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Everything posted by Amelie06

  1. I'm not sure that it is #5, but remember that strong reaction she had to Boone trying to join KKT? I thought that it was just because she is super protective of KKT and her bs relationship with Chanel. But maybe that was just a cover. Maybe she went off on Boone like that because she was angry that her idiot brother was effing up the plan. Whoever is the remaining Red Devil killer is kind of an asshole, above and beyond the serial murder. Why knife your brother to death in favor of Gigi and then kill her anyway? The Final Red Devil is aligned with no one.
  2. Is Carol really tailing people with a baby? Boss bitch! If not giving a fuck were an Olympic sport, she would have all the medals. Gold, silver, and bronze.
  3. I wish they would just get to the point with that interminable flight. This dude has been on the cusp of turning for weeks now. I find it improbable that there is such a collection of useless individuals in Alexandria. Did they give people intelligence and aptitude tests before allowing them in? Are they all the friends and cronies of members of Congress? How can 90% of them be so stupid and cowardly?
  4. Wow. It's all bad news for old Spencer. Not only is he useless, he's also apparently fat and broke their little rope system.
  5. "Birth" was awesome. I was so into it! I couldn't believe how much I was enjoying that episode. And then they followed it up with utter crap. This is the problem with having 22 episode seasons. You get ridiculous filler for at least 10 of those episodes. How frustrating. I loved the twist with Dark Hook. I didn't see that coming at all. I called that something death-ish must have happened to Hook in Camelot, but had no clue he was another Dark One. I thought it was going to be something like he was technically dead but kept alive by magic and the fact that no one, including himself, knew he was dead. I was afraid he was going to drop dead as soon as the illusion of life was uncovered. So...this is actually a lot better than what I had been guessing. I didn't like how quickly he seemed to turn on Emma at the end. I found that hard to believe. But I'm willing to allow that maybe something about getting back his memories awakened the darkness within. That death scene was pretty tough. I don't know what it would be like to see yourself dying in your lover's arms, begging her to just leave you be and not violate the integrity of your soul. In a way she didn't really save Killian. By making him into the Dark One, she fundamentally changed who he was. All the while, he was begging her not to and telling her that the Hook she loved wouldn't survive. That's surprisingly dark for this show, it usually likes to hide from all the crazy stuff that is actually happening. Maybe seeing all that is what made Hook turn on Emma. I'm still side-eyeing how he was fine and totally not magicking the entire time they've been back in Storybrooke, but I like this story so much I'm going to just go with it. I like where this takes Hook and Emma's story. I've found Hook to be dull for the last couple of seasons. Once he fell in love and gave up his quest for revenge, he hasn't been much more than the dutiful boyfriend and occasional babysitter. That's a waste of a talented actor and interesting character. This puts him in an entirely new direction. I'm not too worried about it. If Regina can be redeemed from her multiple acts of mass murder and rape, then nothing Dark Killian can do will be so bad. I loved Dr. Whale. (That's the name of David Anders's character, right?) He was still so bitter about the last time he ran into Zelena. His snark is always welcomed. Zelena really does have powerful magic to go from the maternity ward to running around Emma's house. Girl, sit your ass down! I know you have to be in pain. For all her whining about the baby she raped Robin to get, she decides to chat about her new outfit and then look at dreamcatchers rather than going to her baby. Merida is irritating. I honestly fast forwarded through most of her dull ass episode. I'm actually starting to feel bad for Arthur. He is just not qualified for his job on any possible level. He should have been a blacksmith. He seems to constantly have his shortcomings exposed to various people who just sneer at his complete incompetence. It's not fun anymore. The man needs career counseling. Of course he killed Merida's father.
  6. Those idiots who kidnapped Darryl are the worst. Why did they wait until someone was actually being helpful and kind to start acting like assholes? I mean, how douchey is it to rob the same guy twice? They complained and got their dumb diabetic friend killed just to go back to where they came from? Ok. I shrug my shoulders and don't care. I'm just annoyed that they got screen time over characters I actually like. I didn't get that the voice at the end was Glenn's. I thought it was Rick, but Glenn makes more sense. Rick could do more than choke out a weak "help." I really don't like how predictable the show is becoming in its structure. They have been splitting up the group to build false tension for the last two seasons. You should be able to write your show with enough drama and tension that you don't have to repeatedly leave the audience on the ledge for weeks at a time. This is the same shit they did with Beth disappearing, Darryl coming to the church from the woods with someone behind him. I'm not mad about the show's lack of creativity, I'm just disappointed.
  7. This episode is killing me. So dull. I don't need to have wild killing sprees to stay interested, but people having boring conversations is not entertaining. Why does this show love splitting up the characters so much? We now have a split within a split. This shit has got to stop! Also, Darryl needs to use his words. Those people obviously thought he was with some sketchy murder group. Why not just say, "What? I'm not with that group." He wouldn't have to draw a map or do any more than that. He could at least do that. But no. Instead he was just staring, inscrutably. This seems to be a lifestyle choice for him. When in doubt, don't say a word and just stare!
  8. This show! I have to be honest. It's terrible. They tried. But it is a mess. I agree that it's absurd that after all the hand wringing about butterflies there were virtually no differences! Despite all the time travel shenanigans, Blonde Girl and Chuck are still sitting in a car together? Ok. . I hate Chuck and his wife. I'm over it. I don't care that their son died. Shit happens. Everyone who dies is someone's son or daughter, doesn't justify a neverending murder spree. I see the show still likes to kill off its more interesting characters. Penny Man will be missed. Nathan kind of sucks for not even trying to go back and save Penny Man. Also, waitress girl is useless and basically got him killed. Good job at tipping the crazy lady with a gun off. Did the Evo-Cop actually kill himself or did Matt Parkman's cheerfully evil ass just trick him like the other guy. Speaking of the other guy, I don't get why we have to keep being bothered with him. It's a show called Heroes and he is just some dude who is hero adjacent. No thank you. Quentin's capture of Nathan seemed weak to me. It was obvious the show just needed Nathan to be captured at that particular time.
  9. I enjoyed this episode's masterclass on white privilege. Haha. I actually clapped a little. I like that Maggie wasn't trying to say that Amelia was racist, just needed to acknowledge that people have struggles beyond what she may actually experience first hand. It was kind of annoying that Amelia kept being like "racism? Whaaat??? That's not still a thing!" Where has she been? What has she been doing? What year is it on this show? I liked Meredith hating Martin Henderson on Hunt's behalf. We all need someone in our lives that will hate on our behalf. I've been there. I've hated someone just to support my friend. Even though, my friend was wrong and shouldn't have hated that person. When things calmed down and they were in a better place, we were able to talk about it and I could let her know that she was crazy and shouldn't hate that person. Sometimes you just need to know that someone is with you, even when you may be unreasonable.
  10. No!!! This twerp can't keep living off the truck when he totally bitched out a few seconds later. He also may be a food klepto. Dick.
  11. I'm getting sick of this show's fuckery. They are intentionally making us wait to find out if Glenn is dead. And are wasting yet another week on side nonsense. Are we going to have to listen to a monolgue from every AZer?
  12. I don't understand these AZers. They are garbage people. Before the fall of society, they definitely used to double park in the supermarket parking lot. You know, just to make sure that no one dents their crossover SUV. They probably let their kids go into Target and throw things around.
  13. I hear that. Darryl is a good example of a character that seems to have run its course but is still sticking around. I guess my point of divergence is the writers and their intentions. I think that shows should get to tell their story, without reading message boards to figure out what they are going to do. I'm disappointed that the story they apparently want to tell is basically "the funeral hour". I've ditched shows before because of this. Unrelentingly grim is not a story choice that I respect. They managed to kill one of the few new characters I actually liked when Noah was horribly eaten. So I'm left with a dwindling amount of characters I actually care about and shitty new characters I feel indifferent towards. This is what irks me. I think it's easy to write sad crap that's depressing. "No one is safe! Even though we killed three people in the crew last year, we should kill some more. How about Glen? People like him and he's been on the show a long time. This is awesome. The story really calls for Glen to be eaten after making a series of out of character blunders." What happens as a result of Glen dying? Sad, broken people become even more sad and broken. OK. I shrug my shoulders at this and wonder what else is on. I should be fair and admit that this isn't just a Glen issue for me. I've had my ups and downs with this show. I've stopped watching in the past because I thought it was a major bummer. (And boring. A boring bummer. Post-Woodbury season, I'm looking at you!). But I caught up and came back. Can we also light a candle for the fact that for all we know, the Asian population of the US has just been massacred? Poor Glen, the only Asian man in America to make it this far into the zombie apocalypse.
  14. Fuck this show. Fuck it. I'm not watching a Morgan flashback episode next week! These writers really misread the situation if they thought we would want to see more of Morgan and his damn stick-fu when we've possibly seen Glen eaten alive. I'm so annoyed. Flam - flames. Flames, on the side of my face, breathing-breathl- heaving breaths. Heaving breaths... Heathing... This is the exact reason I turned on Lost and stopped being as interested in Game of Thrones. I hate shows that kill characters just to prove how daring they are. This show is a grim sad-fest. They should be mindful of not taking away some of the few things that make this bearable.
  15. He died as he lived. As a worthless mother fucker. If Glen is legit dead. I'm taking a break from this show. I just can't with them. This is the same shit that turned me off of Lost. You've shocked me and I know it 's all about the drama, but you take away the parts that make the show enjoyable.
  16. How could they leave that guy to be eaten alive? Shoot him. Stab him in the head. Do something!
  17. Poor woman. She wasted those bullets. She should have spared one for herself and she got over run.
  18. Wiggy McPonytail needs to sit down. Ain't nobody got time for his hurt feelings. "Ya'll going to leave my slow ass friends. I prefer that we all get eaten. Together." I don't actually care about this Nicholas character arc we are being treated to.
  19. Killing Glen would severely cut down on my enjoyment of this show. I don't want to say it's a deal breaker, but it's close. This show is such a downer. I need my hopeful Glen!
  20. Finally out of the woods. What is it with these people and the woods? Our crew is pretty screwed if they have to keep relying on Nicholas.
  21. I laughed at that fool in the hat shooting that poor man. You suck, so you shoot the dude who can actually do something? And then you run off in the wrong direction by yourself. I want to see him dead! Hey does anyone remember when Michonne walked around with walkers attached to her and could get through a herd unmolested? Why doesn't anyone on the show remember that? Seems like it would be something to think about. Maybe take advantage of that masking technique at some point. Do the writers just want us to forget about that? Or are they making a larger comment that all the characters are dumb as fuck.
  22. So true. We have such weak ankles. It's really a problem. Statistics show that 1 in 4 women break their ankles while running or walking. Wow, that guy was so dedicated to giving up and bitching about Rick that he instantly died!
  23. Yes. Now is a good time to stop and complain. Damn I hate these Alexandrian's. They are the fucking worst.
  24. I agree. She's like a cartoon character, eyes shooting out or hearts floating by her face. It's too much. I know it's been several months since Ronnie died, but damn girl! I enjoyed this episode. I don't like Patty. I know it's ridiculous, but I hate how the writers had her repeating her name in the first episode. Patty. Patty Spivot. I think they were trying to hypnotize us. This show will lose my business if they try to end the Barry/Iris love thing. I didn't even like it in the first season. But we had to sit through endless scenes of that crap. Instead of dropping it, they need to write it better! I'm officially worried about Joe. There is no lie that is too big for this man to tell. It really makes me wonder about his police work. Do any of us really feel confident about his testimony in court? Jay's barber is on point. I was indifferent to him until this episode. That actor needs to demand that haircut for every role. He was 72% hotter this episode.
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