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Everything posted by After7Only

  1. Agree. It's also telling she said on the Afterparty that she wasn't willing to teach (if he wasn't good in the bedroom). That let me know she has some maturing to do. She may expect a man to know her every need and want, instead of taking the responsibility to communicate. It's possibly why her ex's marry other people after dating her. She picks good guys, but they end up with women more willing to communicate and compromise.
  2. It's Harvard. Likely 80% of the student body has rich parents. So yes, he probably would have. He was a kid from a good private school, likely had good grades and high test scores, was a student athlete, and had plenty of extra-curricular activities. I doubt his "celebrity" parent had little to do with it. If celebrity parents were the ticket then Laurie Laughlin and Felicity Huffman would not have gone to jail for what they did to get their kids into "good" universities. .
  3. Today she said "other than being 3rd in line, it's not a very powerful position". She does somewhat gets the importance of the position. I think she's questioning why McCarthy is fighting so hard for the position by agreeing to dilute a lot of its power.
  4. Not to mention that she didn't tell RA that the birth father knew about Blue and was reaching out to her. RA had to find out when he showed up during a storm. That alone negated her whole speech. You will not be alone on that one. We didn't really need to go through her entire love life history this season just for her to end up with the cop. I was hoping we were going to end with her just choosing to keep her drama to herself and be happily single.
  5. Most insurance covers individual therapy. But even with insurance there are still plenty of barriers. A lot aren't taking new patients (increased demand with the pandemic). A lot of people can't afford the copays for regular visits, can't afford to take off work to attend (or can't find a therapist who has evening/weekend availability). And as Alyssa pointed out, all therapists are not created equal, You have to find the right fit.
  6. I saw Whoopi on someone else's talk show (maybe Sherri or Drew Barrymore?) hawking the sweaters a few weeks back. Maybe ABC put her foot down on self promotion on the show?
  7. I think most realize that. She pled guilty so what she did is not in dispute. The ladies discussed previously that the the punishment was not fitting of the crime at all and cited examples of other Americans caught with more drugs on them were given a couple of months sentence. She was clearly there for political purposes that had little to do with the crime she committed which is why there was such an uproar to get her released. I think it's interesting that Whelan is not held to the same level of scrutiny on what he was doing in Russia and the specifics of whatever it was that landed him in jail there.
  8. I think it's a bit of both. But I suspect there will still be a skew towards country even once Blake leaves. We see similar voting patterns on American Idol where the bland country singer or cute white guy with a guitar makes it much farther than singers with more range and ability (who are also often minority or LGBTQ).
  9. Add me to the list of people who hasn't seen any of those either. I've seen plenty of movies and shows that other people probably haven't seen. In my circles it would be just as weird to say you haven't seen the Best Man Holiday or Living Single as it is for some to hear Sunny hasn't watched Love Actually or the Office. Or why some people don't understand why multiple guests on the View gush about Whoopi and her contributions to the world of entertainment. We all have our bubbles that influence what media we consume.
  10. I think that was the direction they were going. Sunny said the legal argument for the State is that the web designer would be discriminating against a person in a protected class. Then when they started talking about what if someone wanted a cake with a swastika, Sunny argued that legally they would have to make the cake for the same reason. But that didn't make sense to me as a swastika is not associated with any protected class. The definitely did.
  11. No. It was clearly directed at Ana. I'm wondering if Alyssa feels the same towards Sunny. I so wished Sunny had been there to see how it would have played out. Is Ana particularly warm towards anyone though?...LOL. She cracks jokes, but she's always direct and open about her opinions towards everyone. Toxic femininity in my experience more of a younger woman in the workplace thing (under 35). I agree Ana's issues with Alyssa is about her previous job and nothing to do with any sense of competitiveness with her.
  12. This movie was already completed before "the slap" occurred. There are many Black actors who could have done the role, but very few who have the box office draw to get the movie made by a major studio. Without Will the movie likely doesn't get made. Like a lot of America, I was outraged by what Will did. Still don't like it. But for me, I'm good moving forward. It doesn't make sense (to me) to keep beating him up and denying him a career over one very childish act. I think the ladies did a good job of discussing separating the actor from the art, and how it really is a personal thing versus anything Will can do/say going forward.
  13. She did use that an as an example but then said that statement and her beliefs could have been influenced by her Somali immigrant background (which is why I used the word implied). Sunny and Whoopi then argued that Omar's statement was nuanced and that her background as an immigrant provides a different perspective that shouldn't exclude her from being on the foreign relations committee. She is not MTG who believes in space lasers and QAnon.
  14. When Sara implied that Rep. Omar background as a Muslim immigrant made her unfit for her role on the foreign relations committee, loved how Whoopi and Sunny brought up that her immigrant background actually gave her a different perspective (in a positive way) which is why she should remain that committee. Was Joy implying that SWSNBN was the leak, when she said that whoever used to leak stories to the press was no longer there?...LOL
  15. She's been consistent on all the republicans who've written books on the administration. Sunny's argument is that criticizing the previous administration now (for profit) does not negate their complicity with the things that happened. The foot tapping was distracting to me (I noticed it before Sunny mentioned anything). I was surprised by it, because normally someone in his position would have been coached on body language for such a big interview. So while for some it made him look more human, for others, it made him look less trustworthy or less presidential. Loved Ana's 'forget DeSantis and Trump, let me pile on on Kari Lake for a second....' rant...LOL
  16. They showed the guys all nodding when Justin said that. Could be editing, but the message sent was Nate was not a part of the group. Enjoyed the guys group discussion much more than the ladies. The ladies came off a bit sanctimonious. The ladies liked critiquing the other husbands but didn’t really own up to their part in the failed marriages. The guys on the other hand didn’t bash the other wives even when they could have with Morgan and Alexis. The juxtaposition between the 2 groups on discussions of Justin’s crying was also interesting. The ladies did not come off well imho
  17. Dr. Oz was heavily criticized and (maybe even sued) for using his medical title to push supplements on his show that were proven to not be effective. He made a lot of money doing so. I think that's what she was referring to.
  18. Agreed. I'd much rather Kesha hosted the reunion. She already has a relationship with the couples from the Afterparty show. I think that would help make for better interviews as everyone might have been a little more comfortable. The whole having Justin explain why he unfollowed each and every person was overkill. To his credit he did have (somewhat petty) reasons for everyone. But the whole conversation felt very juvenile. And for Nate to bring the topic back up after Justin left and came back and everyone else had moved on made him look about as petty as Justin.
  19. Sarah must have gotten a talking to from production because she's definitely leaning into having contrary opinions. While I don't necessarily agree with all her opinions, I do like that she's standing up for herself more and not letting others over talk her. Both Angela Bassett and Cheech Marin were fantastic interviews.
  20. I took Whoopi's point as Madonna's look/persona was directly influenced by what Grace Jones was doing in the 70s/80s/90s. Grace merged pop music with sexy gender fluid visuals and art before Madonna (like Whoopi said, look up her images.) Madonna was implying that Cardi B, et al had careers because of her. And Whoopi was reminding the audience that Madonna was not the originator or the only source. But I don't think they are doing AFG any favors with the topics they choose to discuss. I don't feel like we know her any better now than I did when she was auditioning. These topics they are selecting are pretty boring and repetitive. They can throw in a few more non-political news stories and for the love of god, stay off of reddit.
  21. They ladies mentioned the reception he got at Mets game, so I doubt he was surprised by the reception he got. But yall right, I have no clue what his book was about. He tried to answer someone's question with he's explained it in the book. But good authors know how to tease enough to convince a few to actually read it. He just used "It's in the book" to deflect from answering the question on air
  22. They are another couple that would benefit from a therapist's intervention in their fight. Nate told her up front that he doesn't fall in love quickly and it was going to be a process for him. And they talked about what that process might be like for them, what they need from each other emotionally, etc.. Nate feels he's been true to what they discussed at that time and wants credit for that. Stacia wants in 8 weeks a declaration of love. Anything other than that she's interpreting as him going through the motions. Stacia is fairly emotionally mature, so I don't understand why after hearing the story of his mother, childhood and past relationships, that she doesn't get that that Nate saying and meaning "I love you" after 8 weeks is not likely. I don't find it odd at all that they would listen to people who genuinely know and love them over someone they just met 8 weeks ago (even if it's their wives). For both of these guys it's going to take time for them to truly trust their new wives. I just wished they had these conversations earlier.
  23. Ron Isley looks fantastic for 81... and I'm amazed his voice is still as good as it is. Oh April threw Alyssa a couple of looks that conveyed that same sentiment....LOL
  24. Good ones. It also reminded me of the Amber Says What bits on late night with Seth Myers. The joke never gets old for me
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