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Everything posted by KerleyQ

  1. I hope it's out when I go to the grocery store today, because I will absolutely buy that. Maybe I'll frame the cover. The media needs to hold his feet to the fire and follow up with "some citizens in this country don't know where you stand here, and they would like to know. So, please, explain it to them." Make him either try to explain his stance or do so much tap dancing that it's clear to anyone that he doesn't have a stance or ever know enough about the issue to begin to form a stance. His supporters pretend to be all about the military, but when he says stuff like this, they just decide that whoever he's aiming it at is a "cuck" who deserved it for wimping out instead of supporting our country's true messiah. If he says this, they'll tell themselves he doesn't mean all of the soldiers without limbs, he's just not being PC. So it's perfectly fine for him to use the soldier's disability, one he suffered in service for our country, as a means of slamming him. Something, something participation trophies. Oh, God, not that anus pucker. I don't know how his wives have done it. There's not enough cash in the world to make me OK with that anus pucker coming at me. And the word salad serves as evidence that he's not equipped to talk about serious matters. When he gets a question he either can't or doesn't want to answer, the blusters off in the word salad, and he expects everyone to treat it like a serious, intelligent answer. I know I'm not pointing out the word salads to point and laugh at the buffoon (he gives us plenty of other reasons to do that). I'm pointing it out because it puts a fine point on the fact that he's not up to the job, and that his ineptness can be dangerous. Like the current word salad - he is saying, in lieu of an intelligent, reasoned response to the idea of a hostile nation interfering in our system, that we should all just get over it. And he's putting it in word salad form because he can't just come right out and say "hey, fuck it, it helped me win. Why would I want to punish someone who helped me win? Besides, I owe a shit ton of money to his associates, so, he's got me by the short hairs, here."
  2. There's also his habit of distracting himself mid-sentence/thought to wander off to something completely different. It's like one word in what he's in the middle of saying makes him think of something else, and he just wanders in to a completely different conversation. Sometimes he finds his way back to the original idea, sometimes it's gone for good unless someone tries to redirect him to the topic at hand. And then there's his complete lack of impulse control. He reminds me so much of my grandfather in his last 5 or so years. No thought entered his head that didn't spill right out of his mouth. And many of those thoughts were racist, sexist, etc. He treated women horribly (well he did for most of his life, but he reached a different degree when the dementia set in). He was demanding and petulant, and you could not tell him anything - he knew best about everything. My Mom and I have said more than once that Grandpa would have loved Trump. And that is not a compliment to either man.
  3. My brother (a huge Trump fan) has taken to texting with the same use of one word interjections as some bizarre form of punctuation, too. He'll end texts with "Sad." "Terrible." or "Wrong." I've pointed it out to him a few times, saying that it's hard to take him seriously when he does it, but it continues on. I just went through my mental Rolodex, trying to figure out if I know anyone who I can hit up to get me one, and, sadly, I do not. I'm going to have to hit eBay every now and then and see if any are out there.
  4. In that town, RSVPing no to any gathering is the smart call. When you know the chances are better than 50/50 that something will go down whenever more than a handful of PC residents gather to celebrate anything, why risk the gunshot/stabbing/poisoning/listening to Sonny rant about the unfairness of suffering for his shitty life choices/getting too close to Franco's shitastic hair/etc?
  5. These two disappoint me. I would have thought for sure that, whenever they did break up, it would be a huge messy do, complete with angry passive aggressive social media posts. Just quietly going their separate ways? And we're not even getting the over the top wedding? Boo!!!
  6. This one cracks me up because I can just picture the CIA cracking in the face of the hard hitting journalistic efforts of some enterprising Infowars "reporter." Yes, the CIA, the agency that is staffed with people who can calmly, believably lie under the most stressful of conditions cracked and spilled their shameful secrets to Alex Jones and company. Sounds legit. I have an uncle who has posted this one a dozen or so times. I laugh at it every time. The editing job alone is hilariously bad. Whoever originated it decided to flip the original image (no doubt in a misguided attempt to prevent people from finding the original in a Google image search). I forget what the bins were originally labelled, but they did a real shit job of blacking that out (it looks like they used the tech version of a black magic marker, hastily swiping over the label), to the point where you can't not see the editing. And then, they typed in the label to indicate that they were ballot boxes. Because, you know, if you're going to store illegal ballots, you're going to keep them in black Rubbermaid bins that are labeled with exactly what they are, and then just toss them in poorly secured storage somewhere. Oh, and that label? Because of the angle of the picture related to the bins, the bins are at an angle from the screen, but the labels they typed on them? Those are aligned straight on the screen, since the editing genius doing this literally just typed them on instead of doing anything more sophisticated to make the labels line up with the bins. I'd say that, if you're going to go to the trouble of putting together some fake news, you should maybe invest in a better editing program than MS Paint, but, well, people ate it up, so I guess there's no need to put in the effort. That anyone looked at that picture for a fraction of a second and totally bought it as legit is a testament to exactly how much they wanted to believe the fake news. Much like with Trump and the bald faced lies he continues to tell his supporters, I wonder if people who read these fake news sites realize exactly how little respect the people who put these lies out have for their intelligence. That they slapped together that shitty editing job and put it out there shows that they have little concern that their audience might be smart enough to figure out it's total bullshit.
  7. Is it mean to hope he doesn't even get a nom, just for the hilarity of watching him melt down over that? And that picture... That absolutely looks like a Grindr profile. I laughed at the line where, after he talks about how he met his fiance there and made so many good friends there, he says "that's all just memories left behind." Umm... So, like you left those memories in your dressing room? What? Honestly, if I was a casting agent, and I read that interview, I don't know that I'd be all that interested in hiring him. (Not that I think casting people for prime time and movies are scouring soap mags for interviews). When I read him saying that he would have felt his work at GH wasn't done if he didn't win an Emmy, I'd be thinking that he's basically saying that the work itself isn't important, all that's important is the recognition of winning an award.
  8. Weird. Maybe all of the posts saying the bolded above were removed before I got here? Yeah, that must be it. Because, well, all I see are people explaining, calmly, without calling you a single name, that the difference is between a statement put out by the RNC co-chairs (one of whom will be on Trump's staff) about their party's incoming POTUS vs. a headline not written by the current POTUS's party or staff. And, nope, not a single use of the term "cuckservative." I can't speak for all liberals, of course, but from my experience, most of us tend to think that whole "cuck" thing the Trump cult has glommed onto is rather lame, not something we tend to use ourselves. Also, the current President didn't throw Israel under the bus, he disagrees with Netanyahu, which is perfectly reasonable. It certainly doesn't make him an anti-Semite, especially since his disagreement with him is not because he's Jewish, but, rather, because Netanyahu has a tendency to act like a bit of a power hungry ass at times. I mean, if his being at odds with Netanyahu makes President Obama an anti-Semite, then Netanyahu's open antagonism towards President Obama over the past eight years makes him racist, right? No. It means they're two men who have differing views on various global political issues. Kind of funny to jump to accusing him of being an anti-Semite for disagreeing with Netanyahu right after bemoaning that you were (imaginarily) called racistsexisthomophobic for disagreeing here. Not to mention - the generous tax break they're getting to keep just about half of those jobs here is being used to invest in automation, so they can get rid of some more of those jobs that Trump did manage to "save." And, of course, he set a precedent (or, to put it a way he'll understand, he set a president) - threaten to move jobs out of the country, and he'll throw taxpayer money at you to keep some of those jobs, let you still move some out of the country, and won't say a peep about your open plans to use the tax savings to invest in methods to eliminate more jobs. Good looking out for the blue collar workers, there, Cheetos.
  9. "He didn't mean for me! He meant all those lazy freeloaders!"
  10. Definitely somewhat sarcastic, but I'd be willing to be that there is going to be, at some point, some softening of Sam's hatred towards him. The way they insist on writing scenes for them leads me to believe that they are intent on heading in that direction. I don't think they'll make them BFF's, but it will get to a point where she forgives him and is fine spending time around him. That's the whole reason they wrote this Tom thing - as a way for Franco to face up to his own past crimes and understand the depth of the pain he's caused. The best outcome would be for him to just accept that there's no reason for her to ever be OK with him, but this show doesn't do "best outcome," so I'm sure that's not where it's headed. I do agree on Carly, though. No way she is ever OK with his existing. And that's good. It's much more in character than her almost marrying the guy.
  11. Exactly. Sure, he'd be "proving" something about Quinn to Eric, but what would he be proving to his father about himself? "I'll sleep with your wife and cheat on your closest friend to get my way"?
  12. I still think that it's going to end up being that he raped some other woman after his release. The killer will turn out to either be that woman or someone like her husband or father. It serves two of the show's purposes - they don't have to deal with the fallout of any long term character having killed the guy, and, in their minds, it retroactively justifies Franco's behavior towards him. "See! He was an irredeemable sexual predator. Franco was right! And we were all so mean to suspect that he killed that lowlife rapist! We're so sorry, Franco!!" Commence ticker tape parade and everyone from Carly to Sam stopping by Liz and Franco's romantic dinner at the Metro Court to genuflect and express their respect.
  13. I guess it's better than my suspicions that they'd have Sam team up with him to prove his innocence. But, yeah...
  14. I agree. I think they didn't want him to look at and mimic SBu's performance as Jason. They want him to be an entirely different character. The unfortunate part is that they haven't done enough with the writing to display that he's an entirely different character, so it just comes across as shitty choices on BM's part. I've said this countless times about this character since he got (some/all of??) his memories back - you can't have a character go through significant personality changes without having anyone else on canvas mention it. This Jason is a completely different person than the one Sam fell in love with. That should be an issue on some level. There should have been some getting to know each other, some conflict in things not being how they were before. I'm not talking like screaming and throwing bar ware levels of conflict, but there should have been some "do I still feel the same about this new Jason?" and "does she like me as I am now, or is she waiting for the old Jason to resurface?" from the two of them. This is where the fact that she has a friend, a mother, and two sisters on canvas comes into play. And it's where him having Carly (gag), Sonny (gag), and Michael on canvas comes into play. Hell, it could even a part of "new" Jason that he confides in his mother about it. And then we get the conflict of Monica wanting this "new" Jason to remain in play while still trying to advise him best about his relationship with Sam.
  15. Seriously, can anyone imagine their spouse/significant other storming into their place of employment to try to boss people around like that? Eggo continues to show absolutely no respect towards the current "love of his life."
  16. Forget raising him, I think they can barely remember his name at this point.
  17. During the questioning, I kept hoping DZ would say "hey, listen, we've all made disastrous growing our hair out choices, so I get it, but here's my barber's number. Get on that, will you?"
  18. It would not shock me, at this point, if they end up having her investigate to clear Franco's name in Tom's death. That is exactly the kind of shit this show would do.
  19. I like that Wyatt refuses to let Steffy get away with her Waffles-style "it's Quinn's fault we got married" bullshit. Because that is straight out of the Waffles playbook - trying to re-frame your own decisions as something that happened to you. You decided to marry Wyatt, Steffy. Quinn didn't force you. Regardless of what you did or did not know about your Eggo, you made the decision to marry Wyatt, to stand in front of your family and pledge your life to him, to get a tattoo wedding ring because you wanted it to last forever. Those were all decisions you made. Regardless of whether you believed Waffles was done with you for good or not, if you were still that in love with him, then you should not have married anyone else. That you did speaks only to your behavior and motivations, not anyone else's. It's certainly not Quinn's fault that you couldn't stand on your own two feet without a man at your side for five minutes.
  20. Plus, by BA's own admission, he laid this on them extremely last minute. He told them on Friday that he wouldn't be able to show up for the Monday taping he'd already agreed to do. I'd imagine that, at that point, juggling the shooting schedule would possibly come with increased costs and/or increased difficulties for the rest of the cast (as they'd either have to go dark for the taping times or other cast members who weren't scheduled to tape that day would have to be pulled in to tape something they were scheduled to tape later in the week). If he already had Homeland booked when they originally approached him about this stint, they would have been in a better position to accommodate his schedule.
  21. I agree. We've never had a child of a POTUS who was an active part of his administration. She's essentially being put forth as the de facto FLOTUS. Not to mention that most First Kids have been school age when their fathers took office, so there's been the added caveat that you should not trash kids. Ivanka is an adult, married, a mother, and a business owner. She's not a school girl. She is not only acting as his advocate and part of his administration, but she is also utilizing his upcoming Presidency to enhance her business interests. She's fair game. Barron? Off limits. I feel Tiffany is off limits, as well, even though she is over 18, because she has contained her participation in his campaign and administration to the kind of roles previous children of candidates have maintained - she appeared with him at big events and spoke for him at the RNC, but she hasn't been actively involved in his transition and isn't taking on a visibly active public presence centered on his campaign or upcoming Presidency. But Ivanka and her brothers are grown ass adults and business owners who have inserted themselves into his transition team and administration to varying degrees. Eric and Junior actively attack Trump detractors on Twitter, in addition to the whole "profiting off the Presidency" angle. His three oldest children have made themselves fair game through their own choices and behavior. If Hillary had won and Chelsea and her husband were even half as involved in the transition as Ivanka, Jared, Eric, and Don Jr have been, I can't even imagine the level of vitriol that would be lobbed her way. Someone sitting in his seat on the plane badmouthing Trump is child's play compared to what would be thrown at Chelsea. Hell, what happened on that plane was a love letter compared to how the right has treated the Obama girls over the past 8 years.
  22. Catholic leftist here, sorry to blow apart anyone's preconceived boxes. Heaven knows all of us lefties are supposed to be Godless heathens and all. Reince was pretty clearly trying to draw some parallel lines between the birth of Christ (which, as noted, by those before me, is not actually 12/25) and the rise of Trump as our new leader (King). He would not, by any means, have posted this exact same sentiment if Hillary had won and we were in the countdown to her inauguration. Whether he was literally intending to say "Trump equals Jesus" is debatable, but it's beyond clear that he was trying to paint a picture of Trump's ascension to the Oval Office as this spiritual rebirth of the nation - that we're all supposed to feel hope and joy because the "dark" days of President Obama as POTUS are coming to an end and our new savior is coming to Make America Great Again. Reince absolutely believes we've all been "saved" by Trump's election. That is what he was referencing in that statement.
  23. I can't. I just can't. Reince compares Trump to Jesus.  Seriously.
  24. It honestly would not surprise me if his camp staged something like this. With all the incidents of his followers harassing others that have occurred since the election, I could see them wanting a high profile "see, the other side is doing this stuff!" incident. I'm not saying it's impossible that someone felt the need to take that opportunity to express their disgust, but it's also possible that his camp thought this would be a good incident to sway public opinion - the mother trying to take a family vacation gets verbally harassed on an airplane (and she's in coach, just like us!), exposing her young children to the hatred.
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