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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. I think Peggy uses those fat lips as visual punctuation. She says something, then she purses her fat lips, in varying horrible shades of orange, red, and pink. Stop it, Peggy! She looks like a cartoon. Watch: Peggy goes "Blah, blah, blah," then she purses those fat lips. She also likes to play tough gal. She does this by quickly jerking her head. Ah, Peggy. Can't stand ya! A mob wife wannabe, or what?
  2. What this show is missing is a character who is flawed, like all of us, but whom we still root for. Otherwise, why watch? Sam has to having something redeemable about her for us to want to watch her life. I'm having the same problem with other current shows. Give us someone to care about, or we won't care. It's pretty simple!
  3. He seems like a nice, successful, good-looking guy. My questions is what does he see in Brielle? But I guess you just answered my question, chenoa333. They really enjoyed Giulio (spelling?). My guess is that they paid and tipped well, and I think he enjoyed them, too. I was relieved to see that after the first two episodes in Italy. The twins are super cute with their Spanish. Anyone know who is teaching them? I don't think it's Senora Bloom... Many of us were probably thinking, if only I could trade places with Kim on the gondola, or anywhere in Florence or Venice. I would have enjoyed it SO much more. And, of course, I would have read about the history and all of the sights beforehand, brushed up on Italian, learned about their customs, etc.
  4. Perhaps she's a hologram? Even when Jeff said she's so ugly they keep her in the office, and don't allow her out, when they were at LeeAnn Black's house, Cat said nothing. I thought it was odd. No comeback?
  5. I was going to ask about Dolores: Has she "grown"? I remember her being shapely but smaller. Or am I imagining it? I mean, she looks 30 pounds heavier to me. And, sadly, I know what 30 pounds heavier looks like ((hangs head in shame)). Wait! There was a huge POSTER of Siggy in her Boca house? I must have been distracted by the sit-commy various poses of Our Wacky Siggy! in the entry way. That s*it was priceless. I mean, did her husband agree with that hilarious mess? It could only be a joke. Right? Right?
  6. I totally agree. I feel like he's holding the fact that he drained his 401k over all of OUR heads, and we are just poor, hapless viewers!
  7. I had the same thought. Eddie was not and is not a lawyer, and I find it hard to believe he was making that kind of coin. No way, no how. But nice try. Maybe he convinced Tamra of that, but methinks his tax returns tell a different story...
  8. Well, she has had sex. She just hasn't had intercourse. I was surprised that she is talking about her virginity the way she does, when in reality, she's a certain kind of a virgin, I guess. She has done everything but. In my mind, that's not so much a virgin. There are all kinds of sex besides the old in and out.
  9. I noticed the same thing. And it seemed like more than just weight gain, which I think happened along with whatever else is going on there.
  10. Yeah, they can't find afford someone sexy enough for them in the U.S., so they have to take their wallets overseas, where the U.S. dollar goes further. I know it sounds crass, but they can't find love in the U.S. because they're losers. So they make it sound as though we women are the losers, and we're too career oriented or too independent or whatever.
  11. Not that I've seen, but I missed the first season. Both older girls are either on the verge of tears or on the verge of outrage. I liked the dad. He seemed like a "good" ex if there ever was one. And I loved her slamming the door on him. No need to bore me with the details of your life anymore once you're divorced. The middle girl really looks like the dad, who was engaged to Delia (and maybe even married her) on Girlfriend's Guide. (Hangs head in shame for watching too much TV.)
  12. Thanks, Alonzo. This says it all! Here's my kitchen! I don't cook! Here are all of my horses! I've never touched one! Oh, and I almost forgot: The No. 1 Fuc*ers signs everywhere.
  13. I think the weird look of Dolores' ex is the result of long-term steroids use. That's how you wind up with that oddly shaped face. Not attractive. And she did say that he moved back in because he and his girlfriend (!) have a hamster-wheel relationship. The issues never get resolved. So how is that old Dolores' problem? My guess is he's supporting the family, and she really doesn't have a say in it. It's his way or the highway. So much for being a woman (and hearing her roar). Keep telling yourself that, sweetie.
  14. I'm with you! My sister got pulled over for an expired car registration, and her excuse was, "Oh, it's my husband's job to get it renewed. I'm so mad at him!" And she was seriously upset that she got a ticket anyway. Your car, lady, your responsibility. But see, that's what happens when the wimmin' folk stay at home to do the cookin', the cleanin' and raisin' the children and sech. Bleeeeeeech! They make me sick. And papa? No one has ever loved anyone as much as I love my wife! Drama queen much? Self-involved much? Egotistical much? Sheesh, people. And all of these lovely children are being raised in this family, feeling that they are so blessed. When the cold air of real life hits them, they'll be getting chilly but won't know to throw on a coat. I love the bolded! I have always heard about Michigan's mitten and thumb, but never the ligament!
  15. Nah, they do. I know a "real chef" who has one and uses it--and he of course also has his own super-sharp knife set. Real chefs use the tools that work, and that includes knives and mandolines. I think my chef uses the mandoline only for certain things--like waffle-cut veggies--but they do come in handy, and I have seen Matt's so-called skillz--not good! Also, mandolines come with safety guards, which would be helpful for drunk chefs like Matt!
  16. This could be my all-time favorite post--ever! And I have been reading these forums often and for a long time. You win.
  17. I think Jen thinks that having a skinny body + having long blonde hair = hotness. No ma'am. Not even close. She is a whiny little thing, entitled and lazy and whiny. The hair delay was pure idocy--and then she had to have Bri check her for any hair that wasn't graced by the curling iron. Grrrrrl! No! Get it together, swing that sad shit up into a bunny-bun-bun, like the rest of us grownup longhaired gals do, and proceed with your day, which you are being paid very well for! Any chef worth his or her weight has a mandoline, which peels, juliennes, and makes fancy shapes--especially with carrots, like waffle fry looking shapes. They're cheap and fold flat, so are storable. But that dude has Jim Beam on the brain, I guess.
  18. "Bosun" is what happens when you say "boatswain" three times fast. It's just the standard pronunciation by now.
  19. Many long-term marriages are absolutely miserable. And I don't understand it. The spouses, one of them or both of them, can't afford to start fresh. Or they don't like change, or they fear it. You have to be brave to start fresh. I have a few siblings who have stayed in bad marriages because it beats the hell out of a full-time job for not great wages--or so they think. I fully disagree. I think Shannon is making a big mistake staying in it with awful David. Yeah, he's in shape, but he's also a giant d*** to her. She could be having the time of her life. She can afford it! And she would show her daughters that they can make it on their own and do not have to rely on a man for happiness. It's a win-win. And she could get custody of Archie, too! And maybe find a nice man who doesn't mind a little cushion (for the pushin')!
  20. I'm rooting for Shannon, because I'm a premenopausal chubby pain in the ass like her. I find her hilarious at times and exasperating at other times, but I do appreciate her general personality. Now if she could just get rid of the 175 pound sack of shit at the dinner table, she'd feel oodles better. Then she could really enjoy those beautiful daughters of hers. It warmed my heart to see her let Archie shake his wet self out on her, and she was annoyed but not angry. That's a game gal right there.
  21. Yup. Even the surgeon, who might not have realized what a Super-Special Snowflake Family gene pool he was about to put a end to, and not one moment too soon. Thanks, Doc! I'm being picky today, but the wimmin' folk were not wearing crowns. They were wearing tiaras. Again, if you're going to go to the trouble to collect such shit, and then act like idiots by putting them on your dim friggin peanut domes (looking at you, Lydia), at least learn what they're called. Also, tip for Lydia: NEVER wear your hair away from your face. Not even some of it. Didn't your Charlie Chaplin drag queen Christian trauma evening teach you anything about the size of your head? She needs smaller eyes, smaller veneers, or more facial surface area. Something. I'm guessing her hair weighs as much as her Grover arms.
  22. I'm amazed that after having a double masTectomy, neither Diko nor Peggy can pronounce the word. I mean, it seems that if you go to all the trouble to get both breasts removed, and then you go around crowing about it, then you would learn to pronounce the name of the surgery. Also, it's not the "Bar-RAK-a" gene. I know they're trying to pronounce the acronym BRCA, but I have heard no one pronounce it the way they do. They're just so dumb. The kids seem smarter and more real, thank goodness! And the little one, Coco (named after the very smart gorilla of years ago)? I loved his grimaces as Peggy mentioned her disgust some five or six times. Great expressions on that kid's face.
  23. I love how you have planned their escape! It just shows how some of us feel (all of us, maybe?) that this situation is not only unhealthy, but also it seems as though the precious children and children's children and First Lady Putman are downright hostages. It really isn't bringing back the American family, as they say. We are known for fully embracing our freedom and independence. When families live one on top of the other like this, I think of rats in a cage, and it ain't all hugs and I love you in the cages! Also, two bathrooms for all of those people--gross.
  24. I'm dyin' here! This message board is one of the best by far. The show is great entertainment. This board? Almost as good! Thank you!
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