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Everything posted by lala2

  1. I know I'm probably in the minority but I'm TICKED!!! Is Brando really gonna be the only victim of this stupid Hooker?!?!?! So, we're gonna do a serial killer storyline where only one person dies, and that same person could have easily LEFT town instead of being murdered?!?! Really?! Look, I'm not saying I want Diane dead, but if she doesn't die, what is the point of this stupid Hooker?!?!?! He/She only hooks and kills ONE stinking person. What a waste of time!! Cody is obnoxious. I usually mute him but I caught him asking if Mac was stalking him, and it was so presumptuous. Mac has better things to do than stalk you, Cody. Ugh. There is nothing likeable about him. I muted the rest of his conversation w/Britt and Felicia. I don't like Cody. Hook him, already! Still love Nava. That tape is gonna cause problems for them. With the pacing of this show, I'm sure those problems will happen in Summer 2023 when Willow is giving birth!
  2. I’m almost positive that’s what the DC sniper did. He wanted to kill his ex-wife but randomly shot other ppl first so her eventual death couldn’t be tied back to him. I think.
  3. That’s another reason I’ve been having issues with this story. After all the trauma Liz has experienced in her life, Peter’s death is what causes her to go over the edge?!? Really?!? I know the mind can eventually break, but I just don’t buy this Peter incident “breaking” Liz. Why weren’t her memories triggered when Franco was remembering shoving Andy down the steps?!? This story is beyond lame and contrived! They should have stuck with one of her kids - Jake - doing stuff because he was upset about Franco and her moving on or something. Or if they wanted to do a story about her parents, just bring them on canvas and do it already. I’d rather see a normal story of Liz confronting them for abandoning her than this convoluted mess!
  4. Liz's story is the PRIME EXAMPLE of "thrown at the wall" storytelling and making it up as you go. What the heck is this story even about? Wasn't Liz saying "daddy" in a little girl way in the beginning, but now she was on vacation w/Sarah when Finn/Reiko were in the same area, and she possibly pushed this woman down the stairs? What?!?! This story has no direction, IMO. I don't even care anymore. I have so many issues w/this Liz story. It's ridiculous! And could they have telegraphed Diane's hooking/death more?!?! She and Sonny have a good conversation. She stays behind to look for papers. Dex is extra suspicious. That hooking was pretty obvious. I still want my Nava. I really like them together. I wonder what Nik offered and what Ava wants! ETA: @statsgirl - I couldn't agree more w/you about this Liz story. It is so off the rails. I have no interest in it anymore either.
  5. IMO, the show hasn’t known what to do with Sasha since she broke up with Michael. I happened to like her and Brando. I thought they were super cute together. They were a pretty inoffensive couple if you ask me. With Brando dead, I can’t see them continuing to write for her. Who would she be with now? There is no one on canvas for her unless Cody is gonna be that guy with Britt leaving. I thought KT was doing both shows but who knows s? What’s the next story for her? Recovering from her addiction and moving on with her life? Why would she do any of that in PC? Sadly, I see Sasha ODing. And if that happens, I will never understand why they couldn’t have just let Brasha move and leave PC.
  6. But after so many years, wouldn't she have put herself as a second contact? This story is lame!!! Carly never talks about her adoptive mom. EVER! And now she supposedly wants to visit her grave?!? Yeah . . . right! 🙄 It's like the show finds reasons to write stories for her while other characters get NO development! It's beyond frustrating! Like watching Liz's story drag out another beat while we're on beat 50 of Carly's new story! This show sucks!!
  7. Well, that was messed up but pretty obvious w/how happy everyone was that Brando had survived. And he and Sasha were making plans yesterday. I only saw the last few minutes yesterday but . . . . that was a huge anvil for his death so I wasn't shocked when he started seizing. It sucks that losers like Michael and Cody stick around while we lose guys like Brando. I've always been much more entertained by Brando than CD's Michael and pointless Cody! I feel bad for Sasha and Gladys! I'm not sure why they are putting poor Sasha through so much pain. I really see her ODing. She won't be able to handle this. This stuff w/Liz is too dragged out. Just get to the point already. Curtis is still arrogant and obnoxious! I hate how he treats Jordan and all his interactions w/her. He is an ass! The actress playing Jordan has no maternal instincts. LOL! I tend to forget she's TJ's mom. I have no kids, but if my kid's friend just died, I would put my hand on his shoulder or his arm or something. And the look she gave when he left . . . . just wasn't good. I haven't had complaints about her but this was my first time actually watching her scenes. I liked what I saw w/jerky Curtis but TJ . . . . I felt nothing. ----- OK, they hugged! But it was still strangely cold. I muted Carly! Why was she on today anyway? I don't care about her or her mother's grave! And why would the contact for her mother's grave site be Jason?!?!! Could she not handle anything on her own??!!?! What a joke! ETA: @PatsyandEddie - But who poisoned him? I don't recall anyone other than family being in his room. Maybe a hospital worker?
  8. Right?!?!?! If Curtis cared that much, he should have looked into it MONTHS ago. He was the healthy one unlike Jordan who was in a medical rehab!! And why is it suspicious when Jordan forgets but not WHEN HE FORGOT??!?!! He acts like he wasn't also "guilty" of not caring about the divorce. This ass is the one who wanted the divorce so he is the one who should have been on top of it. Ugh . . . he literally makes me ill! And to think, I used to love him. Portia has been the WORST thing to happen to the Curtis character! @Daisy - This whole thing is not based in reality. First, I've never heard of mailing in divorce papers. The clerks are just supposed to accept random mailings from folks and just assume they are from the right people. Ok. One would go to the courthouse and file the paperwork in the appropriate court and get a date-stamped copy for your records. Second, even if it is a consent divorce, a hearing is held! The judge needs to go over things to make sure everyone still agrees. I've been in court to see some parties decide they want to stay married. The idea that two parties just mail in paperwork and never see a judge is so stupid to me. That would never happen. But if in the GH world, you just mail it in, then it's on CURTIS - since he's the one most pressed about the divorce - to make sure it all went through.
  9. Curtis is simply awful. He’s self-absorbed, and he’s a complete a-hole!! Even Portia asked why it matters if Jordan “lost” the papers. It’s not like he can’t ever get divorced now!! Jordan even said it was good they caught it before the wedding but he’s still on a tear! Get over yourself, Curtis!! Him and his demands for 100% honesty! Ugh . . . I can't take him. Portia has ruined Curtis. Ever since she came to town, Curtis has become increasingly unbearable. He needs to be hooked! I also laughed at Jordan’s line about Portia. I’m greatly looking forward to Curtis’s face breaking when he realizes his precious Portia is a liar - and about much more relevant stuff than Jordan’s work-related omissions! BrookLynn looked nice. I always love seeing Brad! I still hate how they ruined Brucas!! Guess Brando is not dying anytime soon!! Don’t know why they’re dragging it out!
  10. Ok. I didn't see the entire show today, and I know this is a minority, unpopular opinion but I love MC's Nikolas and I love Nava. I caught the last 20 minutes or so, and I loved everything he said to Ava. It was true, and I still think MC and MW have massive amounts of chemistry. I really want them reunited. Ava has every reason to be upset but I wouldn't be mad if she let it go. LOL! I hate that they had Nik sleep w/Esme but it is what it is. Nava have chemistry, and I want them together. Poor Brando! I'm in the minority w/him too I think. I like Brando and don't want to see him murdered off! If that happens, Sasha is gonna die by an overdose. She won't be able to handle losing her baby AND Brando. When I saw Drew w/Scout, I was confused for a minute. I forgot who CM was playing and then remembered he's Drew. LOL! Is that his second scene w/his daughter since he returned?!? Why is Carly going to Aruba? Wait . . . I don't care. I hope she stays there. A Kristina sighting! They should really write for Lexi but whatever. ETA: I'm glad I missed the Curtis scenes. Curtis makes me sick! He should have looked into the divorce too. It wasn't Jordan's sole responsbility to make sure the divorce went through. I don't know how divorces are handled in NY but even when they are uncontested, hrgs are still held to confirm all that. This story is beyond ridiculous, and I'm not looking forward to him blaming Jordan for it! I hate him!
  11. Yeah . . no episode in Maryland b/c of the news coverage re: the Queen.
  12. I only caught the last 30 minutes but . . . . . Stella is a punk! LOL! I can't believe she's not gonna to tell them she intended to mail the filing but had a heart attack (or whatever happened to her) and forgot about it. As a family attorney, I will just ignore the fact that neither Jordan nor Curtis looked into what happened w/their divorce filing, but it's really not that big of a deal. It's not like Portia and Curtis are trying to get married tomorrow. Just go down to the courthouse, file the complaint, someone file a consent answer, and then get a court date. GH is always trying to over-dramatize simple stuff. It's not like they would need to wait before they could file. This is NOT the drama GH thinks it is. I agreed w/Nina about the lies Millow want to tell Wiley. IMO, Willow should have walked away when she saw Nina at Nelle's grave. I'm not even sure why she went to Nelle's grave but once she saw Nina there, she should have quietly walked away. And after Nina engaged her a bit, Willow should have been the bigger person and just walked away. Willow makes me sick. Nina can't even grieve her daughter in peace. And don't get me started on Carly. She's just evil trash if you ask me. Who tells someone everyone is better off w/their child dead? Even if you thought that, why would you be so cruel as to say it to that person's parent? Who does that? That's not soapy. It's just nasty and cruel. Ugh . . . Carly is a disgusting POS. I only wish this show would let bad things happen to her trash character - and I mean real bad things that have a lasting impact! I missed most of the Sprina stuff. I guess nothing is happening on that front anytime soon. I hate Curtis. I hated him even asking Jordan to look through her mail. Sir, you can go down to the courthouse tomorrow if you care so much. She was in a hospital for months. You should have looked into it yourself, Curtis! Ugh . . . . I used to like him but I hate him so much now. I'm only looking forward to the Trina reveal so I can see his world shattered! LOL! He makes me ill. Oh, and I really liked WL's singing! It was better - IMO - than the last time he sang at the Friz reception. Maybe I liked this song better though. LOL!
  13. Curtis has a lot of nerve being angry with Sonny because he CHOSE to fall into bed with Mrs. Wu! That was his choice. He could have just waited until he talked to his dad but he didn’t want to wait and now he has to face the consequences of his choices! Loved the TJ/Brando scenes. I like them as friends. I enjoyed the Sasha/Lucy scenes. I knew Sasha was gonna go off on that guy when she saw him recording. It’s good she recognized she needs help. Let’s hope that lasts!! I wish this plot got more play than Carly/Drew. I just can’t with Joss/Dex. I muted them. I hate mini-Snarly and have no interest in her romance with this Dex guy. That said, Joss’s dress was nice though. They could have let Trina were a more mature dress too. I love that Trina got Spencer’s letter. I’m ready for the Spencer/Trina/Rory triangle to start. I mute ChaLynn. I don’t care about Linc and BLQ’s music. Is Chase ever returning to the force? I heard him say something about not being associated with the mob but I’m like you’ve been on leave for like two years now?!? Do you still even have a cop job?!
  14. @Asp Burger and @dubbel zout - Yeah . . . . my sister and I call it his "cry face." LOL! It's really bad. I do not like when Valentin cries or is sad. It just doesn't work. LOL!
  15. I never said it didn't happen though. I said I don't buy into the idea that they share this deep, all-encompassing love. I just don't. Them paying baseball, having scenes w/Violet, and talking about liking each other one episode every 2-3 months was simply not enough for me to get invested in them as a couple or to even see them as dating. Another Fiz fan has said the same thing (about their story being rushed and the ILYs being soon) so I know it's not just my dislike for them coloring my opinion. In MY opinion, their love story was told infrequently and was fast tracked when Finn was suddenly in love w/her after the Chase crap. And I was regularly watching then. I just didn't see it the way you did. You saw them bonding and falling in love, but they just seemed like friends to me. I got no romantic vibes during that stuff w/Chase. I'm a long time soap viewer so I knew they were being thrown together but I thought we would actually get their love story. AFAIC, we didn't. Again, for me, showing them once every 2-3 months does not build up a relationship. It's hard to get invested when they were rarely shown and when - IMO - the chemistry is not the best. They are fine but I much preferred Friz and Fanna to them. I understand you like them though, and that's cool. I'm glad you enjoy them. All the pairings I like either ended (Fanna, Friz), are moving too slow (SoNa, Sprina), or have been temporarily (hopefully?) destroyed for no freaking reason (Nava). It's nice when you like a pairing. My comments are just expressing my feelings on Fiz. I'm not telling anyone else how to feel about them. If they work for you, great. If they don't, then maybe I get to talk w/folks who share my feelings.
  16. And I didn't see the whole show today, but I liked what I saw of Fiz for once. IMO, it is what we should have been seeing weeks ago - her opening up to him freely and willingly and him listening and offering advice/his opinion. From what I saw, Finn wasn't badgering her and harassing her; he was being open and listening. And she was showing concern for herself and interest in her situation. I liked it. I still think their romance has been poorly told and I don't buy the depth of their supposed love for each other when it seems they never went on an official date . . . . but this is the better way to address Liz's issues. We don't need Finn sneaking around calling her folks behind her back and ignoring her wishes. He needs to be direct and supportive, and she needs to be invested too. They seemed on the right track today.
  17. I read this in the recap on SoapCentral. How stupid!!!! As you said, plenty of doctors and nurses were roaming around all day but they didn't think to grab one of those ppl to help! A house full of medical prof'ls?!?! Not to mention Monica!! But the show clearly wanted a Josslyn/Dex moment so they forced one! Goodness! 🙄
  18. I was interested when it first started - several months ago. It has dragged out so much, and it is shown so rarely that I lost all interest in the plot. And having Finn force things the way he is is not helping. They need to push this plot into third gear already!
  19. Yes!! I couldn’t agree more with you. That is what I’ve been trying to say. I know Fiz have been hanging around each other, but I never saw them fall in love. Everything about the pairing has been rushed AFAIC. It doesn’t help that they would disappear for large periods of time. And now he can’t seem to respect her wishes. As you said, it’s controlling, and it’s not a good look for Finn. He needs to back off and leave Elizabeth be. If she doesn’t want to get help for her issues, then that’s her business. It doesn’t concern Finn. It’s pushy and annoying. I’m remembering how much I hated Liz harassed Franco about his childhood repressed memories. That was annoying too. I just believe in letting ppl move at their own pace with traumatic things. If that’s not good enough for Finn, he can end the relationship and just be her friend. He can’t force her to address issues she doesn’t want to address right now. I do believe that as Saha’s husband, Brando has a right to demand she address her drug addiction. They are in a marriage, and he’s a recovering addict himself. That said, if she refuses, Brando should leave her. IMO, Finn is in no position to make any demands of Elizabeth. I guess they’ve been dating for a few months if that. He just needs to back off and leave her alone.
  20. Yes, if there is enough evidence to proceed on a case, the prosecutor’s office can do so without the cooperation of the witness, but they can also choose to drop a case. I’m not a prosecutor, but in my experience (I am a DV/family lawyer), they dismiss cases all the time when my clients aren’t interested in pursuing them. Call me cynical, but I can’t see any real life prosecutor’s office pursuing this revenge porn case if Josslyn/Cameron weren’t cooperative and were adamant the person accused had not done it. At the very least, I could see the DA asking PCPD to look into it more.
  21. No, you cannot introduce new evidence once the trial has concluded, and the jury is deliberating. I guess they’re not even trying to get some stuff right. Everything about this trial, including the investigation, has been lame.
  22. @ffwbe - I agree with those who think Willow will fall ill again and be hospitalized. You never know - she may be in a coma or something when Michael learns the truth. Carly will be there and hear that she might have a chance if she had a biological relative. Carly will then be forced to reveal the truth about Nina. That’s my guess. I still think the more interesting story would have been Carly telling Millow the truth, Willow deciding she doesn’t want Nina in her life, Willow becoming ill, Millow fighting about whether to tell Nina (Willow willing to die because she wants nothing to do with Nina), Willow falling into a coma, Michael telling Nina, Nina giving up her bone marrow/body parts/whatever, Willow recovering and wanting a relationship, but Nina rejecting her! And then Willow has to work to become a part of Nina’s life. Haha!
  23. Michael is such an ass. “What did you do to her?” Ugh. He’s always jumping to conclusions and looking like the complete ass he is. And I love how Sonny’s crimes are A-OK for him and Josslyn when they benefit someone he likes! The hypocrisy of those two is reaching crazy levels!! Willow is just a liar. She always has some excuse for lying. I wish the show would acknowledge that and present it as the character flaw it is instead of always painting it as her being noble and self-sacrficing. No. She’s just a liar and has to be forced to tell the truth. I see ChaLynn are still up to their old games. I feel for the fans waiting for these two to get together. It’s taking forever, and I’m not sure why all this buildup is necessary. Just put them together already. I didn’t see all of the Dante/BLQ scenes, but it sounded like he was telling her to stop using Chase and getting him involved in schemes. Chase is a grown man, but I think I understood Dante’s point. I have to rewatch to see what exactly he said. I enjoyed the Sonny/Kristina and Nina/Liesl scenes.
  24. @driver18 - I definitely missed them going on their first date. I recall it being cancelled b/c of Elizabeth finding a torn dress. As I recall, that started off the stalking plot. I remember her finding her ring in her work locker (or in a drawer in her kitchen which was really odd) and then the speculation about her kids doing it and Heather, etc. I don't remember them actually going on any dates. But I fully admit to missing the dates. I agree with @Daisy that we've seen them flirting and being interested in each other. I guess I just feel Finn's emotions/love for Liz is OTT for the place they are in their relationship. He seems to care quite a bit, and it just doesn't track . . . . for me. I can't help but wonder why he's so invested in Liz and her family. I wonder when they fell in love. Again, it has not helped that they are shown so rarely. And to show I'm not biased, when Maxie declared she liked Austin after the Peter debacle, I was like, "huh?" That "relationship" skipped over the courtship entirely. Fiz have courted more than Mastin. So, my main issue is w/the bad, poorly paced writing. That said, I'm definitely not trying to be a spoil sport or talk them down. I have a lot of issues w/the writing and the pacing, but I'm glad you're enjoying Fiz. There is not much I actually like on GH right now so if others get enjoyment out of couples/stories, have at it! 😀 I wish I could join you!
  25. Yup! I saw that over on SoapCentral. It is clear the writers have no set plan or story they are trying to tell. I’m not a professional writer but I would think a writer would think of a story with a clear BEGINNING and END before pitching it. The middle can change or not be completely thought out but the beginning and end should be clear. And that is clearly not happening with Liz, Esme, and other stories!
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