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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. I know, right? And Dorinda said something about how her life was once grand, but it's not anymore. I thought wow, if Dorinda's life isn't grand, then what is mine?
  2. I thought Jon looked odd in that tan turtleneck. His muscles are very round. Reminded me of a Hulk Halloween costume or something.
  3. I think it's worth a watch--for the food and architecture alone. The cast knows one another outside of the show, and they seem to have jobs. Both are pluses in my book. The one factor against: Reagan's voice. It is very, very bad. One of the worst that I've heard. I'm not sure I can take the screechy nasality of it.
  4. Oh, yeah. You reminded me: I don't think anyone has mentioned the foxy getup that Sonja's assistant had on. "All right, Mr. DeMille. I'm ready for my closeup."
  5. I'm surprised that Ramona has interacted with anyone without being condescending, manipulative, or mean. Give her 10 minutes, and she's usually able to accomplish all three.
  6. The way Ramona said, "My car is sexy. I think I'm sexy. My car is powerful. I think I'm powerful. ..." Reminded me of "When I was in band camp..."
  7. Hey, if you had spelled out "please," I'd be right there. But because you spelled it "pls," no way!
  8. I'm surprised that people aren't taking sides. When one side poisons 700 people and tries to kill someone, I tend not to take their side.
  9. I keep looking at Henry Winkler, thinking, this is the guy I had a crush on when I was 11?!
  10. I didn't know who she was, either, auntjess. And I haven't missed a show that I know of. And I read these boards like they're the Bible.
  11. Tornado today in Greensboro. I think there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm not coming up with one...
  12. The fact that you can string three sentences together makes you more accomplished than Jax, and he is 11 years older than you!
  13. Oh, Scoobie. I'm sooo jealous! I would love to have seen Lu and Tom in their natural habitat!
  14. Wait! You mean she doesn't know that her ex-husband's middle initial is A, or she's purposely misleading us into thinking her husband was JPM?
  15. Hmmm. I don't think Porsha would know the word "septic," and I doubt she would understand the phrase "evocative language." Could it have been Phaedra?
  16. Gawd. I wish I could wear a huge tent and have people kissing my (much smaller) ass! "That dress is everything!" Really? I mean, really? C'mon, people!
  17. I really don't like when Erika talks about what it takes to be an artist. I'd much rather hear that from, you know, a real artist. Her "artistry" is limited to average singing, average dancing, and above average attention to a look. Don't bore me.
  18. "You're an attention seeker!" Says the man dressed in a hot pink shorts suit with matching hot pink tie.
  19. It just occurred to me that Whitney eating a half-gallon of ice cream--or was it a gallon?--in the parking lot means that she knew she was going to eat the whole thing. Right? Because ice cream melts pretty quickly. So she must have known she would work her way through the whole container as it melted. I can eat a pint and consider myself an ice cream pro, unfortunately. But a half-gallon? Even a pint is way beyond what a person should eat in one sitting.
  20. Oh! So that's what happened. Thank you. I was lost.
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