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Everything posted by blatantlyobvious

  1. I also find it odd that the quints are still spoon fed much of the time. At 2+ it seems like they should be able to feed themselves. Then again, my youngest can drive, so it’s been a while since I had a 2 year old, not to mention five of them! LOL!
  2. I personally <3 the name Hazel! It’s my favorite name of the bunch!!
  3. Dis they mention how old these two are? They probably did and I missed it, but I’m too lazy to go back & rewatch. They strike me as very young- not quite young enough for “16 & Pregnant” shows, but maybe very early 20’s? Gonna be a tough road, with a baby on the way so early in their relationship. They hardly know each other! I appreciated her Mom’s obvious support, but you can almost see the “I told you so” stage coming, when the baby is about 2 months old and he realizes how much work having a newborn is- he’ll bail and move out, mark my words.
  4. Problem is that now my eyes go directly to his yellow teeth rather than to the lump on his forehead. ?
  5. ??? Reminds me of this T-Shirt I saw yesterday:
  6. I’m so sorry. That’s a whole lot to be going through. *>hugs & moral support<*
  7. Would have been great if the host asked some actual questions rather than just trying to see who’s still hooking up. Kayla- are you still taking classes? What are you studying? Stephan- dude, do you have an actual JOB yet? (Assuming that’s a big fat “No.”) Why not? How do you contribute financially to this child you’ve helped create? Jade- are you still living on your own as a single Mom? Sean- have you put down the video games long enough to get a job? Lexi- have you started college to pursue your dream of becoming a mortician? That’s such an interesting carreer choice! Brianna- what are your plans for the future? Job? School? Anything? I feel like she’s the only one who hasn’t shown us much of anything about future hopes & dreams beyond making sure her boyfriend follows her out West. Ashley & Bar- I got nothing. I find these two trashy & wholly uninteresting, and I’d love to see this series -2 if they choose to have a Season 2.
  8. Danae hasn’t matured one iota. He’s still the same unstable, anger-driven, hair-trigger temper, refuses-to-accept-any-responsibly asshole he was during the season. Bye, jerk! ?? I was NOT expecting Stephan to hug it out with Kayla’s mom. Wow.
  9. I could barely understand a word of the conversation between David & the Sheriff deputy at the door. Where the hell are the subtitles when you need them?!?!
  10. Mama Chantel is *never* going to live that line down. Never. Classic.
  11. How many tits does this chick have??? From the cleavage we see here, at least four in the front, with another 2-4 in the back. ETA: Full disclosure, I’d probably have rolls & lumps like this if I tried to squeeze my DDD’s & plump self into a horribly fitting strapless gown. But I have enough common sense to know that I‘d look like a Baby Beluga if I tried to wear that monstrosity.
  12. My 16-year-old son walked in while clown tits lady was having her consultation. (He hates shows like this, so his expression was both annoyed & horrified.) He said, and I quote; “What’s up with Miss Tits-on-a-Stick?! Let me guess, she wants those puppies to be bigger?” ???
  13. Why the Hell were Kail and her sidekick in full glam makeup & hair to tape a podcast? We all know she has a face for radio, but that doesn’t mean she needed all of the warpaint. Brianna and her horrendous pronunciation... “Mommy needs to take care of you BOF.” Grrr..... And we’re to believe that all of the sudden Louis is going to pony up $1000 a month for Stella’s daycare?! Yeah, right. That’ll last approximately 2 1/2 weeks before we hear Brianna bitching about how much of a loser he is (as if that wasn’t obvious) and how she can’t affoed daycare. Mark my words.
  14. 100% agree. My mom would have snapped back with a "HELL NO! What the Hell are you thinking!" faster than I could say "PLEASE???" Then again, it never would occur to me to spring something like that on her, nor would it cross my mind to marry someone who obviously isn't into me who's just milking me for money, so the whole point is moot. But I'd have been slapped straight across the face (rightfully so) if I tried to pull that BS on my Mama!
  15. I should have known that Nicole dragged her Mom out dress shopping and then dropped the bomb of "You're paying" right in her lap in front of the cameras and that poor dress shop lady. What a P.O.S.!!!
  16. Same! It’s either dead silence or a never ending running commentary on something totally unnecessary- and social cues be damned. I hear you loud & clear on that one.
  17. I am SO OVER that promo commercial with that chick chanting “Titty Pop-Out, Titty Pop-Out, Titty Pop-Out.” Get. Some. New. Ads. Please. PLEASE?!?!? Enough already!!!
  18. On what planet is it funny/entertaining/smirk-worthy to say to a teenage girl who you know DAMN well wants desperately to be your girlfriend, “Love you,” followed by “Just kidding.”?!?!? What a complete and total asshat he is!! His mother must be mortified watching these episodes! I’m sure she’s aware that Kyler is stringing Lexi along, but that scene goes way beyond cruel. If that was my kid, I would kill him. Flat out. I can somewhat understand Sean’s immaturity and lack of really understanding how much patience it takes to not only be a father, but in a living-together relationship that’s already strained to begin with. Not excusing his crappy attitude or how he treats Jade, but at least it’s somewhat understandable. Jade doesn’t seem like the easiest person to live & coparent with, and I can understand him falling back on wanting to hang with his boys & be irresponsible. Bar- I can kind of understand his lack of wanting to apologize to “Pastor” Tea as well. He and Ashley might be okay if they can keep their crazy families out of it. They need to move far away from both sides of that family tree. Danae- insane. Move FAR FAR away from that relationship, and stay off of FaceTime, Brianna. Be done. Kayla needs to ditch Stephan, and she knows it. But will she have the strength to stay away? Probably not. She doesn’t seem to have enough self esteem to cut ties like she knows she should. Sadly.
  19. Interesting! I guess I don’t get out of Michigan too often! LOL!
  20. On the after show (yeah, I watched it... hard to actually admit I bothered to do that, but here we are!!) Kayla explained that Stephan got access to her Mom's debit card when he borrowed her car, and she'd left her purse in the car. So he a.) borrows her car b.) notices her purse is in the car c.) goes INTO her purse and fishes out her Mom's debit card, and d.) uses it to withdraw cash. That's a whole lot of boundaries to cross, not an "oops- I 'borrowed' money and it'll be fine" kind of thinking. All while he's crashing at their place because he can't manage to actually pay his own bills. She said that both she and Stephan have used the card before WITH MOM'S PERMISSION to buy groceries, gas, and other things, and that they both knew her PIN number because in order to use the card at the grocery store, you'd have to put the PIN in. So it shouldn't have been a big surprise to Mom that they both know the PIN. That said, he didn't have permission to withdraw cash. She said he did pay her back- that he ended up leaving the cash on the table after that fight (even though he took it back DURING the fight), so that part has been remedied. I just can't believe the balls on that asshole to sit there and scream at Kayla's Mom for being upset about him breaking every rule she has for her household. How she kept her cool I'll never know, but Stephan's true colors shine through like a laser beam. Run, Kayla- RUN! Also- how does one withdraw exactly $70???? I haven't seen an ATM with anything but $20 denominations since I was in college- and let's just say that was in the last century.
  21. Tell me I did not just see 2/3 of Ryan’s bare ass as he climbed his high-as-Hell nasty-attitude behind out of that car and then accused Mac of having an attitude. #brainbleach #cantunseethat
  22. I think they’ll add MM as a “replacement” for Farrah, while keeping ME in as a side character, since she’s already filming with Ryan/Maci. Maybe they’ll bump up her pay & screen time, but there’s no reason to call her an official 4th girl since she’s already on. Even paying MM Briana-class wages and bumping up ME’s profile, MTV would still save both money and headaches compared to high-maintenance Farrah.
  23. Frenchie has also been on lots of other reality TV trash, including Charm School, I Love Money, Botched (she was one of those “You’ve got to be kidding- we’re not operating on you” patients), and Celebrity Big Brother. She’s 42 years old, FFS!! I’m ashamed to admit I know that. Almost as ashamed as I was when I squealed a little bit on her appearance with Farrah.
  24. Ryan 100% deserves to see Bentley. Maci 100% has reasons to be concerned. The courts need to be involved to set boundaries and restrictions if Maci concerns about his drug use & ability to safely supervise Bentley are founded, which I believe they are. Ryan’s concerns, whether they be Maci & Taylor’s alcohol use or parenting styles should also be investigated. (No, I don’t mean “chores are unreasonable,” I mean it sounds like there may be more to the story that we DON’T see.) The courts will also enforce Ryan’s parental rights. Why in the HELL do these people avoid going to court & get a reasonable and fair plan on paper? They HAVE the money for good lawyers! Catelyn 100% should be allowed to see Nova as well, even right out of rehab. Withholding her would do nothing to help her mental health, although I’d hope Tyler wouldn’t be leaving her alone with Nova (for extended periods of time at least) right away. It’s not like Tyler has a full time out-of-the-home job, so “being around” shouldn’t be too big of an issue anyway, and they don’t have the same sharing parenting time issues as Ryan & Maci Gary has taken these steps to keep Leah safe, and rightfully so given Amber’s history. Once again, Gary is the only rational human being on this show. Farrah is insane. Not touching that one with a ten-foot dildo.
  25. What the hell is up with her grill? All gums on top!? Woah.
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