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Everything posted by lala2

  1. I agree w/all this! I know Willow is sick, but I was hoping Sasha would say something positive about Nina beside her sticking by her family. Just anything to knock Willow down some! I honestly cannot stand her character! Not even her illness can make me like her. Willow is awful always!
  2. Right?!?! That threw me too. I hate Carly, but LW is a good actress. And I just think her character should be feeling very guilty right now and I didn't get that from her at all. She seemed annoyed w/Sonny and smug w/Nina, esp. at the end of yesterday's episode. That look on her face made no sense. It's definitely not gonna be a top story for me if she only feels shame when confronted by Michael and Willow. She should feel some when seeing Nina. I just don't know what she was going for. It didn't work for me.
  3. I need to see Michael treat Carly the way he has been treating Sonny! I want those Sonny levels of rage toward Carly. Michael needs to disown her for once! He needs to scream, rage, and rant at her! Tell her she can't see her grandchildren. That's what I hope (and need) to see! It seems that will be the only way Carly will show any remorse for her actions.
  4. I hear you AND if that had led to some real drama btw her and Michael, I would agree w/you, but it ended up meaning nothing. LOL! Michael was suspicious for two seconds and then it was over. I'm not even sure what the point of that mini-arc was b/c it literally meant nothing. Nina is a busybody, and she can make a cutting remark. Ok. That's not that bad in the grand scheme of things. Willow acts like Nina is worse than Harmony who sold her into sexual slavery. Make it make sense. LOL!
  5. Have Nikolas take his kid on his way out, and then in 10 years or so, bring him back w/the kid.
  6. Funny enough - it was not the dying pregnant woman that caused me to tear up, but it was CW. I feel so bad for Nina. All she ever wanted was to form a relationship w/the child that was stolen from her. What happened to her was tragic. She learns she has twins, and one is dead while the other hates her. I'm not sure why Willow told Nina to not put words in her mouth when it's clear that Willow hates Nina. I just felt so bad for Nina when pulled up the chair. She was so hopeful, and Wllow just shut down that hope w/a quickness. That was the first time I felt anything in this story. In all honesty, other than being nosy and making the occasional mean comment, Nina hasn't really done anything that bad to Willow. Willow's reaction to her is so OTT. I love how Nina wanting to see Wiley is "destroying" Willow's family. Haha! Ok! 🙄 I like the way it ended, and I'm hoping beyond hope that Nina does not push and just leaves Willow alone after this. My dream story is Nina donates, offers to be there for Willow if Willow ever wants to have a relationship, and then lives her best life. I don't want to see any begging or pushing herself on Willow. Let Nina live her life and continue to have that mother-daughter bond w/Sasha. Willow can see that Nina is indeed leaving her alone and be jealous of Nina's relationship w/Sasha. Have Willow come to Nina, not the other way around. I hate any and all plots surrounding babies and kids so Spencer got the "mute" from me today. Plus, I'm not interested in a retread of the Michael/Avery/Sonny mess. I didn't care for it then. I don't care for it now. I guess LW decided she wasn't going to play Carly as having any guilt or remorse for her actions when it comes to those she hates/actively dislikes. Ok. Not the best acting choice, IMO. Carly is as smug, obnoxious, and insufferable as ever, and I wouldn't think they would want to go for that right now. I wish Laura had told Esme that Nik was the father of her baby. LOL! If MC wasn't leaving, I would advocate for a Nik/Liz pairing. I think MC and ReHe have great chemistry. I did a couple of years ago when he was flirting w/her to rile up Ava. They would have worked, and I'm not an OG Niz fan. Yay to seeing Taggart but "boo" to the dialogue. Trina is grown. If she wants to hang out w/Spencer, that's her business. I did like him telling Curtis that Curtis wasn't Trina's father though. Are we just supposed to not acknowledge that Portia is like 45-48 years old?!?! Curtis's dialogue about them having kids is so unrealistic. 🤣 This woman cannot just pop out a kid! I know this is all being done for the Trina secret, but I wish there was some dialogue about how it may not be that easy for Portia. Add some realism to the scene. I thought the moment of Sonny supporting Michael was good. I take back all the praise I gave Drewfus last week. He couldn't even remain angry for an hour. What a waste!
  7. Spencer wanting custody of his sibling is just a retread of the Michael/Avery/Sonny story. No thanks! None of that is interesting to me!
  8. Round of applause to Trina!! My goodness! I know Portia has her concerns but Trina is 20-years old. She can be friends w/whomever she wants. Portia is acting like Trina is 12! I loved when Trina spoke up for herself. And Portia is so ridiculously judgemental. I cannot wait until she's knocked off her moral high horse! The secret about Curtis cannot came fast enough for me. Let's go! Wrap up that plot too! Ugh to the entire Josslyn/Diana/police station scene. I hope Spencer never makes another mistake in his life since he's so moral and self-righteous now! Soap characters are the worst when it comes to hypocrisy and self-righteousness. We didn't need those Sonny/Willow scenes. I guess MB had a quota to meet or something. I really enjoyed the montage Nina had b/c there was a time when things had cooled down considerably btw Nina and Willow. If Nina had known Willow was also her daughter, she would have approached Willow differently; they could have bonded. Nina is right. Carly is a selfish bitch and a monster! I still hate Willow! You would think I could feel some sympathy for a dying pregnant mother but i just don't. Willow makes me ill. And we may be getting to the part of the show I have to skip. I will be darned if I see Nina beg Willow to take her bone marrow and then to be a part of her life. No thanks! I'm not interested in that.
  9. Why is this witch wasting time? She needs to tell Nina immediately so she can get tested. This is ridiculous. Carly is such a coward! She made a decision and needs to own it. What sense does it make telling an unconscious Willow?!?!? I'm happy Drew told her he wasn't going to sit on this secret and that the madness needed to end soon. Carly is ridiculously selfish. I always knew that but this episode just highlighted - once again - how much so. Nina deserves the chance to say good-bye to her dying daughter. I don't care how crappily she treated Willow in life. Nina should know NOW that another one of her stolen babies is dying. I know she left at the end to tell Nina, but that trip to Willow's room was silly and pointless. On another board, ppl kept saying Joss didn't need to tell Cameron about Dex, but I said she did and today is a good example why. He thinks they broke up b/c of the sex tape, but the reality is Josslyn has been feeling another dude for months now. If Dex hadn't come along, she might have tried to work things out w/him but w/Dex in the picture, she definitely doesn't care about her relationship w/Cameron. Cameron is gonna feel even worse when he learns the truth. She should have just told him everything. I guess they're going w/Sasha and Cody. I was hoping for Sasha and Chase. Did anyone else notice that Maurice's hair was full on grey at his car and then black at the hospital?!?! LOL! I wonder why they keep forcing him to dye it!
  10. Same here! I thought the acting choice was odd and OTT too!! I’m glad they mentioned Oscar because I forgot all about him! LOL! After that, I decided her reaction made a bit more sense but she better buck up if she plans on being in the medical field! Can’t have a breakdown every time you hear a cancer diagnosis! That said, I’m sure the Vitamin D will help her get over that too! 🙄
  11. I wasn't watching OLTL during that saga but that sounds horrible! What an anti-climatic way to end a story! Soaps really suck sometimes! I can't remember a GH one I cared about either. As a Brucas fan, I was happy for Brucas to get a baby, but when Nelle came around, I just knew a baby switch was in the works b/c soap writers are devoid of imagination. He may not be popular but I've always loved Brad so the minute he was in that car accident, I literally just turned the show off b/c I didn't want to see what happened next for him. I was so disappointed that he was being thrown under the bus b/c CL decided to leave! Argh! Oh, and I remember being invested in GV's Lucky claiming Jake b/c he was such a good father to all of Liz's kids but that's it. Like the last 5 kids born on this show - Donna, Bailey, Avery, Leo, and Wiley - I couldn't have cared less about! LOL! I still don't care about these kids and don't think any of them should have been born! LOL!
  12. This is where I am. Kill both babies. Some women miscarry several times so the idea that Willow can't lose anoher kid is not true. It would suck (for her) if she did, but she can and should. Give her a depression arc or something. Esme's "plot point" baby never should have been written into the script. With MC leaving, I'm even more sure this baby should die, esp. if I have to suffer through more Esme. Have her go on a rage about her dead baby or whatever. I just don't think any babies are particularly interesting on this show. The one baby I was excited about - Brucas's kid - was snatched from them and given to loser Michael who didn't even need a kid. GH pulls from the "baby" box way too much for my taste, and most babies are just there to be fought over and then they disappear. No thanks. That's not interesting to me anymore. Seen it already. The last custody battle I was truly invested in was btw Todd and Blair on OLTL over Starr. They fought over her enough to last a lifetime for me. I'm also a family lawyer so I think most of these characters just need to grow up and split custody.
  13. I agree w/you both, and I'm a huge Britt fan. I always liked her! I liked her w/Patrick and Nik. Loved her friendship w/Brad. Would have loved to see her w/Austin. The only side eye I gave the character was when she stole Lulu's embryo. That was wrong, but I still liked the character. So . . . as a fan, the montage as a bit much for me too! It was OTT and signaled the character's death. I agree that other departing actors w/longer stints on the show should have been givne such montages, not Britt. It was clearly for the actress, and that's not how tv should work.
  14. Exactly! I know some like Esme, but she is a nutjob. They have yet to flesh out her character, and talking to her unborn child and naming it Ace is not character development. Why is Esme doing her dad's bidding? Is she that desperate to be connected to him? Does she have any personal desires, dreams, or goals for herself? Does she truly want a child? This is a lifelong commitment she's making on what seems to be a whim to further her dad's idiotic plans to reunite w/Ava. Does she actually think her dad has a chance of reuniting w/Ava after he killed Ava's daughter? If so, she's just as deluded and whacked out as her dad. I'll continue to ask if she ever had any true feelings for Spencer and why she cared so much about Josslyn. Does she feel any remorse for releasing a sex tape of Caoss or for letting Trina go to trial for her crimes? What redeeming qualities does she have? I may be in the minority but I don't care that Nikolas locked her up. Esme is a one-note psycho. I'm glad he locked her up. She contributes nothing to this show. She's not even entertaining (IMO). She is Peter levels of obnoxious and bad. They've done nothing w/this character! I'm sick of waiting to see if there is more to her. I don't care anymore. I just wish she would go. If she does stick around, I sincerely hope she miscarries. None of the characters involved (Esme, Nik, Spencer) need a baby right now. Yeah . . . since they are not invested in Cameron, I don't see them writing for him. Everything about Caoss has been off-screen. Some say Cameron should have known, but I assumed he and Josslyn were spending time together on off-screen GH. If the plan is to continue using WL as sparingly as they have, then I see no reason for him to get into a relationship w/anyone. Or he can have a Felix like relationship - some unknown, unseen person off-screen.
  15. 🤣🤣🤣 Oh goodness! I forgot about him! LOL!
  16. Are you serious?! They had her complaining about Sonny again?!?!? Glad I missed that! @ulkis - Who is Danny?
  17. That montage screamed she was dying, IMO. It was nice, but a bit much. I did think she would actually get hooked so I was surprised yesterday when it looked like she hadn't been. I wondered if she had been slashed, but she seemed fine so I thought the Hooker would come back for her. I missed most of the show. I actually forgot about it and only caught the tale end of Josslyn breaking up w/Cameron. Did she tell him she was in love w/someone else or just say they aren't working? But she did say she wasn't in love w/him anymore so she doesn't need to say much more. And why did Ava slap Nikolas? She knows Esme is pregnant w/his baby? I'm happy I missed those scenes. I know most here didn't like MC's Nikolas, but I did and I hate what they've done to him and Nava. This character has been utterly trashed and for what?!?! Esme?!?!?! It makes me sick.
  18. I'm pretty sure she dismissed that guy and told him Sonny would be at the party so his presence wasn't needed. Stupid, but that's what she said on Friday. The scenario would have been infinitely more interesting if stupid Joss had been slashed! Most of the folks slashed have survived but there could have been some drama in her slashing. What did Jake "fake" give her? A kidney? Slash her in the kidney then. I don't know. Anything would have been more interesting than her screwing Dex. Sorry (not sorry) - I'm just not interested in those two. They do nothing for me. But . . yeah . . . hooking Josslyn would have been interesting and unexpected. I mean, did anyone really think precious Josslyn would be hooked?! Anyone? No one. We all knew Britt was taking that hook for her. In the fight, I thought Britt could have been slashed. Too bad she didn't get herself checked out. Soooo . . . is Dante gonna have to arrest Sonny soon? What was the point of that conversation w/Sam? It's been years. He surely hs worked through all his feelings about his dad's mob activities by now. Was there a point to those scenes? Drewfus and Carly - ugh. Muted them. I muted Maxie and Liesl too! lol I really love Sprina. I think those two work! Dang that Esme for interrupting TWO kisses w/them! I did watch Nikolas's scenes today. He and Liz could work. I'm not an Esme fan but I didn't expect her to show up so GH did surprise me there. Now, just let her miscarry and then go on a rager, GH! Do it!!
  19. I definitely think Britt will take a hook for stupid Josslyn. The montage was too much! I saw it as a huge anvil that she’s dying unfortunately.
  20. You never know with soaps these days, but I feel there must be a point to these pointless, endless rants of Josslyn’s re: Sonny, right?!? We know she now hates Sonny so are they revisiting it every chance they get for a specific reason? Is Sonny gonna get hurt? Is he gonna sacrifice himself to protect Josslyn or her idiot brother? Is it just to reinforce her feelings for Dex?! What is the point?! We know her feelings. Move her story along please. Sam was right. Shut up, Josslyn. No one cares how you feel about Sonny. He’s nothing to you so shut up and focus on breaking up with your current boyfriend before you screw your next one! Millow - automatic mute!! Oh, yay. Michael’s proposing 🙄 Who cares?!? Their relationship is boring as dirt! Still loving Sprina! I thought they were cute today! Esme - don’t care. Why does Nikolas care if she jumps?!? Let her! 🤣 Nikolas/Laura - Not interested. Knowing MC is leaving just removed any remaining interest I had in Nikolas. I was already unhappy with the direction of his story so now there’s really no reason for me to care! Britt’s party - Nice scenes but I still hate that they are dragging out her leaving. Also, the montage was a huge anvil that the character is dying! I would have attempted a recast first but that’s just me. The Austin stuff really hurts because they have such a natural, great chemistry! They would have been great together! Oh well. Fiz - I almost forgot about them! I just think they did a horrible job setting them up. I know Finn is madly in love with her but I still don’t understand why or when that even happened. It’s 2023. They need to pair them up with different ppl. Maybe Finn and Ava, and Liz and Austin?
  21. I will take up for Trina. She did grieve for Rory. She was terribly upset when he died. She may not have been in love with him but I think she loved him as a friend. I don’t need to see her continue crying for him at this point or resisting her attraction to Spencer. It would just seem disingenuous and another delay tactic. Trina feels awful that Rory was murdered. We saw her upset and sad. That’s more than Drew got when he “died.” She’s determined to catch his killer. That’s enough for me. I don’t personally need to see any more crying scenes from Trina re: Rory. We know Rory’s death impacted her. Unlike nasty, cheating Joss, Trina was planning to end things with Rory because she knew she wasn’t feeling him like he was with her. He died. She is sad but she still likes Spencer. We like who we like. Trina has always liked Spencer. I’m happy they are moving that story along because it’s been on hold too long, IMO. Jex has moved with breakneck speed in comparison to Sprina.
  22. I cannot stand Cody either. I know I complained about him yesterday and didn't want to do it again today but he is beyond annoying. It's like they are now trying to rehab his character or something. It's too late. He sucks and just needs to go. I'm not sure why GH can no longer create a gray, interesting character but they continue to fail at it. Cody is no exception. I muted him and Britt too. The funny thing is Britt was a morally gray but not completely irredeemable character. Whoever introduced her knew what he/she was doing. Whoever created Cody is at a complete loss. Honestly, I didn't watch much of today's show. lol I caught the moment w/Millow looking at babies or whatever at the end. Man, I hate the very sight of them. I wish they would both get hooked! And Drewfus . . . . ugh. I need them to push the gas on this story already. I'm sick of looking at Willow's pale, stupid face. Let's just be done w/this.
  23. I can't believe I used to like Curtis. He is beyond annoying. Why is it any of his business if Spencer and Trina hang out? Trina is 19-20-years old. She's grown and can do what she pleases. And where is Taggert? GH is such a crappy written show. Even if RA is unavailable, a recast Taggert should be on canvas. It would give this reveal more weight if there was some tension btw Taggert and Curtis and Trina and Curtis. It's like GH doesn't know how to capitalize on drama. If Britt is leaving leaving . . . can she just go already? I hate drawn out exits, esp ones like this. Britt is dying. We know the actress is leaving. Why can't she be hooked or something? Just end it. I'm not saying the character should die but if that's the plan, I'd rather they just get to it. I also hate seeing all the wasted potential. Britt/Austin would have worked so seeing their interactions is disappointing. Cody/Britt is awful so seeing their interactions is frustrating. Why is Cody still on this show? LOL! I muted most of the rest. Ugh . . . more personality-less Dex tomorrow. If they don't get to the point of his character already . . . I don't know. Why does GH waste so much time dragging stuff out?!? Do they really have no idea what they want to do w/him by now? Come on.
  24. I only saw the Sprina scenes on YT, and I still really like them. I think they have chemistry, and their scenes were really cute! I especially liked when she wiped the snow off his face. They spark to me. I hope we don’t have to wait several more weeks to see them together again while we force fed endless scenes of Joss/Dex!! 🙄 I’m actually a bit shocked they are letting Joss cheat on Cameron the way she is, but then I guess she and Dex are the “root for” couple to most of the audience so her trashy actions are excused. You would think they would let her just end things with Cameron and move on with Dex. Why have her cheat and lie? I don’t care about Joss and am not invested in any storyline involving her (she is automatic FF/mute material for me), but it’s an interesting path to take I guess. 🤷🏾‍♀️
  25. @YaddaYaddaand @mbluecpa - I couldn’t agree more with you both. It’s clear they have no idea what to do with Austin. It’s like they stopped trying to connect him to the Qs once he lost his petition. They barely spent any time developing his relationship with Maxie. He disappeared for months, and then they’ve teased this shady business with his cousin for months! It’s ridiculous! Like most of their stories, they need to figure out what story they want to tell and then start telling it! And properly pace it! Don’t let any story dominate for weeks on end or let others disappear for weeks!
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