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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. My best guess is he wanted to know if there was a legal way to replace Jason as a Q heir, given Jason's brain damage and history as a criminal. Sam has mourned the loss of her relationship with Jason at least twice, was still obsessed with him for years when SBu was gone, twisted herself into knots about having a family with him, wanting him to be an active father in recent years, etc. She sadly believed he would be a devoted father everything with Michael. She is - off screen. Elizabeth and Finn have made references to Violet sleeping over at Elizabeth's house, Violet's fondness of cousin Cam's hair, etc. Nah. She thought he was the most perfect father to little Michael before Jason gave him up to Sonny, so it wouldn't surprise me at all that Carly would want Jason as Donna's guardian/replacement Daddy. Also, Bobbie is old. She's not up to raising a toddler. There are pictures of the Q Family around the Q house, where Valentin is currently living. I imagine both Anna and Valentin would recognize Alan in a photo with Austin. Austin as the son of Charity and Jimmy Lee seems likely. Elizabeth has mentioned her several times recently in conversations with Finn, and Shawn keeps mentioning Hayden to Alexis in his complaints that he's not the one who shot her. and after that affair, when Elizabeth was pregnant with Aiden, she and Cam and Jake lived with Nikolas at Wyndemere briefly. Correct. I don't believe Nikolas and Cameron have been around each other more than once or twice since WL was cast as teen Cam. However, WL's Cam has called Lulu "Aunt Lulu" and Laura "Grandma" so I assume he still thinks of Nikolas as his uncle. NIkolas considers all three of Elizabeth's sons to be his nephews. Elizabeth has also referenced Bobbie babysitting "the boys" over the years, so it seems like she is considered to be a great aunt to all 3, not just Lucky's bio son. What gets me is that all three boys call Laura "Grandma,' which implies that they do and always have considered Lucky to be their dad or at least a father figure. But Cam and Jake don't ever get to so much as acknowledge that they met or knew Lucky. The Show likes to have it both ways. Speaking of family relationships, is Audrey supposed to still be alive? The last time I recall any acknowledgement of her still being in touch with the Webber Family was when Elizabeth was about to marry "Jake Doe."
  2. KT was very good in her scene of Britt's mother-daughter time with Obrecht (I rolled my eyes at Obrecht. Finn telling Scott he wants Elizabeth to be Violet's legal guardian if something happens to him was worth watching, too. I saw about 30 minutes of the July 1 episode, between the storm knocking out my TV and then the Trump org indictments special report news. I really enjoyed watching Cam, Trina and Jake. Casting really struck gold with HW. He is an excellent young actor, and he genuinely looks like he could be SBu's son. (Whereas the Danny actor not only looks nothing like SBu or KeMo, he doesn't look like any other Qs or any Davis/Cassadine family members either. I also really enjoyed Britt telling Jason off for his decision to marry Carly. She was hurt, but was like hell no, I don't need your support in the scraps of time you're not devoted to Carly, don't want you, goodbye. I almost laughed at Jason's sad, teary, rejected face. I missed the first part - did Josslyn's "party" really just consist of her parents, brother, grandma, and Jason? It's so gross she wanted Jason's permission to go to Cam's party - that it wasn't "disloyal" to him. Her lines and tone with Jason made it sound like she doesn't even genuinely want to be friends with Cam anymore because she seems him as unworthy. She has never been more of a mini-Carly (IMO) than she was in the scene with Jason. And he speaks to her as if she is indeed just a younger version of Calry. As opposed to Cam's party, with actual guests. But Elizabeth should NOT have to welcome Obrecht just because Scott wants to make his new lover happy, Obrecht telling Elizabeth she believes Franco would want her there pissed me off. She had nothing to do with Cam, ever!!!! I
  3. I really don't want to watch this, after coming across a scene from 2007 where Jason was angry and appalled that Carly got his marriage certificate to Brenda to visit him in prison, claiming to be his wife and cooing "I've missed yooooooou" AND especially after I just read that Stuart Damon/Alan Quartermaine has passed away. It's sooo sad. Dr. Alan Q would be horrified at the idea of Jason marrying Carly. I feel for SBu, LC, WK, LH, JE, and Kimberly McC. I'm sure it's painful, sad news for them.
  4. I don't feel a need to respond to everything, just these bits. Nelle spent minimal time with Wiley because she was going to prison for her crimes. I can't stand Michael, but if the other parent of my child had previously left me for dead/tried to kill me and lied about the baby in the past out of revenge, I wouldn't trust her to be unsupervised with the baby or alone in the house, anywhere. She could find a way to poison Michael or someone else, she could find a way to fake the baby's death to get him out of the house, place a tracker which she actually did, etc. I don't care what Frank called her. Just because her adoptive father called her that, doesn't make it okay. If she really valued Wiley, she wouldn't think that was acceptable. Yes, her drive was to play keep away with Wiley because she was mad that Michael wouldn't stand up to Carly and choose her and want a family with her. She flat out told Michael that's why she decided their baby "died," when he found her at the cabin after she kidnapped Wiley. Her drive was to get the ultimate revenge on Michael and Carly, by them being deprived of a son/grandson. Nelle forced her way into Chase and Willow's home; she was not invited over. They were not friends hanging out, who ended up in a physical fight. She knocked Willow unconscious in her own residence; that is assault. Yes, Willow thought Wiley was her son because of Nelle and Brad's actions, and Nelle was fine with Willow and everyone thinking Wiley was Willow's, because it protected her con/revenge scheme against Michael. The moment Nelle felt Willow was no longer useful, she told Brad if he didn't get rid of Willow somehow she would (murder implied), Nelle didn't give a crap that Wiley was attached to Willow. She didn't give a crap that everything and anyone Wiley was attached to, was in Port Charles. My interpretation of the acting, directing and writing for her is that she wanted to keep "the prize" away from Michael and that she intended to use Wiley as a means to con men into getting what she wanted because who wouldn't want to help/take care of a single woman with a baby.
  5. No, you didn't miss it. One day transgender Teri appeared on the Show as an oncologist (never before even mentioned in all the years that Elizabeth has been on the show, that I recall). We found out from Elizabeth and Teri's friends reunited conversation(s) that Teri used to be a guy friend when they were kids, and transitioned at some point in life. Teri started on this Show at the same time or maybe just before, Cameron was SORASed to a teenager with black hair (WL replaced him as Cam after like 2 episodes). The only time I can recall Teri's trans status being any kind of focus was in relating the story of the death of a young trans friend, when expressing empathy to Cam over losing his friend Dev. When the show wants Elizabeth to have a friend on screen not named Nikolas, or when an oncologist is needed for storylines like Oscar or Franco's tumor, Teri gets moments of air time.
  6. Yes, the stubborn was what really stood out to me. I don't doubt that she had genuine concerns about the surgery because of projecting about her own childhood trauma, but her attitude (in my opinion) was "I don't trust anything Michael says or does about Wiley because he's Michael who I loathe now because he wants to be Wiley's custodial parent but rejected me. And I don't trust anyone connected to Michael either." She didn't have any concerns about Michael being an unsafe parent'; when she handed newborn Wiley over to Brad she told him why she wasn't doing it and said not one word about the Mob. Obrecht implanted the embryo in Britt. KT's acting would show that Britt would get nervous/uncomfortable around Nik's sister, Lulu. Britt (once caught) told Nikolas that at the time Maxie was giving Lulu and Dante a baby; the stolen embryo wasn't supposed to be ever be an issue. Then after the baby Georgie secret blew up, Dante and Lulu had an appointment with Britt about trying again for a baby. Britt used her.... ultrasound machine?...and said sorry Lulu, there are no eggs (or maybe it was viable eggs?) for you to have a child. At that point, Lulu was completely devastated. In this hospital setting, Laura's feelings about Sonny are irrelevant to me. Sonny is not on the board and he is not a healthcare worker, so he is not someone who there's constantly to "taint" the hospital's professionalism. Both Britt and Dr. O's criminal history is a matter of public record. Laura's feelings about, Sonny are a negative thing to me, but I understand that it's not a simple situation - he has a history with her entire family, his son married her daughter and they a grandson in common, and his wife is Lulu (and Lucky's) cousin. Because of Rocco and the relationship Lulu and Dante have had, I don't see Laura ever forsaking Sonny. He's no worse than Sonny, but Sonny's crimes did not go through the hospital and Sonny has not taken any doctors or doctors' kids hostage (as far as I know). That's the difference IMO. My assumption is that Laura knows that the two incidents we know involving Bobbie weren't legal/were ethics violations, but feels that her decades of dedicated patient care make her valuable to the hospital (since GH didn't end up facing consequences from Bobbie's, or Monica's, actions). Britt's actions, on the other hand, caused Lulu, a patient, to lose out on being a mother during the first months of Rocco's. Britt's reaction was to feel sorry for herself when she "lost Ben." I think we have different interpretations of Nelle's behavior, and possibly the writing. I don't see Nelle as a regular distraught mother. She spent minimal time with Wiley, and knows pretty much nothing about health concerns involving him. Michael probably overreacted about Wiley's breathing, because it had to do with genetics of his own DNA which tends to bring with it guilt and fear as a parent. So while I understand it didn't have to be done NOW, it makes sense that Michael feeling scared for Wiley would motivate him to push for the surgery. Nelle IMO acted like Michael wanted the surgery for Wiley to show that he's the decision maker in Wiley's life, and so in reaction she was like "oh hell no you aren't, I'm HIS MOTHER and I've had major surgery in the past and I'll be damned if Wiley goes through what I've gone through all my life." It came off to me like projecting all of her anger and pain about her father putting her through for the stolen kidney, onto Michael. Her past was not at all comparable to Wiley's. Nelle was hostile about Willow and Sasha being at the hospital when she walked in, with her "MOTHER" comment. This is after she had taunted and assaulted Willow, left Michael for dead in a car and then lied to Michael that Wiley was dead in order to stick it to him for not wanting her as well as to make the decision about who got to raise "my son," etc. Since what she and Brad did wasn't a legal adoption, she got to play the victim and claim she wanted her son and what was best for him. To me, it's understandable that everyone connected to Wiley didn't think addressing Nelle's concerns, and giving her comfort, was important - she was a real, loving, invested mother in any sense of the word. In fact, Nelle's words to Martin drove home to me the reality that Wiley was, for the most part, a weapon to use against Michael. She wanted the nurses to see what a devoted mother she was by visiting the hospital often, and complained that they weren't grateful she brought them treats. She told him it showed she was invested in "the kid." He told her not to refer to Wiley as "the kid" when they were in court. They all had reasons to be irritated. She already put on a show for the hospital staff when she brought a deceased infant to the hospital, crying that her son didn't make it, after she had handed her baby to a friend at the side of the road for "sakekeeping." Why would they trust her judgement or take her words of concern seriously now? Again, this is not a regular concerned, devoted mother being distraught about his health. She's a sociopath. And I say all this as someone who would like to see both Michael and his mother gone forever because i can't stand them. Speaking of Carly, of course it was wrong for her to lock anyone on a roof during the winter. But I also don't expect Nelle's victims, especially Willow, to feel bad for Nelle that Carly did it.
  7. Huh? She's not cheering Monica and Bobbie on for getting rid of any document' she was happy that Cyrus is no longer associated with the hospital and that two women she's known for decades to be competent medical professionals, are returning. Britt was an OB-GYN - Laura's daughter's OB-GYN at the hospital, and used that position to gain access to the Lulu and Dante embryo, get pregnant to hold on to Patrick, and start raising their child as her own. When Nikolas confronted her, her excuse was 'well I didn't know at that time the embryo was their last/only chance to have a baby." Between that and the time she helped 9-year-old Spencer with his run-away/manipulate my father plan, I think Laura is absolutely entitled to look down her nose at Britt since Britt's actions impacted the lives of two of her kids, and grandkids. Laura may be required to be polite to Britt, but she's not obligated to respect her. I agree; I mean I want to believe the Emmy was "gold star because you all tried to do a story about a serious and important health issue affecting families."
  8. Nelle didn't even try re: research. I recall that Monica returned with papers in hand; Nelle had already decided she didn't want anything (doctors' names, resources or otherwise) because she's Michael's grandmother and therefore was tainted/couldn't be trusted. She was hostile from the moment she got to the hospital. Oddly enough, he seemed to think he was complimenting FV that after he (MB) stopped crying over the screen test with Max Gail, FV pushed him to do such an important story. I want to believe the Emmy was more for the show addressing what happens to a person and their family when someone has the disease, rather than that people actually think MB did such a great job. Because, gag!
  9. The shoe polish hair is back. What struck me about his speech is he sounded like it was really tough to give a quick speech - like getting words out in sentences is exhausting. So it's not just "Sonny." It makes me wonder if something is genuinely medically wrong with MB. Of course he says Frank told him he's "the star of the show" when he objected to the Alzheimer's story after screen testing with Max Gail, because that experience made him emotional. LOL that the clip submitted for Steve Burton was Jason yelling at Carly. So, GH wins an Emmy for the Women's Vote special episode, with LW's character lecturing the crowd of women. And FV gives the acceptance speech. I find it interesting that KT gets to be a presenter, and SBu is featured (from a Red Carpet interview maybe?) with a quick quote. So GF, FH and NLG all lost.
  10. It seemed like she desperately wanted Jason to tell her he's not sleeping with Britt, or if he was, it was just a light fling that's basically over now and of course she is his #1 priority. I get the impression that she was delusionally hoping once Jason was back, she and Jason would get closer and become "partners" in every sense of the word since he and Sam broke up and they believe Sonny is dead. When Sam told her the relationship with Jason was over, Carly called him and left an "I'm here/ILY" voicemail as soon as Sam left.
  11. I thought the scene between Terri and Elizabeth was in especially bad taste, because A) Terri was the who told/treated Franco last year regarding the return of his tumor and knew that Elizabeth was devastated, and B) was in Elizabeth's house, helping with the kids, in March, witnessing as the began to mourn Franco's death. She knows it's been not even four months yet and Elizabeth and her kids are dealing with the loss every day. The idea of addressing social issues is not bad, but Shawn the Mob thug claiming "institutional racism" is the WAY WRONG DIRECTION. On a show called General Hospital, a much better issue would be medical treatment disparities for POC that TJ wants to fix, or discrimination with POC medical professionals, like maybe TJ and Epiphany dealing with how they are treated in some situation. Laura smiling smugly at Monica getting the chair of the board position isn't that big a deal IMO - the most recent chair who just went back to prison put her and several people who matter to her through a hostage situation or worse, and she has a long history with Monica and Bobbie (who know what they're doing as medical professionals and aren't killers or drug dealers). Laura has reason to distrust Britt and a former CoS, Dr. Obrecht, who conspired to steal (embryo) Rocco from her daughter and son-in-law. Not to mention that Dr. O tortured Robin and almost killed Robert with a syringe; Laura considers Robert a good friend. I think Jason had to assure Carly of their importance to each other, so she doesn't have a complete breakdown about *gasp* sharing him another woman. He would have more damage control/crap to deal with and never a moment of peace. Carly has done all that and more; I think the insinuation was she's the constant in his life through changes, relationships, traumas, etc. It seems like he's not really capable of seeing or understanding how toxic their "friendship" is. In other words, Carly's obsession gets labeled as "loyalty."
  12. Yeah, I think that's what bothers Carly so much. The hurt/tears in her eyes today when Jason confirmed that Britt is important to him, that there is something between them that "has nothing to do with you" made me gleeful. As did Britt standing up for herself when Carly was rude/refused to acknowledge her. Hey Jason, when Carly asks for confirmation that you two are "partners," you appear willfully ignorant that it means "you belong to me." I grinned that she was all offended that he won't confide in her about Britt. Her sobbing when Jason didn't actually deny people are right that she puts lot of demands on him but he wouldn't have the "life I have" if not for her and they always have each other's backs, 🤮 Nina, Nelle was not "your sweet daughter." She def. seems headed for a breakdown. Did anyone else find it laughably specific that Michael said Wiley can hear Nina's perspective on Nelle when he's 22 years old? Nina, Sonny has not "been through hell" - his children have. I just ....can't.....with the Chillow stuff and Willow running to Michael to cry again. I loathe Terry's "Biz" nickname for Elizabeth and her desire to gossip with Liz about "what's going on with you and Finn." On a positive note, that shade of blue, with matching earrings, looks terrific on LC. Monica looks so happy to be the replacement chair, working with her colleagues again at GH. It's also nice to see Laura and Monica in the same room, for non-tragic reasons. I know next to nothing about Terry and have never been invested in her character since she's rarely on, so I don't care about her competing with Britt for CoS. I had to mute Shawn as soon as he said "institutional racism" and started giving Alexis crap. The thing with the two of them and the prison guards hauling them off made me roll my eyes. So much whatever about their "kids" too.
  13. I feel like this was different because LW was playing Carly's quiet grief, and showing some awareness of a woman and children not related to herself, grieving. When Carly was dealing with Morgan's death, she was focused on her own pain, Michael and Josslyn's. She yelled, she dramatically broke a photo frame on the ground and shattered the glass at Sonny's feet. In some ways, it seemed to me a repeat of her reaction when tween Michael got shot in the head. I don't count her work in flashback scenes because she wasn't supposed to be playing Carly. I think maybe she showed awareness outside of her own grief because she could relate to what Elizabeth was saying, and she's somewhat invested in two of the boys; Cam has a long history as a close and supportive friend of her daughter, and Jake is Jason's son. Elizabeth needed to just talk for a few minutes - not be a nurse on duty, and not be a strong woman for her sons' sake. Although, I don't buy for a second that Carly goes out and buys her own groceries.
  14. I totally agree!! I HATE that they are insinuating this is totes not fair/that he is clearly a victim of a racist judge.
  15. Maxie should be worried. Her behavior shows blatant stupidity. When she said she literally aches for Louise, my thought (and I say this as a non-mother), "get a breast pump, and secretly give the bottled milk to BL for your daughter who needs it instead of picking up the baby and calling her "Louise" in front of Valentin! Gah. That's the story starting now until whenever. YES!! This is a good guess And so is this. Nikolas very deliberately scared Hayden into abandoning her precious daughter, leaving her with Finn. (And he also hired someone to kill Hayden, but she survived.) Spencer and Hayden got along very well. I wonder if they're teaming up, since both have reasons to be angry with Nikolas. I just don't think the repeated "Hayden" and "Spencer" name dropping by characters can be a coincidence. I will guess a Spencer recast is coming, so he can be the new dark prince. I hated that Carly said "I appreciate your apology" when Elizabeth never owed her an apology, and Elizabeth being all "what you and Jason have is real" "you stand by him" as well as describing Jason as a man who has been "good to me." I'm shocked that LW can actually do understated acting since the smug, snarling, threatening/screeching self-absorption is Carly's constant behavior. Once Carly and Elizabeth sat on the bench, bonding over their grief, I thought it was the best work these actresses have ever done in a scene together. It's probably the best scene Elizabeth has had with any version of Carly, because for a few moments they were both raw with their pain and Carly (at least temporarily) let go of her hatred toward Liz for the past relationship with Jason and being the mother of Jason's firstborn. TJ and Molly are insufferable, from Molly's "Ugh, why are you two talking to us?" expression to TJ saying he still wants to punch Brando, to Molly cooing to TJ about "how happy we are." Molly put Brando through a difficult time, would it kill her to just say "Congrats" and smile at them? And TJ, the ONS and secrecy after was Molly's fault, not Brando's. He acts like Brando deliberately came between him and Molly. The boxing and flirting stuff brought up a fun, lighter side of both Jason and Britt. They are cute together!! Of course Carly comes in demanding that Jason talk to her about the biz, just as he and Britt are about to kiss. At least in the preview, Carly is mad at/offended by whatever Jason is saying to her. She said she saw Carly in the cemetery at Sonny's grave, as she was on her way to Franco's grave. So, technically she wasn't going out of her way. Yes, please BLQ, do it!!! Jason and Carly will probably argue about priorities, since Carly considers herself to be all-knowing. I liked finally getting Elizabeth's POV on where she is in the grieving process, both alone and with her sons. My impression is she is still in deep pain, and missing seeing the way her boys behaved together as well as with Franco before he was murdered. She feels like a married woman who desperately misses the family life she had until early March, while she is also starting to feel some emotional pull and attraction to Finn that she's not yet ready to acknowledge. Really great work by Herbst!
  16. Finn yelling was very melodramatic when he was reviving Chase. Could Willow's "come back to me" have sounded any less enthusiastic, when Finn told her to talk to him? She looked like Finn had betrayed her, and she and Michael both looked pretty upset at the news that he's not going to die. They are SO selfish and gross!! But then Willow looked generally relieved, even happy, when Elizabeth spoke to her and Michael personally, so I'm confused as to what the writers and directors are going for here. UGHHH at Cameron and then Elizabeth falling all over themselves to apologize to Jason, and Cam being oh-so-grateful to Jason for easily accepting because he was suffering over the loss of Franco and "you owned your mistake." Cam, you see how "your friend" Joss is acting (like her mother), walk away from her now. The only bright spot was Cam's hair is looking much better now. Best parts of the show: BL's joy (and leaning on Valentin in relief) that Chase will live, the tearful and joyful Elizabeth-Finn hug, the Gregory-Jackie hug, and Maxie alone talking to sweet little Bailey's face in the Q mansion (bringing the onesie gift was a good cover). Hey Carly, in case you were wondering, Ava's request is what real, unselfish parental love looks like. She wants to protect Avery above all else. Carly's shocked face shows it would never occur to her to put any of her kids' safety above her own desires. I liked the Dante/Avery high five moment, that was sweet.
  17. Yes. I wonder if they've gone overboard in directing the way Kate __? (sp) is supposed to have Willow look at Michael versus the way she's supposed to look at Chase. She apparently has been told to look at JS like he's a guy she loved a long time ago but is now repulsed by, and wishes to leave him in her past because her heart and life are completely consumed with Michael and Wiley. The problem is, CD and K_? have anti-chemistry, her eyes don't "glow" with him, and the writing for them has been so awful, that it seems more like Willow has convinced herself she is in love with Michael. She keeps re-assuring him she loves him, which comes off as if she's afraid she'll lose Wiley and comfortable family life she has with them and the rest of the Q family at the mansion. The script today called for Willow to (again) claim she loves Chase, that it wasn't long ago she thought they would be together for the rest of their lives, she's grateful for everything Chase did for her, etc..... but her actions and facial expressions with him, since she brought him to the hospital, convey she really doesn't even like/care about this terminally ill man. So Michael sitting alone in the chapel, crying and feeling sorry for himself, makes Michael look awful instead of like a martyr which is what I think they intended. To me it appears to be a doily that someone thought could be made into a cover-up/blouse. It really is NOT a good look for Sam!!
  18. The only people who know Michael and Willow are "in love" (aside from Wiley. because of Michael's monologue a few minutes after they moved in with her) are Dante, BL, and Sasha. Dante has other stuff going on - pretty sure he has no idea about this wedding. BL stayed home with Bailey, and cried. So only Sasha was present and knows that Michael and Willow are lying to Chase and Chase's family, Anna, and Elizabeth. Did anyone else find it funny that Michael didn't seem to notice that his ex-girlfriend looks to me in her second or third trimester of pregnancy.? Within the last month, she asked Willow not to tell Michael she's pregnant-that she wanted to tell him herself. Guess she showed or told him off-screen, lol.
  19. I think Carly is hurt and upset for several reasons, one of which is that this is a rather unique situation (Britt and the circumstances is not like his former love interests, except for the fatal disease factor). She likes to think of herself as the expert on Jason's past and present. She can tell Jason feels something for Britt (the handholding she witnessed, Britt's phone call a priority), and when he shuts her out instead of at least slightly explaining, she is worried he may want to have a relationship with Britt ....which means now that she's single and he's single and time has passed since Sonny "died" and Sam ended things, Jason is still not interested in being with her ever again. She also hears Britt saying she knows they're "tight" and doesn't feel the least bit threatened or intimidated by Carly. Britt's confidence that Carly is strictly friendzoned/a responsibility for Jason while she tells Carly Jason "stuck by me" and we're "honest with each other" makes Carly burn with jealousy because she doesn't know anything about it and Jason clearly behaved that way of his own free will. Deep down, Carly knows the whole basis of her "friendship" with Jason is his love for her first born. Carly is constantly saying she and Jason are "best friends" and she often says "I love you" to him. He will say "I love you, too" in response, and certainly never tells people she is his best friend. In fact, he recently told Britt there's nobody he trusts more than Spinelli. Also, all of Britt's actions are of public record. She's not keeping secrets from Jason or other people Carly knows and claims to care about, and her romantic history in Port Charles is with guys Carly hasn't slept with at some point ... so there's no dirt that Carly can threaten to expose if Britt doesn't stay away from Jason. I wouldn't put it past her to use health secret against Britt if she found out about it, though, after the time she told Robin you can't give Jason a baby because you're HIV +. I assume the reason Jason didn't say much to Britt on the phone is because he didn't want Carly getting all up in Britt's face/business. He was trying to not have Britt on Carly's radar. Telling Carly yes we're starting a relationship but back off Britt or leave her alone wouldn't work; Carly always thinks she knows better about what's best for Jason. He told Carly to leave Elizabeth alone and it was best for her to have custody of baby Jake. Carly's reaction was "she convinced you that you wouldn't be a good father", started to contact their lawyer Diane, and marched over to Elizabeth's house and demanded that Elizabeth share custody with Jason because it worked for her and Jax. She even barged into his bedroom when he and Elizabeth were starting to have sex. When Jason told Carly that Sam comes first and brought up boundaries, Carly whined and cried like a teenager having a tantrum. It seems like Anna and Mac felt they had to let it go after Maxie was devastated by Nathan's death, and Obrecht was part of her support system/James' grandmother. They haven't come close to bringing up Obrecht's crimes since Maxie announced her James pregnancy. Yup, that clearly bothered Carly. As for today: UGHHHH with Willow and Michael's sad faces about Willow and Chase getting married - you'd think it's an arranged marriage to a stranger whom they've heard doesn't treat women well even as Michael says Willow said that Chase has about a day to live. That, with Willow's lines praising Chase and Michael being such a lying shit to Chase's face again while accepting compliments..grrr.. Goodness gracious, Sasha looks like she's about 7 months pregnant!! LMAO at Carly's confidence/pride bubble being burst and claiming 'misogyny" as Jason and Brick said this happened because she's an outsider/has no experience/5 Families accepted her because they didn't have an alternative in that moment. Is Sam wearing a lacey doily over a black tank top? Chase and his adoring niece, hit me in the feels. Chase being all choked up, soooo sad!!! She looked adorable joyfully tossing the petals for about 6 ft. and for Chase's "I do." Sasha is standing right next to Michael and you'd think they're practically strangers. The only thing positive thing besides Violet is Michael's misery. My heart hurt for Chase, saying he's not afraid to die with his mom and wife there with him. I sense Chase/BL/Valentin/Anna starting.... Soo, Dante got to repel down the mine shaft to find dead fake nurse Chloe. That was a lot of stuff covering the hole - Maxie's handiwork? Austin's attitude with Dante actually is funny. Yay, Gregory gets his son back/Chase gets his dad back. Not a single viewer saw that coming....
  20. You (and I) missed Carly announcing to Jason that she saw him holding Britt's hand and asked "What's that about?" She was trying to get him on the phone because she was gleeful to tell him that Cyrus was being taken away by the FBI. Also, I interpreted her words as "if you're interested in a relationship, it's you're move now." I don't see it as her pining; more like "this guy seems to genuinely like me for me as I am. I'm not lying and keeping major secrets like with Patrick or Nik. So this feels good." Do you mean Luke Spencer and the forced marriage to Stavros Cassadine? ---- Laura, you do condone lying. The tongue bath she gave Jordan and asking her not to resign is nauseating. I laughed at Carly saying she didn't see "sparks, but a connection" and looking pained while telling him "sorry if I made you uncomfortable" and then her "damn it, I'm hurt" look in reaction to Britt's smiling, "you want to know how close" re: Jason. Carly saying Jason didn't "have to" tell her there is a connection between them and trying to shut down Britt about having any expectations of Jason now that they're back in real life/Port Charles, at the same time Britt was blowing her off with smiling (but generic and vague) answers ....so entertaining! I can't help but be amused at Carly trying to seem subtle and not look like a meddling bitch with the "I'm grateful to you for saving Jason, but..." (translation: he's mine, so you need to understand that whatever was going on between you while you were fugitives is over now.) Her attempt had zero impact on Britt, can't decide who's face made me laugh harder as she walked away, Britt or Carly's, I hated Obrecht telling Britt Jason is her "savior" but the rest about being a woman who can defend herself was good. I'm shocked Obrecht brought up her role in Robin's abduction to Jason. @GHScorpiosRule you'll be happy that Jason was like nah, I'm not past what you did but you were the only choice I had for someone to call to support Britt. Gati was really good in the scenes with Burton, esp. the emotion of her devastation about Britt having the marker for Huntington's. The Gregory-Finn scenes were good, too. I feel like Elizabeth could have just come clean to Anna in the roof scenes about Peter. LOL at "Ghost Peter" with his bloody head staring/glaring at Elizabeth. The only thing worthwhile about the Trina-Joss scenes: Trina's reactions to Joss being a brat. News flash, Joss - Cam deserves much better than you in his life. Promo: That Violet-Uncle Chase moment makes me sniffly. Is Willow really wearing blue to get married?
  21. Britt didn't know Robin was alive. Anna's issue/concern with Britt was about Emma, being inappropriate and forcing her way into Emma and Patrick's lives. When Britt got on stage at the Nurse's Ball and announced to Patrick, Emma and everyone else that Patrick was the father of her baby (Ben/Rocco) and Emma would have a baby brother or sister, Emma got upset. Another example was when Britt and Patrick were a "couple." Little Emma ran away from Kelly's. Patrick, Anna, and Mac were in tears from being scared/worried, and then Sabrina came in with Emma, saying Emma found her on the docks. She told them Emma told her she ran away because Britt didn't like her and she felt Emma was telling the truth. I think their friendly conversation today was because they're both worried about Maxie, and are concerned about Peter being "at large." As for the girl bonding scene of destruction with Anna and Obrecht, I absolutely think it's all part of Obrecht's continued redemption. I can believe Anna sort of tolerating her because of their mutual love for Maxie and James. However, Anna being grateful to Obrecht for the introduction to smashing things, and the pep talk, is just utter CRAP. Obrecht used to be really cold to and hard on Britt, even hitting her. She always had nothing but contempt for, and jealousy of, Anna while acting like Faison was an underappreciated genius. Now supposedly her generic "I've made mistakes but I'm building a new life" combined with her adoration of Maxie and little James, her being loving toward/concerned about "my Britta" and her letting go of her hatred of Anna is supposed to make her a character you can root for. My question is, why can't she specifically apologize to Robin's family for what she did to Robin while she was Faison's partner in crime, and to Elizabeth for shooting her when she created that hostage situation in Elizabeth's home because she wanted Britt to "keep her son Ben"? The whole idea that Obrecht really paid for what she has done because Faison shot and killed her "beloved son Nathan" doesn't work for me. The only reason Faison got to the point in life of being able to shoot Nathan and create mini-monster Peter, is because Obrecht made Faison #1 in her life for decades, enabling him and being his accomplice/protector. She didn't raise Nathan, and never told Britt she had a brother. The "Robin came back, Nathan won't" is not a defense. Did she set Robin free, did she help her? Did she work to bring Robert out of the coma after stabbing him with that needle instead of Robin? NO.
  22. I'm confused - is this just since he has returned from being a fugitive? When Sam came to Casa Corinthos to ask Jason if he killed Franco, she told him (and Carly) that she went to his house to talk to him and when he wasn't there, she thought he'd there (at Casa Corinthos). First 15 minutes of the Show were pre-empted in the DC Metro area/DMV for a special report on the Biden-Putin Summit in Geneva. UCG moment - Elizabeth's "to me?!"and WTF reaction when Britt approached her,, cheerful and beaming, and announced she wanted to apologize. Carly's tampon sweater returns. Why is she wearing that in spring/summer? LOL at Carly swinging between confidence and doubt about how she' has handled things, and suggests to Jason they can both be in charge. I had some glee at Carly's unhappy look at figuring out that Jason's conversation was with Britt. @GHScorpiosRule the lightbulb went on for Finn, when Cyrus taunted him and Jackie about Chase, as the FBI took him from the hospital to recover far from Port Charles. (Chase asks Willow to marry him tonight; they got their license and he may have "hours" left to live.) UGH at Willow telling Sasha that Chase deserves to be happy, being married to her when he dies. BTW, was that Gregory-Jackie table scene on a new (real) outdoor set? I don't recognize it. Anna has some functioning brain cells back! Eureka! Weird seeing Anna and Britt be borderline friendly, though. I liked the little touch of Elizabeth being icked out at rearranging the leg of Peter's corpse in that box. I roll my eyes that Aunt Stella makes sure to let Nina know she came all the way back from Europe out of love for Curtis. ETA: Laura looks beautiful in the blush pink ruffle blouse, the matching eyeshadow, and perfect hair. Compliments to GF, makeup and wardrobe for her look. Preview: Of course Carly goes right to Britt for a confrontation about what she thinks Britt can "handle." And the race is really on for Finn! Yes, it is time for Jordan to resign.
  23. It sure seems that way. IMO this was the Show's subtle way of all but confirming he's part of the Q Family. True, and I don't understand how either Phyllis or Nina think Nixon Falls could be her permanent home. She doesn't have a job there and hasn't expressed interest in working anywhere. She doesn't have a place to live; hasn't she been staying in a room at the Tan-O all this time? At this moment, now that Elijah has been taken away to jail, she knows exactly three people in Nixon Falls: Phyllis, Lenny and "Mike." Or, 4 if you count the police officer who has dropped by a few times and questioned "Mike" and Nina. She has spent 95% of her time in Nixon Falls in the bar with the three of them. That's not "a life" Even aside from visiting or not visiting Wiley, Maxie and James - the son of her beloved late brother/cousin - were supposed to be so very important to her. It seems like she never thought of them while she was away, didn't keep in touch, but now is 'concerned that you're obsessed with BL's baby." Says the woman who is obsessed with another woman's amnesiac husband, and is lying because she knows Maxie would call her out. Totally agree. I liked how Willow seemed to genuinely cry for Chase on Michael's shoulder. I thought finally, real emotion for the man who was there for her through horrible moments for more than a year, and whom she was deeply in love with. A man who went along with a stupid plan so she could be Wiley's mother. But THEN she's sobbing and utterly heartbroken about stepping back from her relationship with Michael, much more so than over the man who's in love with her and DYING. You would think they agreed not to see each other at all and not speak for 5 years. Michael is acting like not being openly together is a tragedy. I was appalled at the hypocrisy of the "even if it's not real?" (yes, I know he reluctantly admitted that) and thought, more proof that he is his mother's son. That seems very likely. You'd think Howarth was still playing Franco, with all the scowling KeMo did throughout those scenes. What got me was the way she said it - like nope, my kids aren't an issue because I already told Kristina she has to be there all night with them. (Because you know how vital Sam's insights are into what happened to Maxie's baby.) Her mother is in prison, Jason has moved on, she has no real job, and she doesn't want to spend time at home with her kids....so meddling with Dante's work FTW! It was weird. I think for now people are writing it off as shock and exhaustion. Anna flat out said to Valentin "the reality hasn't sunk in yet." I could believe that Maxie has faith in Mac and Anna, and wants everyone to understand that she is also concerned about spending time with her first two kids. Oh, I think that may happen. IMO she looked both stunned and hurt (almost in tears) at seeing Jason holding Britt's hand. It's not as strong a reaction as when she found out about Jason and Elizabeth conceiving Jake, (and not telling her), but she was definitely upset. It was even weirder that he said "Elizabeth is my only ex in town, and I don't think she's the stalker type." Even putting that aside, she's been a little busy lately and he knows it!! Also, BL is his ex, too! She's definitely a schemer and he is aware of that.
  24. The Show made the same kind of choice when Becky Herbst was pregnant with baby #3. Elizabeth is her usual thin self when she's in the hospital bed at GH due to hypothermia and her doctor, Kelly. announces to her, Lucky and NIkolas that she's pregnant. She gets admitted to Shadybrook immediately after that, and boom, she looks several months pregnant in her scenes in her room. Herbst said in an interview that she told the bosses she was pregnant, and they told her Elizabeth would be pregnant very soon. I guess the idea of a storyline of Nikolas and Lucky WTD drama was too good an opportunity for them to pass up. However, first first pregnancy was not written into the show. (When she was pregnant with her daughter, Elizabeth was pregnant with Cameron). Lisa L (sp?)'s pregnancy did not need to be written into the show, as there was no reason to give Olivia a second kid. And as far as I know, the only reason LW had to play the most recent pregnancy storyline was because MB asked to honor a makeup artist named Donna whom he was close to, who passed away.
  25. Yes, it occurred to me that the closest Bobbie will ever come to having grandchildren from BJ is Maxie's kids. That reminds me, has Bobbie ever had a scene of meeting her youngest grandchild, Donna? The thing that gets me is Willow wouldn't be in this situation if she had gone to Chase and dumped him immediately upon finding out from Michael that he and Sasha broke up. The declaration of love, and the sex happened while Chase's condition was progressing. He didn't go from feeling a little ill when he got home from the family dinner to collapsing on the floor in minutes. Her behavior has been beyond disrespectful of what she and Chase had together, to the point that I don't recognize the Willow character. It's utter b.s. that she would now find Michael soooo utterly irresistible. 🤮
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