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TV Anonymous

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Everything posted by TV Anonymous

  1. So let me get this straight. Kara got undress, put on her Supergirl costume - certainly in a private area since he did it with the speed and awkwardness of a human - put away her civilian clothes and glasses, undo her hair - including changing the color from brunette to blonde - and then walk to the corner store. With the whole street watching her not flying. And oh, she changed into that tight-fitting costume and those high boots with a broken hand. And what happened after the robber handed over the pistol? Did she call 911? Did she make citizen arrest? Did she leave the robber to the store owner? And then she walked away from the store with the costume? Find another dressing room to change?
  2. Looking at the first half, for me this has the potential to be the best multi-episode crossover in recent memory. A packed episode filled with action, comedy, mythology and plenty of snark. Let us see how the second half works. I just wonder, though. How will they incorporate Oliver's flashback in a supposedly fast-paced episode?
  3. If the key to destroying Red Tornado is by using the Heat Vision, why bother engaging him from the beginning or in all the other occasions? Why made physical contact and risk injury when the Vision did the job just fine? I guess all the genius engineers in National City missed an important key in any mechanical device. Emergency shutdown. Last week we had an automated train that could not be stopped while running (and running at high speed in urban area nevertheless), this week once the battle robot goes into self-preservation mode it also can not be stopped.
  4. There is a Saskatchewan Roughriders fan in Agra? Color me surprised!
  5. Rather than posting my rant about what is wrong with this episode, this season, and this show lately, let me ask this forum. Should I abandon this show? Once I hook on a show for several seasons, I seldom drop it until series finale, except for extraordinary circumstances. And this circumstance of Nick and Adalind domestic bliss feels extraordinary enough... On another note, my nitpick. How does Nick afford that building on a Police Detective salary?
  6. YMMV, I refer to "my wife", "my son", "my sister", "my father" all the time rather than call them by their names.
  7. Who is 'they'? Outside of DEO those who know Kara is Supergirl were told of the fact. Winn was told by Kara herself, Olsen by Superman, Alex by her parents, their parents by Superman and so on. No civilian manages to recognize her on his / her own. My question is how Winn knows Clark Kent. I wonder why people are surprised to know that Superman is Supergirl's cousin. They wear the same pentagonal 'S' logo, they wear matching outfits and they have the same power.
  8. She is just chatting with a man named Clark Kent from Metropolis... So, there is somebody still watching Homeland these days...?
  9. Based on the time I was in the Netherlands and interacting with people there in English, the greeter at the place that they drop the flowers sounds suspiciously too American. Her accent, intonation and choice of words are not what I expect from a typical Dutch. The hockey player brothers - the eventual champions - knew the answer right away without asking anybody.
  10. I am sorry, but it is nothing good for me as a viewer of The Amazing Race. If I was looking for a show about people sightseeing in Paris, enjoying the city and the scene, I would watch The Bachelorette.
  11. Schiphol NS Station is located between Rotterdam Centraal and Amsterdam Centraal. On their way to Amsterdam after leaving Rotterdam, they realized their mistake and needed to go back to Rotterdam. I think the next station that they could get off the train after realizing the mistake was Schiphol. It was not really changing the train but a trip back South.
  12. As much as I dislike Justin (and Diana by association), I have to admit that they are pretty formidable competitors. How did they finish the simulator much faster than the reporters? How did they get to Rotterdam Centraal ahead of the cheerleaders when the cheerleaders finished earlier? As well, earlier they were shown to be willing to stand on the train trip between Paris Nord to Rotterdam Centraal. Even with Thalys it is more than 2.5 hours trip. Compare that with the brothers who were just chillin' waiting for their reserved trip instead of scrambling for a better one.
  13. So let me get this straight. A supervisor in a highly-structured government organization lies to an employee about his assignment. Then, the supervisor admits the lie and adds that the employee is actually in probation without him knowing it, and if the employee does not achieve his tasks during probation (which are not explained and discussed and documented properly) the employee will be terminated. As well, let us see Amin sisters. So they alternately attend classes and instructions at the Academy. Meaning that neither of them get 100% content of the education and training. How does this make them effective agent(s), law enforcement officer(s) again? Enough. I am out.
  14. Do they deviate a bit from comic canon? IIRC, Supergirl's human first name is Linda instead of Kara, which is her Kryptonian name. As well, Astra is still able to fly and flee after being stabbed with Kryptonite knife surprises me. I thought Kryptonians lost their superhuman powers when they have Kryptonite around them, not to mention in them?
  15. Most likely the worst episode in the whole series, at least from a viewer's point of view. While the acting of the actors involved may be good, this episode goes against the flow of the story. The episode is dialogue-heavy while the show is an action show. As well, Morgan is not such a big character in the story to need his background explained to the viewers. In addition, after what happened last week viewers want to see the continuation to know what is going on. This episode puts a weird stop for that momentum. Lastly, 90 minutes is way too long for an episode that does not push the story line ahead.
  16. Mais oui, bien sûr. C'est tellement irritant. Hey, I am not a francophone myself. Just living North of the border where French is spoken. While I know that French is not an easy language to pronounce, it looked like they did not even try. From the reading of liberté, égalité, fraternité to the rapping and the reading of l'Arc de Triomphe, I actually cringed listening to them.
  17. Mon tabarnak, ces maudits américains. Mes oreilles, mes oreilles !
  18. One thing I wonder, does the FBI Academy not have something called curriculum? It seems like everything that goes there is just at the whim of the instructors, without any clear guidance nor any real training of how the Recruits need to do their jobs.
  19. I think it is quite underwhelming. However, it might just my personal opinion since I have to wash away Marley rose image from Kara. As this is a Berlanti production and it is suppose to be in the same universe as The Flash and Arrow, I hope for something with more depth and more grit. Maybe not on Arrow level, but on a level slightly less than The Flash. Even compared with the first episode of Smallville, this show feels like all unicorns and rainbow. My nitpick, if the villain is a fellow Kryptonian, how come when the ax explodes he gets injured while Kara does not?
  20. Out of topic: too bad that no action is taken on the other side of the equation. Case in point, what action has been taken toward Dr. Walter Palmer?
  21. Not one of the best nor the most enjoyable episodes. First, bad task design. Most of the tasks are the one that racers get to the place, wait their turn, and just go along with the challenge. The only ones with competition are the canoe and the fruit bowl, even though they are not much of competition. I guess the theme of this episode is "Dumb and Dumberer". The doctors, the paparazzi and the track athletes made stupid, stupid mistakes that could have costed them the game. Well, one of them were. There is simply no excuse for missing the skull part. Otherwise, what do they do out there? Enjoying the walk? Too bad none of the teams are for Minnesota. Otherwise, maybe they could have, "This Lion Encounter is brought to you by River Bluff Dental Clinic of Bloomington, MN."
  22. Are they seriously freeze electromagnetic radiation? But how?
  23. Students or not, would their time not be better spent assisting someone elsewhere? Or if they can not touch anything, just to get out of there? Remember again, it is code black. If one could not help, why would one be crowding the space?
  24. One thing that bothers me throughout the episodes is the scenes where other physicians / nurses watch what is going on on the centre stage while it is supposedly code black. Since code black means that the ER is overwhelmed with patients, WTF are they doing watching somebody else instead of taking care of their own patients?
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