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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Yes, Lulu had a line about Ryan when she and Dante were in bed the night he came home. So he was told off-screen at some point. I'm not expecting Dante to be ready for revenge because there's no confirmation right now that Ryan survived/is alive and an active threat. If the show wanted to make things interesting, Ryan would turn up alive and Dante and Ava would both plays parts in making Ryan most sincerely dead. So, that won't happen.
  2. I think she had a moment of wanting to bolt with the baby in her arms because Brad was talking about possibly taking seminars there and mentioned Shiloh, then decided she had to stick around to protect her "son" from being exposed to DOD. I figured she didn't shut Brad down about DOD because she didn't want to make an impression that she is familiar with it/risk him speaking to Shiloh about her - especially after she reacted so strongly to his question about the baby's father. I'm sure she thinks Shiloh could manipulate Brad into talking about her and possibly her "connection to Wiley" if he had awareness that she and Brad know each other.
  3. I snickered that Jason said "uh, Scout" as if for a moment he couldn't remember Sam's daughter's name. That sounds about right, since it took him a moment to think about it when Mike (upon return to Port Charles) asked him if he has kids. He could not have looked/sounded less enthusiastic about going to his mom's house when Danny asked. Also, why does Danny have the vocabulary of a 2-3 year old. I feel sorry for the kid. The last time I recall Sam showing any warmth toward him was when she and Drew (with Jason present) tried to explain that Jason is his bio father but Drew's love for him isn't changing. It also amuses me that Sam talks to Michael about Jason like he's her business partner instead of the so-called love of her life. You were "hoping" Jason would give you more time? When Sonny wants him to act, he does. Your requests/hopes will always be low on the priority list, you always knew that. I would love a scene of Jason and Sam seeing Danny, Scout, Jake, Cam and Aiden having a great time in the park with Drew. Danny: "This was so much FUN, but my daddy's here so it's time to go." Jake: "See ya! We get to stay until our mom comes."
  4. The recent scenes of Shiloh being introduced to Brad and "Wiley" and then Chase figuring out that Shiloh was Willow's baby daddy, have me speculating that Shiloh will find out/realize he fathered a child with her and that child is "Wiley." He'll try to seize the baby from L&B by claiming he never gave up his rights, and Brad (knowing that Shiloh is a cult leader) will blurt out that "Wiley" is not Shiloh's son - he's Michael's son. Cue Carly starting a fight with Brad and/or Nelle for keeping the baby from Michael. I think she'll have a miscarriage as a result of either a fight about Michael's baby, or something to do with Mike's illness (e.g. she goes looking for him when he's missing and has a nasty fall, is driving around looking for him and gets into a car crash, etc.) I would like to see Bobbie lash out at Carly for being dismissive of Lucas in pain ... because that is what I expect from Carly. I will be shocked if GH doesn't set it up that Carly gets to be a "victim" by losing her baby because she's "doing the right thing" by fighting to get Michael's son or trying to take care of ill, elderly Mike.
  5. Olivia is also stuck with Carly because they both have kids with Sonny, Sonny's daughter-in-law is Carly's cousin Lulu, and thus Carly is both step-grandma and cousin to Dante and Lulu's son Rocco and (I guess) Lulu's daughter Charlotte as well. Josslyn has replaced Lulu as Carly's mini-me on the show; when JMB played teenage Lulu and Lulu's mother was not around, the writing implied that Carly was in the role of surrogate mom/big sister to beloved cousin Lulu (especially when Lulu distanced herself from Elizabeth because she was furious upon finding out about Elizabeth and Jason's night together). I think it's been some years now since Carly and Lulu had an actual conversation.
  6. That seems like an odd interpretation of Beth's motives, esp. because he's taken on multiple ... projects ... he "felt passionate about" since the show's pilot, all of which had something to do with his history of being abandoned/adopted, feeling like he didn't fit in with the predominantly white community of his upbringing, and bonding with his terminally ill bio father. If Randall had done volunteer or paid work involving commitment to politics/community service prior to William's death, I would agree with you about his passion. But it does not seem like a coincidence to me that his passion is to be a councilman in the area where his bio father had lived. This job seems like his attempt to feel important because he's serving people who remind him of William, and a community where he would have fit in had clean/healthy bio parents raised him. That feeling/wound of being "different" has never left him. I got the impression she asked him to drop out because the reality of the demands of the job had started to sink in for her, and he had given her his word about dropping out if things got too difficult. While I think it's unrealistic that Beth went and got a job as a dance teacher immediately after returning from her mother's, this passion of hers is not out of the blue. The last R&B moment of that episode showed that Randall had prior knowledge of her passion. His reaction to her declaration was not "huh?" He was on board with her taking up dancing - until it had the potential for scheduling that was inconvenient to his most recent passion project/job. I got the impression (from Beth's lines to her mother) that any jealousy Beth feels is that the Pearsons never discouraged Randall from dreaming and taking chances. He always expressed passion and desire in life, whereas Beth shut up about it as a young teen after her mom determined she had to be "realistic" within hours after Beth announced she didn't get the dance solo. She wanted to get back the joy of dance she had given up.
  7. Randall was capable of having moments in the past. It seems like the writing has made the case that William's death triggered these less likable extremes - Randall was unable to mourn and then move forward in life in a healthy way.
  8. It seems like you and your husband long ago knew what to expect from each other esp. re: employment (because he's military), and what you wanted in your marriage. That's awesome. But Beth and Randall have a completely different situation. Randall is NOT an employee of the U.S. government/a service member. He has been living his life by making sudden decisions which impact his family, that are not about what's best for his family. This is not about Beth being upset that Randall is not doing any household chores. He has all these unresolved issues about being an adopted black child in a white family, losing his idolized father in tragic, sudden circumstances as a teenager, meeting his bio father while the man was terminally ill and losing a father a second time, etc. etc. He appears to have a need to be a hero to strangers in a different state. He has expected his wife and children to be along for the ride in life choices he has made that cater to all those unresolved issues. I am not aware of any scenario where a truly devoted father has a child try to run away by hiding in an uncle's car because he or she was so upset about the home/family situation. I wonder if Randall expects Beth and the children to be supportive of every choice he makes because the audience has seen that basically, Rebecca and Jack acted like Randall was a kid who pooped rainbows and farted perfume. I see this as much more than Randall having "selfish tendencies." Randall has convinced himself he's being a savior to a community after first being a savior to Deja, while Beth's work is "just dance" and therefore she can drop it until the time comes that is convenient to Randall. Beth has not made references to Randall being a madly in love devoted spouse; she has referenced him getting obsessed about tasks/projects during their relationship, to the point of it being detrimental to his health. That voicemail is not the first time he's disrespected his wife, or gone back on a promise. The truth is that these two should have made decisions *together* (finances, schedules appropriate for their kids' needs, etc.) and then taken action. However, it seems like Randall is definitely not built that way. He is exhausted/over-extended at this time as a result of choices he made on his own, only now (as opposed to early in their marriage) three daughters get to deal with the consequences in addition to Beth.
  9. This. Anyone who's curious about the Alex character could watch the scenes of Alex running in to Robin and Emma at the airport. Alex had successfully deceived the Port Charles folks for a while. Robin (pregnant with Noah) seemed perplexed by how Alex was speaking to them, and reacted in surprise because Alex said "my flat" when Anna hadn't used that word in many years. Emma figured out in under 5 minutes that Alex wasn't "Grandma."
  10. Can this be a collective St. Patrick's Day wish for those of us who are part or full-blood Irish? Please?
  11. Cam said he didn't care about what people said about Franco. He got beat up because kids were saying stuff about his mom. She told him "you do not have to defend my honor" and he responded yes, I do. Elizabeth's determination to be with and defend Franco no matter the toxic, dangerous or thoughtless behavior he shows her, is on her. Franco as an *adult* is responsible for his behavior and choices, period. He could have said, for example, I will not say yes to this plan until I see a police car/unmarked car driving up and down the street, guarding Elizabeth's home. I want assurance that the police are keeping Cam, Jake and Aiden safe - before I plead guilty. I agree with you re: if Ava dies. However, Jason is supposed to be a character who cares about kids not losing loved ones and not experiencing trauma. Losing her mother would definitely disrupt Avery's life.
  12. I said Carly's biological children because Jason has also been hurt, or trapped, as a result of going after Josslyn. The first time was when Carly was sexing up Johnny Z. so she didn't notice that little Joss was gone from her home (because of Jerry Jax). When she realized it she ran to Jason. The result: Jason was injured so he was in the hospital, so Sam yelled at Carly. Carly retorted that Sam couldn't understand because she wasn't a mother, so Sam slapped her across the face. More recently, Jason held the ladder for Josslyn to get out (after she and Oscar got trapped underground), and then he couldn't get out. Cue drama, and then Sam and Jason climbed out of the harbor onto the pier. Josslyn went to the hospital with Carly and said "Jason saved my life." Gag.
  13. He is, but I was thinking more about little Avery. Sam does not have a relationship with Ava, but Sonny's youngest child does. Jason is aware that Avery is Sonny and Ava's daughter. Avery and Kiki had a sweet on-screen sister relationship; Kiki is gone from Avery's life forever. Avery also has an established on-screen relationship with her mother Ava. There have been plenty of references on-screen to Ava picking up Avery at S&C's house and spending time with her. It would rock that child's world for first her sister to die, and then her mom - no matter how many times S&C try to act like Carly is Avery's mother. But I guess the only children who truly matter in Jason's world are Carly's biological kids? Sam has a close relationship with her sister Kristina, so she's worried about Kristina getting attached to this guy Shiloh and Dawn of Day. She's looking into the situation. When Carly expresses concern about that situation, Jason tells her it's not worth her stressing herself out because of her pregnancy. He takes off to rescue Carly, and Sam's behind in Port Charles leaving him a VM about Shiloh and DoD. The only reason he would care about Kristina being in trouble is if Sonny got mad at him for "not protecting my daughter" or Carly and/or Michael were really upset because Kristina got kidnapped/hurt right in front of them. She is not a priority because she's Sam's sister. That was clear when Jason snapped at Sam to not stress Carly out because she's pregnant - right after Sam said to Carly something like "this is my sister we're talking about."
  14. Jordan didn't blame Elizabeth for that. She said Elizabeth is responsible for bringing Franco into her boys' lives and home; his history and his ability to lie/deceive is an undeniable part of him. So if Elizabeth did not want to deal with Cameron's disgust about Franco's serial killer past, and did not want to worry that Franco might be lying/withholding important information from her, she should have never gotten engaged to him. Elizabeth understands Jordan's point because she's already fought with/dumped Franco before because of it. Then she took him back and now she and her kids have really been hurt again. She is dealing with the ramifications of Franco's lie and lack of thought about how her kids could be hurt, as well as her own poor judgement.
  15. It's true that Drew and Sam became friendly/friends over time, but they didn't behave as if there was any attraction until after Carly showed up at Elizabeth and "Jake's" wedding with Spinelli's program indicating that "Jake" was Jason Morgan. Then Carly, Spinelli, Kristina and some others wouldn't shut up that "Sam and Jason belong together; Sam and Jason are soul mates." Whereas, Elizabeth and Drew were attracted to each other when she was a nurse taking care of him, and he had no memories. Nikolas told her that Drew was Jason when she already more or less in love with him. During the course of their relationship, he also grew attached to her children. Elizabeth and Drew still connect very well, and he's great with her children. That is why I think, in time, they could be a believable couple. Elizabeth and Jason conceived Jake during a ONS. They were later seeing each other secretly when he was a baby, but they have never been a true, real couple (as in acknowledging each other as SOs in public, attending wedding or other big events together, telling family or friends they were planning their future together, etc. Also, Elizabeth would show interest in spending time with little Emily Scout, named after her late best friend. Sam seems to have forgotten to care that she has a child with both Jason and Drew.
  16. Franco is a grown-ass man, there is no "wouldn't let him." Jordan did not have a gun to his head, threatening to pull the trigger unless he promised to keep his mouth shut. He did not sign a document stating that he would do this for the PCPD and not tell a soul. He could have told Elizabeth privately what was going to happen, before going to court. He chose not to, because he doesn't think about consequences like the house getting ransacked, or Cameron being beaten up. Franco has no experience in thinking about kids getting hurt because of his actions; he got away without real consequences after being a serial killer. I interpreted Jordan's reaction as anger that Elizabeth was talking like Franco was some innocent 'lil lamb that Jordan convinced to do wrong ("Is that what he told you?") for the first time in his life, thereby hurting Elizabeth and her children. Jordan was pointing out that she chose Franco because he did in fact used to kill people, and could provoke Ryan due to having some understanding of how Ryan might think. The point was hey Elizabeth, *you* brought a man into your sons' lives who is still capable of talking and thinking like a sick freak (not sure if Jordan even knows about Franco putting a shock collar on Tom and locking him in a cage in recent history). Therefore, ultimately your children being devastated is your responsibility. ITA with Jordan about that. Underneath it all, I think Elizabeth knows that only she and Franco are truly responsible for how much the three boys are hurting. So she uses her position as a nurse to take her personal guilt and anger/hurt toward Franco out on Jordan in the hospital bed. Elizabeth deserves to get reprimanded for that (and I say that as someone who's been an Elizabeth fan for a long time). Jordan did in fact say she was sorry Franco got hurt, and that she takes responsibility for him getting injured as a result of her plan.
  17. Carly came on the show as a young 20something (a little younger than Lulu and Maxie are now) as the daughter of Virginia, hell bent on destroying birth mother Bobbie's life, and had an affair with Bobbie's husband. And yes, I recall Lulu and Maxie doing those things - when they were minors. The teenage brain is still in development; I just don't find a teenager's bad choices/scheming comparable to a grown woman's pre-meditated destruction. Now if adult Lulu had tried to have an affair with Scott or Kevin while they where married to Laura, or if adult Maxie tried to have an affair with Mac in the time since Felicia and Mac remarried, I would agree with you that they are comparable to Carly. I do not agree that Carly is strong, but that's not worth debating. I would agree that she's maternal with teenage Josslyn. I stopped watching GH for a while when TB was playing Carly, but my observance with SB and later LW in the role is she has treated M&M as pawns/possessions (instead of beloved children) to get what she wanted from AJ, Jason, and then Sonny. The nannies did the hard work of parenting the boys. Years later she mostly seemed to ignore adult Morgan. I would agree that once Carly figured out that Jason would never, ever choose to be in a romantic/sexual relationship with her again and she was not going to get the "Carly & Jason with Michael" family situation she fantasized about, she has chosen to be very loyal to her "Jason and I are best friends" narrative. Other than that, not so much. I mean, this is a woman who was so enraged by her beloved young cousin Lulu's loyalty to Dante (had to do with Michael), that she left Port Charles to find Brooke Lynn Ashton in her neighborhood and paid BL to try to seduce Dante so that Lulu's heart would be crushed to pieces. Carly was I think 40ish years old at the time. This is not a woman who should ever be considered a representative of International Women's Day in my opinion.
  18. International Women's Day is supposed to be about celebrating positive traits in women. The Carly character started on GH as a young adult, and has been mostly a destructive, lying schemer who got her money and power from her relationships with men. If the promo was meant to attract a young adult audience, it should have been ER and/or KS. Regardless of what you think of either actress, the Lulu and Maxie characters are the children of legacy families/couples Luke and Laura and Frisco and Felicia. They were born on the show, the audience has seen them grow up and get jobs, get married, and become parents. Regardless of whether you find them respectable in their jobs, they did not get those jobs because of their significant others or someone's fear of or respect for their parents. Their young children have not been through trauma (so far), unlike the multiple kidnapping, gunshots, and bombs that Sonny and Carly's children have been subjected to. Lulu has been faithful to Dante, and Maxie was faithful to her late husband, Nathan. They are both trying to be at peace with disturbed/delusional people related to their children, for the kids' sake. This all may seem like a low bar, but it certainly places them above Carly as role models.
  19. Is it too much to hope that he has regrets because he doesn't like fighting with his mom? In a good script, he would feel bad about calling his mom "sick" to her face, and that would be all.
  20. Cameron's biological father is dead, but as a child he called Lucky "Dad." He accepted that Franco was living with them and his mom appeared to love the guy, but he said to Franco's face "you're not my father" and also threw his serial-killing past in his face in a scene at the park (long before this storyline was in motion). That was the first time the audience knew that SORASed Cam knew about Franco's history. It's past time for Cam to verbalize his anger about Lucky's abandonment, and desire for a real father. Over the years, depending on who was in Elizabeth's life at any time, there have been references to or brief scenes of Ric Lansing, Patrick Drake, Matt (Patrick's brother), Steven Lars, Nikolas Cassadine, and now Jake/Jason/Drew Cain spending time with her sons. You are correct that there has not been a consistent father figure in their lives.
  21. I think it's more than blinders. There was a scene at the hospital elevators where Carly got in Elizabeth's face about her relationship with Franco and how he's bad for her sons. Elizabeth snapped back that "my boys love Franco!" Well, Cam definitely does not love Franco and it seems like Aiden just sort of accepts Franco because he's there (Aiden didn't get a say when she moved Franco in). While I agree with some of what you're saying, it seems like Elizabeth is determined to believe that she can gloss over the issues and pressure Cam to love and accept Franco. Because if she can't make the "my boys love Franco" statement true, how can she get other Port Charles folks (aside from Drew and Kim) to accept him/endorse her love for him?
  22. He didn't actually say that; Elizabeth was eager to give Cam the "important news" that the charges against Franco had been dropped/that she is right to love and believe in him (and subtext= see Cameron, you should love Franco with all your heart now!!!). He was incredulous that she was focused on that in the moment because a) he did NOT care about the latest Franco news/thought she was just believing what is comfortable AND b) his terminal friend is in the hospital due to a seizure. Elizabeth was aware of the emergency, but seemed pretty nonchalant about it because she's so happy to tell the world "Franco's not the killer!! I was right!!!" I felt like his attitude was more of the tone 'just because Franco is the highlight of your life, does not mean he's the center of the universe for everyone else.' Correct. Chase told Laura Kevin was on his way to the hospital, and then Laura and others (Jason included) see him in a wheelchair, being wheeled by a hospital staff person and accompanied by a police officer. Kevin has had brief conversations with Laura, Anna, Finn, Jason, and possibly Chase - but no sign of Felicia, Mac, or Lucy. It is very stupid. I presume they will make appearances now that Girl Reporter can provide information she obtained from talking to Chase and Elizabeth. You'd think the three of them would have shown up today to see Kevin, since Laura had hours to call them while riding shotgun with Jason to Niagara Falls.
  23. I have no use for Ava or Carly, but I'll give credit to MW for making it really clear that Ava is scared of/nervous around "Kevin" since he's so nonchalant about why Carly was in the trunk. She appears to be trying to continue to fake enthusiasm about getting married immediately, so as to not provoke him/endanger herself. I absolutely think she'll believe Laura, esp. because the preview shows her asking Kevin to "make it right" re: hurting Carly. I agree with you all that Jason being the hero in yet another dangerous situation (so he can rescue Carly AGAIN) is unoriginal b.s. When Elizabeth mentioned Felicia today, my first thought was, "Why no follow-up when Felicia appeared to figure out that "Kevin" was Ryan?" Felicia should have gone to her husband Mac, the former police commissioner, and told him about the way "Kevin" demeaned Laura and spoke as Ryan used to. Then Mac and Felicia talk to Laura about their concerns; she has just arrived at the hospital. Mac should be driving with Laura to Niagara Falls, to meet up with police officers on the scene. Mac knows Ryan's history/psychology well, so he's more than capable of helping the police apprehend Ryan and save Ava (and Carly). Given Laura's adventure history with Luke and the fact that Ryan has just victimized her family, it's in her character for her to want to go after Ryan and save Ava. It's convenient that she's the mayor in this case. I liked the way Elizabeth (accurately) described how Laura was handling things. Although I rolled my eyes at Lulu's outrage/indignation. Yes, Lulu, you were manipulated by a man who was hiding his true identity (again - apparently she's forgotten about the Heinrich/Peter situation already). She's so shocked by this, yet she and Maxie just days ago acknowledged that something was very wrong because according to Laura "Kevin" had a list of all of Ryan's victims, when the police didn't even know about two of those women. *RME.*
  24. Plllleeeassee explain, because this brings back memories of the oompa -loompahs singing in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and the munchkins in "Wizard of Oz" and I doubt that's what you meant.
  25. He said (while hooked up to the IV at GH) that he's so tired/exhausted. I think the passive behavior is deliberate, to show that Kevin has been emotionally and mentally worn down by being Ryan's prisoner, by being so isolated, and worrying what Ryan would do to Laura and his friends, etc. He almost got emotional when he told Anna that during all that time in Ferncliff, he wondered if he would ever see Laura again. I liked that he wasn't intimidated by Jason's attitude, after dealing with Ryan for 5 + months. Seems like once Kevin is recovering and getting back into life, his character will improve. Elizabeth, on the other hand, is practically unrecognizable. She flat out said she married Franco to prove that he is worthy/give the doubters the middle finger. Um, excuse me, you are not a teenager/young 20 something. What about responsibilities for your children? One of the the unintended consequences of this whole mess was that her eldest son gets beat up, and her response was "I'm sorry, but..." Her priority should have been to let Cam know he and his brothers come first, always. Cam's anger is legit, regardless of whether Franco was guilty of those murders. She needs to listen to her son and fix the fractures in their relationship. She also needs to get it through her head that Franco does not value Cam as much as he values Jake and praises Aiden because he's little and insecure.
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