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Everything posted by aradia22

  1. I'm right there with you. I like all female teams. I was encouraged to hear about their military service. It was nice that one of them spoke Spanish. I'm always a fan of teams that bring special skills instead of just barking at people in English. I know everyone didn't love the brother and sister who spoke Chinese but I did. It's always nice to see TAR fans on the show. But yeah, they haven't raced exceptionally well throughout the race and they brought a lot of toxic energy. Even when they weren't having a big blowout fight or tantrums there was an uncomfortable energy under the surface a lot of the time. They were getting hard to watch and I think at the end of the day it's better that they went out now before race fatigue could hit them any worse.
  2. Ah! Again with the whining. That said, they did a solid job at both challenges. In spite of her complaining, Brooke made it across the bridge and then got through the puzzle without giving up or needing to ask Maya for help. I think I'll be disappointed if they win but I'm also not rooting against them.
  3. Yay! Loving this team. They're not adorable enough for me to really enthusiastically root for them but they're nice without being bland. I don't know if that makes any sense. But sometimes there are inoffensive couples who are competent but are just so bland that they make no impression on you. This team isn't bursting with personality but I still like them. Anyway, they did a nice job again this week. I liked that they raced smart, sort of helping out other teams when they were asked but not going so far as to hold their hands. They're not idiots. They told people to get taxis or pointed them in the right direction but they didn't go out of their way and mess up their own race to help. Also, I would have guessed that Adam would have taken on the roadblock and in spite of the safety line I was a little nervous about how Bethany would handle it. She probably has good balance as a surfer but if that thing is moving about with every breeze and you only have one arm and some poorly placed planks to balance on it's going to be pretty tricked. But she rocked it out. I didn't anticipate the puzzle being a challenge in my ignorance but again, she adapted really quickly. I wonder how much she's had to rely on using her feet. Probably not as much as someone who had lost the use of both hands or arms but I don't think this is the first time she's thought to use her feet to help her out so she must have learned to adapt by using her feet to some extent.
  4. I don't know how they withstood the temptation of that tasty-looking, warm goat butter. I think they're a fun team. We saw them get a little frustrated with each other this week but they didn't let it sink them. It isn't often you see a team change tasks twice and still end up near the top/middle of the pack. It does seem a little shady for them to have set up a challenge that was difficult for shorter contestants. The racers seemed to really be struggling. I think they made the right decision to switch given how fast the dentists and the college sweethearts got through the task but they just weren't equipped to do the task. That is, on paper they made the smart decision not knowing that the other task would be harder for them to complete. Oh, and I enjoyed her little song. They're right on the border of obnoxious but they don't cross over. It never feels that disrespectful. They seem like they're having fun instead of making fun of other people. Kudos to Alli for sticking to the decision to help Te Jay when she didn't need to. I mean, arguably they weren't going to win anyway and were nowhere near last place and the other teams don't seem to feel the need to set records like the dentists so I don't think placement matters that much to them... but I'd like to think she's just a good person.
  5. And my recap is live on trashtalktv. Even though it was such a boring week I think I managed to get some good jokes in there. I actually enjoyed the episode more watching it for the second time. They really shot themselves in the foot programming three straight hours of Project Runway content. On the second viewing I was more amused by Grace's snark and Sirje (Grayson's grandma) was even more charming. You miss that kind of stuff when your brain is numb after watching All Stars. I don't think I'll watch them back to back again since I have to recap Threads. It's too much.
  6. Was that worse? I'm pretty sure that was worse. Also, it was so mind-numbingly boring this week. There was barely anything to mock. I'm going to have to think of so many musical theatre references to write this recap. Grandma was cute. Aliyah was actually less annoying that Kenzie in spite of all the sass in the previews. I have to go to Jersey tomorrow so the recap may go up tomorrow or it may go up Saturday. Also, ugh. They were crazy if they thought I was going to watch three hours of Project Runway this week. I watched two hours. I skipped the reunion.
  7. Well, that was uninspiring. I don't know if I want to stick with the season if this is going to be the quality of work. I thought we might have some luck with Chris March, Dmitri, and even Michelle but that was a pathetic showing.
  8. He brought it up like it was a classic moment of Top Chef instead of something that no one else remembers. I think he's cute but he's not the best at talking about food. I know they've been burned in the past but it might not be the worst idea to try out some food writers as guest judges. What? With Paul Revere and the Boston Tea Party it's as educational as a National Treasure movie. ;) For a hot second I thought they might have snagged Ted Danson at least. Nope. Sigh...
  9. It was pretty obvious that Aaron wasn't going home. I'm not that bothered by it. Yeah, he's a jerk. But he's not completely wrong fighting with Keriann and Katsuji who are also jerks and singling out whatsherface broccoli salad as the weak one in the pack. I don't think she's an awful chef but she might have a confidence/creativity issue, at least at the moment. I wasn't that thrilled with the episode this week. I don't know. Maybe there are too many contestants to focus on but I wasn't that inspired by the food.
  10. I think there were some nice moments this week. I've given up on the show holding together but they gave some of the actors nice little scenes to play. The bombshell with Liam's sister/mom was unexpected and I think it could have had more impact. But Karma's singing was nice and Lauren had a nice moment on stage when she might have announced she was intersex. But as an overall episode? Meh. So, so obvious from the moment he showed up that Oliver was going to win. The actor playing Liam used to be so much more charismatic. I don't know if it's him or this part but he's so bland.
  11. What? Someone please figure out when these are airing. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178134/lincoln-centers-2015-american-songbook-series-will-feature-cheyenne-jackson-billy-porter-allison-williams-more/ Tickets go on sale to the public November 17. I'm sure they'll be too expensive for me but I'm eyeing Judy Kuhn and Megan Hilty.
  12. Yay! I'm glad Dina won. She really deserved it after her work all season. I think it was between Drew and Dina. Dina clearly did a lot of work but I think the aquatic theme was tough and I wasn't totally feeling it. I think Drew's work felt like it could step right onto a set. Given his subtle makeups I think he could easily get work after this. Poor Cig. It was just not going to happen. The light knight was just so odd. So many odd choices. I was getting flashbacks to George's Zeus character and at least on TV it came across as a bright red face and bright blue armor. Not good. The dark knight was OK but still kind of underwhelming.
  13. This was an odd challenge to have right before the finale. I was nervous about how things would shake out. I'm glad we shed George before the finale though I think his squid might have been better than Drew's sloth. I think a lot of the burns on the sloth didn't work and he didn't really bulk up the body enough. Dina's was fantastic as usual.
  14. I loved Cig's character. I think this may be my favorite thing that he's done. The fairy character forced him to exercise restraint in a way that he doesn't with some of his other looks which prevents me from liking them. The makeup was still a little stiff and the costume had immovable parts but because he was focused on beauty he kept the face and a good deal of the body free from the kind of mask-like, armor-like makeup that usually turns me off. Dina also did a lovely job. She had a difficult concept working with a realistic flood instead of just doing some floofy thing with water. And she made it beautiful. I wasn't as in love with George's look as they were. I think he got the best model and did a decent job. The shoulder was a good idea but when you pull back I don't think it actually works. I didn't hate Drew's look. I wish his original concept with the dress had worked because it would have been gorgeous. I feel like all the finishing touches the judges discussed could be summed up in the fact that he didn't go far enough. Which is the problem with a lot of his makeups. I think he likes to keep things more subtle. Stella's look wasn't awful. But I'm so over the flames.
  15. I can't deal with teams who don't read the clues. Yeah, I don't have a good read on them. I don't think he's the nicest person but so far I don't think he's an awful jerk. Just overly competitive and prone to fall back on trite gym/triathlon/motivational speaking standbys. Everyone can't be Bethany and Adam and Maya and Amy. As far as how they work as a team, he does kind of act like she needs to be taken care of sometimes (e.g. trying to take more rugs from her). On the other hand, she sometimes acts helpless, like just giving up at hanging the rugs at the speed bump even though she seems athletic and I think they're not that different in height. She raced through ripping the hair off the animal skins but she seemed a little clumsy with the bike. I don't think she intentionally knocked Nici's pack over though and she did seem really apologetic. So I don't know right now. Is she competent but suppressed by Jim? Or does he just know her well enough to know what she can and can't do? He seems supportive during tasks when she's on her own but maybe that's just because he knows that negativity won't help. Maybe she only acts helpless because she knows he'll be there to pick up the slack. I don't know. I watch them for less than an hour every week. I'm not a marriage counselor. Agreed. I was going to post something similar. I noticed it even more watching it on the TV this week. I snark but I do feel bad that people are perceived a certain way because of looks that they largely can't control. I see less of a danger of him being like Colin and more of a danger of them ending up like the married doctors on the Afghanimals season. But we're a long ways off from that.
  16. It was cute the first time. Now there are diminishing returns.
  17. This team has such a toxic energy it's hard to root for them. I agree with the strategy to knock out Keith and Whitney. Jim and Misti can't get eliminated because of the stupid Save (that I still think they should have had to give up last week) and I wouldn't want to be on their bad side. I do think those were nice moments for them.
  18. Favorite team right here. I just love the way they run the race. I really hope they don't get struck with race fatigue and have a big fight because it's nice to have someone to root for. Paying attention during the demonstration and practicing the tea pouring? Love them. There have been a few comments here and there. I don't know if the majority of the freak outs are getting edited out or if they're capable of getting out their frustration and then dropping it.
  19. Yeah, I've pretty decided I like Robbie and could do without Brooke. I don't hate them but I wouldn't be despondent if I didn't have to hear her whining anymore.
  20. Yay! I'm glad that they're doing so well. They've been running a good race. They run smart. They don't fight a lot. Though Kym needs to stop begging for food. It's good to see an all female team dominate.
  21. They're not doing great but they're not doing awful. I wish they hadn't snarked on the local food vendors but a lot of teams did that. Kudos to Tim for immediately breaking from the pack and finding the location to drop off the leather. I think he had some trouble getting back though. Tim & Te Jay and Amy & Maya are two teams I want to like but my sense is that they both struggle with navigation. Still, I want them to stay in it. They snap at each other every once in a while but they generally don't fight and I think they're likable.
  22. I didn't hate them or love them. They did mildly annoying things sometimes. I'm not brokenhearted to see them go. You don't gun for a team like Misti and Jim with a Save or Adam and Bethany who could probably have rocked out both tasks (if they had been an option). I think putting their fight aside, Keith and Whitney are the strongest team you can go for. They're middle of the pack in general but capable of wins if the stars align so I think it was good to take them out. I doubt Shelley and Nici were thinking that logically. They were probably just still mad at them.
  23. What happened to them? I can't really tell since they don't get involved in drama so when they're not at the front of the pack, I rarely know what's happening with them. I guess they just had some navigation issues. But generally seem to do well at the tasks. They seemed to get through the food cart thing relatively quickly and even though Maya? (God, I'm never going to sort this out) kept having her hat fall off they managed the drumming/tassel task well. They didn't fight with each other. They didn't throw tantrums. I think the issue might have been all her hair plus those headbands. She had a lot more volume under her hat than most of the other racers.
  24. Hey guys, I know I'm getting to this super late. I usually watch online but I had it taped on the DVR and I wanted to catch it on a big screen after some of the gorgeous landscapes captured in previous episodes. Meh. I think I'll just stick to watching online. Anyway, it's hard to complain about one team's behavior because they were all about the same. I think almost every team insulted the local vendors setting up the food carts except maybe the racing girls and the food scientists. Kudos to Whitney through for recognizing that her vendor probably helped them out more because he found her attractive. I don't know how hard to be on Misti and Jim. On the one hand, he wants to be in control of everything like she's incompetent. On the other hand, she's not being very competent and she'll often act helpless or let him carry most of the weight. So... eh. The tannery was a really nice location for the challenge. It was visually interesting and it gave the racers something to do that didn't fit into a traditional mold (e.g. find something, carry heavy things, solve a puzzle). Yay for Tim or Te Jay braking away from the pack to find #79. Boo for all the bunching up and pointless bickering. Misti does not read the clues! Adam and Bethany are so great. I love that they practiced the tea pouring first. Woo for Kym and Alli persevering without any fighting or whining. I'm not broken-hearted that Keith and Whitney are gone. Looks like we'll get interesting challenges next week as well. I'm kind of glad they got the English-speaking countries out of the way first.
  25. Side Show rush policy announced. http://www.theatermania.com/new-york-city-theater/news/side-show-rush-policy_70410.html
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