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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. If you change this to: "... did not shoot Carly, Sonny, Jason and Franco between the eyes?" then you can add me to your list of pissed off people.
  2. AND she never got to have a scene with JJ, in 2010 or during Geary's retirement storyline. In fact, I don't think JJ/Lucky ever got to so much as mention Aunt Bobbie, despite the fact she played an important part in Liz and Lucky's teen relationship and could have played empathy scenes with Lucky, or Liz, or both when Jake was pronounced dead since the Jake dead/Joss transplant storyline was a pathetic imitation of the BJ dead/Maxie heart transplant storyline. Yet she's called upon to play hypocritical and stupid scenes with Nelle, or prop Carly in the past couple of years. But I'm totally not bitter!!
  3. The only plausible reason (other than the addict thing in common) is that he strikingly resembles ;) a certain oncologist who saved Danny's life (and then got into a relationship with Danny's mother.)
  4. Especially when you consider just a small sampling of acting: SB's Jason when he thought Jake had died in a hit-n-run, GF's Laura when she thought Lucky died in a fire, MB's Sonny when he thought Morgan died in a car explosion (because I think it's a given that Morgan will be recast). Genie's acting made my heart break for Laura. Not so much for those guys.
  5. Robin's "not what she thought" line to Jason on the bridge re: Sam about Drew may be the closest to full recognition that Sam will get in this storyline.
  6. THIS. He certainly wasn't a terrific parent to Kevin or Kate, was impulsive, and was an alcoholic (at least in Rebecca's presence). So I don't get the teaser/preview clip I saw where Rebecca says, "Your father wasn't perfect, but he was pretty damn close."
  7. Creepy, and it also didn't truly answer Kevin's question. It came off to me like he really meant, "I wouldn't have tried to 'steal' your mom from your dad because your mom and dad were so in love that I wouldn't have had a chance, and also because I wouldn't do that to my best friend." His comment to Jack at the bar early in J&R's marriage strongly implied that he was attracted to and/or had a crush on Rebecca, but probably never acknowledged it to himself let alone Jack. Jack strikes me as the type to tell Miguel and anyone else that he couldn't live/function without Rebecca, since his self-image was not a great one due to his father and those growing up years. So, I get why Miguel would say that line to Kevin and believe it to be the truth.
  8. That was my reaction, too. It seemed like that was why the audience got to hear the "come down to Earth" line and the frustration in her voice - it's not like Randall was showing up unexpectedly at his wife's office to say "Guess what sweetheart, I nailed an interview and just got a great job offer - couldn't wait 'til tonight to tell you!" Randall is feeling comfortable in avoidance/denial. My mom was watching it with me and was appalled that this man would take a phone call/leave an interview for something that wasn't an emergency concerning his wife or children.
  9. That was my thought too. Heartbreaking.
  10. Especially considering her family lost a year with Lucky when he was a teenager, and Miss Daddy's Girl knows quite well that Luke despised Faison for kidnapping him as well as other actions.
  11. I really, really wish you had written that episode, HeatLifer. The mental visual alone is fantastic.
  12. I don't think it's unfair (and I'll go further and say the entire storyline was absurd, beginning with Maxie getting pregnant with Georgie immediately after the miscarriage). What you're describing is how a cousin of mine is with her niece and nephew. An aunt or uncle, grandparent, or friend of the family can do all of those things, and it's still not being a parent. A parent teaches life lessons, gets up at night when the child is sick, takes the kid to doctor's appointments and keeps track of dance class or soccer practice, talks to them about school and friends, etc. Maxie hasn't done hands-on parenting like that in Georgie's day-to-day life; it's not like Spinelli has custody for two weeks or a month, than Maxie gets two weeks or a month, and so on because they live far apart. And the writing has given me the impression that Maxie prefers being a mom-who's-more-like-an-aunt.
  13. LOL, love the emoji with the sign! Hmm, Felicia left two daughters for Mac to raise, whereas Maxie left one daughter to be raised by her father and a more stable, smart, level-headed, mature mother figure than Maxie could ever be. So yes, in that way, Maxie's a great mother. She doesn't have any idea how to be a full-time mother, and so far Show has presented as a woman who has no desire to be a true parent.
  14. I agree with truthaboutluv. I will give Burton a tiny bit of credit for the flicker of gut-punch guilt I saw on his face when Danny asked "He loves me?" "Why did you stay away so long?" That was the reality of Jason being an absentee father - Danny had no idea this man loved him, and why hasn't he been around to do Daddy type things (like Drew). I think Danny prompted Jason to hug him because in his family, the people who say they love you hug you. It was an awkward hug from Jason, and Danny wasn't exactly throwing himself into Jason's arms yearning for a father's love. He seems to think Jason is just another person added to his life to love him, because that is how Sam presented it. Drew is still his Daddy who loves him and lives there with them; it doesn't seem like his life is going to change. Danny does not think he has a reason to be worried, so he asked to go play cars. Whereas Drew and Elizabeth presented the "Jason is your Daddy, Drew is your uncle" concept to Jake like he might have to spend time with Jason, and his future of spending time with the Dad he knows might be different/less than he's come to expect. Telling Jake vaguely that things may "change" of course scared him.
  15. I think of Carly as Jason's Lisa. While Patrick's brother did everyone the favor of accidentally (?) killing the crazy, obsessed doc, Robin is still tolerating Carly all these years later out of friendship for Jason (and Sonny, but S&C are so on-again, off-again that it seems less for his sake).
  16. The moment that forever will stand out to me as Patrick having more balls than Jason is Carly trying to insist to Patrick that Robin's a bitch (right after he overheard Carly bringing up Robin's HIV status in the argument), and Patrick's response was "I think it takes one to know one." Carly was really offended and I loved it. Jason never has and never will call her out as a selfish-to-the-core bitch.
  17. Monica has no reason to think that Kim doesn't love her work, or is hoping to get some of the Q fortune as the mother of Oscar. She said herself that by looking into Kim's background, she knows she is a very successful doctor. The irony to me is that Monica is cordial/not openly hostile toward Carly knowing quite well her history of attraction to wealthy men (especially how her selfishness and high drama impacted both Jason and AJ's lives) and how she aimed to sabotage Bobbie and Tony's marriage, and I believe she knows that Sam has a history as a con artist. Yet Monica summons Kim, a woman who hasn't asked Drew for a dime, to confront her about her intentions and possible interest in the Q's fortune? Alrightey then.
  18. Yes (I know Jason dated Karen and then Keisha before the accident, but I feel the show has established Robin as Jason's actual first love.)
  19. I interpret that as both Sam and Kelly's exasperation that Carly, Sonny and possibly others find it inconceivable that she could truly be in love with Drew (not merely being tolerant of him as Scout's father) now that the man they expected her to love and be devoted to forever has returned. Carly seems to think that Sam's just been deluding herself this whole time that's she been happy in her relationship with Drew, because in Carly's world no man could ever possibly be equal to or better than Jason. in deserving of a woman's love. i laugh at Carly saying "Drew probably already knows" what Sam feels/felt toward Jason - well YEAH he *has Jason's memories of the JaSam relationship*! Same about Carly saying the three of you are not happy. Hey idiot, nobody could possibly be happy during this mess! Carly thinks she's Sam's friend, yes, but she's actually just the one intending to force a situation to attempt to ensure Jason's happiness, regardless of anyone getting hurt.
  20. I was thinking the same thing, and also contrasting Jason's behavior with Monica summoning Kim to the Q mansion to talk about Drew and Oscar an hour after she finds out that Oscar is Drew's son. What is with Monica's confrontational attitude toward Kim about the Quartermaine Family's wealth? Was there a scene of Kim bragging about her son's paternal family's wealth, overheard by someone who knows Monica, or has Kim made reference to wanting $ for Oscar after she flat out told Drew she doesn't need child support? Otherwise, I assume the writers must have forgotten TB is not playing the Carly character this time. Then there was the line of Monica dismissing Kim's comment about Drew's pride in/attachment to the SEALs "band of brothers" by saying he has a brother now. WTH?? She certainly doesn't speak for either Jason or Drew by saying that. I think the script for Monica was the worst it's been since the time she was speculating that baby Aiden needed emergency medical care because Elizabeth must have hurt or neglected him, since her grandson "died" by getting hit by a car as a result of Liz not properly watching him. I love the "Karma" of Jason spending years acting as a father with Michael and keeping AJ away from Michael, and now neither Jake nor Danny have any attachment to Jason but think of his brother as their dad. Such great irony that Drew, Lucky, Franco and even Jason's first love's husband have spent more parenting or spending time with Jake than Jason has.
  21. Geez, they couldn't start the video with Chad (Michael), or Finola (Anna), or even Tamara (Carly then Kim)?
  22. I thought I saw an eye-roll about Kim saying work/school/career focus while raising her kid had been her priority rather than thinking about and trying to track down Drew. Yes Sam, god forbid a woman around your age would actually get educated and have passion for something prestigious like medicine rather than chasing after/being a secondary priority for a thug boyfriend-husband. I recall that Sam was once angry and hurt that Alexis would dare to suggest she get an office job and/or some schooling rather than rely on and live off Jason her whole life. I think Sam feels a tiny bit of insecurity that if her Navy SEAL husband got his memories back, he might feel drawn to the single doctor, Kim, who is the mother of Drew's first born.
  23. Nelle catching Sonny by surprise, and making S&C angry/squirmy, is one of the few times I've actually wanted to see their scenes. They both have, and will continue to, do worse than she has in her young ilfe. Ugh at Lulu's attitudes too. Sonny, Carly and Lulu's entitlement in life is insufferable, so I hope Nelle gets to make them shut up a few times and indulge her. I regret that Tracy won't wander into the Metrocourt restaurant, call Carly out on how Monica and Alan suffered, and then privately to Nelle, say hey as long as you do right by your kid and treat Michael fairly, I will support you in making Karma come back to bite Sonny and especially Carly, because nobody is more deserving of misery than they are after all that my parents, my brother and sister-in-law, and my nephew went through - although I had no use for him. But still, he was a Quartermaine.
  24. Was there an AJ-is-now-sterile story that was Carly's fault that I missed??? I don't understand the logic; by such thinking you could go back to when Robin introduced Jason to Sonny, and blame Robin for "starting the mess." IMO Justus working for the Mob was because of his own poor judgement, not because of Michael's birth or Carly being his mother. Jason, not Justus, was the brain damaged one. But I understand you feel strongly about all of this; we can agree to disagree.
  25. That's a stretch, IMO. I was thinking mostly of Monica, Alan, AJ, Edward and Lila, and somewhat Jason. As for Sonny, I believe he shot AJ because he felt entitled (for several hypocritical and/or b.s. reasons), because he was angry and jealous that Michael had developed a relationship with AJ. and a little bit because he thought AJ killed Connie
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