandsons!
  3. Yes! This show's weird approach to consent when it comes to men is disturbing. I don't understand why. That Graham thing bothered me so much in the first season. It still does. It made me lose respect for the writers of the show and feel less invested overall. This baby plot is so gross. Robin seemed shocked, but I find it super weird that he instantly is like "Eh, this hot ginger witch tricked me into banging her for weeks and murdered my actual wife, but she says she's pregnant so..." The writers are also repeating themselves. Anyone remember when David thought he knocked up his fake wife in season 1? Why are we repeating this again, only this time with a real pregnancy? This Lily story is random. Other people have already enumerated all the things that clearly don't make sense, so I won't go into it. I just hope that they don't involve Hook in her nonsense. I don't have time for some bs story of Lily trying to steal Hook away just to hurt Emma. Also, how can Lily possibly blame anyone for her decision to rob someone? I get that she may have a predilection for darkness, but she still has to make the choice to repeatedly rob and steal from people. And approaching a school bus and taking one of the kids? Super creepy. That little girl needs long talk with her parents about stranger danger. Just because you've seen someone in a diner, doesn't mean you should go off with them, little girl! I don't care about Gold and Belle. The way she is styled is odd. She seems kind of retro with her hair and makeup, but then tends to wear inappropriately short skirts with tights. All the time!
  4. I can't believe they did it. Cristina was lucky to escape. I would have appreciated Derek's accident not being so dumb. Tell me again why a grown ass adult thought it was important to block traffic and hunt for his phone? Pull over! I also can't understand why we had to see so much of the other hospital staff. I don't care about the ginger lady doc's issues. I just don't. I thought the fake out with a healthy Derek was cheap as hell. This fucking show. Let's see how our originals have fared since the first season... 1. George - dead 2. Izzy - cancer --> lethally annoying 3. Meredith - dead husband; ferry accident; mass shooting induced miscarriage; plane crash! 4, Bailey - several mental breakdowns that should have cost her the job 5. Richard - electrocuted; dead wife 6. Derrick - shot; plane crash; killed in inappropriate parking incident 7. Cristina - stabbed with an icicle; plane crash; mental breakdown 8. Alex - shot; addicted to crazy chicks
  5. I can't decide if Jessica and Ryan are an episode of Snapped or a Lifetime movie waiting to happen. Ryan is such a dick. He is too immature and mean to be with anyone right now. He is one of those people who always arrange things in their minds so that they are the victims/heroes and are never wrong. That being said, Jessica's quiet resentment isn't helping anyone. She seems to be developing a true dislike for her husband. Davina is annoying. She is very needy. I will say that I can't entirely fault her for insisting on staying in Manhattan. Apparently all she wanted was a white guy who could live in Manhattan. There must be a ton of guys that fit that description. How did the "experts" find the one guy who would basically have a panic attack about Manhattan? I thought Sean was acting like a whiny bitch. He was acting like he was being forced to move to the Sudan. Last time I checked New Jeresey wasn't exactly Valhalla, so all his "in New Jersey" musings were just lame. Sean has the demeanor of an un-apprehended serial killer, with his genial face to the world hiding a lot of intensity and darkness. I bet if you looked straight in his eyes you would still see a disguise. I got other Ryan's reluctance to leaving home. His mother is elderly and has been through a lot. He is now leaving her to do most of the work in bringing up his niece. That would cause anyone with a heart to feel conflicted. Not everyone can/wants to leave their family as soon as they hit adulthood. I don't think he should be made fun of or judged because of that. Jaclyn sounds like a woman desperately trying to talk herself into loving her husband. Maybe she actually feels the way she claims. I'm not convinced. She may just be getting caught up in the experiment.
  6. Coulson is in love with Skye. That is the only thing that explains his behavior. He all but crumpled on the ground shouting, "Skyyyeee!!!!" at the end. Also, screw Skye and her whiney girl disappearing act. Fitz is my heart on this show. I love him so much! The Inhumans seem like a bunch of a-holes. What a demanding bunch of divas. Their compound seems like a super bitchy high school.
  7. This show may finally be losing my business. It is just kind of dull. There hasn't been anything specifically wrong with this season, I've just been getting increasingly bored. This New Shield story has been a real disappointment. If everyone agrees that everyone is not evil, then why are they still fighting? Does Coulson really believe that becoming the head of some super secret spy organization should be handled by the former leader just giving you the "nod"? I'm not on Coulson's side. But Gonzalez is clearly meant to follow orders. I know that he is some kind of racist, but from the available evidence, I kind of get where he is coming from. I get that everyone on the show loves Skye's dumbass, but look at the powered people who went on a rampage just a few episodes ago! If Gonzalez has never inexplicably fallen in love with Skye, how is he to believe that someone who can create insta-earthquakes isn't a danger? Look at how many people were killed by the earthquake in Haiti. Skye's power is truly terrifying and she could inadvertently kill thousands of people. Bobbi and Mack moping around like someone forgot to feed their goldfish was annoying. Bobbi was the one talking the most shit about Coulson's Shield.
  8. I'm so happy that Lennie James is back. I love Lennie James. I love that he just pops up in things in the UK and the US. You just turn on a show and all the sudden Lennie James shows up and he is fabulous. Morgan better stick around for more than one episode this time. If the black man exchange program is still in place, this must mean that Gabriel is going to die. That's how it works, right? I'm annoyed at Glen's niceness. It does show a level of decency and conscience, but this is the zombie apocalypse and ain't nobody got time for that! Did he learn nothing from the Terminus debacle? (Rick: We gotta go and kill all those bastards that just tried to eat us! Glen et al: NO! We've had enough. Let's run and hope for the best.) How the hell did that work out? They no longer live in a world where you can let a mortal enemy go. The Wolves are a bunch of dicks. How does any of this get fun? Don't they know that they'll eventually run out of people? Then what will they do? Are they personally trying to make sure the human race ends? I liked Rick and Michonne's heart to heart. It's good that he knows Michonne will always be in his corner. Even if he is wrong, she'll be there to back him up. Carol was a total jerk this episode. She was a terrible friend to Rick. He was very vulnerable and needed her to be legit and not keep pressing her own agenda. She failed. It was interesting to see how different the conversation was between Michonne and Carl.
  9. This is some truth! That was such a good scene. Can we officially put to bed the argument about whether or not Wells is a bad person? He is. He absolutely feels paternal towards Cisco and will try to cheer him up an impart important life lessons. He will also plunge his hand into the boy's heart and kill him with no hesitation. Iris irked me in this episode. I can't deal with people who lie to themselves. If you can't know your own mind, what do you know? She has had ample time to consider Barry's love declaration. She needs to figure her shit out. I hated her telling Joe that Barry was "too late." What the hell is that supposed to mean? If she felt a certain way about him, why the hell didn't she say something? She's holding Barry to a standard she didn't live up to. Lame. Is this some antiquated nonsense that the man has to make the first move? I think I missed how Wells found out about the journalist's info on him. I think Iris will take over for that guy. He told her two or three episodes ago that he was suspicious of Wells. He already has her thinking about it. I did not like Eddie hitting Barry. Real talk? Eddie can cut the shit about he and Barry being friends. Barry knew him for a few hours before being struck by lightening and landing in a coma. When Barry woke up, Eddie was Iris's boyfriend. Those two don't spend time together unless it is at work. Otherwise, they are doing something with Iris. They aren't very close friends. Eddie was acting like Dawson when he found out about Pacey banging Joey. Not earned, Eddie. Not earned! Captain Cold is boring. Why did they bother to bring in Linda if she was just going to be a extremely short-term love interest?
  10. Amelie06

    S05.E15: Try

    Wow, Rick went the full Mr. Kurtz in this episode. Rick, see about yourself! He embarrassed his crew with that nonsense. I thought that if he tried to take over, he would be a little smoother. Instead, he just got into a street fight and then ranted like a crazy thing. Shane would be so angry! Have a damn plan, Rick. It doesn't even have to be a good plan. But running your mouth all over town and then getting a kicking out of drunk doctor is not evidence of any kind of planning. I found Deanna to be a cynical dummy. She doesn't care about abuse happening right under her nose because it's inconvenient. And how could she entertain that fool Nicholas? This is the second run in a few weeks where people have died. He's the only one who was there for both! Glenn should have left him. Nicholas is obviously going to start some shit in the next episode. Also, shut Deanna. Maybe if you hadn't raised your son to be a cocky, spoiled, asshole he wouldn't be dead. Doesn't she seem like the type who probably helped Aidan out of several scrapes, quick to never admit her baby did something wrong? He probably got caught cheating on a test or accused of drugging a girl at a frat party and she fixed it so he faced no consequences. I loved Michonne knocking Rick the fuck out. Everyone else seemed too shocked and horrified to approach him. I feel for Sasha, but I also want to punch her.
  11. I'm disappointed that Noah was killed, but such is life in the ZA. I keep going back to that chick who decided to blow herself up in the CDC. That chick was right. All of this struggle and sacrifice to survive, only to have your mouth torn apart by zombies. It's not for me. I really like the actor who plays Noah and I'd watch him on another show. Noah was just starting to gel with the rest of the crew. Glenn's reaction to everything was great. Noah really showed why he was a good member of the team versus Nicholas and Aiden. There actually may have been hope for Aiden, but Nicholas will obviously not be joining them. I understand that with a show like this, people are going to die. I just think the show could have handled his death a better way. Perhaps not so graphic. It kind of seemed indecent and disrespectful to give him such a terrible death and to film it so extensively. He actually would have been better off without Beth's intervention. I think there may be some kind of Highlander shit going on with the black guys on this show. There can be only one! I just don't even know what to say about Rick's continued whatever with Jessie. I don't care and the fact that she seems to think she's on a different show than everyone else is annoying. She seems like she's in a Grey's Anatomy type of show. Some middle-class problems, type of show. I knew as soon as I read that the show was importing a blonde for Rick to have a love story with, that things could get annoying. What I didn't count on was for the story to be boring. Deanna is clearly going to turn on the Grimes Gang. I just want a scene next week where FPP walks into his "church" to find every member of the crew sitting there and recklessly eyeballing that cowardly mofo.
  12. I agree. I was bored with this storyline. She is just so boring! Why was she in the mix so much? Every time you turned around, she was hanging out with the family. I must have missed the explanation as to why she was American. This show was hilariously bad. I had trouble following it because the editing was such a joke. For the first 20 minutes I was convinced that they were jumping around in time because Liam's hair kept changing. Sometimes it would be short with his face clean shaven. Other times it would be long and he would have a useless scruffy blond almost beard. There were obviously re-shoots, but they did a shit job at integrating the new scenes. I mean Liam would have long hair standing outside the room and then short hair when he entered. Did anyone actually watch this before putting it on the air? I'm not a cop, but if the princess was drugged, doesn't that mean the security guy raped her? That is a weird way for them to start the show with her character. Especially since it seems like they aren't going to acknowledge the true nature of what he did. I'm already over the Uncle. I think his two funny-looking and vapid daughters are a pretty spiteful portrayal of Princess Eugenie and her sister. The King seems sincere but naive. Incredibly naive. He needs to only look at the Hilton's to know that the problems plaguing his family won't end just because he abolishes the monarchy.
  13. I have to agree with this. I didn't really see some kind of love connection between Rick and Michonne (though I wouldn't be upset if it happened), but I kind of thought that he would go for another badass warrior type. Jessie seems nice, but ridiculously clueless. While everyone else has been living through the Zombie Apocalypse, she's been living through the video for "Love is a Battlefield." Did anyone else notice that Jessie kind of cringed away from her husband at the end? They are both walking away from Rick and the husband puts his hand on her lower back and it looked like Jessie kind of tried to avoid the contact. It seemed to me like that was the reason why Rick reached for his gun. He seems to be suspicious of their relationship. Aaron seemed to be doing to Darryl that thing people do with animals where you let them smell your hand first so that they can get used to you and won't attack. It worked. I actually loved all of their scenes together. Aaron acquitted himself nicely in the attack scene. I thought it was interesting how well they worked together and decided, without a big discussion, that they were going to save this horse. I kind of thought Aaron was assuming Darryl was gay when he was talking about being an outsider, like Darryl. Later I realized that he was probably just likening his situation to Darryl's. I kind of thought it was a dick move for Sasha to shoot up the pictures of that happy family. Those pictures are probably the only proof that these people ever existed and she shot it up just to ring a bell for walkers. Not cool. But it looks like she has a cute new love interest. I liked him and maybe Sasha being a hyper vigilant crazy person will actually have a good effect on him. I think he was Deanna's older son who was the only person in this entire little development to think that someone should be in a watch tower at least part of the time. I don't know what to say about Carol. She's crossed a major line. I know her back was against the wall, but I don't see Rick or Darryl doing that to a child. If Rick and Sasha get love interests, why can't Michonne? Michonne is hot as hell. Don't tell me that no one would want to get with her. There probably isn't a world catastrophe that would be so bad that one person wouldn't be like, "Damn!" about Michonne. I liked the very quick scene of Noah getting officially brought into the fold. He may not have felt like he was really part of the group until that moment. I liked that Glenn seemed to be telling Noah to stay because he, Glenn, needed people he was comfortable with around him at the party.
  14. I'd forgotten how good-looking Andrew Lincoln is under that hobo beard. I love Carol. She's basically a sleeper agent at this point. I hope that for the next few weeks we see her quietly making "friends" and collecting information. When shit inevitably gets real, Badass Carol will claw her way out of Cardigan Carol and it will be on. There is just no way that Carl can be one of "the video game playing - I hope I don't get in trouble with my Dad" type of kids. Eventually, Carl and that creepy girl will live on the ashes of the old world these people are holding on to. I loved Glenn in his confrontation with Aiden. He was trying so hard to hold himself back. It was nice to see Glenn so self-possessed. He knew he could murder this man and he held back, until the idiot took a swing. But even then, Glenn just knocked Aiden on his ass, making it clear that he didn't even consider it a fight. Loved it. I also loved how all the crew came out and were ready to throw down, without even knowing what was going on.
  15. Emphasis mine. Is this what people have been calling them, or did you just come up with that? Either way, I love it! This is the perfect name for that crew. As a hardcore Doctor Who fan, I'm already telling myself not to worry about this time travel nonsense. It will be crazy and stupid as almost all time travel stories are. I'm going to try to embrace it. I agree that Barry seems way too eager to do something so dangerous. Why does he assume that his knowledge now is somehow different than the knowledge of the Future!Barry in the past? I'll be looking for someone to point out to him that he is just making shit up and will most likely fail at saving his mother. I'm really hoping for something a little more interesting than evil Wells kills Barry's Mom to make him sad and then Adult Barry ineptly tries and fails to save his mom. It's a bit dull, considering we've worked out all of that at this point. I don't even get why there is a perception that Nora Allen had to die just to make Barry become the Flash. Do we really think Barry would have grown up as some fratboy douche who wouldn't use his Flashness (Flashiness?) for good?
  16. This is not accurate. Barry and Joe asked her to stop because it was dangerous to Iris. The Flash asked her to stop because he didn't want the exposure. The fact that he continued to see her is irrelevant considering we know it was Barry, crazy in love with Iris that kept coming around. It is still a valid argument that Iris's interest in the public's right to know may outweigh any other concerns, just like with her blog. All this being said, I agree with this... The real issue I have with this story is that it shouldn't be a plot at all. It makes no sense for everyone to basically have a "No Iris's Allowed" club. This is especially true since she has been taken hostage or threatened multiple times. There is no way that this story should have gone on for this long. I will be ok with Iris if she goes about her investigation through legit means. (And if she doesn't, inadvertently or otherwise, block Barry and Linda.) I didn't know what to think about the scene of Ronnie telling Caitlin that they were going to move. He wasn't a dick or anything, it just instantly made me think of a man insisting a woman give up her career for him. Caitlin had just told him all these stories about the great things she was doing that obviously meant something to her and he responds with, "That's great. Now pack your shit. I'm tired of weirdness." I understand why he felt that way, so it didn't make me dislike the character. But I was side-eyeing him in that scene.
  17. I understand and respect the role of investigative journalism. But I can't think of any investigative journalist that garnered their information by spying on family and friends. My problem is not that she is a journalist, it is that she showed up at Jitters to casually ask questions to further her investigation. Is this what journalist do? Hide the fact that they are even acting as journalist to trade on personal relationships to get info? That's effed up if true. I can see tabloid journalist doing crap like that, but I can't imagine the crew at 60 minutes pulling that kind of stunt. Also, I think the 'investigative journalist' defense ignores Iris's very recent history with the Flash. She was repeatedly asked to stop blogging about him and she refused. She kept trying to get more info so that she could make it public. This is despite the fact that the man himself specifically asked her more than once to stop. Based on that single-minded pursuit of the story, I don't have a lot of faith that she could uncover even a little of the shit Star Labs is up to and not write about it. Not to mention the fact that she is working with a more experienced reporter who doesn't know or care about any of those people they are investigating. You don't exploit friendship to write a in-depth investigative article. Maybe she will be straight with everyone in the next episode and say "I'm going to find out what is going on in this lab, whether you are going to help me or not!" I have two theories on Barry's old house. 1. Joe has been sexing up the horny owner so that she would give him unfettered access to the house. 2. Joe and Barry killed or tied up the owner of the house so that they could have unfettered access. (I admit that neither seems likely. It's probably just a plot convenience that we are just going to have to let go.)
  18. I appreciate that Iris is finding her niche, but there is something dirty about secretly investigating your friends. Does she think anything about the military running some kind of intense op in fucking Jitters? Does she think that her meddling into uncovering Ronnie may result in him being taken by the government? I want proof that Iris has some critical thinking skills and can go beyond just figuring out what she wants in the moment. Did Ronnie and Kaitlyn make time for "back from the dead" sex? I really think they should have set aside some time for that. I like Ronnie. I won't be mad when he inevitably comes back. What I really like about Ronnie is that he keeps Kaitlyn occupied, stalling any anvils of possible future love between Barry and Kaitlyn. I'm happy that Wells took care of that army guy. It looked for a second that Ronnie was going to barbeque that bastard, only to be murder blocked by Barry. Why were they pretending that lighting that ass on fire was a bad thing? They know for a fact that he was hunting Ronnie and the Professor so he could shoot them in the head! I'm not particularly blood thirsty, but I would kill someone who was trying to kill me.
  19. I don't love that Sidney is the "hit it and quit it" type. I get why he would be disappointed in himself for having sex with Gloria, but I think that the way he treated her was awful. He all but called her a vile temptress as he was running out of the room. Not cool. I would prefer him to be upset about the hook-up, but without being so rude/cold. I did, however, love seeing our hero hook-up with a black woman. I'm black and I rarely get to see black women as love interests on Brit tv shows. I just need the next one to be treated with a little more respect. I also must have missed when Sidney and Hildegarde found wuv twu wuv. It just seemed like they were hanging out with no real commitment or understanding. For the most part, their relationship seems to be based on Hildegarde randomly showing up at his house. I would get Sidney's Hildegarde-related sadness more if he wasn't obviously and actively in love with Amanda. That being said, it was totally effed up when he lied to her. He is making things way more complicated than they need to be. I do love this show. James Norton is hot as hell, crazy ombre hair coloring aside, and he is a fantastic actor. I've decided that this show isn't really about the mysteries. This isn't about a vicar solving crimes. It's about a sad man trying to figure out his life while solving crimes as a sideline. That's why the "mysteries" can be underwhelming, unlike a Poirot or Marple where the main characters never change. Did anyone think it was kind of funny the way Gloria was speaking? Everything about the way she spoke screamed, "I'm a lady who sings the blues. I'm addicted to the bad kind of love and I've been hurt more times than I can count."
  20. True story. I silently screamed at the end of this episode with Jimmy's triumphant return. These two did not have an epic love. Yuck. I hope the gun story line doesn't go any further. I was worried that Lip just dropped the gun in front of the store. His fingerprints could be all over that gun. I hope they just drop it. Lip certainly seemed to be transitioning at the end of the episode with his polo shirt and khaki shorts.
  21. All I could think during all of Thomas's scenes was (in Regina George's voice) "Now I guess he's on crack." Cute Jimmy has barely been gone and Thomas seems to have lost his damn mind. Gillingham showed his true colors. The fact that his first instinct was to say, "I'm shocked that you're such a whore" says a lot about him. That being said, if you swapped the genders would we be reading the situation the same? Mary basically just sampled the goods, knowing he felt more strongly about her. He made it clear that he wanted to marry her multiple times. She used him for sex. He does seem to be on a creepy track. The fuck week seems to have made him feel a certain amount of ownership over Mary. Handsome other guy is clearly a better choice for Mary. The best thing about him is that he obviously likes her, but isn't throwing himself at her feet. Bunting. There really isn't anything else to say. Edith needs to just come out to her family. She is acting super crazy and pathetic right now. Would any of us be shocked if she suddenly jumped off a bridge. I can't believe that this Gregson story has been dragged out for so long! It just won't end. Can't Edith just go "A Very Long Engagement" on his ass and track him down in Germany? Go to him, Edith. Traveling around proto-Nazi Germany has to be better than getting shaded on a daily basis by Marcia (I mean Mary) and forced to see her daughter call another woman Mom. Daisy's trajectory is a little hard to swallow, but I'll allow it. My new theory on Rose? She isn't high all the time. Instead, English isn't her first language and she can't understand most of what people say to her. She smiles blankly all the time because she is trying to translate what people are saying without letting on. Law & Order: Special Valet Unit is boring me stupid. No one cares. You can't build a half-assed murder mystery around a victim no one cares about. I hope Anna is the one who did killed the bastard. It would finally give her some agency. Murderous, murderous agency. And then Bates could confess that he actually did kill his wife. That would actually make me interested and invested in their story again.
  22. I'm really put off by the Deb situation. If that ever got reported to the police, no one would believe that the older guy was the rape victim. I find this to be a very gross and unnecessary plot. I think the writers were trying to be daring and obviously don't have a real world handle on these things. That man is going to have a cloud hanging over his head for the rest of his life. He will always have to wonder if the police will be knocking on his door. He could possibly avoid jail, but he would definitely be placed on the sex offender registry for the rest of his life. I know he isn't a real person and Deb seems unlikely to contact the police, but I'm just appalled by this development. Couldn't Deb have just sexed up a boy her own damn age? I hope Mandy's ass is gone. She is not a good person. She tried to kill a bitch! She ruined Karen's (is that her name?) life. I get that the girl was awful, but giving someone permanent brain damage is terrible. She should be serving 20 years for what she did. It is obvious to me that the show wants you to root for Mandy and Lip. I have no doubt that Lip's rich girl will do something to make him realize that they are just too different blah blah blah. Next thing you know, Mandy's crazy ass will be back in town and they end up together. I'll be fair, aside from the attempted murder, Mandy wasn't too bad. I'm just really invested in Lip finishing school and being successful.
  23. I know it is unfair, but I feel the same way. Ashley Wagner did seem to have a sense of entitlement to the spot and I think that was totally unearned. Her sense of entitlement was also on display at the Olympics. She seemed to consider her shit to be ridiculously on point, despite the fact that much of her competition was obviously better. She came in 7th in the Olympics! That's better than I would do, but I don't think that's the standard. For the huge shit she and the powers that be took on Mirai, Wagner at least should have been in the top 5. Hell, Mirai finished just out of medal range at the 2010 Olympics; the other time Wagner choked right before an Olympics and screwed up Nationals. I also don't think Wagner addressing her "haters" is appropriate. Stay classy, girl. Telling people to "shut their mouths" because they've recognized that she is an accomplished choke artist seems a little silly. Winning the Nationals is excellent. She should be happy with that. But my mind will only change about her when she can do well in Nationals in an Olympics year. There seems to be something about the pressure from the Olympics that does her in. I refuse to be drawn into this manufactured rivalry between Gracie Gold and Ashley Wagner. I can't figure out who is the Jan or Marcia in the situation, but I really don't care. My heart broke for Mirai. I hope she can come back from this. I can't imagine how hard it must be to know you are not valued or respected by the overlords in you chosen field, pull yourself together to try to make a comeback, and then put in a bad performance. I want to still hate on Jeremy Abbott, but now I feel bad that his father recently died. I'm going to hold off side-eying him for awhile. I do hate the hipster goatee he is rocking.
  24. I liked it. James Norton is hot, so I was predisposed to like this show. I figured out the motive for the murder, but not the actual murderer. It was obvious that the letter was the victim breaking up with one of his women. I agree that it was kind of annoying to make it the "there's nothing to see here" secretary that kept fading into the background. I like that Robson Green was quick to jump on the "vicar investigates!" bandwagon. I'm happy we won't have to sit through several episodes of the cops yelling at the vicar to stay out of police business. How did you guys feel about that chick Sidney was obviously in love with? It seems like she was keeping Sidney on the hook. She obviously knew about his feelings, but doesn't tell him she is seriously dating another man? She just tells him over the damn phone, "Sidney! By the by, I'm getting married. Well, good luck with that whole being in love with me thing. I do hope it works out for you." Not cool. And sure, the puppy was adorable, but who has unannounced pets delivered to someone's house? Especially under the circumstance of "I can't give you my love, but I can buy a dog." I like that this painful situation wasn't just character development, it dovetailed with the plot of the show. Sidney's broken heart aside, he did seem to be awfully chummy with the German woman. I was wondering if they were going to make out in one scene.
  25. I can't deal with Enzo. I dropped off watching this show last season before Enzo made his appearance. He is really killing the show for me now. Almost as much as Damon and Elena's endless bs. I understand that Caroline is worried about her mother, but her recklessness is horrifying. She treated that poor man like he was a guinea pig. She didn't give a shit about cancer patients until her mother became one. As if killing yet another black person in this town that seems to have a 98% death rate for that population was the reasonable choice. I could almost have forgiven her for experimenting on that man if she had at least waited more than a few hours before convincing her mother to take the blood! Impatience. All this complaining aside, I call bullshit on vampire blood not healing cancer. That seems so random to me. People routinely lose all the blood in their bodies and get healed by a mouthful of vampire juice on this show! I love Matt, but that boy needs to move. He seems truly miserable. He should write an op-ed piece in the local paper, encouraging everyone who isn't a crazy person to leave this town.
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