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Everything posted by M1977G

  1. I just saw on Kelli F's Twitter that they had a "tearful" conversation with Jinelle & ended the tweet with "#Hope." I'm on my phone so I don't know how to link it here, but I wonder if this means they're trying to convince her to stay or maybe there's some logistical issue they're trying to work out so she can stay. So glad Lacey is staying, if it's true!!
  2. I feel like this is one of the strongest auditions candidate I've seen on one of these social media videos since this thread started. She's both cute and pretty IMO, has some good power, and has a great figure. She should smile more while dancing, but I get that this was a kinda moody Britney piece she's working with here. She's one of the first newbies auditioning (someone I don't know has auditioned before) that I know I'll be rooting for. Thanks for posting the video!
  3. Stephanie, don't leave, too!! Ugh, if it's true. Like some of you, I get so disappointed when a lot of vets I really like retire. However, I don't think I am ready to say that the team will be notably weaker the next year because of lots of retirements. As some others have pointed out, season 5 (or 6? the season with Mackenzie Lee and Veronica as rookies) folks thought that the team would be a hot mess because of the huge number of retiring vets and that class was (I thought) really strong and brought in a lot of my favorite DDCs since I started watching the show. Now, I'm with some of y'all about being underwhelmed by most of the prep class videos I've seen posted here, and if that's all who's coming to audition, K & J will have a serious problem on their hands. But each year, a number of really strong rookie candidates come out of "nowhere" (and by nowhere, I mean outside of the known DCC/Dallas dance circle) and rock. I'm thinking, for example, about Samantha, Jenna, Jennifer Alexis, Ashley N. and Maggie. So, I'm still hopeful that auditions will have lots of strong performers this year. The trick is, will the judges overlook some of these potential rockstars (i.e., LSU Katelyn) for lame candidates (i.e., nekkid-photos-Carla or Victoria K.) who might make camp but have hardly any reasonable shot at making the team? Kelli and Judy: You need us here at PTVWP as judges--no lie.
  4. The Victoria audition drama, and the show coverage of it, will be interesting indeed. I predict that she will make it into training camp (unless she bombs the interview, which is totally possible--not because she'll be among the top rookie candidates, but because she's a tall blonde and who she is, and enough judges will be all "let's give her a chance to develop in camp." In one of Kitty's pics posted above, Victoria is standing in front of the group and I just love the literal side eye that one of the ladies on the floor is giving her. I bet she gets lots of looks like that. Anyone have any guesses as to how much money Victoria (or her mama) has spent on prep classes this year? It's kind of a crazy amount for how much she still needs to improve. I saw Erin from TC last year in the video too, and I'm still not wowed by her looks or dance style. Madeline looks cute but she still lacks a certain power. Some of her moves look great but then there will be a few counts that she looks like she's marking it. I think that LSU Katelyn looks great in her pics that @LaurenBrook posted a link to. Her hair is the same color, but she has a much softer look with less intense makeup. She kind of looks like Cersten to me in some of her pics, in the face, I mean. I think she would kill it in training camp if she auditioned again. Lacey looks good, but her thighs are still so muscular. That wouldn't be a deal breaker for me, but I'm still waiting for DCC to call with my auditions judge invitation.
  5. I think Jinelle (if she stays) would be a great pick for right behind KaShara, in part because they need someone taller. Erica was not a good choice for that spot because she was too short to be seen from many angles. If they keep Jinelle on the front line/diagonal row of the triangle as she's been, I could see them putting Stephanie behind the point in the second row. I think she's a strong performer and K & J have been wowed by how photogenic she is since her rookie year (when I still was unsure how I felt about her looks). When she's in shape, she has a rocking body, that red hair would be a great visual pop in the formation there, and while some folks don't love her dancing, I think she could hold her own there. I think Heather O would be great in the triangle with KaShara and Lacey (I can't contemplate her retiring still) or behind point, because she is tall and has great pop in her performance. She's also very photogenic. I'd love to see her as a first leader eventually, if not next year. Congrats to Kelsey on her engagement! That's quite a rock she got. I don't see her coming back next year.
  6. I wonder if doing the swimsuit fittings so close to auditions is intended in part to conduct serious scrutiny of the veterans' figures before making it back into training camp. If it's not part of the intention, I'm sure it will be a factor anyway. In those tiny suits, they'll see who's toned and who's trying to cover it with extra spandex in their tights. It also should mean that the vets are coming into auditions at peak fitness levels (though why anyone shows up there not looking their "HD" best I'll never understand). Hopefully, this is extra motivation for the vets to stay on top of their business and not give reasons to get cut at finals. I worry about Rachel. She is curvy and in some photos, she looks a touch soft (mind you, I'd give a lot to be that kind of soft and not my kind of soft). I liked her a lot last season and think she's a great dancer and seems like a solid team member, and I really want her to make it back. She was captain of her college dance team, so I think she also has strong leader potential down the road, which can matter as vets retire and the ranks are thinning. I hope Molly's eyebrows look better by auditions and calendar shoot.
  7. Noooooooo, Robin, don't leave!! OK, obviously I can't be mad at her retirement. It's her life, she's got a career to build, and she's put in more time than I can imagine making and being a DCC. But I just LOVE her. She's everything y'all have said: smart, talented, an excellent performer, classy, well-spoken, a devoted teammate who seems much beloved by her squad, and just the total beautiful package. I think she was a great leader and was one who K & J trusted to communicate clearly to them (I'm thinking her "OK" she gave them before breaking it down about what Gina really was like in their group) and to support and guide her group. I was all set for her to be a first leader next year. Sigh. I'm excited for her next steps in life and wish her all the best. But I wish she would reconsider my feelings about this...
  8. I have no idea, @ByTor, just taking it as a possibility based on the reports of podcast comments. I won't believe it til my girl announces her retirement--which hopefully won't be til a year from now or more. She's very young and clearly become a K & J favorite (rightfully so, IMO), so I think it's a good chance she's staying. ??????
  9. I will be SO sad if Lacey retires! I just love watching her dance. She kills it every time and always with a gorgeous smile that shows how much fun she's having. Also, I agree with others that there's a strong possibility that the team will be short on experienced vets and mature leadership and Lacey could be a valuable stabilizing presence for the team. I also love her in the triangle with KaShara and Cersten (like at the Hall of Fame game) and think that would be a solid triangle foundation for the next season. As for the other 3-year vets, I also would be disappointed if Robin retires (I want to see her as a group leader!). I never really cared much for Amy L one way or another. She's a great dancer and it seems like the team loves her, but I don't love her look and she's so thin that I find it unattractive and sometimes even uncomfortable to look at. I do, however, love her sassy haircut. Thanks to those who have been posting prep class videos! While I've seen a few good dancers and pretty girls (none of them Victoria, BTW), I admit that I can't get thru nearly half of the videos, either because the dancing is sloppy and painful to watch or because I dislike the music or choreography. I have to laugh at myself a little when I find Judy-isms running through my head--like, oh, so clunky... But it's nice to get a glimpse of who might be auditioning! I know I'm repeating myself, but I really, really want the LSU Tiger Girl/Golden Girl (Katelyn??) to audition again. I think she would be an excellent DCC, in terms of dancing and performance quality, as an ambassador/spokeswoman, and as a team member. She just needs to lighten her hair a little bit, maybe a shaping trim, and soften her makeup. I thought she was really pretty in some of the LSU pics they showed and in her interview during her bio piece on the show, and she nailed the dancing. Let the DCC glam squad do its thing to soften her look and play up the sex appeal and I think she could be a fan favorite! With so many anticipated retirees, this is a good year to try out again.
  10. Cheerleaders can get in trouble for changing their hair color or style without permission, so I'd guess that they have to give notice of any surgery. Their look will change and they'll be out of commission for recovery time. I could imagine that injections might be a different case and not require permission/notice, but I bet Kelli would tell you in a heartbeat if you got to looking to frozen, swollen, etc.
  11. I agree with some others' assessment of Dayton and Victoria. It would be fun to watch two legacies go through together. But I'd hate to see special treatment or exceptions for them. Dayton needs to bring the fire and pop and really put it all out on the dance floor. She seems kind of reserved, lower energy and soft in her dancing I've seen posted here. I can't tell if she's toned up her figure since last audition, but if she hasn't 1) she'll have a hard time making the team, and 2) I appreciate that she (and her mom) aren't obsessing about her having a "perfect" Barbie figure, because she looks great and perfectly healthy. She also has to do some more impressive studying for the interview (and presumably the written test). Victoria has improved a lot over the last year, especially developing more pop, but there's still something about her dancing that looks off IMO. I'm not a huge fan of her looks, as she's all teeth. I also chafe a bit at her tweets and such that try to show off how close she is to some of the DCC. That just feels meh and kind of show-off-y to me. I'll give her this, though: she's worked hella hard to step up her game to get on the level. I just don't know if it's enough to get through auditions and training camp. I really, really want former Golden/Tiger Girl Kaitlyn to try out again! She is fabulous! All she needs is a softening makeover. She is pretty, an amazing dancer, and seems like a great potential ambassador.
  12. Bess also has a full-time job (in management for some kind of medical equipment sales company I think) and was a second leader this year. If she stays, she'd probably be in the running for group leader next year. I've liked her since her rookie year. She's gorgeous, a clean dancer, and has a killer figure, and she presents on social media and the show as lower key and just a solid team player. She also spoke out about domestic abuse and I admire her courage for that. I imagine she brings some needed maturity and quiet leadership to the team.
  13. Thanks @Katherine1904! Good for both of them for doing what they felt was right. I'm sorry to hear about the family illness, and I know how hard it is to be away from family during such times. And kudos to Milan for killing it in college. I wasn't a big fan of hers her rookie year but I liked her a good bit last season. I wish them both the best!
  14. I've been away from the forum for a while. I went back a lot of pages but I can't find discussions of Milan being gone (??!!?), or Alexandra, or Kalyssa, just the occasional comment. Is anyone willing to share a quick recap of what went down? I gather that Kalyssa left before the year ended to pursue some kind of modeling gig. Seems weird as she's quite petite, but ok. But except for the post just above, I hadn't seen anything about Milan or Alexandra. Is this former Mavs Alexandra or former Pats/recently engaged Alexandria (or did I get their names mixed up)? I'd appreciate a quick summary, thanks! Just spent an hour trying to figure this out. Also, it's nice to be back on here--I missed y'all!
  15. I'm sad for Brenan, but I feel like K and J gave her every opportunity to make the team and she gave it her very best. A notable number of guest choreographers and guest judges commented on her tense and unflattering facials and despite her efforts, she couldn't seem to fix them consistently. I honestly would have thought it weird if K and J had gone against all the comments and she'd made it. Now, I'm not saying that I think Christina should make it over B. I'm still not a Christina fan. I think her dancing is uneven--sometimes fun but often underwhelming--and I think her eye makeup looks worse every week. When she got called in for not breathing, it looked like she had taken a thick crayon to squiggle eyeliner on and her mascara was so thick it amazed me that she could open her eyes. She seems very sweet, but I just don't see her as a DCC-level performer. As for Alexandria and Savannah, I also was surprised that they struggled so much on the field but I think their experience made K and J feel they can correct and adjust. Most other teams don't do that kind of entrance. I remember Jinelle struggling mightily with the entrance her rookie year, and she'd been a professional cheerleader for 7 years or something. I, like many of y'all, really enjoyed the amount of dancing and really seeing more of the veterans' work in this episode. I'm excited to see Canton this week! And am super curious about what we'll see drama-wise. I hope the cheese fillers are minimal, like this week, and not some Jones family homage or some crap like that. I'd love to see how they rehearse and continue to get ready, and maybe I wouldn't mind a glimpse of the ladies fan-girling and dancing to JT.
  16. Thanks for the deets, folks! I agree, not everything adds up to a sensible story of what went down, but I appreciate having a bit more background on what is known or reported about the Erica situation. What a lame way to go out on what had seemed to be an exceptional DCC career for a talented and seemingly sweet young woman. I bet Charlotte was livid in Canton!
  17. I just read the last 6 pages here to catch up and I'm wondering if someone would be willing to quickly fill in a few blanks/blurry spots for me about Erica. First, I'm shocked that she was cut for drinking at the HOF game. I did not see that coming! What I didn't quite get from the last 6 pages: Was she actually intoxicated, or just drinking? Was she in DCC gear while doing it? Also, I understand that she posted some pictures of herself doing this on Snapchat--did anyone here get to see them? Did she think she was clever putting them on Snapchat because the evidence "disappears"? Thanks to anyone willing to fill me in on this mysterious scandal!
  18. Whew. Dramaaaa! I can't wait for this next episode so we can find out how this played out with Holly, Jenna & the team. The hidden comments upthread by @LaurenBrook have me especially intrigued. I gotta see how this gets presented in the next weeks. I'm not sure I agree with others who criticized that Kelli didn't spill the tea enough. She indicated that they had heard from multiple sources that Holly had been to specific (and multiple) clubs and was seen with one or more players. Kelli told Holly to her face that they knew she was "blatantly" violating the no fraternatization policy after Holly lied to their faces. To me, that was plenty of info. I loved Judy's "you're lying" face, and the look between Kelli and Judy was very telling when Holly swore she was not "talking to" or "with" any players "now." Holly's attempts to split hairs about the contract and her "not complete" violation of it was such crap. The rule begins with the words "Absolutely no," so you either are or aren't violating that rule. Girl would make a terrible lawyer. Someone reported here this summer that Holly had been spotted underage in a club with one or more players, so I'm not thinking that they had to go far to get the dirt on their darling dancer. I highly doubt this news came from the players' locker room. In other matters, I'm glad they're continuing to introduce us to the rookies. Loved Lexie and her attitude. Which rookies haven't had an intro segment yet? Especially with extra episodes, there's no good reason to gloss over any rookies this year. These intros help prevent all the attention going to a few TCCs and make it more interesting to me. I can't believe how much prettier Alexandria looks without those Snuffleupogus lashes!
  19. I guessed rehearsal because there's no one in the stadium seats. Also, I'm on my phone so I can't discern all the faces. This being from last year was just a guess on my part! Would this have been one of Holly's last rehearsals thenP
  20. I don't think that video above is from this season. It has multiple group leaders all in it -- Jenna, Jinelle, Lacey, and Robin all together. I suspect that is a video from a rehearsal last year. As for Alexandria, congrats to her! Do we imagine he'll be moving down to Texas? A long distance engagement would be difficult, though not impossible. I hope she can lift her left hand with that giant rock on it!
  21. I totally got sucked into this show years ago in part because of K & J's kinda bitchy snark! Love that Mr Angeltoes is getting sucked in in spite of himself! Now I see their critiques more as unvarnished criticism, but I've become immune to the harshness--probably because it's never been directed at me. I think Jordan just has unfortunate under eye circles, but he's man enough to own them and doesn't use concealer like I do. I think the girls understood him perfectly. Choreographers use all kinds of strange terms and sounds that don't make sense to non-dancers. Each dance teacher develops his/her own lingo to build off shared dance terms like pirouette and tendu. They actually can help you visualize the movement and get a sense of the feeling with the music, like when he was talking about the bass sound and how the arm movement needs to fit the sound of the music. But I totally get how it might sound like nonsense. I was surprised yet unsympathetic that Erin was surprised to get called into the office again. If she felt like she was getting it, she needs more body awareness and to film herself doing DCC choreography. I feel mean that I don't care if she comes back. Usually I like to see ladies reaudition when K & J encourage them to return. But Erin, not so much.
  22. Sometimes Alexandria looks great to me while dancing and others kind of stiff in the neck. But she does bring a maturity and professionalism to the table that I think makes a difference. She also seems to catch and retain choreography well. I've noticed that TCC Madeline seems to be connected to Sydney Durso and her clothing line now. Not sure how that happened (and I don't need to know), but if she really wants to be a DCC, she'd do well to get some serious training in with Sydney. And take some power classes.
  23. I'm curious as hell about what all has gone down with cut/quitting/punished vets this summer, but I'm not mad about the edit. I certainly will be disappointed if they don't address the Holly, Jenna, and Erica situations at all this season, but in the chronology of the summer, group leaders were announced before shit started to go down. So I'm willing to wait, which I guess is good since I have no control over this sitch. I take all reality TV as reality-lite or reality-esque, and that's one reason I appreciate this forum. I can get some of the dirt here that isn't on the show!
  24. Yes, the iTunes edit was strange. Judy's voice said "Erica" while the camera showed KaShara. But I'm still glad they showed leader announcements, as they skip over that in lots of seasons. Next year, it would be nice to see the second leaders announced too, but I get why that would have been too complicated this year. As for makeovers, I love Savannah's new color and really appreciate that they got rid of her extreme part. Love Marshall's sweetness and that quick glimpse of Tobie. I appreciate they don't make radical changes just for TV drama. The main overall difference I noted is that the ladies' makeup looked better--more professionally done (obviously because professionals did it). I noted that several TCCs didn't manage to replicate the makeup at their next rehearsals. Miranda's eyeliner and fake lashes looked awful. Too heavy handed and fake. She seems sweet as pie when talking to the camera but I just get a sense of plastic from her that rubs me the wrong way. The boobs, the clip-ins, the makeup. I wonder about her lips, too, and I'm still scarred by her audition camel toe. That face she was making when they showed her dancing in slow motion to Jordan's choreography was just painful. Not yet understanding the Kelli love for her. I wish Molly would lighten up on her liquid liner cat eyes, too. She is so gorgeous, I think, but just needs more training in heavy makeup for performance that looks less...heavy-handed. I liked her little intro. No sob stories, and I really like that she talked about being made an alternate because she hadn't brought it enough at her second Oregon tryout. She learned her lesson and made it to captain. Way to go, girl. Glad Jordan liked her so much. I love it when Jordan visits, either as a choreographer or a judge! Fun to see his fiancée, too. I always want to hear more from him and other guest choreographers about their thoughts on the ladies! Madeline with her poor me and my air mattress. Since she is a recent graduate from an elite private university, I can believe that doing without furniture for all of 2 weeks was extreme roughing it to her. She is super cute and has a lot of performance potential, I think, but she could have explained herself better in the meeting. Tell them how hard you've trained and what kinds of classes you took the past few years, not about moving to Dallas with an air mattress. Sheesh.
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