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Everything posted by meisje

  1. Awwww hell no! Really? I thought that had been cancelled right out of the gate; the difference between one of the "major" networks vs. USA's "we can't cancel our own projects quickly enough" bs. I'm pretty sure cable shows and channels built their legs on doing the exact opposite of that! And don't get me started on the versatility, talent and lead power of Eliza versus Kate Walsh... there is no competition. I've caught myself quoting Benched a few times in the past 2 weeks and even I'm surprised that it has made its way into my unconscious! Re: Playing House, I could swear that was cancelled or "not renewed" a few months after it aired even though many seemed upset about Sirens being renewed and PH cancelled. So, I'm guessing it was un-cancelled? Does anyone else remember that announcement?
  2. And here's where I get lost with her story... I don't understand what she's been doing to manage her PCOS for the 9 years since her diagnosis. The narrative of the show is more like that of someone who's just recently been diagnosed, and all of the coming changes she's going to have to make to adjust, but I'm not seeing that at all. I'm with a lot of posters here in that I have PCOS and it took almost 15 years to diagnose and I was one of the very thin women with it and had to strong arm my doctor to even consider it, even though I knew almost nothing about it. I understand the frustration that comes with food and exercise and reproductive health being just so much more difficult with PCOS, but at some point (and a decade is a pretty good length of time), you have to accept that it's already happened and you have it and you have some control over how hard this illness will be on you, even though it sucks and it's unfair. That's enlightening to read because she sounds much more grounded and educated and honest in that piece, way more so than on the show. I never would have known the two were the same person. Ahhh! That is bringing back some rough memories from True Life and Intervention and stored ziploc bags... NOOO!
  3. I know, USA appears to be 60% of the way to cancelling any of their comedies before they even air them. They don't appear to want to be in that market despite their claims that that was their new focus last year. It's become pointless enough to watch a promising show in the first season because the chances of the Nielson dum-dums watching anything without a laugh track are so slim, but usually you get the sense the network and/or studio wants their show to survive, but not USA apparently. Eliza has been all over in the past month, and what a waste of time for her. What on earth is going on with USA? I haven't been following the news except to see that they went from having a sold line-up years ago to apparently only renewing shows co-produced by Dennis Leary. It's interesting that only the male-created/produced/formulated comedy appears to have the power in place to live to see a second season. USA: Women Not So Welcome. This show had great potential and a strong first season, and yet it was just a tiny island in the middle of their sea of mediocre-to-awful programming. USA just can't stop crapping out and they've had years to come up with something or just try standing behind anything good they've actually aired. One and done is right; one last hope for USA minus that reason to watch equals me forgetting USA was a network. Looking back, the turning point was sometime around when they shit all over In Plain Sight and dragged it into obscurity and now it's all they know to do.
  4. That's exactly what I was thinking! What, they were just driving down the highway in the van listening to Tori's rendition of her latest when all of a sudden Tori sees a sign.....it says, "STOP! Only you can save the newborn piglets from the slaughterhouse up ahead. Turn right at the sign and adopt a pig today!" So the van comes to a screeching stop and Tori jumps out of the van, running up the drive in her little ankle boots and her ripped $500 jeans yelling, "I'm here! I'm here to save the pigs--wait for me--oh and by the way little piglet, my husband cheated on me!" I need someone to break down wine country for me, as I've never been there, but I finished the episode fuming about several things... I could certainly see an antique/quaint junk shop being part of the route leaving the winery, but not a slaughterhouse, and certainly not one open to the public (traveling in limos)!? As much as I agree that it was cathartic to finally see her friends speak to their enabling, wouldn't stopping her from buying?grabbing?(whatever) the pig have been the point to step in? I mean, they were already pissed at how long she was taking at the antique shop, so why would they decide to add a slaughterhouse tour? I know it's not supposed to make sense, but it still got my ire up! It was typical play-the-part-of-mother Tori who returned from that trip too, immediately crippling a baby pig/creating a death scene for the kids' brand-new pet, and offering gifts or to withhold them based on whether the kids ate dinner. No meaningful interaction, no eye contact, and certainly no sitting down to "eat" with them, just the presentation of her I'm-such-a-loving-and-thoughtful-mother gifts with strings attached. Which brings me to what I saw in the last moments of the episode, not Tori looking helpless and depressed when Dean got up from the couch and said he had things to do and wouldn't participate in whatever the hell she was bitching about right before the episode ended, but an incensed Tori. That moment actually popped me right out of the show and her usual pity-me rants because it was so crystal clear that Dean had really done it, that he'd gotten too big for his britches by refusing to engage in her manipulation. It was at that moment too that I saw clearly (I have no clue why I was so tuned into this episode!) that her first marriage very likely ended because she was expected to be an adult with another adult who wouldn't live in chaos, blame and narcissism. Whether there was some moment of carnal realization (gag....hack...yech...) with Dean in the beginning is not really the story I see anymore, but that she found someone who she sensed immediately would be her victim (like parisprincess noted) and whom she could control and manipulate and who couldn't outsmart her narcissism. Perhaps she just thought she found another narcissist? Most signs point to that being the case given how little the kids and family really have anything to do with how either of them spends their time or energy or money, but Dean does seem to have been moved to realize 2 complete narcissists will mean the kids don't eat, sleep or go to school. I think you totally nailed it nc socialworker with the her attempt to control everyone with impunity through her illnesses too. She has so little initiative to deal with her actual health problems and clearly won't part with the silicone shrapnel in her chest for any amount of fame or money. I'm so tired of hearing the veiled garbage from Dr. W and her friends about how it's time to really consider taking care of herself because there's a huge piece missing to the whole puzzle. Why is a woman in CA ending up with respiratory illnesses that are even serious enough to get her into the door of an ER over and over again? Are we not seeing that Ms.NoShirtWearing Tori is smoking a good deal of the time? That would at least make some sense. And certainly there is a severe lack of nutrition playing into constant infections as well. Who can be a present mother to 4 kids if they are more satisfied with spending a few months of every year in the hospital or in dark rooms than in doing anything they need to do to function at home most weeks of the year?! And the migraines!!! Dyeing one's hair every two weeks with caustic bleach will trigger unending migraines for severe sufferers, so how is it that she manages to rarely even have a root showing? Ugh, I think I need a Tori Cleanse because of all of her bullshit that is rattling around inside of my brain. I'm off to read Mary Jo's article and I'm really, really glad to hear that she decided to say something after maybe hearing Tori's "translation" of their meeting to Courtney and Dean, which was stupifyingly inaccurate!
  5. That makes me think of all of the flack Emily gave her for not announcing the start of the catering company, and the pursuant comments about how the mail doesn't get lost in this day and age, and the somewhat-lengthy story about the similarly-named company that had been shut down. In line with that, it made sense for Lorelai to invite them, though Richard and Emily had been speaking and acting strangely for weeks and missing questions and details. So, if there were ever a time for Lorelai to get away with not mentioning something, that was it. It seemed pretty clear that she wanted to bring a little misery into their lives given that Rory immediately called her out on being "evil" and there were all of the references to The Bad Seed in the next ep. It was also clear that she was freaked out when she figured out that her mother was not living at home, and she was genuinely shaken up, and that she wanted to hold their feet to the flames hoping/assuming they would come together if for no other reason than to be pissed at her. The Inn/kiss episode is one of my favorite of the the later years since it's action packed and hilarious. Okay, I've been swayed to see Lorelai as a bit less selfish after all of the great comments! Sookie did always stake out her claim on chef-ing (and I will forever love the Chilton scene where Chris says something about Sookie being the second-best chef in the world or something and Sookie can't let it go!) , but I felt even she backed down during the latter months of pregnancy and definitely after having the baby. If not for being a new mom, I can't imagine she would have missed the sink approval -- though why (realistically) someone in the entire crew present at the Inn wasn't given the go ahead to approve it was purely ridiculous. The worst-case scenario there was that something would have been wrong and the sink returned, but at least not sent back to Canada for no reason at all! It makes even less sense that Lorelai would been more adept at sink approval as opposed to Tom, who would have at least known the overall measurements of the sink area and the pipes and everything. Wasn't Tom the Habitat for Humanity coordinator in Hartford too? Interesting thought about Jason being romantically inclined and Lorelai just having fun... I've never really thought of it like that
  6. Argh, this stirred my frustration over the recently re-run The Reigning Lorelai where Emily calls Lorelai while she's having her meeting with Sookie and Michel (apart from the hug issues already already noted). Now, I understand that Sookie is the chef of chefs and I'm absolutely fine with that, but it grinds my gears when they have her function essentially as a microwave or Lorelai's personal chef at any given time. In TRL, Emily says Richard is beside himself, is drinking scotch, won't eat and just keeps talking about turtleneck soup. Lorelai turns to Sookie and asks what this turtle soup could be and Sookie says perhaps it's mock turtle soup and she thinks she has a recipe for it somewhere. Cut to Lorelai saying "So, Mom, Sookie's tracking down the soup. What else can I do?" Now, this is nitpick-y, but what has Lorelai done other than give her busy friend with an infant a job to do for the day? It was the same sort of annoyance I felt when Richard and Emily decide to visit Lorelai's house and she immediately calls Sookie to bring trays of food and appetizers, as though that food took no time to prepare or haul over to L's house (how did Sookie drive all of the food around prior to the minivan?). Why didn't she stop by Weston's for some tea-time goodies and things Emily would have been happy with? She's shown she's familiar with any-and-all to-go food spots from SH to Hartford, and even made a meal at the grocery store with Jason after getting a chuckle at the idea that Jason didn't realize the store was full of prepared food. This brings me back to how annoying the scene is where Lorelai shuts down the date in the new restaurant because she can't stand the private room... and I'm at argh again!
  7. Where has this thread been all of my life?! I love it. I thought I was done with my GG reruns, but ABC Family started running 2 epis per day, and for some reason I was able to delete 1 epi from the DVR, but not 2. I'm more hooked now than ever actually. I got so bothered the last time I started the series again (swore I was out after suffering through S7 again, of course) because of the stupid car accident fiasco. Why, oh why, was Rory not insured to the hilt after all of the time given to Richard raking the car over the coals and being an insurance guy? I realize he didn't appear to offer auto policies, but am I really supposed to believe that he didn't get a friend or someone to offer her excellent coverage?! It was monumentally ridiculous that swerving to miss a raccoon ended in her car being totaled and then Rory having no car, as though she wouldn't have had her handmade car re-built or her (presumably) kick-ass insurance wouldn't have easily covered the damage or, alternately, paid out an amount to replace her car! As discussed so many times in this thread, Emily and Richard were always offering up connections to see that Rory had great references, a great school, a "great" lawyer, etc. No sense I say, no sense at all!! Oh, and another "whaaa?" to the grad episode where Richard requires that Rory insure her new car once she's gotten home, as though he wouldn't have worked out some temporary coverage or had Lorelai add the car to her insurance (since I have to guess Rory cancelled her shitty insurance after it failed to keep her able to drive), since she had okayed the whole car plan ahead of time. There is only gold to mine in the realm of what was done to Luke's character, but the lobster comment was so lazy. I don't recall the quote, but I'm sure that it's at the beginning of season 5 when Luke has gone to Maine to work Liz and TJ's stand, and he makes some comment to L's answering machine or while on the phone with her, about how one benefit of the trip is eating Lobster rolls. I remembered it because we used to go to Maine almost every summer and I was the weirdo who didn't like seafood while everyone else immediately started eating lobster everything as soon as we neared the coast. It's even less believable that Luke, who's lived in Connecticut his entire life and has some sort of love affair with fishing and has/can captain a boat, somehow has avoided shellfish. Luke was never unsophisticated really, and trying to use lobster to tell us that he was blue collar was lazy and super inaccurate since it's the year-round folks in New England who tend to eat a ton of fresh seafood. (*I'm also in on this episode being stricken from the record for what it's worth.) Wow, this feels really good. I no longer have to have to carry my GG annoyances silently: yay!
  8. He'd also just been through the insanity of Joan being kidnapped and nearly killed, as well as finding out his brother had essentially been coerced to join MI6 because of Sherlock's past behavior, as well as then finding his brother (and likely the rest of the trio) were being set up and likely going to be killed by people inside of MI6. If ever there were a time to work from within the agency and get some info on exactly who was up to what, it was pretty much following an invitation to join. Now, Mycroft basically limped away and forced himself into some kind of witness protection thing for life, but I'm not clear as to whether that was more about him trying to keep everyone else safe, or not having the patience to wait for Joan and Sherlock to clear his name. Either way though, it seems like a less-forgivable offense. It was some sort of a boundary violation for Joan to get all up in Mycroft's business from her visit to London and on, but the show did such a poor job of making their connection believable, that the entire story line got bogged down in the ha?whaaa?why? aspect instead of supporting Watson's right to a personal life. In my mind, Sherlock didn't really go off of the rails, but this whole thing reminded of the awful end of the Cuddy/House relationship back in the day: Who knew that an addict, while under times of great stress, might relapse?! Not that all addict behavior is acceptable, but it's rare that someone enters recovery and, ta-da, that's the end. The I-never-liked-you-anyway! and the It's-our-department-now-and-you-can't-play! were stupid reactions and the type of thing you'd expect to see from people either covering their own asses or who think addiction is a choice, and we've been told for 2 years that they are not those kinds of people.
  9. Thank you. You just saved me from a week of "and I know him from where ?!?!?!" brain drain. I'm not convinced of his innocence however, the cute-meet sent up some red flags for me. If someone were being sent into Joan's building/life to infiltrate, it would be under the guise of needing help or finding someone. Another problem with the assassination is that it was said that the bullets were positioned to hit her/them somewhere between the head and the chest, but that is about the most narrow area of the human body to aim at, it really didn't make a lot of sense. Having several bullets all aimed at the approximate height of her head makes far more sense, or all at chest level, especially if you're going to use only 4 bullets. Otherwise, why would reduce your chances further by aiming at neck level essentially? Something was very off about everyone's reaction, and I don't care for whatever it was. The major problem for me is that, in order for their reactions and judgment to be believable, Sherlock would have to be someone who had an intent to cause them suffering or upset -- and that is not the impression last season led me to, nor is it true of the character really. I was, and am, concerned about how Sherlock's leaving affected his sponsee and sponsor. Now that should have been where attention was paid to broken relationships or a failure to meet expectations, not a group of adults who've all taken turns scapegoating Sherlock at some point or another. I'm hopeful that these paint-by-the-number character depictions have more to do with CBS attempting to re-pilot the third season and that it will return to its roots.
  10. Loved EC in Scrubs 2.0 (or whatever it was called...) too. It's kind of funny that it looks like Sirens has been saved, starring Eliza's love interest from Scrubs, Michael Mosley. And then Playing House is getting canned and the wonderful Jessica St. Clair is now on Marry Me. Quite a whirlwind! USA appears to be all over the place with their programming, sigh... I'm kind of surprised, but I find this the most promising of all of the HE's former cast members' new jobs/shows. She has a presence that makes me believe she can carry the weight of a show, only now I'm a tad worried that USA will run a great first season only to dump it unceremoniously. I didn't realize it was released early on demand though I'd been keeping track of its oft-changing premiere date, and I actually forgot Marry Me was on last night other than when I checked the recording list to see if Benched was really airing and then saw Marry Me in the night's line-up. Yikes. Totally agree about the Night Court vibe!
  11. That Jenelle meme tells more about her journey than what the 16&Preg/TM producers have managed in the past 5 years. Please, someone give them a Daytime Emmy or whatever a meme-maker is eligible for! And in the literally immeasurable amount of time that has been devoted to Jenelle's "struggle" to "get custody" and Nathan's pronouncements, I can't recall even once hearing her say, "I love Jace and want him to live with me." I've been listening to her tell anyone within reach of her bed, for years, about how it's time to get him back, and endlessly how she deserves to have him back, and how Barbara has to give him back... and that Nathan wants to discipline him, Nathan wants him there, Nathan doesn't want him with Barbara, etc..... but never a word or facial expression about loving Jace. 5+ years of cameras everywhere at all times, and nothing. He's a possession for the taking and nothing more as far as they are concerned. If they take Jace out of a school he likes, is excelling in socially and which is offering a level of education otherwise totally unavailable where they live, I will start a petition and auto-call CPS. In one of his souped up PowerWheelz Escalades, right? Cos that's what all thugged out kindergarteners drive nowadays. Let's all hope Kail never taxes her brain binge-watching Breaking Bad because she will get so amped up she'll pull a Kool-Aid man and leaves a Kail-sized hole in the side of that lovely Delawarean home!
  12. I really really need the creators of the TM cartoon bits to draw one of a massive red boxing glove and have it smack Drew straight in his willfully-ignorant dope stare, and I need it stat! Before my brain gets totally bogged down in the contemptible aspects of this mess, I want to give a shout-out for my favorite part: Isaac doing his kicks in his sharp red pants and shoes!! He's really hilarious, articulate and even-tempered for a kid his age. I just adore him and I feel terribly that ass-face Jo kicked Vee out because she's got to be missing him and wondering what will happen. Unfortunately, as soon as the new ladies in these guys' lives are on good terms with the ex, the guys generally "need space" about a week later... Sad Panda has made a career of talking up one of his teachers or mentors who is one of foremost experts in psychopathy in the US, so I cannot and I will not with his "I have trouble reading your expressions Jenelle..." straight-up f*ckery! I don't believe she's medicated and I don't think she's mature, she's always had zero affect when the issue being discussed is not her happiness, her desires, praise for her or how the world affects her. The conversation about calling Barbara mom -- because it's only important that Jenelle and Nathan get the result they demand! and the way Panda ran right through Jace's night-time habit of asking Barbara, aka "mom," to stay up and watch tv with him and reassure him about what will happen when she dies instead of going to bed feeling a bit safe like other kids his age, made me want to weep. Fuck you Drew for suggesting his anxieties are due to being away from Jenelle! Where was Chevy Chase to come out and shout "Jane, you ignorant slut!"? Um, I'm concerned about all of Leah's girlses, for realses. They all seem a bit malnourished, strung out and ADD-ish. Of all the kids that I expected would have trouble answering Drew, Ali and Gracie were not the two I expected. And Adeline (or however that crazy hillbilly spells it) looks like she is not with the program at all. I don't think Leah's "one-on-one" concept is working out too well -- but I do love that she was stupid enough to put it out there that she has that alone time with her infant/toddler every other weekend.
  13. From what I understood about what Dr. Tsao's dx, Ali has a fairly-severe form of mitochondrial illness (part of the rare genetic illness she has) which is separate from her muscular dystrophy. Mitochondria are responsible for the function of almost every cell in the body, and since it's responsible for literally being able to create the energy necessary for cells to function, someone with mitochondrial illness is sort of like a car with a gas tank on reserve that cannot be refilled. Dr. Tsao went into it a bit in terms of how it is expected to affect her heart and brain due to inability for the cells to convert food to energy and the lack of oxygen created by the mitochondrial dysfunction. He also explained that, because her condition is so rare, he couldn't give a specific prognosis -- but it's serious for sure. There is no way to fix the mitochondrial problem other than to try to minimize the stress on the body (hence the wheelchair being the non-adjuvant therapy), but if a person with this problem is pushed, the body uses its reserves, kind of like how anorexics can die of heart failure because the heart is one of the largest muscles in the body and the last reserve after starvation that eventually gets used for energy. Hope that makes sense. It's about a balance though and following Ali's wellness in general; they have to attempt to have her stay conditioned as long as possible, but also never push beyond fatigue since Ali's body can't respond to fatigue by building more energy. I don't think Corey gets that aspect of her illness at all and that's why he thinks the wheelchair causes the problem or doesn't need to be used until she can no longer function, and Leah understands the severity more but can't communicate it well. With concern to Leah's parenting, the (baby) elephant in the room was obviously that she had a 3rd child when she was completely struggling with the twins already, and she knew she had a child with health issues. It was hugely irresponsible and clearly some stupid attempt to cement her union with Germy. It's all fine and good to talk about how much the girls love the baby, but Leah bit off more than pretty much any parent could chew, and with a spouse who was never going to be there day-to-day. And now her overwhelm is clear to everyone and she can't really focus on doing just one thing well.
  14. Ah, but if you recall, she went to therapy the one time and declared that there was nothing she didn't know already! I found this charming quote on the subject from dear Chelsea, "I feel like therapy is for some people and it’s not for other people. I have nothing against therapy, but I don’t think that’s something that works for me. I mean, I could be wrong since I only went one time [laughs]. But I have a feeling I would rather have support and talk to my friends and people that know me. I have a hard time opening up to people I don’t really know. And I know that that’s their job but it’s not for me." So basically she doesn't want to change and she doesn't want anything to change with Aubree that would cause things to change with Adumb. Bwah! I'm sure what there is of it is shrinking too since his above-the-waist head seems to have really grown like a ripe pumpkin in the past season or so, it's practically Randilicious now. What a good samaritan Adumb is though for doing his best to share what little he has with the largest possible number of women <heave>.
  15. ITA. Neither girl, despite their advantages, is taking any part of the world by storm (other than Chelsea and the MAC counter and the tanning equipment at work). I don't remember the ins and outs of Maci's family that well, but certainly Chelsea has actually been held back to a degree because Lois and Randy's super-powered enabling. I almost wonder if the other girls (sans Jenelle of course) will end up better off/achieving more once their kids are raised and their their marriages have imploded because they still feel they need to accomplish something? Maci sure talked a good talk about school and doing campus tours and signing up (and then dropping) a bunch of classes; Chelsea never even bothered to keep up appearances. I'm about 99.9% sure that if you just took the Houska family out of the picture, Chelsea would be up there with the most disastrous TMs. What pisses me off the most when Chelsea's viewed as the most functional of the lot is that she is repeatedly allowing Aubree in life-threatening situations even though there is no legal reason why she even has to go through the motions. There is proof and more proof that Adumb is either criminally-negligent, dangerously negligent and absent or missing whenever Aubree is at "his" place. As much as some of the other girls have sucked rocks, the majority have acted on the instinct to get the kid away from someone who's dangerous or potentially deadly. Not Chelsea though, we only hear her talk about it her girly weekends, road trips and whenever she hasn't had Randilicious wrapped around her finger in a few days. She could have gone to court at any time in the past few years to iron out SAFE visitation for her daughter and rectify the bullshit that Adumb's makers don't have to inform her if he's been arrested on her weekends, or for visitation to cease after he's driven Aubree once, or risking her life on a dirt bike with no helmet, etc. She loves to moan to the camera, "OhMyGod, what if Aubree had been in the carrrrrrr!?!?! How many times will they arrest him and do nothinggggggg?!?!?! Aubree came home and said her dad was driving and she's got bleeding scrapes and bruisesssssss!!!!" but she does NOTHING. She refuses to protect her daughter in order to preserve her relationship with Adumb, and she will keep sending Aubree until the day when she doesn't come back because that asshole got behind the wheel with her again. I mean, how many mothers out there with the funds, an abundance of proof, and a "father" with that criminal history would let it slide for 4 years?
  16. And his posture, or rather, how he's always sitting like he owns the place (and Catelynn), whether it's at a reunion special or just the day-to-day filming. At first I thought it might just be about his height (I'm assuming he's tall because Butch was a giant of a doofus), but his years of shit behavior towards animals and Catelynn have led me to read more into it. Word to the many who wish Catelynn would have been set free -- or set herself free -- in order to possibly experience the future and love she was investing in when she chose adoption. I fear she will only grow more complacent with time and I also worry that his unaddressed tendencies will grow much worse after their baby grows out of being a baby. Hopefully they will continue going to therapy to avoid this. I'm going to go ahead and put my money on an MTV twist!! and guess that Brandon and Theresa will end up being their spiritual-child-rearing teachers or something, and possibly godparents...?
  17. Everything was wrong with this "special," everything. What did they do with the old host of these crapfests? But more importantly, why did they leave us with this bumbling hairpiece of a dum-dum?! Everyone here has already said it better, but it is a major red flag when Chelsea looks like the classy version of the look you're intending, and every single one of the TMs could one-up you on the GED English portion. She actually said "guyses," right? I swear that is what she directed at an audience member. this-one-is-mine, yaaaassss! My guess is Farrah committed the reality TV sin of bitching about the crew and producers publicly, while the rest are at least conscious that their tattoos, drugs and cars won't pay for themselves. It would have been great if MTV had actually captured Farrah's mind-melting crap last year about Sophia "having her own life and doing her own thing." It's really no more stupid than every word that comes out of psychobot Jenelle's mouth. Pretty much everyone looked like crap except for Catelynn, which was kind of a surprise actually. Maci looked in need of a nutritionist stat. She's clearly naturally thin, but she looked like she's living off of cigarettes, red bull and nuggets; bitch looked rough, and the extensions aren't helping matters. And the new bf being Corey's cousin?! Yes, and perhaps just a slightly-younger, time-warp Corey. Crazy. And Amber... Amber and Gary someone managed to produce a human child, and that is fascinating to me considering that an overstuffed sofa and a semi-vegetative, 60-yr-old tin of nicotine provided the genetic material. I was shocked to see Gary, and something tells me we won't get to see anymore of his infamous(ly terrifying) seat-fully-reclined/viewing-the-road-over-his-chins soccer/fast food runs that used to be in every episode. If he can enter a door, let alone a car, I'll be gobsmacked! I had to love Amber's question about how it is that Gary's gf would allow him in a room with Amber alone and trust nothing would happen: short of a massive supply of whatever Lance Armstrong was taking and a stepladder, I think she knew things were relatively safe. I don't mean to sound cruel, but who is going to take custody of Leah when Gary drops dead of complications before 30? If ABC won't pay his way, maybe MTV could help him out with a program since they care so much about the lives of these kids. Oh... right... The only redeemable moments of this crapfest were of randos trying to impersonate Barbara, but even that segment had all of the joy and energy of Lindsey Lohan guesting on Billy on the Street.
  18. But you're free!! I know what you mean though, a few years ago when I had cable, I was shocked to find I couldn't watch The Soup because they simply didn't carry the E! channel at all. First of all, I was convinced I was an idiot who couldn't find where they'd hidden the channel, and then I had to call and ask (second humiliation), and then had to explain to them why they should carry the channel (this was the Kardashian heyday no less) given that Joel McHale is a WA-raised comedian. It was like trying to convince a piece of chalk, needless to say I ended up getting out of cable. Why was Caroline the #1 guest who Andy spent 90+% of the show speaking to? I wasn't a mega fan of the years of SNL when Ana was there, but I could have a thimble for a head and still know that she's a person with actual talent and skills (though I realize it's not in Andy's wheelhouse to differentiate). She looked confused and her body language grew stranger as things went on, like she couldn't believe Andy was asking her nada and going on for one-third of the show about Caroline's 12.5 lb. rack. I loved the stupidity of the preview for tomorrow's "prime" one-on-one where he was shown asking a series of softball questions and they flashed to like the 3 facial expressions the Gorga's have for all of life. I'm suresuresuresuresure he's going to really break it down and ask the hard questions and get the tough answers... gag...
  19. I read Cary's smirk to be a completely-normal-human thing that resulted from having been a DA and having a good understanding of what it's imperative that he do while out on bail. I mean, for the number of cases that someone like Alice would have on her roster, she could cool her proverbial heels while raking Cary over some of the bureaucratic coals. Not that he's special, just it would be a waste of her time. What was the point of her freaky behavior on the stand though? I had to suppose it was that she knew Castro was there and was tense about saying Cary was following the program?? What was the point though of her bringing up that he would be considered a flight risk because of people Cary had put away wanting to murder him in jail if the show has never really addressed why sticking him in gen pop is completely irresponsible/ridiculous? Also show: stop trying to put Cary back in jail and get on with something else for a damn minute! We get it already... Count me in as a fan of the Kalinda/Cary scenes; that was well done for a network show (and by cable standards too). I'm such a dork about Matt C's career that I always do a happy clap that he managed to move on from Rory to Kalinda! Yes, John Boy, Gloria, Wilson, Alice: oh my! The minute Wilson showed up, I immediately realized I wanted him as the new addition because he's an interesting actor and was pretty underutilized for all of those seasons on House. And as I spent the episode cursing that this casting was not so, I realized that maybe I like the idea so much because he's similar to Will in some way (maybe it's a Dead Poet's thing?). And Gloria, if there's a next time, bring your stepson Christian Bale! I would love to have him stomp out of David Lee's office saying that he's "f*cking done with [them] professionally"! Oh my god TV writers/showrunners/casting people: we.get.it.Taye Diggs is so hot, intense, and sexy that it just can't be possible that he could be a humble doctor, or a humble lawyer, or a humble cop, or a humble student of God (ad infinitum). I'm so over it. He's never sells it, and, does he even receive new scripts or do they just cross out the words specific to the older role and let him rinse and repeat.
  20. Why did Jo pass up the chance of addressing the elephant in the room? Kail's totally high-class, not thuggish at all, tattooed sleeve, back, leg and god knows where else? She looks like that thing I did on Saturdays as a kid where you roll silly putty against a newspaper. Isaac's cute hair can grow out if he doesn't like a haircut -- and I'm not saying kids should have total control over their appearance because, um, just look at Leah-the-adult's hair choices -- but it's not a permanent stamp of idiocy all over his entire body that would show through, say, a wedding dress! I've learned to really dread the summer seasons just because I don't know what new horror will show up on her perfect canvas of a klassy white-person's body, ugh.
  21. I'm so glad I didn't delete this epi, I must have watched the part where Nathan plays Jimmy 10x: the man is a God among men. His impressions of Matthew had me cry-laughing as well, "oh, hi sarah..... oh, we're both wearing blue oxford shirts..." Chris was great and his 7-piece suit was very dapper too. He seems like such an honest and decent person that his life is sort of charmed like that, and I cannot wait for Parks and Rec whenever NBC gets the hell around to putting it on the sched. I love that that late 70s/early 80s album-cover head shot was what landed him on Everwood.
  22. I haven't seen Up, but it made me think of Letterman's "old guys and giant glasses" bit from years ago. Yes, the ..."We're a danger to ourselves. We're a family of firestarters, poison-eaters and online prostitutes!" was hysterical, and I enjoyed the Arrested-Development inspired (taken?) "Taste it. Taste our love." too, oh, and all of the plum "oh my god (sluuuurrrps)."
  23. Heeheehee! Thanks sum! I heard "boyfriend" and the sexy man thing at the end but needed to know. She must watch the show I guess, or she's lobbying on behalf of people like myself who are over their bromance/infatuation.
  24. Does anyone know what Sofia said about Justin Timberlake when she was speaking for Jimmy?
  25. J.B. Hickey is one of those actors who, once on your radar, is actually in a million things you've seen. He's just crazy good in every role. Manhattan has actually really sucked me in, and a lot of it has to do with the chemistry of Hickey's character. The show has some issues, like pacing and false drama, but Hickey and Olivia Williams and unknown-young-guy/semi-rival actor are great. Classic Andy that he genuinely seemed confused about whether The Manhattan Project is fiction or not. Liam is the best dammit, and I'm glad I stayed tuned even though Andy's asshat impression of Taken died on the table when he so unconvincingly had to seethe "I have a very particular set of skills..." He couldn't even get through a spoof of the line without my brain trying to make a break for the door out of embarrassment. FWIW, Liam did a pretty in-depth interview with Anderson for 60 Minutes last year that was about 90% personal and related to losing Natasha; absolutely heartbreaking, but a wonderful interview. How is it that Andy can get "Schindler's Schnapps (?)" out with nary a problem, but when discussing (poorly, of course) a Holocaust survivor, his mind goes to Amsterdam instead of Auschwitz? It's like he needs Drunk History come to life where anything that actually has happened, is happening, or will happen in the world is somehow related to booze, and then it's locked into his noodle like the nuclear codes.
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