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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Drew decided a while ago he didn't want the memory procedure because he might lose his memories of his children as a result, so Shiloh told someone there was no longer a problem. Shiloh went to see Drew the day after Oscar's death, implying that Oscar's death was just another stage in a journey, and offering that he as an 'formerly close friend' could be there for Drew to lean on. Drew took Oscar's Dawn of Day book from him and told him to get out because he sensed attempted manipulation. Because Howarth/the Franco character is a pet. Storyline wise, because he was close to Kiki and wants revenge/justice for her murder as well as for Franco stabbing him. Also, to show off the Franco-Elizabeth 'great love story' some more. The Hayden character was previously with Nikolas and attached to Spencer as well (mutual affection there). Jax deserves better than to deal with her and Finn's kid, and should have nothing to do with that brat Spencer esp. given the memories of when Spencer was a baby and Jax was "falling in love with Carly" (shudder). Ava has already had one first son then father relationship and affair. Also, Ava and Franco have a bond over their parental feelings toward the late Kiki. It seems like it would be Sonny-esque icky for Ava to then get involved with Franco's father Scott. I'd rather see Ava with Franco, Curtis, or Finn. Is Ava plotting something that could get her shot? I'd rather see Cam than approximately a dozen of the other GH cast members.
  2. It was weird that Harmony assumed the baby is a boy (since Willow never confirmed the baby is alive, let alone said "he" or "him") but then told Shiloh: "Willow wouldn't say." I assume Carly's going to get into some altercation this summer or early fall involving Shiloh and/or Nelle, which puts her and the Carson spawn in danger.
  3. True, but that doesn't mean Sasha is his endgame for the forseeable future. He enjoys spending time with Sasha and they've had sex, while he's getting close to/bonding with Willow because she helped his sister, and as far as they know right now she's the bio-mother of his "godson." She is connected to his family, Lucas and Brad, because she wants to protect 'Wiley.' He admires her strength and bravery, and I'm sure will get closer to her when they all find out her baby died/the baby she feels attached to is his son. Sasha is a schemer, who doesn't have a relationship with anyone in his family. Michael's late gf Sabrina lied about him being the father of her baby, and then Nelle was a schemer. He doesn't want a gf who lies or schemes about anything (especially since he will still live with his mother's lying and scheming for the rest of his life). It seems like this storyline is heading in the direction of a love triangle/Michael falling for Willow and possibly wanting her to be surrogate mother to Jonah.
  4. I rolled my eyes when Chase said "That baby really likes you" and Brad looked scared/nervous in reaction.
  5. Hey now, what did dogs ever do to you to make you want one stuck alone with Sonny's nasty corpse??
  6. The Lucas-Willow scenes today were touching while the Chase-Willow scene was sweet, I liked the D.A. telling Sonny to go to hell when he was condescending, I enjoyed the shocked look on Maxie's face when Peter shut her down instead of kissing her ass in her scheming about Dante and Lulu, and Julian was amusing and showed how much he loves Lucas. Willow told Chase that only Lucas's name was on the adoption application. For the lawyers out there: what is the significance of that? So much UGH: Sonny, Jason, Sam. Sam, you all are NOT "the good guys." Gotta love how GH is going way overboard to make Shiloh OMG TEH EVILLLL so the three of them look like heroes. Willow is so much stronger than her pathetic shell of a mother. The continuing attitude of contempt for Julian, like this team work to protect "Wiley" is the only good thing he's ever done in his life, further shows what assholes those three are.
  7. If you mean fear that she would never shut up, then yes. Val Spencer of the PCPD would have let Stella stay in his room and talk at him for hours on end.
  8. Hey, what woman doesn't look 20-25 years younger by putting her hair up in a ponytail? (It's damn funny seeing her in that split-second preview, which I assume was not supposed to be the reaction). I guess that Sam thinks since the 'adventure' went so well back when she put glasses on and called herself "Sabrina," this should be no problem. She is, after all, the most awesome PI ever, right @Hater?
  9. TB and BM made me tear up today. They are great together as grieving parents. Contrast that with Sonny and Carly going on and on and on about Morgan. What Sonny actually meant is that this baby is absolutely supposed to replace you, dead Morgan. I call b.s. that Morgan will be "a friend" to Oscar in Heaven (at Sonny's request), that he noticed anything at all about flowers, or that he was a great big brother to Joss esp. since the audience has been beaten over the head about how Michael has always been there for her. Cam is awesome shutting Franco down, and being there for Joss. You can practically see the hearts forming around those two teens. I am hopeful that Elizabeth and Cam will find out that Franco lied so easily to their faces. But I don't understand how Franco knows enough about medicine and Ryan's health to induce a seizure. MVP line goes to Ryan for agreeing to donate a kidney so Stella will shut up and go away because he can't deal with her being the most annoying person ever (when he's not in a position/condition to commit murder). I am sure you're not the first person to feel that way about her, dude. WTF is that preview of Sam claiming to be "Willow"? UGHHHH.
  10. Michael is just getting to know Sasha, and he likes her, so I'm not surprised he was just going with "They don't get along, have done stuff to each other" generic explanation instead of the scarier/more honest explanation that his father once tried to kill Jax by disabling his airplane, set up Jax to be accused of rape, murdered my bio father at point blank range, etc. A potential girlfriend would understandably be intimidated, thinking: "Yikes, will Michael's father try to have me killed if we have a fight or he sees me on a date with another guy?"
  11. I wasn't watching when Sam came on the show, but my impression is that there was no attempt to make the audience believe that was a true serious relationship that involved Jax falling in love. Whereas, we're supposed to believe Jax and Carly were really in love and that he still 'respects the hell' out of the woman who cheated on him, lied to him, constantly valued Jason or Sonny over him, conspired with Sonny against him when she didn't want him to have custody of Josslyn, etc. Okay, surrrreeee.
  12. At the time they met, Brenda was a model who had traveled/was famous and had a privileged life before that due to her father Harlen. Their attraction made sense for a few reasons. Contrast that with Carly. She ran away from her life in Florida as a young 20 something, and has lived in Port Charles since then, accomplishing nothing without the $ from the men she latched on to. She didn't finish any education beyond h.s., didn't get and hold a real job, and had never been anywhere outside of Port Charles in her adult life aside from when Sonny took her to the island. Carly was and is the opposite of what the audience was lead to believe was Jax's type - smart, affluent, educated, and at least somewhat savvy about the world.
  13. Sonny, you should be embarrassed that your son has to ask you to love him and Josslyn enough to act like an adult re: Jax. I enjoyed Michael's "see ya, this isn't worth a conversation and my date's here" attitude when Sonny wanted to whine, as well as the flattering things he said about Jax to Sasha (versus dismissing Jax and just talking about Sonny). Speaking of pathetically immature as well as unprofessional and gross, Valentin and Nina need to be shoved off the parapet at Wyndemere. I get that Nina is crushing on Jax, but I don't for a moment believe he would ever be into Nina no matter how much they're grinning at each other. Of course, I thought the same about him falling for Carly. The Franco & Ava scene(s) today worked so well, proving that these two would 'fit' as a couple. They are so unforced together and I don't get the creeper vibe from him when he's with Ava. I assume we're supposed to think that Kevin told Finn it's okay to give the order to have someone inject Ryan's IV?
  14. I don't know if anyone has seen the latest cover of SID, but you all should. I was in a store check-out line, and I saw that SID is promoting Jasam in June re: "take the plunge?" I started laughing to myself, because in the photo of both actors looking straight (at the camera) out from the cover, Monaco's expression can be interpreted as: "I really want to punch you right now." I totally believe they are so much in love, Show.
  15. Since Alexis just mentioned "your brother" in her conversation with Jax, I'm going to assume the blast-from-the-past character coming to PC is Jerry. Elizabeth mentioned Hayden just after witnessing Finn propose to Anna, and it's been announced that the Hayden actress is returning. Same thing happened during TG's retirement storyline - all of a sudden Elizabeth mentioned Lucky in relation to the boys like 2 or 3 times (after not saying his name for years), and then JJ's Lucky appeared for a few episodes. If characters are off-screen and not coming back anytime soon, they don't exist in the GH universe. For example, it was a glaring omission when Bobbie Spencer was not included in the "Luke ran over Jake, Jake is dead and donated an organ to Josslyn" storyline, and same for other events like Jax and Brooke Lynn Ashton not being there for Ned's wedding, Brenda missing Robin's funeral and not speaking to Emma (the one-sided "phone call" with Patrick was a lame after thought), and Elizabeth's father, who was once an important man on the show, never showing up for his daughter's weddings, the births of any of the three grandsons, when her son Aiden "died," etc.
  16. There is a huge difference between being uncertain about his feelings regarding the child and discussing that with his wife honestly - versus treating his wife like she was this unclean thing he didn't want around and actually verbalizing that she could get rid of the baby. She was trying to connect with him and needed to know he loved her unconditionally (after all, they made vows to each other unlike his relationship with Carly), and his reaction was to behave like those vows never happened/didn't matter. All he cared about was his own anger and disgust, fear and guilt. He wasn't checking up on her at the hotel when she got settled after moving out of the penthouse, out of worry that she was alone during her third trimester. He started to buck up and support her after she'd given birth and Danny had been kidnapped/switched with the dead baby. I agree that he wouldn't have been thrilled about Carly being pregnant with Franco's child, but with the relationship they've had I have no doubt he would have said, "It's all going to be okay, I'm always here for you, you let me deal with anyone who makes you feel bad about this pregnancy."
  17. Hey now, she has help. His Uncle Drew lives there too, as well as Aunt Olivia (with Ned). They are participating in raising the kids. It is a point and laugh situation, like when Jason asked previous Danny (after pausing to remember Scout's name) if Wiley's spit up is worse than (now 2-year-old??) Scout's. Sam treated Danny like he was a little brother in that scene. These two do not remotely behave like devoted parents.
  18. I'm surprised at a recast at this time, since the previous Danny just had a scene with Sam, Brad, Shiloh and Jason recently. I'm wondering about age - is this Danny older? The previous actor looked and sounded several years younger (maybe kindergarten age?) and he pretty much only had lines about the Quartermaine dog. At the time he was cast, I figured GH just wanted "little blonde boy because Jake is blonde and Jason was blonde as a child." The scenes today that included nuDanny definitely had the tone of "growing up at the Quartermaines, with occasional visits to see big sis...err....Mommy Sam." It figures that "Aunt Olivia" made the decision that Scout wasn't coming home with Danny, and Sam's just like "okay, sure, whatever" that she heard it from her son. I love the irony that the family Jason dismissed/degraded, as well as Julian whom Sam has dismissed/degraded, spend more time time with Danny and know him better than Jason does.
  19. Some examples are Jason telling Carly he will always find her (she asked "how did you find me" after Ryan left her to freeze to death), Carly mentioning Shiloh as a danger to Sam/Kristina in one conversation and Oscar dying in another conversation and Jason's response both times was that he's concerned about her and her baby and Josslyn. (So nice of Jason to give a damn that his own mother was about to lose a grandson. And not to be cold, but that should be more important because Joss is only 15 - she will have at least a couple more great loves in the future.) He tells Carly "I love you too" when she says ILY. What was Jason doing when his wife Sam was pregnant with Danny? Implying she could get an abortion, riding his motorcycle wherever and shutting Sam out, and being passive when she moved out to be on her own in her 3rd trimester since he couldn't tell her he would definitely love the baby. This was when they didn't know whether the baby would be Jason's or Franco's, not that there was no way Jason could be the father. I see it differently - circumstances were not the same. Dante and Lulu were a married, committed couple well before Rocco, and then they discovered that Lulu was Charlotte's mother. Dante never acted like a sanctimonious, entitled asshole as a stepdad to Charlotte, behaving as if Valentin and Nina don't exist. Nina just met Sasha five minutes ago, and seemed to latch on to a relationship with single father Valentin quickly, the possibility of playing mommy to Charlotte as a major motivator. She keeps breaking up and getting back together with him - again playing mommy is the prize that gets dangled in front of her. She openly shows contempt for Lulu as a person and especially as Charlotte's mother (remember the snotty goodbye when Lulu left for Paris?), and I'm not sure if she even has acknowledged Dante's existence as stepdad. It's her smugness about having "two daughters" that bothers me. You'd think she had raised Sasha and Charlotte both from birth, especially when she has lines like questioning Willow (way before overhearing the phone conversation) if she is a parent and then saying she's bad with children/a bad teacher. Curtis standing over Ryan and demanding the kidney for Jordan was a dumbass move. Someone as vindictive, selfish and crazy as Ryan would deliberately do something, even while in a hospital bed, to damage his own kidneys just enough so that they wouldn't be viable for a transplant, to stick it to Curtis and Jordan. The better move would be to get Ryan so upset that his heart goes into cardiac arrest or something, And here I thought Curtis was supposed to be a smart guy.
  20. This needs to happen. PLEASE. Not accurate IMO. Just a few examples off the top of my head: He intended to execute Dante out of anger, not because there was a "valid" reason. He made the first move on the night Jake was conceived, knowing that Elizabeth was still married to Lucky. Later, he proposed to Elizabeth in an elevator (after finding out unborn was his) while still in a relationship with Sam. Re: today - Hey Lulu, instead of taking notes for a non-story about Franco's award from the PCPD and joining Elizabeth in giving him a tongue bath, why don't you head over to the Crimson office and remind Nina that Charlotte is your daughter....I just can't with Nina telling Jax "I have two daughters." - Jax, it is just sad and gross that you "respect the hell out of Carly." You slightly redeemed yourself for shutting down Nina about doing whatever she wants with Crimson, and telling her she can improve. -Sam, the looks you're giving Julian make you look like a petulant teenager. He is genuinely worried about your brother's family, just listen. -Chase and Willow are sweet together. Michael, you should just focus on trying a relationship with Sasha... she and your mother and Nina deserve each other. Willow does not deserve to deal with their drama and bullshit. - I will acknowledge I loved the sweet Jax & Alexis moment. Anna and Robert fans, it looks like there's an awesome moment tomorrow! ***I missed approximately 1/2 the show due to a severe weather warning interruption.
  21. Yes, the envelope had Willow's real name. I could see the first letter on her envelope was a K" She already hates Willow for saying that her perfect soon-to-be-again stepdaughter Charlotte was bullying Aiden, and is showing an entitled attitude in the classroom. So Nina has decided that Willow is a terrible teacher, and obviously is also a man-stealer. Michael likes Nina's daughter, so of course she thinks he is a flawless human being too.
  22. Yup, especially with that bitch saying shit like "you've done wrong things too" when Jax mentioned that he can't be there for Joss if Sonny tries to have him deported again. UGH that whole scene of the two of them saying good-bye at the door will make other viewers feel stabby too. And then she's grinning like she just got laid in reaction to Michael and Sasha agreeing to go out. I see a love triangle set up with Michael telling Willow he's there for her and she's like family to him. It seems like he's starting to fall for Willow, esp. because she's so worried about his "godson." Good for Willow for standing up for herself with the other bitch. "Are you stalking me now?" really is the perfect way to describe it. The only good part of today, which shockingly involved Jason, was him telling Willow she's a hero. But I'm also confused because how did he know/recognize her given name on the pledge envelope? I thought only Chase knew because he was there when Shiloh said it. Also, "I'm tired of waiting for Dante to come home!" Can someone please slap Maxie for that line! LOL at Lulu worrying about "respect of my peers." Woodward or Bernstein you are not, deary. So many ewww, ick, gross vibes in reaction to the Sonny and Sam hug. It appeared like acknowledgement from her pimp, esp. given that she once had an affair with Sonny and a baby girl resulted from that affair, and his eldest daughter is her half sister whom she was trying to save from a man similar in mentality to Sonny. So, Kristina is fine with not knowing the details of how much of the initiation Sam went through? I was unmoved by their sisterly bonding over Kristina's burning pledge, although I know it was supposed to look like Sam being strong/shrugging off what happened with Shiloh to hold and care for weak, emotionally vulnerable little sis.
  23. I want to see Drew invite Monica to go on a trip with him and Scout - just the three of them bonding as a family for a few weeks away from Port Charles. It's not like Scout's mother would even realize she hadn't seen Scout in a while.
  24. That was my reaction, too. The smart person today was Jordan for: "Why would Ryan give me his kidney?" See, Curtis, your wife understands she/a patient does not have an automatic right to someone's kidney if they happen to be a match. I liked the last Ava/Julian/Scott moment. Now, after Jason and Sam have been so desperate to get Kristina's pledge back, the first thing Jason does is find Margaux's pledge and tear it open to verify if all the envelopes are authentic?! I assume that preview of Jason talking to Sonny about leverage against the D.A. is because he is telling him he now has Margaux's pledge? Asshat.
  25. He took her from the shower and spent some amount of time with her naked, unconscious (drugged) body. Sam became pregnant and the baby could have been conceived during the time in Hawaii, so part of the trauma (especially after Heather's intervention) was in thinking that Franco was Danny's biological father. After Sam got Danny back (he was kidnapped at birth and gone a while) and Jason "died," Sam found the real test results saying Jason was Danny's father. She announced that Jason was Danny's father at Edward's deathbed. After that (I forget how long) Sam and a bunch of others got notified about meeting up. They hoped the mysterious message was from a not-dead Jason, but it was Franco. He presented 'proof' that when he blocked the video from Jason's sight, that he hadn't actually raped Sam - he just wanted to hurt Jason by making him think he had. The "I never hurt Sam, I was and am a totally innocent man" from then on along with Heather's attitude toward Sam about the awesomeness of Franco and the idea of him fathering a child was just......beyond disgusting. So the idea that Sam would be all "I'm a pro, I can handle being drugged knowing Shiloh's intentions, I'm not worried" after living through all of that - is appalling bad storytelling.
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