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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. I grinned when Adam dumped her when's she been touching him, kissing him and telling him she's into him mere months after telling Miles she loves him. She chose to walk away from Miles because she's angry and immature. She blamed him and the God Account that they couldn't be together. So I loved that Adam easily walked away from her in return. At this point, I don't want Miles and Cara to get back together. It will seem disingenuous, in part because Cara hasn't learned and grown to be in a mature, adult relationship.
  2. Aww, it's kind of you to worry about me. I haven't been paying much attention to GH due to exhaustion from real life responsibilities and concerns, such as work and family during this pandemic. It's surreal that my ID must be scanned through my closed window when I drive onto the military base in Maryland. I'm also concerned for family. For example, a cousin's husband has been exposed to COVID-19 several times (they have three young children), and they lost a friend to the virus (the woman went into the hospital and died the next day). I'm glad you're not on Nelle's side. In a way, Willow is the biggest victim in the whole situation IMO. Her trauma started with her mother and Shiloh when she was a teenager. While I feel bad for Lucas, a tiny part of me feels he's not entirely a victim because he knew Brad's history when they got married. Willow should have a place in Wiley's life, but this "Michael and Willow get married" idea is idiotic. I would rather see Lucas and Willow as co-parents who are also friends. I do not want to see Chase and Willow break up. They are one of the very rare good couples on this show. I watched parts of Violet's birthday party on Friday night, and my reaction was "Anna and Robert together look like they are Violet's doting grandparents." Isn't Violet around the same age as Robin and Patrick's son, Noah? I continue to not find Finn and Anna believable as a couple in love. FH and TR have a strong chemistry together that FH and ME together just have always lacked.
  3. Disagree. She ended up pregnant with Jax's baby because she had offered to be a surrogate for Jax and his wife and the procedure didn't go the way it was supposed to. She and Jax never had sex; she was not trying to have a baby with him. Sonny currently has four living biological children and one illegally adopted child. If the children from having sex with Lily, Claudia and Carly had been born and Morgan lived, he'd have nine children now (unless Lily's pregnancy turned out to be twins - I think she was early in the pregnancy when she got blown up). If Carly's pregnancy from the hate sex with Sonny had not resulted in a miscarriage and Morgan didn't get blown up, she would have five children from hook ups and marriages.
  4. That's rather harsh. Nelle was totally fine with Willow believing Wiley was her own child because it was a convenient cover that protected Nelle and Brad's deception, Then Nelle went to Willow's home, forced her way in, assaulted Willow, and tried to leave with Wiley. In the court room, she said to Willow's face something like 'hey, we wouldn't be in this position if you hadn't decided you didn't want your baby and gave him up for adoption.' In a scene at Julian's bar, she said to Willow something like "your baby's dead, deal with it. He's my son and I'll do what I want." If I happened to be Willow's sister or best friend, I would want to throat punch Nelle several times for those actions. Willow loves Wiley, wants him to be where he will be loved. She knows personally that Nelle is both dangerous and has shown she doesn't actually care about things like Wiley identifying with his name, or that he's formed bonds with Willow, Michael, and anyone else. I get the impression that she will happily use Wiley to manipulate men/people to get what she wants (just like Carly) until he's old enough to get away from her. Willow genuinely loves Wiley and though her brain now understands he is not her son, her heart feels like he is - especially after all the time she has spent with him at the encouragement of Lucas, Michael and eventually Brad. She is not wrong, from a mother's perspective, to think Nelle is a threat to Wiley. Yes, she should have therapy/counseling to help with the emotional trauma of finding out that her baby died. Going to Nina to ask for an article about how horrible Nelle is was definitely a bad idea, but overall I don't see her as totally crazy and out of line about wanting Wiley to be protected from Nelle. Also, Willow having a baby with Chase would neither replace her son who died nor stop her from loving Wiley and wanting him to be safe from Nelle. That is as offensive as if someone had suggested to Elizabeth that she get pregnant again when she was raising Cam and Aiden yet missing Jake in the aftermath of his "death."
  5. The last time I recall that he was on-screen was Christmas at the Webber/Spencer/Baldwin home after Franco's brain procedure was successful.
  6. I have a problem with Jordan saying that, and Molly believing that, because TJ and Molly are living together. Molly's first upset line to Jordan was "TJ never came home last night." So they share a home, a bed, and I assume nobody came and removed all his clothes and other stuff from their home while he was kidnapped. If he had communicated they were done forever and didn't want to see Molly ever again, he would have sent his mother or Curtis or someone to get his stuff. Jordan's words to Molly sounded like an angry tantrum instead of truth telling. If Molly and Brando hooked up at the Metrocourt, or wherever he's living right now, or even a room at Kelly's after hearing that TJ is supposedly done with her, I'd call it a not gray situation. But she chose to bring Brando to her and TJ's home to hook up because she was angry and hurt from Jordan - not TJ - yelling at her that TJ was done with her. When your relationship has not been declared over by either individual and all of both individuals' property is still in the residence, that's called cheating in my mind.
  7. I find it interesting that she's not concerned about being with her kids, and she hasn't tried to speak to or confront her cousin Nikolas about coming back from the "dead." It's like after that one scene where she made a bitchface and brought up Drew in response to Carly's grand announcement that a family member with whom she had a relationship is alive, she hasn't thought of him once since then. It's almost as glaring as Kristina being entirely left out of the storylines involving her own grandfather's declining health, her brother finding out his son is alive and "claiming" him, and the recent drama involving her former therapist and her mother. I find it weird that Josslyn, not Mike's actual granddaughter Kristina, has a scene in his hospital room and that everyone in Michael's family, even his ex-stepfather, has at least been on screen briefly and mentioned Michael and Wiley - except Kristina. Yet she was around for all of Michael's relationship stuff and fall out with Nelle whereas Brook was not. I understand not seeing the underage actors who play Jake and Aiden for months at a time, but even Jake made an appearance at Christmas whereas I can't recall that Kristina did. Even that little brat Charlotte has been on more. I'm not saying that I want to see Kristina a lot - I don't - but her being missing from family situations going on reminds me of Bobbie being entirely absent while JJ's Lucky was on the show as an adult including the "Jake died because Luke was driving drunk/Josslyn gets Jake's kidney" storyline.
  8. Yes, and other actors build that up or are made to feel they need to be "good enough" to work with him. I remember an article about young Steve Burton's adoration because he thought Maurice was such a terrific actor and wanted to learn from him. As has been noted, he told young Vanessa Marcil "you suck" (or close to that) and that she had to get better as a scene partner. He has laughed about it/not denied that he said something to her about being a poor actress. Maybe Burton has also learned about laziness from Benard? When he came back to GH while BM was playing Jason, he seemed to me to light up or at least be authentic and appear energized only in scenes with Kim McC and Becky Herbst.
  9. The BEST moment of today was Brando asking fast-talking, hyper, angry Molly if she's been drinking. 😂🤣😂🤣 Molly talking about being an author and a law student and flirting with him after - Blech. I liked the Kevin-Cyrus scene; that bitchface look as he sat there after Kevin walked out was hilarious! Also hilarious: Sam's eyeroll when Jason said she needs to stay out of prison for the kids ... and Carly glowing that "family is everything to Sonny." So much whatever re: Sonny's tears over Mike wanting to go back to Bensonhurst. I liked Laura/Kevin/Robert talking about police business, even if Robert disagrees wit her. Ava was great with Trina as well; bravo to both actresses.
  10. Rhetorical questions, I assume? My answer: a mixture of the two. Depending on the scene/situation, sometimes more delusional while at other times she's mostly self-absorbed.
  11. He absolutely came off like a jackass; a jackass who still has feelings for Alexis and that enhances his disgust with Dr. Byrne's ethics violation. There was a scene at his bar where he snarked "your boyfriend" at Alexis, and she said Neil wasn't her boyfriend. Then Ava pointed out to Julian he may still have a chance to get back with Alexis. Yes, Julian was in a relationship with Kim that got serious, but we saw signs here and there that he wasn't totally over her. Once Kim was out of the picture, his snarks have made it seem like he is jealous she developed real feelings for another man, but doesn't feel like he has any right to ask her for another chance. So he hooks up with Britt to temporarily feel a little better about his overall life. I'm kinda shocked that Carly willingly acknowledged to Brando that she's not Avery's mother. The line that Avery has lived with her and Sonny since she was born was an interesting re-write of history, Show. The Trina actress sure can bring the hostility. I expect Jordan will get a verbal smackdown when Trina finds out she was in on it, too. I think I'll expect the same from Molly at some point as well, since Jordan is blaming her in the preview for TJ's disappearance.
  12. It seems like he's both protective (angry at Neil) and jealous, judging from his conversations with Alexis in the car, and now Britt in his apartment. He and Britt are using each other; I assume that it will come out he tried to kill Brad and then she'll want nothing to do with him. These scenes seem to me to indicate a Julian/Alexis/Neil triangle. I liked the Laura-Mac scene, which included Mac referencing his history with Taggert. Hard pass on anything regarding BL and Lulu. They come off as teenagers in womens' bodies.
  13. Especially since her best friend Trina greets Elizabeth, "Mrs. Baldwin." If Joss sees her at the hospital and she's on duty attending to Joss's family, "Nurse Webber" is the only way to properly get her attention.
  14. THIS. Though honestly, regardless of the Miles factor, IMO it's totally unprofessional to kiss someone in your office, especially a current or previous colleague, when you know anyone can see you and you're not the owner of the company. She just comes off as a very entitled person. I have felt like Cara doesn't deserve Miles as a friend or boyfriend since the episodes focused on her mother's husband/family and Trish's daughter and her husband. Kissing Adam and telling him she likes him a couple or few months after saying "I love you" to Miles makes me think she would quickly cheat on a boyfriend/husband when feeling unsatisfied or after a big fight.
  15. . The rest of the sentence was unnecessary. She tries to threaten Cory by going to see his mother, she recently spoke of her breakup with Miles without taking any responsibility for it, she is pursuing a dating relationship with a colleague while Miles is trying to help his sister fight for her life and doing so just months after telling Miles she loves him, and now she's kissing the colleague in her office, during work time! IMO that makes Cara a bad friend/ex-girlfriend as well as an unprofessional journalist. Also Cara, you're no Woodward or Bernstein. Please. Get over yourself.
  16. That's not true IMO, for example when Tracy gave Edward the news that Robin had "died." Edward was definitely sad/upset. Monica and Robin have history as respectful/friendly doctors working together as well as the bond that they both care about Jason, like in December 2011 when Monica seemed grateful that Robin was trying to look out for Jason's health. She even said something about how Robin (and Sam) both had more influence over Jason than she did.
  17. Monica also knows damn well that Nelle brought a deceased infant into her hospital, and passed him off as her great grandson after she tried to kill/left her grandson for dead. Since then she also waltzed into Monica's home bragging about owning shares of Monica's family's business, and just recently dissed Monica as a surgeon as if Monica is eager to have her colleagues cut open her toddler great grandson. After Liesl Obrecht, electric shock torturer of Quartermaine Family friend Dr. Robin Scorpio-Drake, was allowed to become chief of staff while Monica worked there, it really doesn't bother me that Monica figured out what happened with the paperwork and didn't care.
  18. I will give the Show credit that I liked Monica's comment about Wiley having two great grandmothers looking out for him, and her fist bump with Bobbie. I enjoy being reminded that they are long-time friends bonded as family by Michael and now Wiley. I assume the audience was supposed to get warm fuzzies by the "family scene in Mike's hospital room": Carly and Joss snuggle/embrace with Sonny watching them. It did nothing for me. She did not grow up living with Sonny, and Mike has not been in Josslyn's life that long, maybe a year or two?
  19. Of course Carly trash talks AJ to Nelle at the same time Michael is kissing Sonny's ass as a father and son/better son to Mike than Mike was a father to him. Sometimes the Show gets it right. Becky Herbst as well as the writing for Elizabeth today both deserve kudos. She reflected on the aftermath of her rape and worried about Cam processing the trauma, in her conversation with (nu) Nikolas. It's not as moving as it likely would be if she got to act that scene with Tyler Christopher, but still great. Ava lighting up at Franco's compliments made me think she'll want to cheat with Franco well before Nikolas makes a move on Elizabeth. I really liked Cam's scenes with Neil, too - esp. Neil being appalled (but not letting on) that Jason intended to take Cam back into a dangerous situation once they had come up with a plan (before Curtis got out with Trina). So Julian wants to hook up with Britt again because he's jealous that Alexis is clearly thinking about Neil instead of wanting him back? Ok then. Another WTF: Portia's line to S&C that she feels she already knows Mike because Trina talks about him so much. Um, Mike doesn't live in the same house as Josslyn! Third WTF: Anna being glad that Britt is back so Peter can have more family around him...gag. I'm actually a little surprised that Carly only locked Nelle on the hospital roof to scare/intimidate her; I thought for sure there was going to be a fight with one of them trying to throw the other off as a Friday cliffhanger.
  20. Same. I was positive he was going to get mugged and shot or stabbed, so I was genuinely surprised he got lightly hit by a car. (I say this as someone who had a friend get hit by a car so hard her body went on the hood, then fell ... she has since recovered from tailbone and pelvic fractures.)
  21. Alexis telling Sam to shut it (in front of the parole officer) instead of backing her up, and then bitching her out one-on-one was glorious. I rolled my eyes at Sam's righteous indignation - she *never* wanted to be like Alexis, WTF was that response? Why would Sam care about Alexis fighting to be with Neil? At least Spinelli thanked Alexis on his, Ellie and his daughter's behalf for keeping his ass out of jail. Good for Alexis for asking Sam for space when she offered her tearful, pathetic apology. Alexis in tears and alone at the bar, taking a shot was such a sad scene. Also eye-roll worthy: Michael, Sasha, and Willow freaking out that Nelle won't sign the consent form to ensure that Wiley gets surgery immediately. I liked Nelle sniping at Sasha, and she has valid points. Of course the preview has Carly saying she will deal with Nelle. Good to see Kevin having a conversation at the hospital with a colleague, not just being Laura's husband.
  22. To be fair, Nina didn't ask for or want Carly's help. Carly is just pushing to be involved in something juicy that helps to take Nelle down and she apparently has time on her hands. It's not like she has responsibilities for the rest of the Metrocourt or an infant and three other minors at home to occupy her time after all. Yes, Carly is nothing if not consistently hypocritical. She should have been electrocuted to death by now many times over for the dozens upon dozen times she's made hypocritical statements. What struck me more is that when she was going on and on about Nelle, it was clear that it's a toss up for which one of them - Carly or Sonny - is the most self-absorbed. I laughed that Sam chose to wear a pink/rose/magenta bra that could be seen through her black lace top ... for a meeting with her parole officer. Also, that Spinelli the idiot got arrested for spying on the parole officer and she in turn used Spinelli's phone to call Sam. The two are such morons.
  23. THIS. Randall previously showed contempt for Kevin as a person when they were all in a therapy session, I think when Kevin was taking steps to get sober. Hey Randall, your sainted father Jack also had a problem with addiction/alcoholism. Does that mean your Dad was also part loser? No, it means Jack had a problem and needed to address it. Kevin has been addressing his problem. Randall ignores/blows off people who encourage him to address his problems. I get that Randall learned a mindset from Jack, but he knows that mindset hasn't been working for him, and if he's as great a father and husband as he thinks he is he would want to address his issues seriously before Beth essentially had to tell him she can't count on him as a partner because she has to tip toe around all the issues. If Randall was some poor, uneducated guy who didn't have access to mental health care and nobody ever told him his issues were a problem, I would be sympathetic. Unfortunately, Randall's issues and need for control combined with his arrogance/denial have made his personality ugly when he's with Rebecca and Miguel and his siblings, and sometimes when he's with colleagues too.
  24. He didn't say he wished Randall never existed; the line was about mom and dad bringing Randall home. From what we've seen, Randall has had nothing but contempt/no use for Kevin for decades - except for the times when Kevin went running to his rescue when he was having a panic attack/meltdown. Randall has only ever cared about his own happiness and needs, his mother's needs, William, and of course Beth and the girls. Kevin knows that Randall has issues about being an adopted kid, and that it wouldn't occur to Randall to feel bad that Kevin had bee neglected as a kid, so his reaction was to hurt Randall after Randall totally trashed him as a person and said their dead father had been ashamed of him. I don't feel sorry for Randall because he's had decades to get therapy and deal with his issues, instead of putting Beth and his daughters and the rest of his family through a lot because he's so emotionally unhealthy....actually, I feel bad for both Kevin and Randall that Rebecca has not really, truly owned up to and apologized to just the two of them privately that the way she and Jack parented them is largely responsible for creating the ugly dynamic between them.
  25. I believe Kevin said that because he was absolutely, finally, totally fed up with Randall's behavior regarding their mother. Kevin knows Randall manipulated their mother into saying yes to the trial because he thinks his idea will "save" their mom after he "failed" to save their dad. He was trying to say if he'd been there that night, he would have been the better son and he's over Randall's "I'm the best son in the whole wide world, and I know what's best" mentality. (He actually knows quite well that neither of them could have saved Jack; he was calling out Randall's idiotic savior complex/ I-should-have-been-dad's-hero mindset.) He flat-out said he'd had enough of Randall's superior, martyr mentality. Then in return Randall decided he wanted Kevin to feel like an utterly worthless human being - certainly not capable of touching Jack's or his own greatness. Kevin's reply about regretting that their parents ever adopted Randall, while cold, was in part true and frankly Randall deserved it. Kevin never got the love and attention he needed and deserved as a child because of how their parents raised them. Jack and Rebecca didn't truly mourn Kyle; they replaced him with an abandoned baby in need of a home and then overcompensated in parenting Randall because they didn't want him to feel that being a black child in a white family meant he didn't belong. There's no way they would have adopted Randall had Kyle survived. They neglected Kevin and poorly parented Randall (no black role models/refusing to acknowledge that life was different for him, no addressing his anxiety issues as a real concern, and later Rebecca letting him be 'in charge' of her life.) Both Kevin and Randall need to acknowledge that.
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