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Everything posted by meisje

  1. I think we can rest assured that Alicia's Bond Court arc was nothing more than an "Alicia is one of the people" nonsense story line, as well as another elaborate attempt to make the character appear sympathetic/the underdog. The lengths the writers have to go to to keep trying to convince us of her victim status, and perhaps just the sheer amount of storytelling for Alicia and only Alicia, has the whole thing feeling like trying to do laps in a 3 x 6-foot pool.
  2. Is this potential spinoff just a bunch of nonsense from CBS? Most sites covering TGW's cancellation (yeah, I'm calling it that...) have mentioned that the Kings already have a CBS summer show in production called BrainDead. That title has been the beginning and the end for me, but actually the cast suggests the pilot script may have, at least, been intriguing. God yes, the time wasted writing Alicia's never-progressing story lines, it seems only JC received a similar level of interest from the producers/writers. I have little doubt Christine and Matt will land more work, and probably quickly, but I've really enjoyed them working in the same universe! The plot lines have been so lacking and morose for the both of them recently that it takes a bit of work for me to recall that they once had a great dynamic and chemistry that was well worth tuning in for. I've really missed the time spent with both of their personal lives as well, just small things like a check-in with Diane's marriage or something to do with Cary's parents or love interest. They've both been turned into little more than caricatures, what a waste of their last 2 seasons. What I wouldn't give for all of the time spent on the past 3-4 seasons' worth of election bs to be retroactively relegated to Diane, Cary & others. Now that would be a show I would grieve.
  3. That's one of the interviews I was thinking of, though I thought that she had seen her doing improv during the GG years, but my brain is on the fritz this week and Bridesmaids makes more sense. In one of the recent GGuys podcasts, Demi mentions talking to Chris Hardwick about MM and I think he said that Chris had met her when she was working on Singled Out, and I think he went to Melissa and said, you should be the one heading a show! Yowsers, she kind of sounds like Liz on a really bad day at the Renaissance fair... was not expecting that. She's forever stuck in my mind from playing Sherry Stringfield/Susan's sister Chloe on ER, where she was a drugged up mom who abandoned her kid for Susan to take care of so I figured she may have been typecast when she showed up as Jess' fleeing mom. I'm curious about where her story will go since ASP liked the TJ actor enough to put him in Bunheads, so I won't be surprised if he makes an appearance in SH.
  4. This made me laugh so hard I had to stop everything I was doing for 10 minutes straight, and then I read it again and am back in the cycle! As much as I adore the show, your observations are side-splittingly accurate.
  5. This is just my gut feeling about what's happening now, including everything baking since ATX (and some random podcast listening of various GG actors over the years): there's some space between what GG fans absolutely love about the series and why ASP thinks it's so popular. I think a lot of fans loved the whole package, and appreciated almost every single person in the cast, and were hoping to drop back into that world with the revival while ASP thinks it's specifically her writing and her favorite characters that people respond to. And I can absolutely picture ASP thinking/saying, "I don't care if so-and-so or so-and-so is on the show now. It's MY show and MY writing!" without realizing that the secondary or tertiary characters were, in fact, more beloved in some cases, than her leads. It reminds me of the Bunheads' panel where she, Sutton and Kelly sat close together and spoke a lot, and Stacey/Truly was literally yards away from them and had no mic of her own. To me it looks like Amy and her leads have an experience that's quite different from everyone else involved. I've wondered for quite a while about MM and GG since there has been such a deluge of MM interviews and articles, with really none citing her time on GG. The intial impression I got was that it was being spun that she was basically newly discovered at the age of 40, which is perhaps a more desirable way of introducing someone into the mainstream than noting they were a beloved character on a popular show for 7 years. I did think it odd though that MM really never mentioned the role at all, and almost looked displeased during the Spy interview when someone else finally brought it up. Now, I'm pretty convinced it's that MM didn't like something about that experience (and there's a whole of evidence of that in this forum alone), and maybe felt underutilized at GG and doesn't want to give it a shout out. I've always felt some sympathy for the show's characters who were written as close to L & R, because they became little more than plot devices whose own story lines became embarrassingly one-note and stagnant early on. Maybe MM grew tired of her character only baking and being pregnant, and having various pregnancy related "crazy woman" story lines season after season after season? The other thing I've recently thought about is what MM's personality really is since she's only recently become an actor people are talking to and about so it's not like there's been a lot of press to follow over the years with her. She's often in roles as the sweet, funny and generous best friend, and probably been relegated to cheerful IRL, as is almost always the case with anyone in entertainment who is overweight. But that's no reason to think she's the selfless-friend-of-Lorelai type in actuality, and she's not in the position of needing to be grateful for ASP's interest if she really didn't/isn't feeling it. To me, MM comes across as very grounded and genuinely hilarious, but other than that, who knows? She never mentions having worked as an assistant to Jenny (as far as I know) and neither makes reference to the other which is a little odd given they're related, so perhaps she is just over certain parts of her past where she was relegated to second or third best? It's wild to think of what the original GG would have been like with social media. I'm not totally sure it would have lasted or been as much of a hit. I suspect Amy's stuff would have distracted and she (and Dan) would not have come out as the wounded party with the WB in quite the way she did then. it almost makes sense that the not-great feelings are starting to leak because now there is a medium for it.
  6. You just out-concept-ed the writers, hands down, in your assertion that that scene should have occurred with Kalinda. That would have made sense, so in a way, it's clear why they never thought of it. Realistically though, how difficult would it have been to tape a long hugging/talking scene with a green screen!? So now Lucca's some sort of sociopath (guess Jason passed the secret-sociopath baton) who likes no one and has no friends and can't stand any human, apparently, since that is the only thing left that's left to try to make Alicia sympathetic. This keeps haunting this show: either only trying to find "worse" people to stand her next to, or retconning characters to have been as bad or worse. The writing took me out of the scene but quick. I barely had time to listen to Alicia's latest pity rant because I was too busy watching, slack-jawed, at Lucca's ripped-straight-from-the-script-of some awful rom-com's "...the one thing I can choose... all you have to say is 'I'm willing,'" nonsense. I mean, are they trying to bring it all back to maybe Alicia will learn to let a woman (of all people, since all women have done her wrong, of course) in and truly and finally trust someone? Please show, just stop. Not invent Club W? Seriously though, I can only picture her doing anything other than accepting a lot of high-grade free labor from them if they were old enough to buy her alcohol, and keep it coming. I'm pretty sure her desired home would have wait staff and a hostess (and she needs a butler or maid to answer her damned door), an IT person, and an assistant. The entire speech about how much she can't stand her life, well, it was just more of the: No one can have Alicia, but, anyone who leaves her is a vile, selfish monster. Alicia can't enjoy her life and therefore no one else had bette, either. I hate that it's just written aside that she actively squashes everyone else's potential happiness, whether it's a colleague and a job, her daughter and her interest in religion or guys, her son daring to have a girlfriend and being sexually active, Will moving on, Cary moving on, and Peter who is just never ever ever allowed to have sex with anyone because it reflects so terribly on her, but also ordered any real, adult, and loving relationship with a mature, intelligent woman be stopped immediately as well. And no divorce either, of course. She calls all of the miserable shots herself and wouldn't have it any other way. So, they've just built an additional apartment set within JM's apartment or in one in her building, right? Because that hallway and front door of hers has officially had more screen time than 95% of the cast. It had better get an Emmy nom!
  7. I can only speak for myself, but what I've wanted to see is TGW using its great cast to its advantage, which hasn't been the case in years. The original cast rivals some of the very best ensembles ever created in film or TV, again JMO, so it's tough to swallow losing great cast members and others still being around but barely on screen. I don't get the sense that everyone wants to villainize one particular cast member, rather they're disappointed with a major decline in quality of something they used to greatly enjoy. It sometimes happens that the creator/showrunner's not-great choices fall on the star/s of a cast, and that is unfair when that happens. It's also often a studio or network's decision - and a very binary way - of viewing a project's popularity as the result of one person in the cast. So often, they're completely out of sync with what made something really shine, or what brings viewers back week after week. Homeland is similar in that most of the characters and story lines that really had people hooked have been misused, sidelined or killed off, and most people didn't love season 1 of Homeland for Claire Danes. That's another case of certain cast members having diva reps that have followed them, whether true or not, despite their talent (Mandy Patinkin). Less often do I come across people disliking one person undeservedly, than I see/hear people crestfallen after finding out a project or performance they really like is at the hands of a person who's a jerk (or worse) in real life. A very recent example is the Nate Parker and Birth of a Nation. It's become increasingly difficult not to know about a actor's personal life. People have grown weary of being told that certain actors are all that, when in reality they were great in a certain role but really aren't anything particularly special after the end of the show's run. There are so many examples of that that my mind boggles, but Jennifer Aniston stands out (again, JMO). There are just too many talented actors for viewers to swallow that the most famous are the best and for people to rest on their laurels. Christine Baranski is really the 'older, professional actress' from TGW, and her reputation is pretty stellar. She's been practically erased from the cast, but I guess she's out doing other work or something, because she just isn't on record or showing up making appearances and statements about the show or her role. Josh Charles was a huge part of what made this show into what it was, but he didn't receive much press or acclaim for it. Sexism is still alive and well, but a lot of what is occurring in terms of opinion is just that viewers are well informed about projects and people they're drawn to, and we've happily entered a period in history where the viewer's opinion matters a lot, even as much as the studio's sometimes, which is a first, but it's changing the landscape dramatically.
  8. Has Wendy ever mentioned a movie (I think she) made based on her book? I can't remember that being part of any of her brag-ations, but today I saw the trailer posted, though I guess it's been on youtube for a few months. Sweet Fancy Moses, what a MESSSSS! Poor Robin Givens, I mean, wow...
  9. Cheers to the writer of that piece! -- and thank you milkyaqua for posting this. How damned ironic that, while the Kings have been clogging up our once-beloved show with infinite amounts of campaign junk (month after month after year after year...), they missed the exact parallels they were recreating in the very worst of ways! And as far as the embarrassing green-screen moment... I'm beginning to think that the #1 thing the show will be remembered for is the pointless behind-the-scenes horseshit that they allowed to blow up what was once a top-tier piece of work. What a ship of fools they look like having been called out on wasting that type of talent. I do hope it follows them for a long time.
  10. I say that about any person on any show that sees more than 6 episodes, because many very good shows don't get the numbers right out of the gate and are cancelled swiftly. There are just so many factors that have to come together to make it to series and then to stay on air. CBS is perhaps a little bit of a safer place than many since they are slower to cancel things in general and give more latitude to shows, especially if there is critical acclaim, but the percentage of successful TV shows is somewhere around 10%. I wish it was as simple as deserving shows/actors are the ones to get picked up and stick around, but that's not really the way it works. My response to JM was very positive in the first few years of the show. I remembered her as being in several shows that died pretty quick deaths (I think the last before TGW was a show where she played a lawyer), and doing some terrible movies, but I didn't associate that with anything personal about her. Once TGW took off, the network was, of course, sending her around to do press for the show and a lot of late night appearances. It's really been years of smug and/or nasty comments, punctuated by the mess of what TGW became, that gave me cause to wonder what was going on with her, and to see that the litany of comments weren't just silly one-offs or someone making jokes that just weren't very funny. There are so many talented actors working in television, and many who were on cult favorites at one time or with strong movie backgrounds, and without the complications, snide comments and lawsuits, and I just prefer those other actors because of how they conduct what I know of their professional and personal lives.
  11. I wish she would stop behaving in such a thirsty manner, turning every accolade for the Kings or the show into a commentary about her career/prospects. Seven years of being top dog at an award-winning show is a great stroke of luck, and if she could behave remotely like her former co-star Josh, perhaps she wouldn't need to cling to everything TGW so very much. I didn't think she would go down with the ship if the accolades left with the Kings, but still, whenever she is on record about the show as giving it some type of shoutout, there's this passive-aggressive subtext to it. If nothing else, I guess she's consistent year after year after year. Thanks for sharing this Ms Blue Jay (awesome use of shade-bolding btw!). I feel like a bit of a dumdum because I'd like to think my take on her power trips - though pretty darn well documented - are always a bit over the top. So I'm happynothappy to read that every person in NY who stands close enough to her, or the set, finds the fumes overwhelming.
  12. So true. A repeating plot point, year after year, is how utterly miserable, oppressed and anti-social Alicia feels at every public function, which is the only place she would be just hanging out with Eli (and a phone or camera). Now, if Eli had unearthed a picture of Alicia smiling into a basin of wine, grinning at a briefcase full of money or in one of her emo-outfits with glasses and earbuds, that would have been both believable in terms of her character and even in so far as what it is that Eli enjoys about her. Instead, it completely pulled the show out of the show, like some meta ad for CBS and TGW cast. I still can't get over the hokiness of the character Eli pulling a photo out of his mostly-empty (and only?) moving box like a teen from an ABC Family drama uncovering a diary, it was just a poor excuse for a plot. I'm very pro Eli being more than the caricature he started out as, but lately I just don't have a clue where his drive, personality and humor have gone. Eli has always been a mix of affectionate and competitive in his relationships with women who've piqued his interest in whatever context, a great feminist in his own way, really. I'm sure being relegated to a closet by Peter took its toll, but didn't actually time travel him to pre-puberty!
  13. Well, I guess someone thought the world would stop turning if some man was not brooding over the loss of Alicia, and everyone else has already left the show or been there/done that. When they showed Eli looking sadly at a picture frame as he picked it up, I said "Oh, do not even!" and, sure enough, it was his apparent framed "fun" selfie with Alicia. At first I thought it would be a photo of Alicia and her favorite costar - her front door - but I guess that would have been too meta. MTV's plot lines are more mature and believable. It's hilarious to me that one of the arcs this season is how screwed over Alicia has been by Lockhart, etc. because the writers should probably assume viewers have watched past seasons. I can't forget that she only got in the door through Will's handout, then managed the associate position over Cary due to her connections to Will and the SA, and then was the only associate made partner while the rest had their offers rescinded. And it was Alicia who took all of that good will and fortune and sat there collecting her new salary and masterminding a plan to get back her partner contribution, all while lying, setting up a new business and poaching clients. So what if she was political poison after she left her job to run for SA and chose to take the fall for a crooked election because she was interested in more power down the road, I mean, how is that the firm's bad practice? When, after years of being treated far better than the other Lockhart/Gardner employees, she finally decided she was ready to slum it and (maybe) stay put and work for a while, she didn't get her way, and so that's an injustice!? And, since Kalinda (and Robin) disappeared, she is almost comically stupid about all cases: who the client is, what their case is about, why they're even there... I mean, Cary had to point out what the case was and how it might be worth money after literally walking to her door and pushing farther in against her mean face to point out that a music industry win could equal money!? The show is doing the character no favors. Luca definitely is more believable as the lawyer L, A, &L would want to poach. All I could think when this stupid twist was introduced was, "Oh, so here is this week's 'oppressor' to remind us that poor Alicia is the underdog." They're going to run out of these eventually, short of killing off one of the kids, and even then it would be "Poor Alicia, she's lost the son she's disowned and didn't talk to for months/years (just like she did with Will), but boo hoo, poor her and her inability to learn to from any of her selfish behavior of the past 6 years." Again, Nope, not buying it show! And FWIW, if someone couldn't get their shit together with proper directions to their apartment and 20 people knocked on my door a day erroneously, week after week, I'd do a hell of a lot more than deliver their mail with a grimace and ask them to please straighten it out before finally giving up and complaining to the building. But at least she's a human with a heartbeat who speaks and acts according to her feelings and wants on a regular basis, as opposed to Alicia's "I'm the saddest victim ever in the world who's been done wrong by everyone ever for all of time" stink eye/drinking/plate-throwing combo. I had to leave the room last week when emo Alicia and her sad, sad shades of self-sadness and sad, sad Clem Snide song (love the song though) on a loop were grumping around the bus because Alicia Mad, Alicia Wronged, Alicia Not Get Her Way! Loved seeing Matthew Lillard though! I've really missed him since The Bridge was cancelled.
  14. I think this scenario is what happened with CBS and Alex O'Loughlin. I remember his vampire show with Jason Dohring was well received but canned after season 1, followed by a short-lived medical drama which led to Hawaii 5-0. It seems like that's been on for years, not doing much of anything. I can't imagine too many actors taking such a deal today (unless their #1 concern is job security) because there are too many opportunities popping up all the time. A lot has changed in just a few years from when television was the place where box office flops ended up (though, that fits for Julianna...). Now, even tertiary characters from small series are leads, so I can't imagine anyone as young as Matt tying himself to CBS for long. Perhaps he's at least headed for a bit part in the Gilmore Girls' final episodes? I would love to see him work with Archie again, and I hope someone is smart enough to grab Alan and Christine. I do see a possibility for them, and others, to find more prestigious work with Showtime/CBS.
  15. Indeed, I've just recently been considering all of the TV disasters incurred by changing show runners, and it is a fairly long list and generally the most obvious/stupid mistake that networks make. In this case, they're leaving of their own accord, but this news actually gives me a bit more respect for the Kings, as they've apparently had a foot out the door for a while. A season or 2 ago, I would have worried that this would mean the end of MZ and CB appearing on TV, but as the last season/s have played out, their roles have been so reduced and their story lines so stuck - literally and physically - that it's simply more depressing to see them treated this way than to risk losing them by having the show just end. And it gives me a little hope that the Kings are working with a streaming service and therefore MZ and CB might be first picks for another Amazon series or preferably Netflix, etc. There really is such an abundance of 'networks' at this point that the chances of a television actor finding work is probably the best it's ever been. And, the ultimate plus for a person who feels like I do: the Alicia/Julianna show will finally have a pin put in it and her ego and general hijinks will have no place to play out, and she'll likely go back to wherever she was for that decade+ after ER.
  16. I missed Hot Topics because WW was pre-empted by Obama earlier (doing 'presidential' stuff, I guess), so I just saw it tonight, and I'm not sure I would have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself! I've never seen the show Obama is going to be on, but he was hilariously unflappable during that clip. It's to bring attention to global warming, so unless she's amassing a fortune to send Little Kev to Mars, I'm not sure what her real objection could be. I wonder what she thought of the Pope giving the thumbs down to global warming as well - if he was be un-Pope-ish? The Michelle stuff was just embarrassing... for Wendy. Since Wendy just had to ask Hot Topics the other day if the Associated Press still exists, and in the same breath was talking about having been in college studying journalism, she made a fool out of herself criticizing anyone promoting college. The only thing she was excited about was how photogenic the kids are, so I guess she does have her priorities. For someone who's spending most of her time trying to break into every facet of the entertainment world and going hard for a brand, she absolutely can't stand any public person not knowing their place and sticking to it. Just because she stopped talking about it doesn't mean Lindsay is "rising from the ashes," I mean, please...! She sounded like she'd lost her mind saying Lindsay took the high road by quoting Maya Angelou on Twitter to defend herself and her sister (who does look like the rumors are true that mom Dina sold her into some weird Asian prostitution ring for a few years). Delusional much? That goes for Wendy & Lindsay! And that was awful coverage of the Kelly Rutherford case, leaving out the juicy details about her first marriage and all the underhanded stuff that caused the case to become an international one in the first place.
  17. Suzanne sounds and looks like something out of American Horror Story: Asylum these days, or like she's gotten one of those Liam-Neeson-in-Taken threats where her child has been kidnapped and she can tell no one so she's imploding. Does she have access to nitrous oxide at work or something? That bit about Kylie was irritating, but I figured it was little more than today's prediction of the next celeb relationship that will end, so she can claim she called it if something happens. She's going after every relationship that happens: Ciara & Russell, Joe & Sofia, Gwen & Blake, etc..., all in an attempt to be right eventually by calling 100% of them I guess. The Kylie "her eggs are scrambled" stuff incensed me as I was reading your post because what an asshole Wendy was to shame a woman who survived breast cancer. I'm sure the possibility of never being able to have a child is something any woman faces when they're diagnosed in their 30s. It's kind of bizarre actually that Kylie was with Olivier at that time, and he eventually went on to have a baby with the then-47-year-old Halle. Now, Halle and Olivier had a relationship with divorce written all over it (and who knows if Halle had a frozen egg handy because standard fertility limitations don't really apply for those with enough money), and yet Wendy basically ignored that mess until the divorce was actually announced, but she went to town on Kylie's egregious sin of having a new/young boyfriend. She should occasionally keep her mouth shut about women being beyond their expiration dates when they've had public, lengthy battles with cancer, jmo. Why can't she save her vitriol for all of the asshats who actually deserve it? They are so plentiful. ITA with all of the comments about the dog not being socialized and probably being raised to be the dog version of Big Kev and to get the ever-elusive Killer! Now, I don't care at all if she spends her time thinking everyone is out to get her at every moment or not, but to screw with that dog's life is another matter. It didn't even occur to me that since no one is allowed at her house and since she and her family don't socialize, the dog is basically shit out of luck, unless he's allowed to get turned up at the club with Wendy and Shitheel, ugh.
  18. It was just embarrassing to hear the two of them break down the intricacies and quality of her sweat-shop produced parade of clothing misfits. It brought me back to Project Runway and the various comments about "but how do these looks go together?!" I would pay good money to hear Tim Gunn's take on Wendy's line; it would be scathing and deserved. I'm hoping against hope that Friday's The Soup will feature a shot of Suzanne when she was wearing the black pirate shirt, sequined drop-crotch pants and her kitten heels and lunging and gyrating like a delusional flapper caught in a time warp. Please, The Soup, there are only a few episodes of you left, please someone stick this into a montage! For the sake of the holidays, I hope this will happen. Did anyone catch when it's on? I would dvr the shit out of that. Are Wendy's audience gifts awful this year or what? A plated Fitbit and $100 to spend on perfume? Ugh. I'm glad they got the other stuff from the shopping segment. I'm coming around to the Suzanne hate; there is no defense for her screaming/cheering/sign-wielding behavior when opening these boring/cheap gifts every day.
  19. What was with the outfit?!?!?! It was a complete shout out to Seinfeld's "pirate shirt" and a good 25 years after society decided that such a shirt is an affront to the senses! And, she got up to twirl and say that she's responsible for designing the whole look! Why!? Thyroid disease would likely make her hair very fragile and fine, but not entirely gone, and a really-good colorist would be needed if she's going that route because her hair would be less likely to survive any kind of process. Given how much damage a daily TV gig can have on hair, using wigs seems like the only reasonable idea. That said, there's no reason for her to have such expensive, but utterly tacky, wigs that have the approximate mass and weight of something Kim K would have injected into her ass. And she sucked a lot for throwing a bunch of WW cheap synthetic wigs at cancer survivors last season, because no one dealing with real problems needs that kind of help.
  20. ITA. I think both she and Mariska were down for a good time, but neither was interested in doing it at anyone else's expense. Considering that lavishing praise on the foolish and adoring the least among us is Andy's lifeblood - and that Kelly Ripa is his version of the pinnacle of female empowerment - it all went far better than I expected.
  21. This episode exceeded my every expectation! I expected Gloria and Mariska to have a good, respectful chemistry and to complement each other, and they did. It was nice to hear pretty much every comment and caller have something of interest to say to both of them. I was living for (as Satan Andy would say) everything Gloria had to say after he insisted on taking the opportunity to ask why she didn't think much of the HWs, and then letting her know he planned to try to change her mind on the after show. Watching him ask each of his carefully-honed questions was like watching a row of bowling pins getting knocked down artfully, one by one. He tried every angle of how she might be basing her opinions on something other than the actual content and she just kept responding with the truth. Andy should be embarrassed to know that his shitshow franchise is actually hurting people and that there are intelligent people taking note. Instead, he tried to imply that Gloria might think twice because Camille P loves his dung, and Gloria had to point out that Camille has written plenty of derisive stuff about her in the past. I believe Andy thinks he just created the highest possible version of a Housewife simulation between the two in some way, and absolutely missed the point, which wasn't at all surprising, but proves that sitting Andy next to people trying for decency for an hour only makes him stink more of shit. He completely missed that, instead of just trying to prove her wrong somehow, he could have actually learned something in return. I will give him minor credit though for having what appeared to be a modicum of soul behind his eyes tonight, and I'm very glad he didn't try to present Hanky Panky thongs to the two of them. eta: Mariska's looks have changed a lot over the past years, but I thought it had to do with medical issues that she's never gone into detail about. I do remember reading about SVU filming being shut down due to long bouts with pneumonia and a collapsed lung a few years after that, so I've assumed she's dealing with some issues beyond the usual actress stuff.
  22. Nope, no hearing problem! She says "Gardner" and Rosie O'Donnell is "Rosie O'Donald" and there are many, many more. It may be her way of verbally side-eyeing certain people as well. I'm terrible with names generally, but if you have a note, are reading from a prompter, or are being paid several millions a year to list off a few celeb's names, it's easy to fix. I believe she mangled Amal's name for a long time and even botched Idina's name to Taye when he was there. I'm pretty sure the hot topics' screw ups are an affectation, like her "-ations" themselves, and it's part of her colloquial act. Well said! I'm sure it's a source of unhappiness for Wendy that Amal didn't have to suffer through years of being married to a douche like Kevin and "earn an upgrade" (paid by Kevin's "earnings" of Wendy's own salary).
  23. Especially when it came to Sofia Vergara. The rundown of how she suspects her to be some kind of bossy hotheaded Latin stereotype was bordering on very offensive. She says she knows nothing about Sofia other than seeing her on Modern Family, but she can just tell how annoying she is in real life. And she's worried that Joe will have his privates ripped off by her dominant and annoying personality (From Kevin's walnut brain to Wendy's ears). Bitch, please, it's not a fight to the death where only one person is allowed to be happy in every marriage. And again with her histrionics about the freaking embryos. They are not 2 little girls playing jump rope you basic fool! Is every person who ever created a sex-specific embryo not allowed to enter into any future relationship for all of time then? Quick, inform the courts! Never a peep about Nick Loeb's snorting of coke off of prostitutes asses during his engagement to Sofia, cause I guess that's just a man being a man...? And of course she had to age shame, like poor, inexperienced Joe was tricked by the flash but will figure out soon enough that she's 43, my god.... I'm sure Joe is thrilled his first talk show experience is taking bets on how many months his marriage will last. And of course she had some hate saved for Ciara (while loving Gwen Stefani's look). It only makes sense that a woman who moved on from a cheater to a relationship with someone willing to be abstinent would have Wendy's brain on fire. It seems like after Future visited the show, she immediately decided Ciara must have been the problem. Wendy loves to victim blame and shame when a woman dares to leave her man.
  24. That link didn't work for me, but I think I found the article. Wow, Kevin sounds like the freaking Frank Underwood of daytime talk shows. What a grotesque loser. I was just thinking the other day that I suspect if Wendy would just be genuine on the show and not using 60% of her airtime every week as some kind of free public marriage counseling for herself, I think she'd (and we'd) be happily surprised with how likable she'd suddenly become. Wish she had that confidence in herself. It sounds like Wendy's twisted every comment about her relationship into an attack on her choice to stay with a spouse who cheated, instead of admitting her marriage sounds like a Lifetime movie about a teen's first abusive boyfriend. I wish she'd make some friends (it seems like she's always saying that married woman shouldn't really have them...), and find a real support person. All of her sputterings about the zillion rules of conduct for grown, married women all sound a lot less charming now after reading that article. Instead, it's more like someone who gave up the fight against the brainwashing of a shitheel, and is now permanently backed down. Now I wonder if her "woman's right to change her mind" schtick is merely Kevin correcting her every night - and the tours and clothing line just more facets of her life that he can drive and then tell her she owes all this increasing success to him.
  25. Is it possible the show is in danger of being cancelled? Or that she's been told it's the last season but it's not public news? I have no idea what keeps a show on, or what ratings constitute a success anymore, but she's behaving like someone with nothing to lose (way more than in past seasons). They do some random question thing at the end of Joy's talk show and Wendy's question was something like, "if you could choose any life for yourself, what would it be?" She said she would be living in NYC and doing the show. Joy and Susie were like, "Whaaaa? How is that different from your current life?" and she said that she would be a single woman dating around, going out every night but that she didn't want to live anywhere else or do any other job. I didn't take it to be hugely significant, but it was clear that her job is an identity she wouldn't part with for anything. Or maybe her invisible in-laws are coming for turkey day and she's losing her mind over the idea of (related) killers coming to the house?
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