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Everything posted by loki567

  1. I think it's a case that everybody's a threat at this point. Kara and Alison both have friends on the jury (it sounds like even Carl and Kara got close at one point.) Then you have Christian. So I can kind of understand from Mike and Angelina's perspectives why they might want to go to the end of the game with Nick and Davie.
  2. These people are human though. Jealousy does play a factor in everybody's lives so I don't know why that it can't be a factor in reality game shows as well. And it's obviously not just a female issue, BB20 just had an entire alliance die because a male player was jealous of another's male player relationship with his showmance. Honestly, I think we've even seen it this season with Dan's "Why weren't you strategizing with meeee?" to Kara after John's blindside. But Gabby specifically mentioned seeing Christian and his GF together as the reason she wanted to target him. Everyone else seemed shocked when she brought it up. I think you can read between the lines of the situation.
  3. I'm not sure. The Davids seem like a pretty savvy group of players and they all voted Elizabeth out because they knew there was no options. In the event that the Goliaths get the upper hand again and start taking out Davids, I don't think Christian, Gabby, or Davie are the type to hold it against Nick if he does what he has to do to make to the F3.
  4. No way. While female winners typically get under-edited or the season becomes more about how so-and-so lost rather than how the female winner won, the editors will not make their winner look like a joke. Angelina's two big scenes right now are Natalie and the jacket (Natalie? Natalie, please?) and the entire merged tribe laughing at her about how obvious her game was during the first merged Tribal council. I feel pretty certain it's a David, considering how the two tribes are presented. The Davids are definitely getting that plucky underdog role while three of the five Goliaths are severely under-edited. The other two are Angelina and Mike. And Mike doesn't scream winner to me and more as a FTC loser. Assuming the spoilers are true, I'd guess a David, Mike, Angelina F3. The David (my guess would be Nick) slips through and wins due to a David-majority jury.
  5. Are you sure he wasn't jealous of Gabby getting a hug from Christian?
  6. Somebody pointed it over at Survivor Sucks, John's jacket that was used in Davie's "I just took out the mayor of Slamtown!" confessional was seen in Dan's Ponderosa video. That along with the preview clip with the Davids sans Davie having a strategic convo, is leading people into thinking Davie might be the next boot.
  7. After Ghost Island and Laurel's constant refrain of, "Now is not the time to make a move," it was so, so satisfying to watch Nick's shit or get off the pot vote steal against Alison. Especially since you could see her shaken by it, like, "What? You people aren't going to vote for me because I'm constantly lying and giving you false hope every TC?"
  8. Yes! Yes!! This episode and this season shows why Survivor made it to season 37. Because when it's good, there's nothing else on television like it.
  9. Something I haven't see mentioned but I thought was a good topic of conversation is Davie and his HI. Just based off what we're seeing from the edit of the show: 1. Elizabeth was the clear, obvious target to everyone. 2. Half the Davids and Goliath believe David vs. Goliath is still a real thing. 3. Davie and Carl are now being listed as targets. So should Davie have taken the chance and used HI on clear target, Elizabeth? That was it's 6 Davids vs. 6 Goliaths. I know it's difficult to use a HI on someone other than yourself, especially since Davie and Elizabeth seemed to have issues. But from Davie's perspective, it's looking like the Goliath have a firm tribal majority. I think I might have risked it.
  10. For such an obvious boot, I loved the episode. I love when the editors give us an episode where they actually depict what really playing a game of Survivor would look like. You have: An easy target that everybody knows is the easy target. An obvious majority alliance that while being in complete control, can't help but over-complicate things with passive-aggressive sniping. Members of that majority alliance who are doing some gaming on the sly to prepare for the next stage of the game. The minority group who are frustrated by not being in the decision making but have to accept the majority's decision and pray it's not them. Finally, desperate flailing by the eventual bootee. This season has just been so well-edited, with such good development of all the various characters and relationships that it all makes sense.
  11. It's not though. Sounds basically like a brand new show with the Penny Dreadful name. I mean hell, isn't the 1930s past the penny dreadful period? I'll definitely check this out as John Logan's a very solid writer, but I'm just bummed that they didn't move forward with the original show and cast, even without Eva Green. I hope Josh Harnett could be hand-waved into this somehow. And I guess this answers the question about why the original got cancelled in the first place and surprisingly, it's not because of Showtime.
  12. That would have been interesting although it still would have screwed the numbers up when they had to join a tribe. Hell, maybe the plan was a four tribe split with one person on Exile.
  13. I agree. I don't see much potential for her second-time around as a gameplayer. I guess she could play again and I'm fine with that from a character-perspective because you need people who create drama on reality tv. But Alec's vote didn't strike me so much as a well-executed game move and more of a "I hate her so much that I'm willing to risk torpedoing my own game to get rid of her." Which is hilarious considering he was suppose to be "wrapped around her finger," during the brief mention of the showmance alliance on episode one. Somebody with this type of personality doesn't seem capable of changing it in a Survivor context. Dare I say, she even struck me as Abi-Maria-like?
  14. Jesus. Obviously Jeremy's embarrassed about being voted out first but being the first boot of your tribe really isn't that big of a deal. There's been 37 seasons of Survivor, 20 seasons of Big Brother, people get voted out first for all sorts of reasons. You only make yourself look bad when you act like an idiot. Jeremy, you are an idiot. Natalie and Angelina have responded over at Reddit and it sounds like two married people were in an alliance and Jeremy's bitter ass blew up it as something scandalous.
  15. Big disappointment. Basically, there was a good two-night, four hour miniseries here. Eight hours way too much. They spent so much time trying to pad the run time, they lost track of the main story only to do a quick cram for the finale. And yeah, that ending left a bad taste in my mouth. It was very, "Haha! Got you!" like what? We just watched eight hours of slow, sad character study of a incredibly broken family. Why did the writers suddenly decide to get cute about it? You think the audience that stuck around didn't deserve some respect for their patience? Maybe some detail on what these developments meant for Camille, psychologically? Nope? Cute rock song? Okay.
  16. Oh man. I hope it doesn't have to do with Dominic West but I remember thinking last season how strange it was that Noah's French professor hook-up almost became the main female character of the show. Seems like they had to write things around keeping Noah and Alison separate and that makes me nervous about what happened.
  17. When I first heard about this episode, I was expecting to like a lot more than I did. They went all out to replicate a cheesy 80s wrestling show but at the end of it, it was still a cheesy 80s wrestling show. I appreciate the effort and the ambition to do something completely different from what they've done before, but I hoping this is the last "show within a show," episode they do.
  18. But Level 6 doesn't know about the power or that anybody might potentially flip. Why go into a tight vote and piss somebody off who's staying, especially since you're not close to Sam? Unless Angie and Haleigh tell Tyler their hinky vote plan or Sam tells Level 6 about her power, I think Brett and Winston will convince their group to vote Sam out.
  19. Yep. Winston and Brett had a conversation where they said they weren't willing to be on a losing vote to try and save Sam. Winston, in particular, is a fairly close to Steve. Unless something drastic changes today, it's looking like Sam's only shot is her power.
  20. I'm enjoying Nikki's storyline because it's showing a pretty realistic view of the collateral damage of the Cody lifestyle. In fact, I think that's one of the show's greatest strengths. This could easily be The Fast and the Furious: the Tv Show (or Point Break for the older people on the forum), but it never flinches away from the ugly underbelly of a crew of bank robbers. That being said at some point Nikki does have to go. Either by walking away because she realizes how terrible the Codys are or by dying. If she recommits after this and becomes a valuable member to the family, I call bullshit.
  21. An understandable decision. Even though I didn't necessarily hate the last couple of seasons, there was that feeling that the casts were getting increasingly similar and bland. A lot of middle-of-the-road, non-offensive, decent but not great gameplayers. It doesn't feel like we've had good Survivor "characters," in awhile. Ghost Island was a trainwreck.
  22. Misogyny's a pretty big word to throw at somebody. I think Gimple was put in place to make FtWD more like the TWD and decided to center the show around one of his favorite characters in Morgan. That's not pleasant but I wouldn't say it qualifies for misogyny. I also wonder if Kim Dickens voluntarily left the show. I read online that she was close to the former show-runner and it might have been similar situation to Darabont regulars leaving after his exit. Might have been she didn't like being demoted, I don't know.
  23. If nothing else, this whole situation just shows the amazing amount of ego management that goes into making even the most basic television show. Look at this: This for freaking, "hasn't been famous since 2005," Damon Wayans. Jesus, just imagine what happens on The Walking Dead or something.
  24. What the fuck? So this basically assures that Joe reaches the finals.
  25. I could see David doing well. I mean he was only immunity challenge away from winning his season in pretty convincing fashion. But because of the image of him is "neurotic guy," I don't think he has a target on his back the way the others do. Aubrey and Wentworth have the, "good players," tag and if Ciera's any indication, that's a hard rep for female players to shake off.
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