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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. A violent death only makes them naturally reflective when it's someone they "love." They don't love Maxie, and Nathan was just Dante's PCPD partner. I remember Sonny speaking to him once, when Spinelli wanted to box Nathan because of insecurities re: Maxie. They're probably reflecting because of an anniversary/someone's birthday. Was Morgan born in February?
  2. She sort of did. She stood next to Dante, looking down at Nathan's body and weeping as Dante mournfully saluted Nathan. I don't think Maxie was paying attention at that moment, though.
  3. Yes, the Maxie and Georgie scene was well done. Although I thought Georgie would mention her namesake, little Georgie, along with this baby as reasons for Maxie to keep moving forward, and that she and BJ are looking out for Maxie. I find it interesting that the times Georgie appears are when Maxie is pregnant and in emotional crisis. I thought Stafford was great in this instance, with the honest, restrained and quiet grief reflecting on Nathan as a little boy and the character traits he still had as a man. She's the one person who could speak about that; Liesl was just getting to know him in recent years .. did I miss a mention of Donna Mills/Nathan's bio aunt who raised him as her own son? I assume she's still in prison and can't come to the funeral, but it's glaring to me that Frisco is mentioned and there was a moment of Liesl trying to reach Britt, but no mention or presence of Lucas Jones or the aunt-mother who actually raised Nina and Nathan. Not mentioning Lucas when he was the first doctor on scene after Nathan was shot is an idiotic mistake. All it would take is for Bobbie to say to Maxie, "Lucas is really sorry he's not here; he was called at the last minute to help with an emergency surgery."
  4. So, Lucky's old apartment set got re-purposed for Jason? Nathan was just fatally shot in the Crimson/Aurora Media office, Drew and Sam are dealing with Aurora business stuff, they have an almost-1-year-old to raise in addition to Danny ... but Sam is totally just avoiding Jason because she would fall into his arms if it was just her, Jason and Danny in a room. Ookkkk Carly. I'm glad Alexis had to be subjected to the delusions instead of Sam. Carly talks to Jason like Drew doesn't even exist in Danny and Jake's lives. UGH. I thought the Danny actor was good, although when he said "Daddy" it sounded a little awkward/forced IMO.
  5. It is definitely not in her nature; she is a highly self-centered character like Sonny in that way. The only suffering that matters to her is her own, and Maxie's now that Nathan is dead.
  6. Does Rebecca know that Kate blames herself for Jack's death? I've missed scenes/episodes so I am unsure.
  7. Rebecca, Kevin, and Tess were definitely the MVPs of this episode IMO. I was far more touched by the Randall + little Tess conversation then adult Kate beating herself up over Jack's death. This was just the most extreme example of him making poor parenting choices re: Kate. But I do understand now why Rebecca thinks her husband was "damn close" to perfect. Anyone would think that after the heroism of saving her, the two kids who were home, the dog and a bunch of sentimental stuff before dying.
  8. Maybe charisma is the wrong word, but there was a charm in his warmth/kindness, for example I believed that both Nathan and Dante were invested in their friendship and partnership. I really felt for Dante when he was tearfully saying goodbye to Nathan's body. I was touched that Nathan maneuvered for Maxie to spend time with little Georgie for a holiday - Christmas I think - a few years ago. He showed remarkable patience with all of Spinelli's jealousy/issues regarding Maxie, and the Georgie factor. Unlike a bunch of character on the show, Nathan believed in prioritizing others above his own self-gratification. While I wouldn't argue that his personality could lean toward bland, there are other characters still on GH that I could absolutely say lack all charm or charisma. I hate that they stay while characters like Laura Spencer, Nathan West, Matt Hunter and Steven Lars Webber do not.
  9. He shares responsibility in that he made a choice, but Lulu has a history of knowledge about Faison that Nathan lacks. Lulu's childhood/family life got torn apart because Faison (in partnership with Helena Cassadine) kidnapped her brother Lucky when he was a teenager. causing her parents and her future sister-in-law Elizabeth to be tortured by despair because they thought he was dead. She is aware that Faison is a very dangerous criminal who has a history with her parents and with her dad's old best friend, Robert, and his wife/ex, Anna. Nathan knew nothing personally of Faison until recently; he certainly had no traumatic history with him. For that reason, IMO, Lulu has more responsibility in this situation.
  10. A) Not one spoiler is appealing to me B) Who is Jim Harvey? I would be interested to watch if Mac and Robin are in scenes comforting Maxie, and Robin gets a few lines about closure since Faison is dead.
  11. I watched Jason tell Sam that Faison is dead, and Sam's angry response about what she and Danny/Jason missed out on because of Faison. Did I miss Sam finding out Nathan died, and referencing checking on Maxie? I thought she would be really worried about Maxie. Maxie is supposed to be Sam's one girlfriend (I don't count Carly, since that "friendship" is about/because of Jason). Though the circumstances were/are not exactly the same, Sam knows what it is like to feel rage and despair that your spouse is gone because of Faison, and face raising your child without his/her father.
  12. I will agree she should hold Lulu about 5 percent responsible for Nathan's death, and herself 95% responsible for Nathan's death because she has enabled, aided and protected Faison in his various heinous acts/crimes since before she first appeared with him on-screen, as his accomplice in holding Robin captive and torturing her. My impression was that she was Faison's accomplice for at least 10 years, or up to approximately 30 if we assume she's been helping him and encouraging in his depraved behaviors dating back to the time she became physically involved with him and gave birth to Nathan/Britt (not sure which child is supposed to be her eldest).
  13. I enjoyed the focus on Bailey, and seeing how well Webber knows her from all their years of working together. Really well acted by those two. Also, Bailey rocks for the shout out to badass Princess Leia and the mention of the ewoks in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. You tell 'em, Bailey.
  14. The last 'good people' (kind, no criminal history, etc.) non-elderly adult's death I can recall that was this sad, aside from Georgie getting murdered, was Dominique dying in Scott's arms. The last Maxie and Dante scenes in that hospital room were definitely heartbreaking, but wow Maxie's face and Mac's face at the end, both with the tears, really got me. What must it be like for Mac to know that his son-in-law - the next generation police detective - died protecting/saving his daughter and grandchild from the madman who kidnapped and tortured Anna then Robin.
  15. Nikolas called her out on that years ago, when JMB was still playing Lulu. First in going to the brothel (to try to get a lead on Luke) and Dante following her and thus her putting them both in danger, and then going to Cassadine Island. Nikolas was like, "why are you here?" and "Did you even think about putting your boyfriend's life at risk?" And then, with ER in the role, Lulu ran off to join the L&L adventure of rescuing Lucky and Dillon decided he was going along to protect her,. which kicked off that idiotic "Lulu is cheating on me, my marriage is over, I'm so devastated that I'll start an affair with Val" storyline.
  16. I'm wondering the same thing. The "probably hiding in plain sight" line instead of something like "I know he's already been in contact with Drew" made it sound like Faison has never seen Henrik. Yet in moments after Nathan was shot, it seemed like Peter was just another guy Faison didn't want to pursue him, instead of speaking to him like a traitorous son. Certain camera work makes me wonder if Valentine is an accomplice to Henrik, and if maybe Helena was somehow Henrik's mother.
  17. I appreciate that everyone close to Nathan got to see him before the flatline, except for Lulu. I have a feeling that Henrik (sp?) is going to repeat to Maxie that Lulu said she's relieved it wasn't Dante fighting for his life in that hospital bed. Of course Lulu doesn't pick up on being baited when he tells her she's a "good reporter" (what with her hours of journalism experience and no degree to speak of and all/end sarcasm). KSt really did a great job showing Maxie's fear and desperation to be positive. Although I felt sorry for Nathan having to listen to her yammer on and on, and for little Georgie who doesn't seem to even be a thought in Maxie's head. All she's thinking about is Nathan and baby. I thought when she was talking about a swing set, she would say "Georgie and our baby" instead of "swinging with our kid." RP did a nice job with his last few lines and sweet smiles; the joy and relief in Maxie's face was a good set-up so kudos to KSt. Also, it's nice to have a S&C and Franco-free episode. Jason talking to Anna, Drew and Sam is much more tolerable. Re: previews - Good to see Mac is there behind Maxie when her heart is broken.
  18. Thank you GHScorpiosRule, this literally made me laugh out loud. My reaction to Maxie being nice to Obrecht was, "Why are you holding that bitch's hand?! I know you love your husband, but think of what she did to Robin. You've loved Robin your whole life!!" I really hated seeing Mac being civil to Obrecht in the scene where Maxie announced the pregnancy.
  19. I have no use for the current state of Lulu or the b.s. reporter storyline, but Lulu played a part in this mess, Lulu's parents have decades of history with Faison, Lulu is the bff of Nathan's wife and her husband Dante is also Nathan's partner and best friend. I also have no use for Nina, but we have seen that Nathan and Nina still consider themselves to be siblings and love each other as such. I get that Valentin is there to support Nina and will most likely end up having something to do with this "Faison's son" crap, but I agree with you he didn't deserve a reaction shot.
  20. She didn't raise Nathan; they've only known each other for a few years and he only sees her here and there. Drew and Monica spend more time together than Obrecht and Nathan do. I don't feel any more sorry for Obrecht right now than I did for Jason during the "Jake got hit by a car...Jake is brain dead" storyline. Obrecht's spent many years worshiping a and obsessing over the 'magnificence" of Faison.... well, you reap what you sew lady.
  21. KSt did a good job in the scene of being asked about making decisions/is your husband an organ donor. I will accept that she is not remembering in this moment what Obrecht did to Robin, to be kind/comfort her because a) that is what Nathan would ask of her and b) Maxie is trying to convince herself that Nathan is going to be fine. Some in the audience will be glad to see that moment of Lulu acknowledging that Nathan's life is on the line, and Maxie is traumatized, because she's so 'determined' in being a journalist. Of course the positions are reversed, and now Jason has the power over semi-conscious, wounded Faison. I'm just rolling my eyes at S&C. You two really are not that bright.
  22. This is what I meant about poor wording. Anna knows quite well that she (or Robert or Mac, if they suddenly appeared) could put a bullet in Faison and end his life. I interpreted her comment as meaning "could but a bullet in Faison in a moment when he's not an immediate threat to someone's life, basically as revenge and for peace of mind, without a moral/legal dilemma." I think it was Sonny who put the emphasis on only Jason being able to make that shot, but that's because as usual Sonny thinks he and Jason are the center of the universe. Sonny also had the audacity to compare Adela-Deke's abuse to Anna-Faison, and that now he, Sonny (as an adult with skills/power) can save poor Anna where he couldn't save his mother. Now THAT was some *serious* bullshit writing. Far worse, to me, than Anna feeling fear, anger, conflict about seeing Faison, killing him, and how Robin's feelings about her could change as a result.
  23. There was some poor wording there certainly, but I think FH played it well. Or maybe I just think she put more nuance into Anna's thoughts and dialogue than the writer(s) intended. Anna is emotionally worn down, possibly has PTSD where Faison is concerned because he keeps coming back. She also has a unique perception of Robin, formed from the guilt of being associated with Faison and losing out on all of her daughter's teen years and some of her adult years, from putting Robin on a pedestal as a super ethical, moral, brilliant human being (if you don't live with someone for years, you may not see their flaws), from the guilt of Robin being a prisoner for years and missing out on time with Emma at lease in part because of Faison's obsession with Anna. I watched Anna crying to Jason and her lines came off to me like, "I've wanted to kill Faison so badly, but I also wanted to be worthy of being my perfect daughter's mother and I still want to be a true role model for her." That, of course, gets empathy from Jason because he can relate to her perception of Robin (he felt the same way when JnR got together in their youth), and his thoughts and feelings when Michael was a baby...not to mention his thoughts now re: Jake and Danny at a time when they see Drew as their dad and ethical role model.
  24. I was wondering why Arizona was being so hostile to April, between the "Leave that poor man alone" and then demanding to know why April didn't get her immediately when Matthew's wife showed signs of trouble. Umm, didn't Arizona cheat on/humiliate Callie after promising to love her forever, in front of their friends and family? And isn't Arizona the fetal medicine doc who was supposed to be on top of the wife's emergency care? I was thinking Arizona needs to shut it and do her job, rather than giving other people a hard time. It's not like April asked for Matthew and his wife to be brought there. Sheesh.
  25. Nah, Leisl chose to humiliate herself repeatedly in her obsession with Faison, and she was an accomplice in keeping a young doctor prisoner, torturing her with electronic shock. Then she went to murder said doctor, and the doctor's father, Robert, got the needle in the chest instead. Ideally, Laura Spencer, Anna Devane and Robert Scorpio would be partners in taking out Faison for his role in holding (young JJ) Lucky Spencer and then Robin Scorpio-Drake prisoner.
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