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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Like other posters, I'm amused (not in a good way) that Carly and Sonny are sad Jason is different now in that he thinks of his children and wife now, instead of living to serve their every need. The writers couldn't possibly incorporate something like, maybe, Carly, Sonny and Sam are confused that Jason doesn't remember what they remember from a specific incident or two in the past that involved all four of them. No, logical writing be damned in the groundwork to bring SBu back! Also amused (again, not in a good way) that Sam wonders why she didn't trust her and Jason's "connection." Weeellll, you've been upset repeatedly in the past when Jason prioritized working for Sonny or running to deal with Carly's drama (and protecting his and Carly's kids) over the relationship with you, there was the time you found out from overhearing Jason and Elizabeth talk, that Jake was his child - instead of him telling you to your face, months after he knew. There was the time that you let said child be endangered, and Jason threatened to kill you over any future potential such incidents ... really, why in the world wouldn't you trust your connection!! LOL Lame writing there, too.
  2. This reminds me that before Sam and NuJason got together, he had a line about trying to make sense of who he is now. Sam's hilarious response was a line like, "You're actually not that different." So I wonder if (to explain why he connected with people and they didn't somehow *know* he's not Jason, and also maintain Emily Scout as a Q grand/great grandchild) he will possibly be AJ back from the dead again, or turn out to be Alan's son from a long-ago ONS. I would not be shocked - look at how Ethan came out of nowhere to be Luke's illegitimate son.
  3. This is the same show that had little girl Kristina say she wished Sam was her sister, then there was the "Sam is the child Alexis secretly gave birth to as a teenager" storyline, and Alexis said to Sam "remember when Kristina said she wished you were his sister." I'm just wondering what they're going to do about baby *Emily* Scout, since she will **Gasp** not be the daughter of the precious Jason (Q) Morgan. I guess the only way to get around the problem of the baby's name and Grandma Monica's attachment is for BM's Jason to somehow turn out to be not dead-AJ.
  4. I can't stand Franco, and I hate that Liz is with him, but Sam is not "forced" to constantly interact with her rapist. Sam chose to re-marry Jason, knowing the Jason,Franco, Liz, Jake circumstances. In the time she and nuJason have been together, Jason has not stood up and volunteered to do all of any necessary interacting with Franco while simultaneously demanding that Franco keep his distance from Sam. (IMO, those are a given for a half decent husband of a woman who has been through that trauma). Sam also has not asked or pressured him to do so. As far as I'm concerned, Jason absolutely is to blame for Sam being targeted, and for her spending any time at all with Franco now. Sam's trauma occurred because Franco wanted to mess with Jason's head, because he had become fixated on Jason because Jason was a killer. Jason was not some innocent guy targeted by a psycho; he chose to kill for Sonny. And Jake is Jason's son, not Sam's. Jason is the one not taking more-to-most of the responsibility for parenting his eldest son and ensuring that his son spends a lot of Franco-free time in the Morgan household. Maybe Jason should ask for joint custody if he wants Jake to spend more time with him, Sam, Danny and baby Emily Scout. Oh, that's right ... the judge would say "Hey, this birth certificate indicates you are not Jacob's father." In real life where the focus is not on manufacturing gross drama, Jason wouldn't have any claim on Jake in the first place. I think Liz is mostly about wanting people to accept her relationship as "legit" and not label it as gross, because her previous relationships have blown up in her face. She needs a lot of therapy (like many on this show).
  5. She is a traitor. Her acting like Sabrina was the best thing *ever* not long after her Mommy "died" was gross. Also, I just don't think allowing a young child to have input into a sibling's name is cute. I'm sure the writers thought they were super cute to have Danny Morgan start calling the baby "Scout" while Sam was pregnant, and then for JaSam to really call the baby Scout but say, well it's actually her middle name. Not. Cute. That baby should have Malcolm/Mac as either a first or middle name, since Mac has been Robin's true parent in the last 20 years or so - not to mention the major role he has played in Robin and Patrick's relationship. We know Robert has been absent from Robin's life for most of the past 20 years (mostly just stints here and there to play hero), and Noah neglected fatherhood after Patrick's mother died. IIRC, he only started to have a better relationship with Patrick after Patrick met Robin.
  6. I've hoped that JJ's Lucky would come back briefly, to talk to Laura and force Liz to think that *maybe* being involved with Franco is a bad choice. I really wanted it after Hayden - a woman with zero knowledge of the details of Liz's relationship past - chimed in to say Liz being in a 'not normal' relationship is not a problem. Shut UP. But now, having seen (tonight) how much JJ loves performing music, I would be fine with just a Skype call (after Spencer is rescued from kidnapping) where Liz, Lucky and Laura agree that Laura will take the boys for a long visit at his new home in Nashville. He is settled and working there, but misses the boys and wants to see them. (And in the scene, there's a hint that the boys want a vacation from dealing with Franco). Absentee dad problem - that shouldn't exit - fixed.
  7. Not in favor of it at all - just saying I *thought* that was going to be the storyline direction, which would explain some of Alexis' past conversations prior to the casting of WdV, and seemed like a convenient "out" re: the Sam connection if WdV was leaving GH.
  8. I was just thinking that Spinelli as a source of support for Jason and Sam (esp. Sam) makes much more sense than Carly being around. I call b.s. on the recent-ish development of Carly and Sam being girlfriend-y. Real Carly would only ever see Jason's gf/wife as an obstacle to being #1 in Jason's life, someone to be tolerated (or threatened if said woman made Jason's life difficult). I believe Spinelli is Sam's true best friend, a Stone-Cold Worshipper, and JaSam's biggest supporter. When Jason told Carly, "I was just about to call you", I was thinking no, his first call (after talking to their moms and Kristina and Molly) should have been to Spinelli. Also, he should bring little Georgie with him, for a visit with Grandpa Mac and Grandma Felicia. The viewers deserve a cute scene of the two with their granddaughter (regardless of Maxie/KSt's current status on the show).
  9. I really thought this was going to be ret-conned - that yes, teenage Alexis had sex with Julian in the back of a car while drunk, but it was not long after she'd been raped by Stavros. Teenage Alexis wants to escape/forget about the trauma, so she goes to a bar to feel "normal." So later when she finds out she's pregnant, she has blocked out the trauma and believes she got pregnant from her night out being "grown up" because the alternative is too horrible to consider. IIRC, Julian being a bone marrow match to Danny was 'confirmation' that he is Sam's bio father. Or did I miss Sam and Julian getting a DNA test? I recall that before Julian got outed as not-Derek Wells, Alexis wanted to compare Sam's DNA to Lucas's, to confirm if they were half siblings. That could be hand-waved away by some lab tech making an error (maybe Lucas' birth mother was somehow related to the Cassadines).
  10. I thought that was a clear set up for Jason to be oh-so-grateful to Carly for saving his first-born son's mother from danger/kidnapping by a Sonny enemy, so that he wouldn't have the added stress of worrying about her on top of being worried and afraid for Sam. The second reason is Carly wants to torture/pester any information about Sonny's whereabouts out of Garvey. Elizabeth was just a convenience by the writers to prop the Jason-Sonny-Carly bond. She has managed to get away from at least two bad guys before (that I can remember off the top of my head): Manny, and the dude who murdered Siobhan (Lucky's Irish wife, for those not recalling the name).
  11. She has. Finn told her while she was in a hospital bed (after reviewing her blood work/test results) that she was pregnant. Sam expressed her shock to him, that she and Jason were under the impression they couldn't have more kids, so were not using birth control. I remember it because I thought it was ironic they were having a conversation about her pregnancy/happy relationship status when actor ME's previous characters were involved with Sam, diagnosed her first kid with cancer, and before that delivered her first kid while she was *separated from* Jason because he was being such such an ass about her pregnancy.
  12. SO MUCH THIS. This Liz-Hayden stuff has been really poorly handled. No mention of Jeff being in contact with any of his children, and no mention of Hayden maybe trying to get to know Sarah via Skye chats or e-mail. Liz *should* mention her brother Steven, i.e. "I wish I could talk to Steven privately about Hayden, and about my feelings for Franco, but he won't be out until 20--." Someone (maybe Jason?): "Franco and Steven are half-brothers, right? How does he feel about you dating Franco?" Liz: "It's a little awkward. Steven is ... trying to accept my relationship. He's concerned for me and my boys due to Franco's history. He's not at all convinced by my assurances."
  13. I laughed. And thought of poor Cam, who is younger than Joss now despite being born years before her. Hmm, should Spencer be older than Joss, too?
  14. I was going to ask, has Josslyn even met Spencer? And then I remembered pre-SORASed Joss went to Lila's Kids camp w/Spencer, Cam and Emma during that awful kiddie quad storyline. Her worry about Spencer though is weird since he is the child of Nikolas (no relation to Joss) and Sonny's late half sister. Joss definitely didn't know blondie, and I can't recall a single scene that involved Sonny, Joss and Spencer interacting. I don't think Spencer has even been in PC for S&C's latest marriage (up until the last few weeks or so), which means he hasn't been present in their lives while Joss was living in Sonny's house. Now if Avery had gone missing, I would believe Josslyn would be crying. Also, Laura should know Spencer once took off on his own, in the hopes of Britt and his father getting back together. The immediate fear for him seems OTT (and a very obviously deliberate ploy by TPTB to prop Sonny).
  15. I *need* to see one of these two scenarios: A) As Sonny and Carly leave after pestering Michael at his job. the "Q" from an ELQ sign falls off the building and knocks them over, causing real injury OR B) As Sonny and Carly are pestering Michael when he's in the Q crypt "talking" to AJ or Alan, AJ's stone falls and knocks one of them out ( a la Tracy). Monica either witnesses or hears about this, and walks away with tears of laughter rolling down her face - because it's exactly what they deserve.
  16. I remember when Lulu asked Lucky to swallow his agony and anger over Jake's "death," go get Luke and bring him back to PC because "I need my dad" and "he'll listen to you" because you're the beloved golden child. Being unfair and selfish is totally in character for her. I feel like Laura's judgement is compromised by her guilt from being apart from first Nikolas (because of the Cassadines) and then Lulu during formative years. I think Lulu was maybe a few years younger than Charlotte is now when Laura became 'a wig on a stick.' The writers would be smart (which means it won't happen) to have Laura explicitly say it hurts her deeply to know Lulu's missed out on so much of Charlotte's life, as I missed out on watching Lulu grow from child to young woman ... i.e.. "Maybe in some way by getting involved in this, I can make it up to Lulu" (misguided thinking sure, but it's better than Laura thinking it's perfectly acceptable to ask her boyfriend to violate ethics).
  17. I guess you didn't watch the LDB scenes? After the dancing, Logan and Rory were alone in a room looking out onto the dance floor, and Logan offers her a key to a house owned by his father. She asks if he's still going to marry Odette, and he says (without hesitation) "That's the dynastic plan." It was clear that he had no intention of dumping Odette, but I felt that AB played it like Rory was hoping her question would cause him to hesitate, and tell him he would rather be with her. If Logan genuinely loved her and wanted to pursue things further, that was the moment he would have said it. I thought Logan handing her the key was a strong implication that the entire LBD experience was meant to both cheer her up and get her back on board as his side piece. Rory looked like she was trying to put on a no-big-deal front (since this arrangement was 'okay' with her this whole time), but her expression conveyed that she was hurt and sad. And then she slept with him. again. I believe it was supposed to remind the audience of their college years, when Rory told Logan she was fine with a casual thing so that he would want her, and then when she and her mom saw him on a date with a girl after Logan and Rory slept together the first time, she was hurt (but tried to pretend that it didn't bother her). Cue the Founder's Day scene where she gets drunk and ends up sick on the bathroom floor, crying to her mother "Why doesn't he like me/call me." But the revival's narrative makes no sense, since during the series Logan had moved beyond being a a player, committed to and then *proposed* to Rory. As far as I can tell, the only things that AS-P acknowledged in the revival, which were in the series after she left it, were Lorelai's brief marriage to Christopher and Lane having twins.
  18. I can!!! Yes, but Nelle messed with Carly's life - which is way worse than everything about all of Michael's previous girlfriends combined. The only person Carly values more than Michael or Jason is herself.
  19. The only good reason for a Ghost!Stone appearance is to say something like this to Sonny: "You were a coward to go up on MY BRIDGE with a gun, to committ suicide. Don't you ever upset Robin like that again! She deserves better, after all she has suffered because of me, and you too. Now stop whining and take some responsibility for your terrible behavior, and life choices."
  20. Not unless he dies saving someone's life (I would hope saving someone from Obrecht). He's a doctor with skills, and a show with "Hospital" in the title has too few doctors as it is. Patrick left, and Steven and Matt both went to jail for being "murderers" while the true murderers in the city have their freedom. I want Obrecht to shut up forever about the actions of the others, when she never went to prison for the electric shock/torture of Robin or holding Liz hostage and shooting her in her own home.
  21. YES. The audience could have gotten invested if their father had come to town and there had been any real sense of family , or Sarah had returned, we saw them have a much better relationship than they did as teenagers, Liz gets excited that her sis is having a baby, and then.....something happens. Instead, SHOW used the "sisterhood" for cheap drama like Franco being the one to deliver 'life-changing news' and lines like "You're going to fire your own sister!" Blech. The only reason this connection matters is that Liz is so isolated. Aside from Franco in her life, she has some conversations with Laura, is sort of friends with Griffin (meant to be the Patrick replacement in her life?), and co-parents Jake with Jason and Sam. From time to time she'll have a conversation with Monica because of work or Jason/Sam/Jake family stuff. That's it . Pretty sad for a legacy family character who's been on the show for 20 years. As much as I didn't like the Liz-Cam-Hayden-Spencer-Laura scene near the hospital elevator, a small part of me appreciated that Liz was in a scene that was not about Franco, Jake, Jason or Sam.
  22. Hey now, don't go discouraging an action that can upset Carly - especially when she can't do anything about it!
  23. You know what would have been nice? A bonding moment between Joss and Ned about how much Sonny sucks - Jax can't come visit his daughter, and he can't be there to see his old friend marry Olivia. Given the history with Ned, Alexis and Jax, Alexis and Jax absolutely should have been guests coming together to the wedding, instead of S&C. I HATE that Sonny was at the N&O wedding while Jax was not.
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