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Everything posted by NextIteration

  1. You can still watch it on C-SPAN on line. I don't think he did, there have been enough recent polls that with her up more points it's reflecting in the 538 model - aside from his punditry about tRump - 538 was pretty dead to nuts on the primaries. Yes there is some of that for certain. Sheesh, I'm going to end up bawling all day long - watched her vote, cried, the Roar ad came on, cried. I guess this electing the first woman business is really getting to me. I have to admit something though and I'm not sure what this says about me - it crossed my mind a couple weeks ago that we were coming up on the one year anniversary of my mother passing away but my brain never did that connect thing - where I thought "oh that's the day before the election". I don't know if it's because I voted weeks ago or if it's because of all the anxiety but yesterday until my cousin called to check on me, I had completely forgotten that it was the day. Now that I'm reminded that could add to how emotional I am. I've been missing my mother and and grandmothers periodically during this experience (the night she became the presumptive nominee, the DNC speeech) because I'd have liked them to be here to witness this.
  2. I'm done with the media tonight until the Philly appearance is over. I just don't want to hear any more of it right now.
  3. https://www.c-span.org/video/?417997-1/clintons-obamas-campaign-philadelphia
  4. I've given hundreds of dollars to get Feingold re-elected. I always think of him as the partner with Wellstone, so he holds a very special place in my heart. I really hope he beats Johnson.
  5. I don't really disagree with what Ana is saying about both Bill and Hillary not minding their Ps and Qs better in anticipation of her 2016 run. That server was one big helluva unforced error, as were a number of the Foundations transactions (the uranium one) and for sure Bill being that honorable poobah for that international for-profit college organization.
  6. That would be when my uber liberal daughter jumped completely off the Bernie train. she grew up immersed in the Spanish language and culture and she was just done with that crap pulled on Huerta. I start Alcoholic Overeaters Anonymous on Monday when I get back from the trip - I intend to eat all the good food until then. Hillary will be at the Javitz Center tomorrow night - I really wish that she would go to Central Park or something, I loved Obama at Grant Park and this will be every bit as historic.
  7. Gah, this is terrible, I have to go get my hair and nails done and I have zero patience for that crap today. Do you suppose they'll let me use my Sirius phone app to stay tuned into MSNBC? This has become the only place that I feel "safe" to express myself and my anxiety on the internet - thanks for being her ya'll! ♥ Be back later?
  8. Arms Bitchell™ was at it again this morning. In a gaggle before Hillary boarded her plane in White Plains, Hillary was talking in an uplifting manner about how she wants to represent everyone in the country whether they voted for her or not, and how she knows she has a lot of hard work to do to unite the country - Bitchell™ pipes up from the background with a question about Comey and the emails. Clinton blew her off and said something about running hard until the last vote is counted. Bitchell™ then huffed past Kasie Hunt who had turned around for a live shot. Bitchell™ was once again dressed for the arctic tundra in her red jacket from yesterday.
  9. I was one of them. I'm disgusted that he tried this ploy, absolutely disgusted. There are so many, many good people here from Somalia, yes - we've made the news and there have been issues (though I gotta say, I feel like some of them were pure entrapment by the FBI and paid informants) but to come here, where hopefully Minneapolis will elect it's first Somalian (female) State Senator and talk that shit just infuriates me.
  10. So the stock market soared this morning on the news of Comey's second letter.
  11. Too true, there are some lovely Proseccos between $15-25!
  12. Piper Heidsick, Veuve Clicquot and Moët & Chandon all have some bottles in the $40-60 range usually. I can't think of any specifically at the $30 price point.
  13. Oh dear sweet baby jeebus, this is frightening (if not predictable)...
  14. Exactly. I don't know if anyone else has been following Rebecca Traister, but she's been doing some awesome writing about this campaign and feminism...
  15. If we're to believe many of her long-time/lifetime BFFs and their public stories about her - she stayed because she loves him. It's really that simple. Hillary pretty much confirms this in her first autobiography and when speaking about "that time" in public. She acknowledges how hard it was - that she struggled to even get out of bed despite being first lady. She attributes getting through it to her faith and counsel from her minister and her BFFs that all came and shielded her, watching movies, talking and eating bad food. I think, for all Bill's peccadilloes and being a hound... Hillary is the one for him - some men (and some women) are just horrible when it comes to monogamy and fidelity.
  16. So Joe and Me-eka were color coordinated for the first two hours of the show and then changed clothing for the last half hour again - so freaking strange. eta - No Joe, you don't get to fucking edit out Janet Yellen, George Soros and Lloyd Blankfein (all Jewish) and tell us that tRump's closing ad is not anti-Semitic. Man I hate this asshole. The speech that serves as the backdrop for this ad was called out when he gave it two weeks ago - without the insertion of images of powerful people, that just happen to be Jewish.
  17. Only by timing and a fluke I'm on a flight to Massachusetts Thursday afternoon, which in retrospect I think is a good thing. It wasn't supposed to be this week as my lass was in the Smith College cast (next week) but got switched back to Mt Holyoke as nobody from MoHo was originally in the MoHo cast (it's a Bill T Jones Arnie Zane piece - Story/Time that was double cast for the Five College Dance Department), I even lost $300 bucks on the deal (shhh... don't tell the lass) because my plane ticket was non-refundable. This is exactly why she's dead to me. Even Robbins has come around and is trying to persuade BoB's to voted Clinton. Sarandon should know better - she was a co-chair for Nader. Some jerks never learn.
  18. My bolding. This is exactly what Gloria Steinem was saying way back last winter during the primaries on Real Time when the ardent Bernie folks lost their shit.
  19. Case in point about Mrs Greenspan, once again, even in perfect circumstances for Hillary - has to swallow hard to say anything nice. It's really pathetic and I for one will never forget her mean girl decade's worth of nastiness. eta: No, tRump won't win the Iron Range - because Minnesotans are not fools generally speaking - to win the Iron Range one would have to assume that folks up there can't read that tRump used Chinese steel. Also - if he wanted folks from Up North - he shouldn't have shown up at a hangar in the Twin Cities. eta: my stabby hate for Kornacki grows - KERRY WON PA IN 2004, SHUT UP! Don't get me started on Hewitt, it's amazing that some "unprotected" kids actually do make it into really good schools, based on their performance (Michelle and Barack Obama), what, does that threaten you? Seriously, Hillsdale? Screw off.
  20. While I appreciate the sentiment in his post - this is yet one more asshole that spent a year throwing shade at Clinton that now wants all the people he tried to convince to hate her - to show up at the polls. I don't even feel sorry for him or his experience. These assholes knew better and they didn't do better.
  21. The best part of that? Is McCaskill outwitted her, bigly. ;)
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