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Everything posted by monkeypox

  1. In that picture, I notice that Jessa and Bin make a V-shape with their bodies. Jessa turns her back to her husband, and he is leaning away from her. Maybe they just had a fight? Maybe it's nothing?
  2. Clearwater is Ground Zero for the Cult of Scientology. Even driving through some areas of town gives me the creeps. I know! I've lived in St. Pete 45 for years. It's spooky that I understand them when they talk all culty. Watch out for the Thetans! I wouldn't have stalked them, but if Derick & fam lived here, I would want to know about it for curiosity's sake.
  3. Did the Dullards live in Clearwater for a couple years? Did anyone else know this? Or was he a remote worker or something?
  4. I've heard Billy Idol's White Wedding. Do people not know the lyrics?
  5. Shocking that the guy in the website picture is a convicted child molester. Eerie similarities.
  6. Nine-year-old Kenzie should sure as heck know how many sides a hexagon has and how to spell "square." Maybe 6-year-old Michael made all the errors and Kenzie is being taught never to correct boys because they are her superior? Aren't kids typically taught shapes in preschool? It's a crime those kids are not being educated. They will grow up to be dumb-as-posts, just like their parents.
  7. I seem to recall Josh posting a racist "joke" picture of the White House disparaging President Obama. Josh also tweeted something to the effect that Obama only became our President because he was black, so I kind of doubt it's something the kids were disciplined for.
  8. He supports Trump and his attack on black athletes. Derick opposes a peaceful protest against unjustified police killings of African-Americans. Seems racist to me.
  9. I wonder if Derick's racism is something Jim Bob overlooked, or was an asset when he chose him for Jill?
  10. "...it is very simple in the Middle East…if a man goes into a women’s bathroom it is capital punishment, they will stone him to death on the spot.” In the Middle East, what do they do to a teenager who sexually molests four of his sisters and another girl? Just asking.
  11. Stan blabbing to Phillip about his former boss' vacation is totally plausible to me. Two unescorted visitors in a high-security deadly-virus building? No. That could not have happened. I've worked in buildings where most people don't even have clearance, but we developed systems for Department of Defense. EVERY visitor was escorted. The first month I started working there, I had to be escorted everywhere, including the bathroom, until I got badged. Half the time, my escorts were the opposite gender, so I wouldn't eat/drink as much, so as to minimize awkwardness. Lost four pounds.
  12. Is anyone familiar with Jana's t-shirt? I see the "ND" and "ECT". Is it a Christian slogan?
  13. And all Hupp had to do was to wait a couple years until Betsy died of natural causes. Then she would have had the $150k by now without committing murder. Betsy's daughters likely would have still sued her after the theft, but she didn't need to also rob a dying woman of her remaining months with her young daughters and family. I hope against hope that Betsy's family will petition someone above the prosecutor (the governor?), to bring Pam Hupp, who planned and committed Betsy's murder, to justice. Or why couldn't her daughters bring a wrongful death suit against Hupp, like Nicole Brown Simpson's and Ron Goldman's families did?
  14. Easy. Russ killed Betsy, then Pam stole their money, as unrelated events. Except that the police/prosecutor were incompetent and Pam was the one who killed Betsy in order to steal their money.
  15. I don't mean to be stupid, but why can't the real killer of Betsy Faria, Pam Hupp, be prosecuted?
  16. Dramatization of Sid and Nancy and Cory Monteith at the Overlook Hotel. And the latter gets raped to death. I'm out.
  17. Angela working at Evil Corp is going to be just like Angel working at Wolfram and Hart. Only with less demons and more daemons. And better hair. I can't wait!
  18. If I'm giving a work tour for a billionaire and he casually drops that no one will care when I die, I would think he was going to Most Dangerous Game me. It's billionaires' favorite sport. I'd be terrified. I wouldn't be crying like when my mom says it.
  19. 3 Things the Josh Duggar Scandal Reveals About Christian Patriarchy. "It’s time we see this scandal for what it is: the only logical outgrowth of sick teachings and demented theology meant to enshrine male privilege and keep women and children weak and voiceless. If we needed visible evidence of how completely failed patriarchy is as a social system and childrearing philosophy, we have it now in spades thanks to the Duggars. And we won’t forget."
  20. Does anyone understand why Bin made Jessa change clothes on the train? Presumably he knew that she knew that he was going to propose that day. Did he know that she would choose to get engaged in an outfit that he did not like? If the show explained, I missed it.
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