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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I REALLY enjoyed Carly getting called out on her past with AJ, Jason and Dr. Jones about Michael's paternity, pre-Sonny. Carly's seething anger over that is such fun to watch. And I say that as someone who is not interested in Nelle or Michael relationship stuff. Although, Carly somehow being responsible for Nelle having a miscarriage and Michael raging at her as a result would be compelling. How many times have Sonny and Carly said that AJ pushed Carly down the stairs/caused Carly's miscarriage re: that accident on the Q staircase? I laughed at the preview of Carly complaining to Bobbie that Nelle will use this baby to get whatever she wants. Hey Carly, the Q Family and Jason have been putting up with that sort of behavior for ....um, how many years old is your son Michael? They have all survived; you will too.
  2. Yup, Lucky told Cam he learned to be a father because of him, and then the audience was treated to the emphasis of Aiden as Lucky's first bio kid. We saw baby Aiden a lot until JJ left the show. Aiden had one brief scene with Lucky when JJ returned for Tony Geary's retirement storyline. Since then, it seems like Liz gets to have her oldest and/or youngest in a scene when something serious is going on - her non-wedding day to Jake Doe, Jake telling Aiden to keep quiet about the canister in the magic set, and calling Franco an addition to their family at Thanksgiving. If JJ ever comes back or Lucky gets recast, I guarantee Aiden will be seen fairly often (and possibly Cam too). Meanwhile, TPTB think Jake should help drive storyline because he's golden boy Jason's (gag) first born, as opposed to Michael, who gets treated as Jason's first born. I was amused at Jason angrily telling Britt that Danny is living with a man who is not his father. Gotta love Karma. I loved Britt's "yeah, I think I heard about that" (in an I-really-don't care-tone) in response to Jason informing her that he's Danny's father.
  3. Agreed. I think they ran out of ideas (same reason Georgie Jones was killed off) and decided Liz's future love interest would be the baby's permanent father, without Zander having any claim.
  4. I miss the days of Amber playing Emily in a believable build-up to a relationship with Zander and a best friendship with Elizabeth. I remember a scene of recast Emily knowing Elizabeth was pregnant with Zander's kid, and being nonchalant about it. So strange to hear her encourage Liz to tell Zander, for motivation for him to get his life together. It was also surreal that recast Emily and Nikolas fell in love, given that Nik had thought of Em as a child when he was having an affair with adult Katherine.
  5. What makes him a bad person is that the pain of Sam, the actual victim, was secondary to his own. He raged toward Franco, didn't even try to take care of Sam. She wanted Jason with her, to connect with her, he disconnected, ran away by going on long motorcycle rides, etc. There was no "love, honor, cherish" in his actions. But he wouldn't put on his big boy pants and be the husband his traumatized wife needed him to be. She couldn't rely on his as a husband, let alone have hope that he could love the baby. There wasn't even a weak line like, "I can promise to try to love it, and to love you unconditionally." It makes me think of when Luke hit Jake with his car. The story almost instantly switched from Elizabeth sobbing over her dead son to Jason's pain about losing Jake when he wasn't raising the kid, and of course the "your drinking killed my son" stuff between Lucky and Luke.
  6. I wonder if Carly (in an attempt to help Jason get his wife back) will try to push Drew toward Dr. Kim Nero by emphasizing "you two have a child together." Hopefully Monica would be within earshot to say, "So did you and AJ. "
  7. You are correct that many people have these thoughts and conversations, but the reason I thought it was awful was because Jason made it about him and his own discomfort - not Sam, the trauma victim. She did not bring up abortion with the mindset that she wasn't sure if she could raise a child fathered by Franco. That was all Jason. She was heartbroken and scared that he would not love the child as his own , and was distant with her instead of reassuring that he loved her and the baby unconditionally, so she moved out. As for the recent episodes - I like TB as Dr. Kim Nero much better than when TB played Carly. I like seeing a female doctor in the hospital, having a potential friend conversation with nurse Elizabeth. They are both medical professionals, with life experience and sons they've raised as single mothers. In recent years, the only "girl friend conversations" she's had (except for a moment here and there during Robin's brief returns) are with Sabrina and Kiki, young inexperienced in life women who were not mothers. My opinion will definitely change, though, if she starts singing Carly's praises or becomes friends with S&C. Maxie and Lulu are ridiculous, and not in the fun way. So if Maxie is supposed to be pregnant and super sensitive to smells (ahem, Thanksgiving), why isn't she grossed out and trying not to vomit at the smell of herself in that park scene? They're just walking along, no sense of urgency to get clean, even though Michael could smell them coming?
  8. Yup, he implied/suggested that should be an option.
  9. This makes me wish that either BM/Drew (since he and Liz had feelings for each other before he had an identity) or back-from-the-dead Nikolas would want her back and try to woo her. Even taking the Niz affair mess into consideration, Nikolas would be a better love interest. They were friends for a long time, and she can trust him with her sons. I miss the days of Liz having both real friendships with other characters, and a viable love interest. A legacy character like her deserves SO much more than this. Ugh.
  10. She liked Jason better than Sonny because Jason would listen to her and be reasonable, unlike Sonny barking orders and making Diane's job harder. Also, Diane both likes to be right and hates to lose. Diane has personal reasons for wanting SB to be Jason as well -her friendship with Sam's mother, and her relationship with Max. Diane knows Alexis has been under great stress as it is; the drama in Sam's life being one step closer to resolved (financially and emotionally) means easing Alexis's stress just a little. Jason wanting to resume his role in Sonny's life means Max has Jason to depend on/Max being less likely to be hurt or killed.
  11. I had the same thought. I remember the Show placing some emphasis on how Dante and Sonny both like pasta and were fans of the same team (little Morgan liked the idea of going to a game with Dante).
  12. Was Scotty and Laura's engagement party at Wyndemere (Nik's idea) the last time Lesley had a scene with Laura?? The "let down" for Oscar - probably Drew finds out he's Oscar's father, and is not excited to be a father again. Oscar got oddly enthusiastic over Scout's name and Drew being a night owl like him. He seems like he's eager for insta-bonding with his maybe-dad.
  13. I second what Cheyanne 11 said. Maybe Liz will find out that Franco already knew the truth, dump him, and then invite Jason or Drew to be her date to Laura's wedding, so he can spend time with Jake. I will guess that the "unlikely" person Sam goes to for help is Julian. She's gone to him for help before despite her contempt for him. I expect that the bittersweet reunion will be Sam telling Jason that she has a life with Drew, he's Scout's father and the only father Danny knows, she is choosing him. Then Jason will head to Casa Corinthos to explain to the real love of his life that he can devote all his time to the biz (two tears shed) because Sam wants Drew for herself and the kids. Sonny says ok, that works, the plane to Puerto Rico is fueled and ready for you. Cue weeks of Jason looking longingly at Sam and the kids from afar.
  14. I thought KeMo, BM and BA played the Who is Jason, Who is Drew scenes well (aside from that stupid 'we're not brothers' line). Spinelli's gentle approach to Sam and Drew with the photo and the background info, and the fingerprint insight to Jordan, was one of the very few times I've liked Spinelli; he was trying to be a friend to Sam and this twin instead of just the non-stop Stone Cold worship and speaking in a way that strains the mental strength of others. Sam's anger and heartbreak, and BM playing the devastation made me feel for them and their kids. I hope Sam lets Sonny and Carly have it for quietly gloating and not giving a damn about Drew, after he's been their friend for the past two years especially trying to save Morgan. My big complaint is WHY didn't BMJason call Monica to come to the police station for the confrontation with Andre?! Ugh. She deserved to be there. While she's not a neurologist, she could have helped grill Andre on what, medically speaking, was done to her sons. She could consult with a neurologist about whatever information she obtained.
  15. Nope; he told Robin that "Scorpio is inconsequential." Faison and Robin were alone on Spoon Island, during which time Faison said her parents and Jason Morgan were not concerns for him. It was a scene in the main area of Wyndemere, while Nikolas and Britt went to the hospital to get baby Ben (now Rocco) checked out after he had been in the lab on Cassadine Island with Robin.
  16. I thought it glaring that Bobbie wasn't at Casa Corinthos for Thanksgiving since Carly's about her "Family and Friends" for a holiday, and esp. to say I told you so to Michael when he was explaining the Nelle situation to Jason. Also, because Carly would want Bobbie to grill Oscar and his mother. There are times when Bobbie is slightly more subtle than Carly is about trying to obtain information/gossip she's not entitled to know (like Kim's background with Drew).
  17. Funny. I will say that of Patrick's many faults, the one thing I really thought was great about him was that unlike her first and second loves, he was not a Sonny worshiper. I firmly believe adult Stone and SBJason couldn't handle being in a relationship with adult Dr. Robin.
  18. I don't believe you were not shocked to see SBJason kidding around/smiling with Michael and Sonny, when Sonny was in the boxing ring at the gym right before Thanksgiving. C'mon now, SBJason doesn't do fun with buddies/family. The only thing i would find more shocking than that is a scene of SBJason walking into the Q Mansion or ELQ office, wearing a suit and tie and announcing that his name is Jason Quartermaine and also that he has a burning desire for a leadership position at ELQ.
  19. I think she should have only been referring to him as "Dad" for a long time now. I remember being disgusted when Felicia returned after years away and acknowledged she'd been with Frisco, and Maxie asked "Is Dad okay?" I was thinking, Mac has been your only parent for years, while Frisco hasn't even acknowledged you since you were a child. He didn't come to Georgie's funeral. The one time I remember Frisco wanting to play Daddy since KSt became Maxie, is when he came to Port Charles and sang at the NB because he wanted to get back together with Felicia. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. My point is that Maxie is currently a lousy cousin to Robin, and Mac and Felicia's excitement over Maxie's pregnancy is ill advised. However much Maxie's behavior stems from Frisco's abandonment is up to a psychiatrist not named Andre (or Kevin, since he can't be unbiased) to decide if Maxie ever owns up to her behavior and wants to learn to be decent to her family. ETA: This is the response I wanted to hear from Mac, when Obrect said "Dear In-Laws!" "Dear?! No, you tortured our niece Robin at Faison's bidding, and you didn't even raise Nathan - your sister did." As for the previews, Joss is great because she has pissed off her awful mother, and Elizabeth should respond to Franco's question with "Why are YOU talking to me like you're a petulant child, AGAIN?!"
  20. I chalk that up to them not realizing yet they will mostly likely be the ones doing the heavy lifting of actually parenting the kid. I think Felicia saw Maxie's parenting for about 5 minutes one time, when Maxie met up with her at the hospital because she brought Georgie in with a fever. They really live in denial about Maxie. It seems to me like Maxie sees her daughter as a cute little person to fawn over from time to time, or show off as an accessory of herself. I'd much rather see moments of Mac cuddling Robin's baby boy. She's the one who has always loved and appreciated Mac in her life, and of course his adoration of Emma in the last decade or so. Robin and Emma are the ones who have said "Uncle Mac is the best." Maxie, on the other hand, has lied to, taken advantage of, and not appreciated Mac more times in her life than I can count. The one time I can recall her acknowledging that Mac has been a devoted, loving parent was at Georgie's funeral. Also Maxie has the irritating quality of almost always referring to Frisco as "Dad" (even when she hasn't seen him for however many years) and Mac, the father who's raised her, as "Mac."
  21. I enjoyed Josslyn basically telling Oscar that her mom and Sonny are so self-absorbed that they wouldn't even notice she's gone. So true. Has BMJason ever been in a scene (other than the JaSam wedding at S&C's) with Josslyn? I got a lack of warmth/familiarity toward the kids from BMJason and Sam (like hi kids, we hardly know you, but sure come in). Regarding previews, why in the world are Mac and Felicia so excited about Maxie being pregnant?! She's not raising the daughter she already has! She only visits the kid, while Spinelli and his gf do the hard parenting work. Have we all missed lines where she says she wishes she wants to be a parent on a day-to-day basis? Ugh.
  22. I'm surprised I found things to like about the Thanksgiving episode(s): - 15 people gathering around Monica at the Q mansion. -Kevin remembering that Laura and Mary Mae did work on Charles St. a long time ago, and Ned assuring Laura that ELQ would not be doing anything toxic this time. -Mac, Felicia, Anna and Robin having family time. -TB as Kim holding her own against S&C, and offending them a bit. -Monica telling BMJason that S&C are not his family. She is. -BMJason calling Monica "Mom" when SBJason always calls her "Monica." -ALL THREE of Elizabeth's sons on screen, wearing Pilgrim hats. Adorable!! -Robin ignoring Carly's nosiness, and also making her uncomfortable for a moment by letting her think she was staying at Casa Corinthos for Thanksgiving dinner. An annoying detail that stuck out to me: Maxie decides to spend Thanksgiving at Lulu and Dante's, knowing her parents and beloved cousin Robin with the two children are having Thanksgiving nearby? She rarely sees Robin as it is. What a terrible cousin. All of the people gathered at Lulu and Dante's live in Port Charles; Maxie could see them anytime.
  23. BMJason started interacting with Monica when he was Jake Doe. For example, he told Monica he was interested in listening her talk about her family history. IMO, the actor plays Jason as having more warmth toward, and compassion for, Monica than SBJason had for some years. I though SBJason inviting Monica to have Thanksgiving at Casa Corinthos was an example of that. While he may not know that Sonny murdered AJ, he does remember all the hell that Sonny and Carly have put the Q Family through. But he's choosing to ignore Monica's history of pain regarding them, because being there for S&C and Michael will always be his top priority. Billy Miller just has not played Jason as so utterly devoted to S&C and their kids as Steve played him. Even now, there is far more love and joy in SBJason's face when he sees Michael than when he sees Danny (now knowing the kid is his son).
  24. Maybe; I had stopped watching. I just remember her facial expressions upon seeing Sonny and Alexis together (moments after conceiving Kristina) , then her crawling into bed with Zander to seduce him because she was angry and jealous, and him kicking her out into the hallway. Between that and blondie going from AJ to Jason (and Liason being stopped by TPTB), I'd had enough.
  25. Omg, isn't that what Amber T.'s Emily said to SB's Carly when AJ and Carly were engaged to be married and planned for the whole family to be there for their wedding? I would love to see Amber as Emily take on LW's Carly. Carly wouldn't know what hit her, lol. After reading comments here, I expected to hate the BMJason and Robin scene. But I didn't see Robin being mean, or BMJason guilt-tripping her. Robin felt awkward, wanted to be kind but didn't want dishonesty. It actually reminds me of the time when Robin told Sabrina she wasn't helping herself, and was making it harder on Patrick, by clinging to Patrick. It was hard for super delicate princess Sabrina to hear, but it was the truth. BMJason was crushed. because his heart says that if Robin -Jason's first love who knew him before Sonny did, the woman Carly has sarcastically called "angel" and "perfect, the brilliant doctor - says he's not Jason, then he probably isn't. Robin isn't invested in either of one of them turning out to be the real Jason, because she's only a visitor to Port Charles these days. I loved how KMc played the scenes with LW -like Robin will never be comfortable or friendly with Carly and enjoys that she can make her squirm (i.e. "I'd love to!" to Carly's face, then turning, "but I can't!" to Jason's face. Hahahaha! I also didn't see KeMo playing Sam as nasty to SBJason. I saw it as fear and frustration that SBJason is going to take off (cue old feelings of abandonment) when nothing has been resolved. - how dare he think that he should try to start building a new life (without her) for himself? The not-so-subtle subtext was, "We need to know the truth for sure, so my husband can accept that he's Andrew, so then we can all find a way forward." That current Carly-old Carly conversation was super awkward. And is there a rule that any actress who once played Carly must color her hair dark/black in order to play another role on GH?
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