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  1. I figured he just assumed that was the case since his grandmother told him that and he had trouble the next time or two. But we know with Kat and Alice that the pond won't always take them, so Colton might not have realized that it was temporary.
  2. Same. I mostly hated how awful the lead actress was being at the start. But once they stopped that, the rest of the movie did grow on me. Definitely middling.
  3. The only movie I can think of is a new one, A Carol for Two. It takes place in NYC, and for once, they are realistic about what non-rich people can afford there. Though because it's NYC, it isn't like a normal, suburban neighborhood with regular-sized homes. I think that's what you're referencing.
  4. I have Sling as an alternate to cable so I could keep some of the channels I still want access to at a more affordable rate. It's not quite the same, but it's good enough for me based on what I'm saving. I made sure to include Hallmark and have all 3 channels.
  5. I enjoyed it a lot. Sad that it doesn't seem many are watching.
  6. No comments on Frank being played by Josh Hartnett?
  7. Hello people. I am here to apologize. Now that I have found this show and enjoyed it, that means it will likely not be renewed. Sorry in advance. 😉 (Just in case it confuses anyone - I have not read anything saying whether or not it was renewed. I am just referencing my own luck with shows and suggesting that I am a jinx.)
  8. I guess it could be different in different states, but in Virginia, CPS leaves "educational neglect" to the schools to deal with. I've had some pretty crazy cases related to kids never having been in school and they wouldn't take them. We do have more protocols in place to attempt to intervene and more supports (social worker, attendance teams, central office attendance officers) before going to court, and I think it rarely goes to court. And 10 absences is NOTHING compared to some students. If kids were retained for that, it'd be a huge percentage of our population, unfortunately. Usually attendance issues in elementary school are parent-related and in high school are more student-related. You do occasionally have cases like this where the parent/guardian just listens to the child and doesn't understand the ramifications of missing school.
  9. I miss the fun, light detective shows like the ones that used to be on USA Network (including Psych). I've had to get my fix from shows overseas. Sydney Poitier Heartsong actually had a short stint on an old favorite of mine, Veronica Mars. But it's nice seeing her have a bigger role on this show.
  10. Based on the cars out front (mostly the more modern Volvo SUV), I'm assuming it was the 2024 Landry house, yes. And the kid coming out of the house was young Jacob. Adult Jacob was seeing a memory of himself coming out of the house when he was younger with his baseball glove and ball, happy.
  11. Did you think the episode ended when Jacob came out of the pond in the current time? If so, you stopped watching too early. There was a little more. After reading a new interview just now with the writers, where they insist that they stick to the rules that they created, I think that scene with child Colton in the past (it looked like the past) must have been a similar situation as Jacob where he was from a more recent present and accidentally went to the past as a child. But like @DMK, why didn't he think of the possibility that Jacob might have disappeared through the pond into the past?
  12. Do we know if they have a health room aide at least? I work in a large school district that is considered to have a lot of resources. But the school nurses come from the county health department and are assigned to a million schools and aren't in one building full time, so these health room aides are there.
  13. I took Kat finding the clothing to be confirmation that her Jacob really did end up there, in that time. Not as something to be alarmed by. Though I assumed Jacob was the one who buried his clothes to hide his secret, and considering how young he was originally, it would explain why they weren't buried well and deeper. However, that should also mean that the clothing should have been discovered way before now considering the farming they do every year.
  14. An IEP (special education) is for students with disabilities who require specialized instruction of some sort. The criteria for having a disability related to special education is generally more stringent than it is for a 504. A 504 is meant to level the "playing field" or helping students to access their instruction by providing accommodations to individuals with disabilities/impairments. Usually, direct services have only been part of special education and not a 504. However, schools seem to be moving to allowing them on 504s, likely due to parent pressure (through legal means or otherwise). Students with the same disability might show varying levels of need, so one may need special education while another student only needs a 504. IEPs usually also include accommodations. 504s generally do not include specialized instruction, otherwise you probably should consider the student for special education. Ex. of accommodation related to a situation like the student on the show - providing videos with closed captioning or other technology, giving written directions, etc. Ex. of specialized instruction - instruction in how to communicate using ASL
  15. I hold my belly when I have menstrual cramps. 🤣
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