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Everything posted by Amelie06

  1. I noticed this as well. Shouldn't it be someone's job to make sure those stupid tattoos stay in the same place from episode to episode? The show was also inconsistent with the Princess. Last week she was Princess Macbeth and convinced her father that he was awesome and the people weren't ready for change. This week she essentially calls him a life ruining s.o.b. who needs to establish a republic for the good of the people. Whatever. I hated almost every scene with Alex and/or the dull Princess. Those two actors are just saying words, clearly unable or unwilling to put any emotion in them. I don't entirely blame them. These storylines are lame and trite, much like the dialogue. Does the nudity seem unnecessary? That evil angel orgy scene was hilarious. The show was trying so hard to be edgy and it was just kind of weird. Considering they appear to be wall skittering demons, why are we supposed to be shocked just because they like to bang? Why did the undercover angel try to kill Alex like that? She could have easily just brought him a cup of poisoned tea. It would have been more effective than planting herself firmly in front of him, showing her wings, attacking him and three other people, and totally blowing her cover. Why wouldn't the HBIC of Helena know that her people were outfitted with poison nail polish? I was waiting for Whele to just counter with "How about I send their clearly poisoned-by- their-own -damn-nails bodies back to Helena and tell your boss what you obviously did." I'm not sad if that young girl was killed by the evil angel. Did I miss when they said what happened to her? Anyway, I don't care at all about her character. She seems to have wandered off the set of Les Mis and I was over it during her first scene. Her whole point is to humanize other terrible characters. And what kind of Battlestar Galactica hell is going on the that locker room for the soldiers? Why do we have so many scenes there? Just to make that chick always be in a state of undress when she tries to have real talk with Alex. The actress is almost as stilted as the Princess, but I find her to be more interesting. I'm sure this means she is a secret angel who will try to stab Alex in the showers next week. Michael continues to be a dick. I don't know if this is something that the actor is doing, or if it is the character, but doesn't Michael seem profoundly disinterested in pretty much everything that is going on? He says he cares. He keeps talking to people about what they must do to stop Gabriel...but I don't buy it. He seems to just be going through the motions. It seems like if he got an offer to fuck off to Montreal and see what post-apocalyptic society they've developed he would pack a bag and fly out of "Vega" in seconds. If Michael actually gives a shit, I suggest that the actor start doing things with his voice and face that would indicate this to the audience. All complaints aside, I'm going to keep watching for now. It is a mess and may not make it to a second season, but it's the summer and not a lot is on. You win again SyFy!
  2. Well that kind of sucked, but was totally in line with the terrible trajectory of this show. The only good thing I can say is that after a good start, this series became so forgettable that in a few months it will be like it was never on tv.
  3. I tend to agree with this. It would kind of be an insane coincidence if Mark just happened upon these Proletheans. But I keep thinking of that scene with Henrik, inexplicably reminding Mark of his own history. Henrik said something like "thank goodness you went AWOL from the military so you could join us." Mark looked conflicted about that and Henrik looked unaware. Based on that scene, I could see Mark possibly knowing he is a clone, but not Henrik. I also don't think Henrik would have been ok with a clone marrying his daughter. For the good of the show, I hope Mark doesn't know he is a clone. The way he was going after the clones and didn't seem to have any real moment of affinity with Helena is problematic if he knew he was a clone himself. I know he was cool for once in the bar scene where he let Helena enjoy herself, but that didn't seem like one clone doing a solid for another. That just established that he wasn't 100% behind Henrik's bs plans and felt a little pity for Helena. I also think that if Henrik knew that Mark was a clone he definitely would have made that guy give up a lot of "samples." There was no evidence that anything like that had been required. I like this twist with Mark being a clone. I was also concerned that we were going to be treated to a room full of dull hotness in the form of Paul clones. Instead we got Mark. He isn't as pretty to look at, but there is something about the actor I really like. He is very intense. I'm crossing my fingers that he will be able to switch it up to play multiple characters. I agree that his clones are probably going to be similar because they have probably not been sent off into the world to develop. I imagine they have all been on some super secret base doing secret things. Secretly. Real talk? When Helena first showed up at Big Love Farm, I thought maybe Mark was to be her love interest. I wouldn't be against her hooking up with one of the Mark clones. Jesse isn't coming back. He is too busy pretending to be a lawyer. Helena still needs to get hers! I am excited about the possibilities with Helena being drafted into the military. You can't control Helena, you fools! You can only hope she wants to do the same thing you do. I give it until the middle of the season before she gets all the Marks fighting each other and their masters. Dylan Bruce is a hot man, but he shouldn't wear camouflage...with a beret. It just isn't the right look for him. He needs to be a in fitted suit. Show, don't make this mistake again. One lesson I've learned from watching tv over the last ten years is that you can't trust Michelle Forbes. She is a scary bitch and is two seconds off of messing your shit all up. I don't buy her "I just want to help" story at all. She is definitely working her own sketch agenda and soon enough she will show her true colors. (The actress is fantastic, and I'm sure she is a lovely person. I'm just saying that things get crazy fast on tv when she shows up.)
  4. I loved Kings, so I was willing to give this show a chance for Egan's sake. This show kind of sucks, but in a good way. It is ten types of terrible, but still interesting. I'll definitely give it a few more episodes. I do think it's unfair to compare Egan to Sebastian Stan. That man has some kind of insane charisma going on and intensity that burns through the screen. Egan is ok, but he looks worse with the comparison. He is clearly playing the same character as he did in Kings, only David was nicer. The show's lack of diversity wasn't a huge concern for me. That makes me sad. I should have paid more attention to that. I recently made a solemn vow to not watch any show that didn't have a person of color in a major role. I get how they got into this situation, though. The original movie kind of dictated that the chosen one was going to be white. We'll know we are actually in a post-racial America when a chosen one can be a minority instead of a pretty white person. I guess they thought the Lord of the City would have to be white because and so to would his daughter (though she could have been adopted or just mixed race). Once they cast Anthony Stewart Head, they had to cast a white person as his son. I don't necessarily think they were being jerks, I just think they kind of happened into this diversity-challenged cast. I have hope that this will improve. The Helena chicks seem like a safe bet to add a little more. I really don't care about the lame love story. That chick is full of excuses. She doesn't love you, baby! Instead of telling her father about this great love, she instead tries to Lady Macbeth her way into staying in power. What does she mean "we" have worked too hard on this city? How old is she? I didn't see her doing anything other than tutoring some kids in religion. I'm always suspicious of unelected people staying in power indefinitely for "the good of the people." That's very convenient for her to say, since she isn't a victim of the inexplicable caste system. Why does that even exist? Just to make terribleness ever terribler? How can Anthony Stewart Head stay in power after he intentionally unleashed death and destruction on his own people? There were witnesses. People know about this. One would think they would riot in the street before letting a nutbar like him be in charge. The twist with William was very good. I thought for sure we would have to sit through an insufferable story of him being creepily in love with Princess Macbeth and slowly going insane with jealousy over her love for the chosen one. Instead, he is clearly one of the beasties they are trying to fight. I bought his religious fervor and his surprise that his father didn't give a shit about the savior. More of this, less of the CW nonsense. I hated Michael. He was a total dick. Thanks to whoever (whomever?) mentioned that he was Marco on Mile High. I knew I'd seen him somewhere. Realizing that he was that whiny little bastard has made Michael seem even less badass. Why introduce Michael, the only angel that helped humans, as some mopey ass who apparently likes to hit it and then cry in the corner. Why does that chick even like him if he wants to bang three chicks at once and then instantly stand at a window and cry about it. Get some of your slaves in the city to start manufacturing condoms, Michael! Move on. It's a testament to how creepy the actor is playing Michael that I thought he was just going to kill that woman in his first scene. You know, just to make sure she doesn't have a baby. I also thought it was cheap to kill Jeep. His character was used just to make sure that everyone knew who the magical baby of magic was. Jeep's reunion scene with Alex was pretty funny. How did Jeep think he would react after being abandoned and then attacked? Terrible father.
  5. I don't understand this show. We have to sit through years of Jane yearning for Grayson while he dated a series of skinny (mostly blonde) women. Right when they know the show is ending..they kill Grayson? I know his soul is in this new guy, but it's a totally different actor. They really thought it was good to end the show with Jane up in the mix with some dude who has only been on the show for three episodes? I wasn't even that in to Jane's quest to get boring Grayson to love her, but I kind of feel cheated all the same. This show has always been shaky, but this is just a weird choice. I mean the story of Grayson and Deb is ridiculously sad. Two young people who had violent and painful deaths. Fun. At least they got to body hop.
  6. I was a little underwhelmed. This episode was good setup for the next season, but I was a little bored in parts. That scene with the raven was weird as shit. How is Bran getting back what he lossed by getting the ability to fly? He couldn't fly before. That just seems like more esoteric bullshit. Like everything inlvovling Bran's story. I'll be interested in seeing Arya next season. She is clearly a budding serial killer that will never be fit for polite society, but she is fairly interesting to watch. She seemed to abandon trying to find one of the few family she had left in favor of Braavos a little quickly. I do think that Arya taking a cruise was a weird way to end the season. I expected more from Tyrion. I know that Shae, the Entitled Whore, pushed him too far, but I just wanted him to leave the castle. Why the hell did he have to go on a walkabout in the middle of his daring escape. A couple of people really stuck their necks out to save his life and he repaid them by wandering around the castle and going on a killing spree. He really betrayed the trust Jamie and Varys placed in him. That being said, I get it. I really do. Shae turned out to be no good. I don't believe she could have ever really loved Tyrion. Even if she was hurt, how could she betray him to his death and fuck his father? Yuck. And she didn't even try to talk to him! Her opening offer is stabbing. Ok, here is my insane theory about the Melissandre: Could she be Jon Snow's mother? I've got nothing to support this. But I figure that Jon's mom has to be someone significant to the story. Otherwise, Ned would have told him in season one before leaving for King's Landing. Katelyn Stark was a redhead, maybe Melissandre showed up a redhaired slave (she said she had once been a slave in a past episode, right?) that caught Ned's eye. This resulted in Jon Snow! Maybe she was staring at Jon because she suspects this. Or maybe I'm just a crazy person, desperate for any explanation that won't include that sketchy bitch either mounting or burning Jon.
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