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Everything posted by aradia22

  1. Ooo, I like this game. I'd say Laura as well because I think she's the most well-rounded. I think Connor would be my second pick because he's also well-rounded. And yes, there are those arms. I think I'd go with Anthony over Roy because a good painter is more useful than someone who is good at fabricating if you don't know what the challenge is going to be. Miranda and Wayne would be my last picks because I couldn't remember him and she works slowly and is very hit or miss.
  2. Oh, I definitely feel like it foreshadows creepiness. I just don't think it's a great symbol for the specific plot. I don't know if you could foreshadow the specific plot without ruining that part of the movie. You could foreshadow the count's madness since that plays a big role.
  3. Hmn. I know the myth but that isn't the first connection I'd make. Maybe it's because the King Kong image is so iconic now. Didn't the Nessus story have something to do with a river/boat? Is the hunting in this case the hunting of the centaur? I feel like the division of subject kind of dilutes the connection. But it's not that important. It just threw me a little because it was the first image and I was always taught to pay close attention to those things... first pages, first chapters, opening scenes, etc.
  4. Casey Johnson: I like him. I only heard about 20 seconds of his singing in the online clip but he has a warm, natural singing voice. Effortless. Bre Musiq: Hard to tell. Sounds rather unpolished. But it was a smart song choice. Dean Baily: His voice was very flat and mediocre but he had a nice body. Like an action figure. Starlight: What? Kerrianne Covell: She doesn't really have the weight to her voice that this song needs and she was a little rough but I liked her. She could be good with coaching.
  5. Ten Senah: Her voice was a little rough and she seems to have a bit of trouble holding notes but she had life. I think she has potential. Christina Brodie: So you're going on X Factor and you think the perfect song choice is going to come from The Magic Flute? If you're going to do something crazy like that you've got to be amazing and she was no Diana Damrau. Maria Ellinas: I'm glad she got through. Maybe I'll see if she can sing next time. Charlie Martinez: It's going to be hard to top Landry Fields. He was cute but he kind of talked his way through the song. What happened to holding notes, people??? Charlie Brown: It was fine. Mediocre. I don't like blue-eyed soul to begin with and he wasn't very impressive. Nothing compared to the original record. Can we stop rewarding people for fake affectations? Ben Haenow: Not amazing but competent. Good compared to the others. Jake Sims: Not bad. But again, what is with the inability to hold notes? Monica Michael: I don't know if it could be a number 1 but I enjoyed it. I think she has a good voice and while the rhymes were a little simple and cliched the songwriting was very competent. Also, Mel B used the word "versatality." What? Chloe Hedley: She's not pitch perfect and added to that she's sliding around a bit. She also didn't have the power for a song like that. The Brooks: They sounded fine but I've gotten to the point where I have a very low tolerance for young voices. Paul Akister: Oh God, another one. He's pretty good. I like that he holds notes. I knew he seemed familiar. James Graham: He's good. Another one who holds notes. But "soulful R&B"? Maybe if we're talking about Robin Thicke. Jack Walton: He's good. As I said, I have a low tolerance for young voices and he has a slight whine to his voice so he'll probably never be a favorite of mine but he's good.
  6. Oh, that reminds me. Door knocker and tapestry? What was that about? Does it make sense in the original short story? I thought the door knocker was just a reference to King Kong. And then the tapestry looked more like a centaur. And neither one really had anything to do with hunting or Zarnoff or the plot of the movie besides kind of being barbaric. Zarnoff just wasn't that threatening to me. I think it was the accent and the crazy eyes (vs. actual acting). He didn't give off a threatening sexual energy though they made that part very explicit. I didn't believe he'd know what to do with Fay Wray if he'd actually won. YMMV
  7. OK, I know this is the plot to something but I've watched too many rom-coms to know which one. Which reminds me, I can't wait for The Mindy Project to come back.
  8. I was watching The Extra Man today. The enforcer (or whatever they called him) who beat up the victim also played the husband of a woman in a memorable episode. There was something to do with a particular cane. I looked it up. It was Terry Serpico. His other episode was But Not Forgotten. Carrie Diaries fans might know him as Sebastian's dad. Apparently he also made appearances on SVU as different characters so they must really like the actor.
  9. So I finished up The Most Dangerous Game (1932). I imagine it was like seeing one of those pulp action novels from the drugstore brought to life. He-man action hero battling with his wits and a knife. Scantily clad heroine smart enough to recognize danger who then completely falls to pieces for the rest of the movie so the guy can save her and show off how competent he is. The acting wasn't great but I was impressed with the island set even if there was a lot of running around. All in all, it was like a long episode of The Twilight Zone without a satisfying big moral at the end. I'd say watch it if you like this kind of story but otherwise it's not must-see like The Mummy.
  10. Touche, madam. I am curious if Amanda would genuinely call Maroon 5 "punk rock." I doubt that even she could do that with a straight face. I'm hoping the point will be that they have to create waterproof outfits. Which could be interesting. Testing a supposedly waterproof fabric with a rain runway is mildly more legitimate than making models walk down a runway with giant swinging pendulums or spraying them with silly string simply because you enjoy torturing people and seeing what it will take to make them fall. Remember when they had to walk down a vertical runway in the rain? This is... sort of better than that? How does that explain why you miss MK? I kid, I kid. But seriously, not a fan of his cheap humor or his lack of taste.
  11. Hmn. Maybe for Tim's visit to her home her brother and his band could conveniently be having a jam session? Maroon 5 are kind of unrelentingly terrible now that they've leeched all the personality out of their music and it's just Adam Levine "singing" in a style that fits with the most innocuous thing that's popular on the radio at the moment. I thought I was going to injure myself rolling my eyes when she talked about how "punk rock" Charles James was. Shut up, Amanda. Shut up. They've done this with so many designers in the past. Melissa Fleis and April Johnston stand out as two particularly annoying examples. One of the things that throws me about Amanda is that she isn't that young. She's more like Michelle from season 11. Less talented of course but an slightly older lady trying to be cool. Yes, all of that.
  12. Is Elena the one who started using it? On Project Runway, that is. I'm not giving her credit for inventing it. Sorry, still not seeing the problem. ;) She also called the jewelry "exotic." I was just waiting for her to push it over the edge with something really offensive. Or at least throw a "tribal" in there. I saw the exhibit when it was at the Met. They only showed one area. The exhibit was housed in two wings of the museum. Anyway, to be fair, they had a day. One. You can't make a Charles James gown in one day. And yes, I love Zac and the fact that he refuses to go along with the Amanda nonsense. It's Fashion Week right now in NY. Looking at some of the street style photos I wonder how you can possibly design for people who have such poor taste. It's the same feeling I get watching Heidi and Nina on Project Runway.
  13. Ugh. I think I'm officially over Sean. His dress was not that amazing. His model and the jewels (which he had first pick of) were really selling the dress. I've seen that design so many times. While Samantha's dress was safe and she hasn't shown anything that remarkable, his dress wasn't that much better. I didn't think Kini's dress was so awful that it deserved to be in the bottom 3. It felt very J. Lo, particularly with the big hoops and the slicked back ponytail. The "safe" dresses could have been in the bottom with Samantha and Alexander if being too safe was the problem. I actually didn't hate Sandhya's design this time. I think it was a little too casual (talking about the assistant walking with the star) but given the other looks she's shown, it was good. I'm getting nothing from Alexander. He thinks he's amazing but even when he produces something good it's not original or particularly beautiful. He's going to make top 3, isn't he? I think Korina deserved to win. The shoulders seemed a little wide like the sleeve started in a weird position but other than that it was the best design of the night and highlighted the jewelry well. With the coat it felt like something a mature fashion icon would wear. Someone like Iris Apfel or the late Lauren Bacall who could own an outfit like that and use it to show off her figure without showing a lot of skin. UGH. Amanda. Go home, Amanda. Go home. I CAN'T.
  14. Lola Saunders: She's good. Not amazing. Relatively pretty, footage of her at her job, and a solid song choice. Before she opened her mouth I knew they were going to let her through. But I'm not convinced that she's really special yet and this song might have helped her hide bad breath control. Maria Ellinas: I wonder if they'll show her actual audition. Mean of Simon to bother her about her pronunciation. I couldn't judge her singing based on that clip. Jasmin Walia: What in the hell is Towie? Anyway, I thought she was OK. She's clearly not tone deaf and she can basically hit all the notes but she needs coaching and even then her voice may never be remarkable. I think if they didn't know she was from a reality show they might have put her through given the mediocrity of this season so far. If only she had a sick relative.
  15. I'm fine with that because I'm never going to remember her last name. At least when she was Cheryl Cole it was short at alliterative.
  16. Do you mean Ollie Murs and Caroline? Or Caroline and Matt? Remember when Connie was on? I can't remember if they've had other presenters that I've watched.
  17. Not all sites try to match you up. I just think of it as a way of meeting people who are also looking for a relationship. I'd rather meet someone in person than trust an algorithm based on my "preferences" to choose someone for me. Again, I highly doubt these contestants exhausted all options.
  18. That reminds me, even their personal gifts were negative. People said they felt impersonal but they way they described it felt very personal. It was another passive aggressive move. Vaughn got her a watch because she's always late and Monet got him a watch because he's always bothering her about it. So they got gifts to represent one of the many fights they have. Love!
  19. I'm having TCM withdrawal. I decided to start watching The Most Dangerous Game today both because it's one of those movies I feel I should see and because of that whole discussion about how attractive you all said Joel McCrea was. It's a good enough start other than the somewhat silly shipwreck special effects and the count's interesting choice of accent. It's more adventure than highbrow drama but I'm interested in seeing where this goes.
  20. Nope. Not obscure. But hardly a great fashion designer. Also, her company went bankrupt not too long ago. I remember the stores were selling anything you could pry up including furniture and lighting fixtures. Last I heard they were making a comeback. I also vaguely remember her appearing on ANTM in the early days.
  21. @GHScorpiosRule There was no PSA. They did talk about the Miss Bliss years but I think the Hayley Mills character was only in one scene when all the actors were just meeting each other. The actor playing Belding (well, technically the actor playing the actor playing Belding) said he had a crush on her.
  22. I actually thought that along with the blandness and lack of scandal they softened the DD bias. I was expecting it to be much worse. I don't know if this is a legitimate question or just a joke. But if it's the former, it's easy characterization without having to take time to develop the characters. You see, Mario is a jock who does push ups to show off and also to get ready to be in front on the camera (like the male models on ANTM this season). Dustin is trying to prove that he can hang, similarly to volunteering the information about karate in a previous scene. But he cannot hang. MPG pulls him away to stop him from embarrassing himself and Mario continues to show off by increasing the difficulty of the push ups he's doing with the clapping thing. So like their characters on the show, DD comes off as a misfit nerd, Mario is a jock jerk, and MPG is the leader. Writing! I read through Mario's tweets. He didn't seem that upset. A lot of retweets about how no one could replace the real AC Slater and how he looks young enough to still play the part. Also, he posted a picture of the cover of the book which lists him as a "New York Times Bestselling Author" which I thought was premature since the book hasn't been released yet. Looked it up... oh my God he's written fitness, cooking, and children's books. I can't. Yeah, I assume that must be it. Elizabeth comes off really well and it fits the narrative of where she ended up with her books and her attempts to give advice to girls. Tiffani is just kind of pretty and bland. MPG comes across as a popular leader figure who had one fight with his mom about a car, rode a motorcycle, and drank a bit of wine in France where it was legal. He's spoken about how they got into some trouble like normal teenagers but didn't have to worry about the kind of intense scrutiny that young stars face today so I was expecting a lot worse.
  23. So I finally got a chance to sit down and watch this. It was as bland as I was expecting it to be after watching some of the newer Lifetime movies (FITA, Lizzie Borden). Surprisingly, I think the adults were the worst. The blond woman basically voiced every negative sentiment and the male character essentially made every choice that as an audience member you know as the "right" one. I wasn't expecting perfect matches to the real people so I wasn't too disappointed. The Belding seemed good. And even though they weren't fantastic I can see why they cast the Mario Lopez and MPG characters. I think the Tiffani also had shades of TAT despite not looking much like her. The ones who seemed off the mark were the other three who could have been anyone. The actress playing Elizabeth was good but not much like Elizabeth. The bit characters who just breezed in and out had some life to them. Like the daughter of the head of the network and the extra who gave Dustin a swig of vodka.
  24. So I had a shopping day over the Labor Day weekend and got an earful of radio. Other than the oldies, I think I'm hitting one of those good moments when the things that I like are popular/I can tolerate the things that are popular. Of the songs I recognized there was some Betty Who, Ingrid Michaelson, Ellie Goulding, and female performers in that kind of electro pop vein. I will say that Girls Chase Boys, cute and commercial-friendly as it is, is one of those songs that gets old really fast. It reminds me a little of Regina Spektor's Dance Anthem of the 80's but less interesting. I wish she'd go back to the more lyrically complex songs of her first album.
  25. "I want and wish all the best for you. You are a great guy with a bright future." Goodbye. -Monet There. I fixed it for you. Seriously, that sounded like she was sending him on his way. In response to the... they need to stick it out... they will never find anyone better than this person argument, I present Tim Minchin.
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