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Everything posted by Leigh3

  1. I watched the Cabin Fever marathon this weekend...I still don't know why. I learned I will never, never, never call my husband "babe" again and nor will I allow him to call me "babe". Babe=gag! Tori was so pouty in these episodes. She must have her way. Realizing that they never owned the cabin, but rented is irritating. Why say you are buying a cabin when you know you will not. These days wthl the web and social media they had to know the truth will leak out. Would love to know if the actual owners changed the interior in anyway after Tori and Dean headed back to LA.
  2. Really Victoria Gotti??? And after Teresa tells Melissa that you can learn great family values watching The Godfather...really?? When I saw Victoria my first thought was "Damn what did you do Dina!" then I realized it wasn't Dina lol. I call BS that Teresa is friends with Victoria. They may have met at a charity event, but friends nah. Teresa did not seem happy to see her at the book signing. Teresa didn't do her usual squeal and screech of delight. Wouldn't be surprised if Victoria reached out to Teresa..."I went through the same thing, my husband went to jail yada yada yada". Victoria would love to be back on TV. Agree that Amber was crapping her pants being in a "Gotti" home. You know, Gotti like the MOBSTER. Wonder what Jimbo- you know I am an attorney-thought about this. Also call big BS on the Rino and Santa rumor. Now to see how fast this rumor can spread. Please please please, for once Tersa keep your damn mouth shut. Let Amber(and Jim) hang themselves. By the way,does Victoria not have heat in her house? The ladies sat around in their coats. Hey did you hear that amber has cancer? Did she mention it this episode?
  3. Earlier in this thread someone mentioned about Michelle having a sister keep track of a sister's cycles when she starts courting. If this is true it is disgusting. Do Michelle and JB have so little respect for the girls to trust they will "keep sweet"? Do they believe the female is so simple they can be so taken in so easily by the predatory lustful male? Wonder if Michelle and JimBoob take the courting girls to the doctors to do a monthly "virginity test'?
  4. "How could she have possibly waited? She has been told her life by parents.that birth control is evil." Good point. I think the kids have been taught to only have sex to procreate, not for pleasure. Pleasure=lust=sin I am calling twins. Looking at the pictures she does appear to be showing, bloated, food baby or something. I was showing by 5 weeks when I was pregnant with twins. With my son I didn't show until 13-14 weeks. Either way I wish them congratulations and best of luck.
  5. Thank you PinkSprinkles (great name btw) and stafford. i will be checking this blog. When I saw the picture of Derrick my first thought was "Damn Jill let the boy sleep once in a while" yes immature I know. One (maybe just me) gets the idea that since they can't hug-heaven forbid that may lead to SEX and only holds hands that they must go buck wild on their wedding night. This has nothing to do with Jill or Derrick but it drives me CRAZY that Jim Bob and the boys won't even frontal hug the women in their family. Are they worried the hug will bring on lustful thoughts??????? Personally I know of parents who only allow side hugs with the opposite sex, but the parents will give their kids a full hug.
  6. I missed this what did Ben's father say? Have they shown his family? I can't remember. Ben is cute and all, but the awkwardness between Ben and his "beloved' was uncomfortable to watch. Isn't he 18/19? What will he be doing to support his wife and very soon to be children? Have they set the wedding date? I am sure the guest list will be over 1000. "less favored, more controversial couple in Ben and Jessa." Do tell?? I am really out of the loop on the Duggers. Has their new season started on TLC?
  7. How could I forget about the episode "Naked Wasted"!!!! I remember, watching the episode, thinking the producers wouldn't allow him to jump her bones would they?
  8. Questions "we have a term for you in medicine, its called penis" ??? What does this mean?? Am I slow on the uptake? Did he call David a penis? Seriously Terry just call him a dick. Also I see people calling Tambo's son "Rapey Ryan". Why?
  9. I totally agree. The show would be a "Golly we're just two crazy kids in love and our crazy, uncouth friends". She would spend each episode correcting people and giving the camera a smug smile with a head tilt. She would make a point letting the audience know she is so far above everyone else. Terry would find reasons to say "We doctors have a saying it is..... Just to remind us he is a DOCTOR. I used to like Heather and Terri, until this season. Terry getting his thong in a knot over David's comment is total BS. It is so scripted! How many times have they been together that Terry did not address the comment? Why now? Question was it Bravo scripted or Dubrow scripted?
  10. From the Amber thread Anne Zander ‏ @ChegeGirl Aug 15 @JLMarchese111 @Bobby247 Jim I want to like you. Please help me understand why you joined the show if you did not want to be around Joe G? James Marchese ‏@JLMarchese111 @ChegeGirl I only wanted to shoot with my family and Bobby. That was it. Did not want any part of rest of show. This was Amber's dream. Interesting. Did JIm, the attorney, not read his contract before signing? He is a bigger dumb ass than I thought if he thought he was only going to film with his family and Bobby.
  11. I agree with previous posters that this season is boring. The twins bring nothing to the show. Joe and Melissa-whatev. What did Melissa do to her face? Biggest complaint is Amber and Jimbo. They are totally turning me off RHNJ. They are such phonies. What is the deal with Jim that he pulls in the people he talks with and whispers in their ear, ala The Soprano's? He is a fraud and an informant. How does Bravo find these people? http://absurdtosublime.net/2014/08/04/jim-marchese-involved-in-murder-mystery/ http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2014/06/10/rhonj-tea-amber-jim-marchese-accused-of-mortgage-fraud/
  12. When I read this I my first thought was "What Teresa let Gia get an ass ring!" (like a belly button ring, but for your ass) Not that I have ever heard of an "ass ring", but I wouldn't put anything past this group of housewives. I haven't seen the episode yet. I am sorta hoping it will be an "ass ring" just to show the craziness of this show.
  13. wow wow wow! So Aviva doesn't think it was Carole's place to write about her husband Anthony. Another fine example of what a piece of shit Aviva is. So glad Kate Aurthur called her on her crap.
  14. AND his grandfather is George! Poor kid! Can you imagine what he hears about his mother, grandfather, and his new Grandma Cody? Good luck Harrison
  15. Mario is the vice president of Classic Medallics and Frederick Singer & Sons. The company was first founded in the 1940s under the name of “Frederick Singer & Sons” by Mario’s grandfather. Lordy lordy a Ramona dating show!! I would watch it. First episode bringing Fabio back to see if the sparks are still there. I think he is available.
  16. I, too, was hoping Ramona and Mario would figure it out and stick together. Mario probably figured out, now he has had time away from Ramona, that she is CRAZY. He is probably running for the hills. Watching Ramona dating...scary. We definitly need Bethany and Jill back. Did you hear that Andy????
  17. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/08/bethenny-frankel-talks-return-rhony/ I would love to see Bethany back. Hell bring back Jill.
  18. "no one saying what an incredible load of crap the George/Cody “engagement” is." Yikes it was true, George and Cody got married Sunday and Aviva was nowhere to be seen. Think George paid Cody to marry him?
  19. Ramona and Mario divorce talk is back on. InTouch caught the cheater and his not-so-secret lover sharing lunch at NYC eatery Anassa Taverna on August 2 — and snapped a tell-tale photo! http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/08/ramona-singer-mario-singer-mistress-cheating-again-divorce/ Cheating on Ramona is one thing, but humiliating her is another. The ladies gave her too much respect by not going in for the kill regarding Mario's cheating over the years.
  20. In defense of Harper Lee. Having grown up in Monroeville, Alabama, Harper Lee's hometown, I believe Miss Nellie wrote To Kill a Mockingbird. If Capote had written it there would of been no way in hell he would of kept quiet. Especially when the book won the Pulitzer. Aviva is a mess, Ramona...oh my and poor Sonja. I read this somewhere and it is so true. Sonja tries to come off like an (aging) "Holly Golightly" character from Breakfast at Tiffany's (btw a Capote novella). She is a party girl trying to get by on her looks and the attentions of wealthy men. That can only last so long. Question... why was LouAnn not an "officail" housewife this year? I think i saw her more than Aviva So who do you all think will be on the next season? Who is leaving/fired/joining? I vote to kick Aviva off the island...oop wrong show
  21. http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/02/rhoc-tamra-barney-annoyed-danielle-gregorio-attention-seeking/ Things must of really hit the fan between Tamballs and Danielle in Bali. Maybe we'll see why Tamra freaked out because it has to be more that everyone realizing she is a liar. I really hope Barvo didn't edit it out. I am really looking forward to next weeks episode. In the words of Vicki whoo hoo!
  22. Tamra took down her facebook page very recently. She stated it was because she posted Lizzie's phone number, but reports state she was blasting Bravo.
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