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Everything posted by aradia22

  1. My sense of it was that Will interpreted Denzel going after him as confrontational and maybe something for the cameras. That's not a big stretch with the atmosphere in the house being what it is. And yeah, while he wasn't super aggressive it's not like Denzel went up to him in the nicest way to have a chat. I agree that the bit of the conversation that we heard that Will also heard is not that awful in the grand scheme of things. People being bullied/hazed/verbally assaulted have likely heard much worse. However, I don't think it's merely that Denzel is competitive. The editing is crazy so I can't tell when things are being said (e.g. if it's all one conversation cut up and spliced into different episodes) but Denzel seems to have rather distasteful attitudes and he's shared them throughout the season. As I said, I'm also suspicious about the way any responses Keith might have made to Denzel's comments were edited out. Also, trotting out that old chestnut about not agreeing with his choices but still being able to be friends or whatever he said confirmed that for me more than him saying 100 times that he doesn't have a problem with gay people.
  2. Over 25s: Fleur East, Helen Fulthorpe, Ben Haenow Stevi Ritchie: Why is his face so red? Did he get a sunburn? Also why does he have three backup singers? He has those giveaways in his singing. The giveaways that separate lounge/cruise singers from professionals. He's not a great singer. But I like him so if they bother to include some of the Xtra factor and backstage and judging stuff this year I won't mind if Simon puts him through. Stevi's the guy in your office who is fun at karaoke who once had aspirations to be a performer and maybe a background in musical theatre. Lizzy Pattinson: Whoa. Someone is singing a Blake Shelton song? I know nothing about her. Is she originally from America or is she like that girl... Caroline, I think... who wanted to be a country singer, just cause? Pleasant. But a big old meh. Jay James: And back to annoying. Good God, man. Are you even trying? I don't care about your backstory. This is insufferable. Helen Fulthorpe: Singing Etta James. Because fuck it. You can't see but I'm rolling my eyes right now. Helen is a caricature to me. She's actually not producing that much sound and she doesn't have the soulful rich sound she needs for this kind of music. She's be better off going to rock but she doesn't even have the power for that. She'd do better with Grace Slick or Janis Joplin but I think she'd still be disappointing. She's like a pale imitation of the blond fairy lady who was on a while ago.\ Fleur East: I like Jessie J and I like this song. And I need to go listen to her second album but they refuse to put it on Spotify. Compared to the rest of the competition, Fleur at least has some interesting texture to her voice. She's not wildly unique but there's at least something. I thought it was a solid audition. Ben Haenow: I like him so much better than Andrea. I like that he's soul with a bit of rock. I think that's what gives him a slight edge over Paul but if they both get in I think I'll be back and forth on who I like better from week to week. Based on just their judges' houses performances here are my picks. Groups: 1. New Boy Band 2. Only the Young 3. New Girl Group (though I really don't care about #2 and #3) Boys: 1. Jake 2. Paul, 3. Danny/Jordan Overs: 1. Fleur 2. Ben 3. Stevi
  3. No problem, kdm07. I'm just glad someone's listening to my ramblings. I used to cover the live shows in the same random way on my blog but I think it was more for me than an actual audience. ;) I'm not going to bother this year. Though I will be recapping Project Runway Threads when it starts on trashtalktv. Jack Walton: Breathy and all closed off vowels. The worst combination. Mel made a face like she smelled a fart and stopped his performance. Oh, Mel. She told him "you've got nothing to lose right now" which is ridiculous. He could lose his chance to be on the live shows. That's why he's nervous. Why do I even have to explain this to you? When he started again it was equally underwhelming. Maybe very slightly improved. But boy, you do not step to Beyonce's Halo if you cannot bring it. And you cannot bring it. Andrea Faustini: He's good but there's a disconnect for me. There's a part of me that still sees it as a caricature and finds it lacking. I mean, he can clearly sing. But can he really sing it as well as Jennifer Hudson (who I don't even like that much) or Jennifer Holliday or we just interested because he's a guy and not traditionally handsome? Danny Dearden: He sang Beautiful Disaster. It was pretty. High pitched but not whiny and not falsetto. This is genuinely the register he's comfortable singing in. I don't know if I want to listen to this though. I think some of the guys they threw into the new boy band are much stronger singers. And his voice was kind of breaking a little at the point where they cut the clip off on youtube. Jordan Morris: If this was The Voice, they'd say he has a fast vibrato. I wouldn't. He's not holding the note. It sounds like he's trembling or shivering from the cold. That affectation aside, I don't hate him. His direct competition is probably Danny and I'd probably take him over Danny. Jake Quickenden: Hold the notes, Jake. Just hold the damn notes. Aside from him occasionally yelping at the ends of phrases, I think he's perfectly pleasant. If you're going to cast someone because he's cute, cast Jake. With a little training he'll be fine. Not amazing. But fine. Paul Akister: Bridge Over Troubled Water. He makes weird faces and needs to keep his eyes open when he sings. I'm sorry. I like hearing that full lower register from guys. But he's unquestionably good. Next to Andrea, I'd take Paul. Underwhelmed by the guys. Right now I'd be disappointed if any of them won.
  4. Sorry, Donny. I don't check in on every comment if I don't get a notification. I didn't hate Mona and Beth. They just didn't make a big impression on me. I found them boring. All I remembered about them was "roller derby moms." I vaguely remember an all female team in an earlier season that might have been in a bowling league. I like teams with personality. I know they're not for everyone, but I liked the twinnies.
  5. Woo, Adam and Bethany just tore through the pancake. Way to make it look easy. Even more interested in team mother/daughter now that I know that one served in the military and the other served in the air force. I find the firefighters annoying. Not crazy, intensely annoying. Just a little more annoying than any other team. With so many teams it was hard to focus on what each team was doing wrong. They didn't always have a little counter telling us how many times each time had attempted a task, etc. so the clips could have come from any time. And we didn't have people commenting on how a judge kept making them go through training instead of letting them just attempt the task like we've had for tasks in other season so I didn't know how that might have played into things. Keith seems like a jerk. So far not a massive jerk. Just a little bit of a jerk. The actor holding the express pass at the Bear Inn in the clip was a cutie. Oh, lord she peed in the river. Hush up, fake Winston Churchill. I don't feel too badly for Dennis and Isabelle because we know so little about them.
  6. I cannot believe Shelley peed off the side of the boat in episode 2. I sympathize with their struggles because it seems like they were spending a lot of time at both tasks. But they should know that it's way too early for them to be struggling this much. It doesn't bode well for them that they're fighting this much already and so quickly giving in to their frustrations.
  7. Well, I guess that's answered. What kind of training did they do? I would have expected them to be a little stronger. It was a little disappointing to see a team who cared so much about the show (not just winning but TAR as a franchise) go but we didn't know them enough for me to be invested in them.
  8. Yup. After they breezed through the pancake race, I assumed it was the easier task but I think they're just a very competent team. Glad they have an express pass.
  9. They still aren't majorly obnoxious yet. This week we learned she's a former pageant girl. He knocked someone off her boat. And he uttered the phrase "second's just the first loser." I'm not going to hold their looks against them unless they actually act awful.
  10. Yeah, we didn't see much of them this episode but it's cute that either Amy or Maya was in marching band and that either Amy or Maya told another team "Don't give up, guys" as they finished the punting task.
  11. I'm worried about this team with the way Brooke struggled so much at changing of the guards. They like to throw in dance and memorization tasks and she's getting frustrated very quickly.
  12. I really don't think they're that loud or effeminate or in any other way irritating. They make much less noise than the firefighters. I was amused by Te Jay getting excited and waving at Misti and Jim and dropping his flag and Tim telling Te Jay "your only job is to wave the flag and stand still." They don't seem to be the strongest team but they do well where they can. Barring major difficulties I think they'll stay ahead but if they get closer to the end, I think they'll struggle to get to the top of the standings.
  13. Yup. I still find them annoying. Much more annoying that Tim and Tee Jay. They're not crazy obnoxious but with such a relatively low key group this year they stand out.
  14. I thought it was cute that either Kym or Alli kissed the judge at the changing of the guards on the cheek even after he told her not to whoop in his face.
  15. Whoa. Talk about unprofessional. Kelly, why would you talk about Mirjana and Denzel sleeping together in front of someone who could have been their future boss? I thought Kari and Will did the best in the acting challenge but they were all atrocious so it was a matter of degrees of terribleness. They were the only two who had emotions on their faces and reacted to their partners. It was still no better than high school but at least there was something. Denzel winning was ridiculous. He was like a block of wood. The way they edited the scene with Denzel and Keith, if Keith ever responded to Denzel's comments, his responses were cut out. I rewatched it to make sure. Ugh, Denzel is an idiot. I wish the people voting on social media were watching the show because he just insulted women and gay men. Way to go, genius. Where was Matt? I did not expect Adam to be part of the Will support system given the story that circulated about him in college. He severely downplayed it when he retold it to the group. Too underwhelmed by all the photos this week to comment. Why aren't they better by now? They should be spending more time practicing in front of the mirror and less time stirring up drama in the house.
  16. I hope y'all will watch Project Runway Threads because I'm going to be recapping it for another site. I don't know how I feel about Christian now. In my mind, I'm remembering him as Kini. I'm attracted to competency so my favorites are always going to be the ones who show real skill and, in their cases, speed. I remember him being amusing. Catty, but not vicious. I don't think he made that much of an impression on me this episode. Maybe he was a little more subdued next to Zac. Maybe he was just underwhelmed by the designs.
  17. Only the Young: I haven't kept up with Ella Henderson's post X Factor career so I don't know this song. That said, I still don't think they have remarkable voices. But they work well as a unit and they seem shiny and happy in a way that fits X Factor. Blonde Electra: I thought they were called Blond Electric but the youtube video title is calling them Blonde Electra. You know they're not atrocious for a novelty act. They just don't have the soul or skill to sing the songs they pick and they're too old for an act like this. The Glee cover is still far superior as far as these things go. The Brooks: Still quavery and whiny but I liked this performance better than their bootcamp performance New Girl Group: They need someone with a sweeter voice or they need to soften their voices. They're putting up too much resistance to the blend. They're still clashing and they sound best as individuals. Concept: Not bad but I'm underwhelmed by the sound they produce as four vocalists. New Boyband: THERE ARE TOO MANY OF THEM. They can't just let everyone have a turn and then sing in unison. I need more interesting harmonies and they have to figure out who the stars are and let them carry more of the song. It's so awkward like this. I think the new Boy Band is the best chance the Groups have to win even if there are too many of them. Because they have stacked the deck, that group has the most talent in it.
  18. All the auditions, results, and drama.
  19. I've watched every season of this stupid show. I know they've done the one hour runway thing in the past. I guess my issue is that it's not like the Tim Gunn save which they won't shut the hell up about. I'm sure it's embedded somewhere in the contract (that most people probably don't read because if people read contracts Apple wouldn't own all of our souls right now) if not in plain terms then in some kind of vague wording about production having the right to organize things as they see fit. The Tim Gunn save is now a part of the show. The one hour runway or the whole... go home and make a collection with less money and we'll decide which one of you actually gets to show your whole collection at fashion week is some bullshit. I don't care if there's precedent, it's still something you can't be entirely prepared for because they could spring that on you at any point just to have things go their way. As far as we know this could have happened at any point in the season if someone they liked was in danger of going home.
  20. Nope. I'm sorry but we're way past the seasons when anyone should be grateful to be cast on Project Runway, or ANTM, or American Idol or a host of other reality competition shows. I'm not going to sit here and tell the hamsters they should be grateful for getting the chance to be tormented while the show makes of mockery of their profession.
  21. To be fair, the judges have been ridiculous. We regularly accuse them of being crazy or confused or exercising stupidity or bad judgment. But I think we're all self-possessed enough not to air those grievances on national TV, especially when those same judges are about to decide whether or not to send you home. I thought he made an ugly housecoat with a weird back. I'd make a reference to armadillos or something but I forget where Sean is originally from. Them's the rules they made up on the fly when they couldn't justify not sending Char home? I used to imagine being on Project Runway when the show started and I started designing. But no wonder the talent pool is so shallow. How many good designers would subject themselves to this nonsense... and how many of those designers get axed in casting for not having big enough personalities?
  22. Yeah. That threw me off. I thought for some reason that Amanda, Sean, and Emily were the team captains. I guess I'm more forgiving when the hamsters fight back against the bullshit. Yes, if you signed up for it, you should try to go along with it but I'm not going to get furious if you refuse to bow to Nina and her incessant use of the word "ethnic" to describe anything she doesn't understand. Did she? Or did Sean make the better dress?
  23. Yay! I'm so happy they ended up liking Kini and Amanda's collection. He is my favorite to win. Honestly, he's been my favorite almost since the beginning. Yes, Korina is mean. But she's also kind of right. Char didn't deserve to stay. She hasn't produced anything that great. You can't just eliminate people because they're jerks. Shut it, Emily. It's not like this is Face Off. You didn't want to help her because of the things she was saying? Even if I don't like her I can acknowledge that she's a better designer than Char. Production's back to it's old tricks stirring up drama next week. Oh, Korina and Char just happen to be on the same team, huh?
  24. I really want to watch the Joan Crawford version.
  25. I was thinking about watching When Ladies Meet (1933) but passed when I saw Montgomery was in it. Also, my DVR is super full.
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