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Everything posted by Leigh3

  1. interesting Jim Bob publicly stated during his 2002 campaign for U.S. Senate that he thinks incest should be punishable by death. http://defamer.gawker.com/duggar-dads-political-platform-incest-should-be-punish-1706929035?utm_campaign=socialflow_gawker_facebook&utm_source=gawker_facebook&utm_medium=socialflow
  2. TLC statement "Effective immediately, TLC has pulled all episodes of 19 Kids and Counting currently from the air. We are deeply saddened and troubled by this heartbreaking situation, and our thoughts and prayers are with the family and victims at this difficult time." Train finally off rails
  3. In the old house there weren't enough bedrooms so the kids pretty much slept where there so room. On a couch, a chair or on the floor. Now this explains the dorm rooms for the boys and girls. The house rules where the sexes were never to be the others room with exceptions such as the girls getting the dirty clothes or cleaning the boy's room. I think there was a strict rule against the boys ever being in the girl's room. Hmmm
  4. Michelle had a meltdown? Details please I carefully read the 33 page redacted police report. I am sick. I was so sad to read one of the sister, whom Josh put his hand up her dress, stated she forgave him, but does not feel safe in her home. Surprised this statement didn't open a second investigation. P25 and 26 of the report of a sister in the home who loves to cook and is in charge of meals (which sister is this?) She went on to say how this event brought the family closer to God- in my head I was hearing Jill. This sister claimed she was not touched inappropriately. She did state someone makes her feel uncomfortable. The name was blacked out, but for some reason I don't think it was Josh and the blacked out area was too long like it was a long first and last name. So this counseling center Josh was sent to has...work camp. He was probably told to pray and work hard to get these demons out of him. This damning letter who wrote it and why was it placed in a book and forgotten??? The family knew about the letter. Was it a confessional from Josh as part of his asking for forgiveness? Who emailed Oprah??? As of TLC if you listen closely you can hear the gravy train coming off the tracks
  5. Holy Moly! I keep reading about his sisters as some of the victims and that he admitted this. I am trying to find the article where he admits this. I keep seeing a lot of speculation. When I first read this I wondered what JB would consider as inappropriate...did Josh full on hug? Then I read the details. Molesting them while they slept. I think of the other families that he would have such access...the Bates come to mind. Then seemed to always be at each others homes long term. I am sure the victims have had it driven into their heads that it wasn't their beloved Joshy, but the devil. And that somehow the girls are to blame. If the victims are his sisters it now explains why the girls seem to never be alone with a brother...they always have another sister. My husband even mentioned that it looked like a chaperon situation. Hmmm Wonder if Margie will think twice about her courting a Duggar?
  6. From my 17 daughter when I told her Jessa is pregnant "They are too young. Do either work? Do they have insurance?" "well I hope they figure something out because the TLC gravy train can't last forever" Good questions.
  7. I should clarify my baby belly popped out LOL Good luck Ben and Jessa.
  8. So if she is due November 1, she is about 3 months along? Looking at her size in the People picture I am guessing twins. With my twins I popped out by 2.5 months. If it is twins might be a reason they waited to announce.
  9. Thank you secnarf. Maybe I'll catch it on the rerun.
  10. UGH I missed the last 15 minutes due to 60 Minutes running over. Would someone tell me how it ended. I thought it was a pretty good episode...of what I saw lol Last scene was the crew being asked why they fired the torpedo. Thoughts on the episode: Won't be surprised if Stevie's boss doesn't come back in a negative way. Can't stand speechwriter Matt.
  11. Jill and husband Derick Dillard welcomed baby Israel David on April 6. Weighing in at 9 lbs., 10 oz., Jill and Derick's first child arrived 11:49 p.m. Monday night. looks like in a hospital
  12. http://www.people.com/article/jill-duggar-derick-dillard-baby-boy-born-israel-david-dillard?xid=socialflow_facebook_peoplemag he is here
  13. This was posted on Duggarsisters http://websta.me/n/duggarsisters duggarsisters Update- we are still on baby Dilly watch. It seems like #babydilly is running on Duggar time! Jill is 2 weeks passed her original due date and 2 days passed her second due date! It is unlikely Jill will induce labor because she strongly wanted to have a home and natural birth. Jill states, " The baby comes when the baby comes. " Jill has only experienced Braxton Hicks contractions and has not entered active labor yet. Jill and Derick will announce the babies name after birth! #19kids #babydilly #jillmdillard #derickdillard { When leaving a comment, please leave a nice one. I've had many people doubting Jill's pregnancy in ways of saying she is doing it all wrong and needs help or voicing that she is endangering her baby. Jill is a smart girl who is skilled in midwifery and her midwives are continuously watching over her, and if anything would come up, endangering the babies health, they would take her to the hospital. Jill is doing great right now, and will give birth to a healthy baby boy in God's timing. Send prayers towards Jill and Derick. } 1h Read more at http://websta.me/n/duggarsisters#OPx6oCFlqKP1teTG.99
  14. I was 2 weeks 1 day late with my oldest son. He was in no rush to come out. Even with the eventual induction he still took his own sweet time, my labor was 15 hours. He was healthy, but they had to keep a close eye on his sugar levels and for this we stayed an extra day in the hospital. I hope they are in discussions about home birth vs. hospital,.
  15. I missed this. I am going to dvr it when it comes back on. I will slow mo this scene. Wondering what this was? Interesting I would love a list of what all the older kids are doing with their lives since "graduating". I know Jana is a midwife/doula, JD owns a company, a deputy, a pilot.... Anyone know what the others are doing with their time?
  16. I went to a bad place. Jessa "do you like cherries?" snicker snicker Jessa "Don't make it too big Benny" snicker snicker Ben "really wanted to try hers" snicker snicker Jessa "looking forward to our honeymoon. We have alot of plans" snicker snort That boom was a lighting strike Have to say their kisses weren't as uncomfortable looking as Jill and Derrick's. They knew what they were doing
  17. I live in the south and I have never seen this at a wedding. When I saw Jill do this, now Jessa all I can think is "Yeah now he is going to find a closet or bathroom and throw her dress up and nail her"...yeah I know gross, but they seem most excited about not having chaperones, more so than anything else. Still bugs the CRAP out of me with all the side hugs within the family. Ben seems sooooo young.
  18. Who is CJ? And where can I find her page? This is all very interesting yet sickening at the same time. And will I continue watching this train wreck HELL YEAH. I disgust myself LOL
  19. Seriously why would she leave him?????? He gave her everything she wanted... a daughter AND a wet bar. As little as the family is all together I wonder how often the wet bar gets used. I read an article somewhere that stated the wives and kids will go up to a week not seeing Kody. I doubt Kody rotates through the wives anymore. Meri, Janelle and Christine all seem done with him.
  20. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/sister-wives-kody-brown-divorces-wife-meri-marries-youngest-robyn-201532 Apparently this is true. I found the marriage certificate recorded in Clark CO. Nevada So Meri and Kody divorce??? I haven't been able to find the divorce record, but Kody and Robyn were married on December 11. Party Type First Party Name First Cross Party Name Instrument # Document Type Modifier Record Date Parcel # Remarks Total Value From BROWN, KODY WINN BROWN, ROBYN ALICE 201412120002780 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE 12/12/2014 3:48:45 PM $0.00 here is the Clark Co. Recorder's site https://recorder.co.clark.nv.us/RecorderEcommerce/
  21. It is true! I find this on the Clark Co. Navada recorders website Party Type First Party Name First Cross Party Name Instrument # Document Type Modifier Record Date Parcel # Remarks Total Value From BROWN, KODY WINN BROWN, ROBYN ALICE 201412120002780 MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE 12/12/2014 3:48:45 PM $0.00
  22. I normally skip First Looks, but I am sooo glad I watched this one. LOVE LOVE Eileen! She seems to be the voice of reason. Personally I feel like she is the most relatable. She says things that we would all say..and many times do while yelling at the tv. The fact that Vince was peaking out the garage window, while grabbing leftover pizza, was the best I only hope Eileen stays grounded and herself, but as history has shown if Bravo Andy says to get more airtime and increase chances of staying on the show she needs to get pissy and show her ass, she might change. Also what was the deal with Brandi staring at the cameras while "helping" Kim? Anytime she had any dealings with Kim she would break the 4th wall" and just stare at the camera. Odd. Looking for ward next week's episode
  23. I am sure this has been mentioned, but what is up with the "cut cut" motion Brandi makes toward the camera when Kim goes off to talk with Kyle? As for Brandi I have read interviews where she states she takes anti anxiety meds prior to most events. (her excuse for her strange behavior?) Drinking on top of them certainly doesn't help her behavior. She always goes dark and angry when drinking. I had the crazy thought that after last season's craziness she would actually attempted to conduct herself a a mature-grown ass- woman. I know crazy right? She needs to see alcohol is not her friend. Without this show she has nothing. She will do ANYTHING to stay on this show and stay relevant.
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