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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. For those in the know, how many O-4 are typically in an Arleigh Burke-class DDG? So far we have 2 O-5, the CO and XO, which I think is right. But then there is only one O-4, LCDR Garnett the CHENG. There was LCDR Barker the TAO. Should there not be more than two?
  2. Just want to say the hell with you, Petro-Canada. Your "secret" code does not work.
  3. So whatever causes the animals to change behavior, it also changes the physiology of the animals. We have bats that can fly way above their flight ceiling and now we have bats that can fly hundreds of kilometers across Pacific Ocean to Antarctica. More importantly, those bats can also survive in the open of Antarctic weather while two humans with cold gears indoor are frozen to death. Therefore, I am out.
  4. I was actually writing about Abraham...
  5. How much does a Botswanan safari guide make? Apparently quite well, as one can just drop everything and immediately fly to Tokyo without a second thought.
  6. The thing that gets me double back a bit is Spencer waking up and goes straight to his shirt from the bed. No shower, no teeth-brushing, no relieving oneself, just a quick splash to the face. I can not do that myself. Can not start my day without freshening up. What is the time setting of this show? Off season? Training camp? We see Ricky and the rest of the Miami Dolphins practicing, and on the other hand we see Vernon hangin' and chillin' in Miami instead of being in Dallas with his team. Vernon is not even training or working out as a "top defensive player".
  7. Case study: See CBS, Thursday, 10.00 pm EDT. Ref.: Under the Dome.
  8. While it is an exciting surface-on-submarine battle, there are some questions that leave me wonder, on top of the ones ottoDbusdriver points out above. 1. The show gets dangerously close to Last Resort territory with Ned is capable of turning from a submariner to an infanteer / spec-op operator. All in five months without going to a specialized school. 2. It is strange that the destroyer maintains noise discipline while the submarine does not. I thought that a submarine was more susceptible to noise to keep its stealthiness? And why the dropping knife? Should they be stowed away already? 3. I still do not get how the Achilles gets the coordinates of the labs. What does Niels find in the heap of paper? Speaking of which, what is the range of a Tomahawk? Can it hit targets on the other side of the continent? 4. And yeah, Tomahawk launch means automatic location reveal. The Nathan James and its helo should zero in to that. She certainly has ASROC and the helo, well, there is not yet submarine-to-air weapon system. Not today, anyway. 5. Now if the distance of the Achilles and the Nathan James is about 30 miles, how did Ned get back to the Achilles completely undetected and in considerably short time? They had the helo, for crying out loud. And is 30 nautical miles a distance one can just swim, even with SDV?
  9. This is my last comment on the subject, I promise, but more than once I met those from Markham, Vaughan or Mississauga claimed to be from Toronto. The conversation usually went like this: "Where are you from?" "Toronto." "Oh? Which part of Toronto?" "Mississauga, several minutes west from down town (via Gardiner)."
  10. I think the Mikkelson - Spooner factor really boosted the excitement level of the show.
  11. That is why i wrote GTHA. The Montanis, the Sweeneys, the Lumsdens, the wrestlers, the dancers and the freshly-eliminated. For non-Torontonians, not-Toronto means, among others, Kingston, Saskatoon, Fredericton or Edmonton. Basically all the places not served by GO Transit.
  12. How will other Canadians not feel forced to think of Toronto as the center of the universe when 6 of 12 teams are from GTHA? 'Quai' can be translated to English as 'quay' and in both cases they sound like 'key', not 'koo-way'. Oh how far has James Duthie fallen. From anchoring NHL on TSN to guest appearance on TAR-C. Guess Bell is feeling the pain of Rogers' NHL blockbuster contract. Seeing Neil Lumsden, I wish that he had gone with his other child, Jesse. I can not help feeling sad with Montgomery's statement that with the myriad of prizes the winners will get, the total value is close to C$1M and it is the biggest payout on Canadian reality TV.
  13. I am just wondering why Nathan James is not just lighting up the sea with full power active sonar. It is not like she is avoiding detection. As well, as they are in high seas, where do the mercenaries anchor their SDVs and scuba gears? On the ocean floor?
  14. Seeing that Miles Matheson becomes a nerdy animal pathologist and Dan Egan becomes a serious - while sleeping with a subordinate - newspaper editor, I find it hard to take this show seriously.
  15. If by "mostly in Eastern Canada" you means that there are more Tim stores in the East, because the population there is much bigger than the West, I agree with you. However, the success of Tims in the West is not less than it is in the East. From Manitoba to BC, Tims fuel our morning, every morning. Credit to this how however, it still somewhat anchors in reality of what those Sailors can do. For example, they are winning the on-ship battle as they are fighting local law enforcements. Compare that with the late Last Resort where submariners were also infantrymen who were able to beat an SOF unit in an open battle.
  16. From a military POV my nitpick is that CDR Chandler suddenly takes over the military in and around NS Norfolk. NS Norfolk is the biggest US Navy installation. There is nobody among the survivors ranks higher than an O-5? Considering the have quite a number of aviators (exclusively officers), that is a disbelief I have to suspend. Also, for the ground troops, they go SEALs this, SEALS that. Are SEALs not suppose to be more doing things their way with SOCOM? I would think that for a regular Naval activities their ground forces would be Marines, including the ones afloat (their own LT green).
  17. If I think about the same scene you do, the CO was without his cover when the Sailors saluted him. It is a US Navy tradition not to salute when uncovered, except in a joint environment. So I think CDR Chandler was in the right not to return salute when uncovered.
  18. The first episode is full with, "Hey it's that guy!" among the cast. In no particular order, these are the shows / movies that first came to mind when I saw the characters, one for each: Shawshank Redemption, King Kong, Night Court, Caprica, Dexter, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Law & Order: SVU and Glee.
  19. Yeah, I do not understand the objection either. IMO, the nudity in this show is not even worse than Rome or Spartacus. Even Emmy Rossum shows her tits every other episode on Shameless. As viewer must pay to watch Netflix, I think in a way it can be classified as premium channel, thus sexual content is an acceptable element of its contents.
  20. Dev F, Maximum Taco, I understand the mechanism. However, the show does not explain to us how the political landscape in the House and the Senate is. It just jumps to the conclusion that based on 20th Amendment James will be President. Not just acting President, but President. And that he will be able to take Meyer as his VP. That is my issue. Considering that they (Meyer, James and their team) do not readily know some of the numbers without looking them up, I wonder how they can reach the conclusion confidently without first crunching the numbers in the new House and the new Senate.
  21. Well, if a First Lady of the United States can be the Ambassador to the UN without conflict of interest and without the FLOTUS position being neglected, there is no reason why the VPOTUS can not be SecTreas as well. Wrong show, I know. :-) But James is not the Vice President-elect. The election is still tied and he is just as tied as O'Brien's running mate. So there is no scenario that he can be a President / acting President without being elected by the new Senate. And that is why I do not understand why they are discussing about the possibility of James becoming POTUS.
  22. But if she does not win that is it. Game over, series finale. She can not come back as Veep nor any other meaningful political position, not after she has been POTUS. I do not think watching her and her staff at the Meyer Foundation or Selina Meyer Presidential Library will be exciting at all.
  23. I was saying to my TV, "Hit the head! Hit the head! That's to only way to kill them." Then I realized I was in the wrong show. Silly me...
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