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Everything posted by escatefromny

  1. The Twin’s auffs certainly delivered maximum humiliation for each. Shawn was exposed for the fraud that she was. Claire not only had her bubble burst by her peers who all piled on with the copycat charge (I’m sure she convinced herself they all loved her and respected her as a designer) she also had to cop to being a petty cheat who couldn’t resist the need to be special and setting herself apart from the others by keeping a tape measure at the hotel. She admits as much in her talking head. Her petulance in answering Tim’s questions and her delusional minimization of her offense made me want to shake her and tell her to grow the fuck up. I don’t forgive the producers for putting me through the endless and unnecessary twin drama but am satisfied in how they were exposed and dispatched.
  2. Thank you ladychatts for the info on Patrick’s “last words”. So, a real class act. The discussion about keeping him for the merge was absurd (especially because they didn’t seem to consider using his as fodder). Good on all of them for making a rational decision.
  3. My recording cut off and I didn’t see Patrick’s final words. I usually don’t really care but am very curious about what he said following his death stare(s). Does anyone mind giving me a little recap? Thanks! I do think the tribe made the right choice even if Lauren is a bit of a sourpuss.
  4. Yes, you saw a top with the slashes at the beginning of the episode. Shawn was wearing one. jackjill89 noticed it too.
  5. My love for Zac went through the roof with his not having any of the twin's shit. Indeed, the Empresses have no clothes!
  6. There is no one worse than Ramona. She's put up her Bravo Blog which is one of the most pathetic things I've ever seen. She frames it like none of the viewers knew she had been through a divorce?!?!? The blog is filled with humble brags (and digs at Bethany) and implies that her atrocious behavior was a one-off for this season. Ugh!!!!!! http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city/season-9/blogs/ramona-singer/ramona-singer-i-have-decided-to
  7. Bethany made some crack about Sonja's bush (if I remember that particular vulgarity correctly) as they were toasting. Andy even made a crack about it along the lines of "this is what we're closing with?!?!" The guys on the Watch What Crappens podcast do a great impression of Bethany and always pepper her speeches with vulgar nonsequators, it's really funny (and true). Guess it says something that I couldn't recall exactly what she said, I think I just tune it out since it is so unnecessary (and usually nonsensical).
  8. Andy really annoyed me tonight with his half-assed hosting. Assuming it was filmed in order, I'd imagine he was exhausted, but I wish he would have: Addressed Dorinda's slurring and 0 to 60 ragefests or her chronic "forgetfulness" this season. I know he couldn't just come out and ask if she is a raging alcoholic, what drugs she does or why she's such a nasty drunk but there was plenty of material for a montage of Dorinda's sloppy behavior which could have been addressed. I feel like she got a pass; Pressed Bethany on the viewer's question about her tirade against Luann in the context of Ramona's tirade against her. (I don't know why Luann came to her rescue by framing it in terms of the "using the children"); Dug much deeper on Sonja and the Page 6 story; and generally just have done a better job with getting answers before moving on. Also, Ramona is horrible to the core. She weaves an insult into everything she says. "I'm happy for Bethany's success. *I* was self made and independent at 30, she was 37. I'm happy for her". Leave it to Bethany to close out a relatively civil Reunion on a unnecessarily vulgar note. For all her contrivances and effort in trying to be quotable or coin a catch phrase, she is the least successful of the bunch at it. Dorinda doesn't even try and probably has a great side business with her merchandise stamped with her quotes. She makes it nice, Bethany just sounds like an inept child seeking attention with her inappropriate vulgarity.
  9. Part 1 seemed a little lackluster to me. Always nice to see Ramona called out but, really, what's the point. She just yes-es everyone to death, learns nothing and goes back to being her horrible self. She reminded me of Jabba the Hut sitting there all all swollen, puffy and ugly. She did make me laugh though when she acted like the star pupil filling in the blank when Bethany was trying to be cute and coin a new phrase. When Bethany told Andy to "show some" and Romana barked "respect" (like she was playing Password or something) cracked me up. Bethany's little rant about Moaner ignoring her Assistant seemed to bring Bethany back to a Ramona pet peeve of hers. Reminded me of when they were at a party and Bethany suggested to Ramona that she hook up with the hot bartender and Moaner sneered that she'd never go out with a bartender. Bethany has a 20TB hard drive full of grievances and perceived slights, she forgets nothing. She really needs to sit back and shut up. And pick a side already - one minute she's calling Ramona an "animal" and the next she is full of faux sympathy. Dorinda is not a favorite of mine but I appreciated she tried to have a "teachable moment" with Sleazy Sonja by not just insisting on an apology re the pajamas, but by schooling her in manners: in the future, when a guest in someone's home, maybe don't go through their things. Yes, there were some fun moments in this season but there really just wasn't anything here except the Lu/Tom storyline (again!) so I'm not sure how they'll fill the next two episodes. Maybe Bethany has another totally genuine and impromptu phone call scheduled. Beth couldn't even get Andy to bite with her contrived Ramona styled line about 'no one here not being in a relationship'. Glad he didn't take the bait and we didn't have to hear her dissemble about another fake relationship while bullying everyone to be "honest".
  10. Gosh Sonja is gross. Loved how she thought withholding farting and peeing in front of Tinsley was the ultimate punishment.
  11. If the season's closing party was to have been arranged by Tinsley (as a thank you/fuck you to Sonja) what on earth are Harry and Missy doing there? Are we supposed to believe she invited them?
  12. So Bethanny's endless harping that the tequila tour was a "business meeting" and that she would be demonstrating her professionalism meant nothing. She didn't wait a minute before throwing out an F-bomb to the Tour Guide. I curse like a sailor but in a "professional" situation (or on a tour anyone could pay for which it looks like this was) and especially with non-native English speakers, I can manage to dial back the "language". Bethany just can't help herself. Sort of makes you think the compulsion for seeking attention with crude/raunchy language goes way back.
  13. Ramona is truly a psychopath (sociopath?). Her insistence, in her talking heads, that she didn't mean a word of any of her numerous apologies/acknowledgments regarding her behavior toward Bethany, she was absolutely NOT sorry and her repetition that she was just spewing insincere platitudes to get what she wanted showed some ugly "true colors".
  14. Thank you, TENATIVELYYOURS, for the tip on An Extra Slice. Found the episodes on YouTube. What a nice compliment to my new Saturday ritual - On Demand, Podcast, message board and now An Extra Slice. I found myself wanting an additional "fix" of the Brits and this fits the bill. What a treat, just scrumptious.
  15. Seems like there will be more it next week (for better or worse) but Tinsley did kind of get the short shrift on the whole Page 6 story. I don't condone her delivery but can appreciate she'd be upset with the negative press. I would have like to have seen Tinsley more results oriented, i.e. Insist that Sonja (who apparently has a line to the Page 6 editors) call immediately to contradict the report. It hadn't been published yet. For all the talk about "gifts" and being appreciative, why didn't Sonja acknowledge the thoughtful cover-up and high end sun products (a brand that Sonja gushed over) that Tinsley gave her before the trip??
  16. Thanks for posting the hilarious YouTube video. Using "gavone" to describe the behavior of a pig is a very common usage. Using it to describe the behavior of Moaner and Sonja was spot on. They were absolutely behaving like "gavones". Go ahead @WhoaWhoKnew try it out - even in Maryland - if the "gavone" in question has seen an episode of the Sopranos they'll probably get the meaning :)
  17. "Gavone" is NY Italian slang for low class/vulgar/pig. The origin is from an old, no longer used Italian word that got bastardized over the years by the Southern Italian immigrants who settled in New York. (As old French has been bastardized in Canada). The original word for low class/pig begins with a "c" but like the NY pronounciation of capicola (a meat) it is changed to a "g" sound in NY/Italian dialect so you'll hear it pronounced as gab-a goal.
  18. I'd like to think some genuine kindness exists in some of the interactions, but confess to thinking that Carole made the suggestion that Dorinda secure a prime room to ensure there would be drama over her choice.
  19. There is something appealing about Dorinda's "realness" but the trait I don't like is the propensity for low blows. The comments (and gesture) to accompany the dig about Sonja being a hostess. It isn't the first time she's gone down that type of road.
  20. Ugh! What an annoying episode. Everyone's worst side was on display tonight. Dorinda is an absolute and total mess and everyone must know it. This is a group that made a season long story line out of faux concern about Sonja's drinking. Everyone is ignoring Dorinda's obvious problem. She gets dead drunk, passes out (in the middle of the day) then digs back into the hair of the dog upon waking. She forgot to buy plane tickets for Lu's wedding then forgets her luggage?? No Dorinda, you weren't in a love stupor you were smashed or high. And no Lu, she's not a "napper" she's a mess. Speaking of Lu, really, Really, REALLY?!?! It was so thoughtless of everyone not to save you a nice room because you just got MARRIED. I'd feel so much better if I thought she was putting it on for the camera but sadly, I think she is that delusional (?), entitled (?). But points for personal appearance - the contract between her sleek, elegant form and carriage during the ping pong game to Moaner's bloated, spastic Telly Tubby was glaring. Sonja, just shut up, really shut up. And fuck Bethany's snipe at Tinsely 'you want to know abuse just Google me' (and the multiple sob stories I've shopped for years). Then Lu's "we've all been there", these ladies don't have a clue about what Tinsley has seemingly been through. I can't even with the room crap that Moaner is holding onto for dear life because it is the only thing she has close to a story line.
  21. Seeing Missy seemed to clear up a lot. Not that I think Tom is a "prize" but Missy did seem to be a bit jealous and competitive. (With sleezy Harry egging her on). But, maybe, justified in feeling a bit salty at Tom and Luanne since Lu "snatched" him up from under her nose. So, obviously Ramona's new best friend and "source". But even she refused to get sucked in too far. She seemed to appreciate the exposure (and chance to poke Tom and Luanne) at Moaner's contrived smear Tom lunch, but you could see her lose her nerve (or desire to go too far) when Harry pushed her to spill tonight. Luanne certainly hustled herself and Tom out of there quickly as soon as she saw what Ramona was up to. I'm convinced Moaner hunted Missy down in an effort to verify the story she was shopping last season: that Luanne literally walked up to Tom at a bar and within minutes "stole" him from the woman he was dating. Moaner trotting out Missy this season to say she learned she and Tom were no longer dating and he was with Luanne by "walking on to them in a bar" seems a little too coinicential ... like Moaner wanted to bring the receipts. Also Sonja, Tom is not your "ex" for God's sake?!!? Four (likely desperate)!hookups in ten years does not an ex make. There are no words for Roman's ridiculous get-up and styling tonight. (Or her ridiculousness in general!)
  22. Bethany and the seafood spread at her "party"????? I know I'm not misremembering her hysterical breakdown at Dorinda's Berkshires home after she insisted on announcing she was allergic to seafood - instead of just passing on the sushi - and overbearing Heather tried to find her a substitute. Since then, there have been several scenes with her shoving seafood into her mouth. I remembering thinking at the time that her "allergy" was just an attention device, certainly seems to be the case. For a gathering of 6 people who are, allegedly, your "friends" the Bethany party seemed a bit overstated. Both "parties" tonight just reeked of producer set ups, not fun. (Although, ha!, that Ramona's was left out and had to settle for hazy, flashback highlights). And Sonja sounds more like a prostitute everyday. She was blathering on about "no kissing"?!?!?!
  23. Brad looked like a middle school science teacher from the 70s at the Reunion, between the cheesy mustache and the short sleeved dress shirt ... for someone who is into decorating, he doesn't seem to have much style. And WTF was up with Varner's endless self promotion. I thought the plug for his new real estate firm was tacky and then Jeff gave him addition time to plug his "book"?!?! Confirmed for me that he is a real narcistic asshole and made me re-think his behavior in outing Zeke.
  24. I also find the school yard picks fascinating and often telling. But, on the Survivor Know It Alls Podcast, Stephen Fishbach said that at this point of the game, everyone just picks the same teams and that in reality the picks are boring. He did say that if something in the pick is unusual or foreshadows an action, he believes the editors would include it. I'd still like to see it though maybe in an abbreviated format. Just makes me feeling like I'm missing something.
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