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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. With scripts like that, they could have easily just hooked up Mrs. Wilder's spinning grave to the sawmill geers and have had no need to build a waterwheel to 'power' it up!
  2. Agreed! However, more than one murderer has done so because they saw ZERO possible future for themselves beyond avenging . ..whatever and they often thought since they had no future that if they took out someone else, it would make their hastened end 'worth it'. I agree it doesn't make an iota of sense nor is it remotely justifying any possible MO but not everyone's MOs are for positive or even logical reasons.
  3. I've been in spots in my career in which I was expected to somehow go above and beyond what I had been trained in- and as long as I've somehow done the best I could with the skill set and diligence I've possessed, I usually managed not to get burned. Usually. Hence, all I can offer you is that if you use the best of your own ability and skills , it will more likely than not help you persevere here! I've survived managers like that. . .
  4. Thankfully, at least his children were raised away from the limelight by his in-laws after being orphaned in a horrific way! I hope somehow they've been able to come to terms with their father's murder and mother's suicide and not let it destroy their own lives as they've grown up!
  5. OK, this happened some weeks ago but I still feel the need to vent: Long-short is that, due to parking being somewhat hens' teeth scarce, I need to get to my workplace over an hour before my shift. Also, due to the fact that my position requires constant attention to detail and juggling some chainsaws, I do my best to reserve my calls of nature to before the shift. Skipping the details, there are days when said calls wind up becoming quite extended and, if at all possible, I'd prefer to answer them maskless in one of the five individual facilities instead being masked within one of the communal ones in my work area. So what happened X weeks ago? Someone evidently decided that they wanted to use the individual facility I was already making use of and, after concluding it was in use, rather than seek out one of the other four individual facilities or the communal one, decided to loudly rant about my answering nature's call within to someone else on their Smartphone! Really?! Yep, they expected me to get guilt-tripped and throw a pity party for them due to broadcasting their call instead of trying to accept if not like that I was still in the middle of making my own call! I'm wondering if I should have shouted loudly 'There are FOUR OTHER individual bathrooms you could have long since sought out and could be using instead of wasting your caller's time as well as your own- to say nothing about trying to win a dumb . . hissing contest rather than actually have tended to nature's call!' I almost felt sorry for that individual's caller but for the fact that said caller didn't seem to consider to do anything but staying the ranter's . ..witch pot instead of h suggesting to the ranter to seek out an alternative instead of literally holding out for their ideal spot! What's done is long since done but I'm wondering if anyone else here might have some suggestions about any possible future incidents like that?
  6. OK, I read the article posted. If Miss Spears had posted something along the lines of saying Mrs. Spears had made an abject and sincere apology for her OWN role in the exploitation of Miss Spears's performing talents as a minor AND the entire family having milked her as a cash cow and keeping her performing while claiming she was permanently incompetent to manage her own affairs under the now terminated Conservatorship and that Miss Spears was willing to give her a probationary chance while remaining mindful of the family history I could cosign this outing being a positive thing for both mother and daughter. However (in spite of Miss Spears having earlier expressly called out Mrs. Spears's exploitation and manipulation of her including the whole Conservatorship being HER idea not Mr. Spears's), Miss Spears seems to be heaping wild overpraise via pretending that Mrs. Spears has always been the mother Miss Spears had WISHED she had had- one who would take her shopping and for lunch instead of having been an exploiter who'd (until the Conservatorship's termination just last year) had expected her to be the one to earn the high on the hog living for the entire family. One of the most important and saddest lessons that any victim of abuse and/or exploitation needs to learn to survive is to TERMINATE THE FANTASY that their exploiters/abusers are the person they'd always wanted them to be instead of having to deal with said exploiters/abusers as they actually ARE even if they were 'not as bad' as the primary exploiters/abusers. ETA. While Miss Spears may want to pin everything on the saying that 'time heals all wounds', I hope Mrs. Spears comes to realize that 'time wounds all HEELS' if she's just faking being the mommy she knows that Miss Spears always wanted to once again get her way!
  7. I actually think Harriet's singing would have been more entertaining than Charles's air violining! Yeah, I always thought it was a bit much that for all of ML's determination to learn such intense physical activities such as horseback riding,boxing,millstone door slamming,etc., in the eight years of LHOTP he never attempted to learn how to play the violin (despite Pa's skill in it being a highlight of Mrs. Wilder's tomes) - nor even to fake playing one!
  8. I'll say this once, then I'll drop it: I understand WHY Ms. Turner would have fought for & retained her stage name and I fully respect that. However, I can recall that she said that offstage she was a much more sedate and soft-spoken person than her 'stage' persona. Yes, the stage persona proved to be her bread and butter her entire career and likely helped give her needed strength to go against the odds. That in itself doesn't mean that she would have necessarily loathed it had her loved ones (husband, friend circle,etc.) considering wanting calling her Anna (not 'Annie Mae') if she had wanted that . No, I have no data to base this possibility on. However, if her widower ever decides to relate about her twilight years and it were to come up that she DID want him to call her 'Anna' and maybe be termed 'Frau Bach' by their Swiss neighbors, it wouldn't seem totally OOC to me. OK, I'm done on this tangent.
  9. Of course, it needs to be said that there are far fewer folks of African extraction living in her neck of Switzerland than in the US. However, one may wonder if Frau Bach (yes, I know that's not the usual way of referring to Tina Turner but that is her widower's surname and IMO, it's somewhat fitting that he happened to have the same surname as the classical composer) was better treated due to having been a celebrity (and one willing to embrace the language and culture before embarking on citizenship) than had she been an unknown and unwealthy person- regardless of background! I also wonder if her widower and/or her friend circle may have called her in private by her given name of Anna instead of the tag that the late Ike had bestowed her. I could be wrong but somehow being called 'Anna Bach' might have given her more comfort than her previous names.
  10. Well, Charles DID have a pivotal role in it. He sank Harriet's Pan-Fried Chicken Franchise via serenading the zillions of Walnut Grove patrons with his violin (despite, as always , holding the bow about a foot away from the strings) with Nels's cooking being only a tiny part of the downfall. Yes,it's quite dumb indeed! However, considering the fact that both Ketty Lester and Karen Grassle each sang high praises about the late Miss MacGregor in their autobios, it's kind of nice in retrospect to see these three performers actually somewhat bond together in adversity despite the totally bogus premise! Yeah, by this point, ML the scriptwriter was strictly going through the motions and not even trying to attempt a decent plot any more than real than his version of Charles's violin playing!
  11. During the 1970's,a female friend of my family had a hard time checking into a motel solo for the sole purposes of cleaning herself up and getting some sleep while on a road trip(and, it needs to be said, that anyone who's ever met her in person would know that . .. turning tricks wouldn't remotely have been her cup of tea) so it's not entirely unbelievable to me.
  12. Good for who? Unless Mrs. Spears had a sincere total mea culpa either before or during that time for having exploited her elder daughter for monies from her childhood onward and at the very least had tacitly condoned (if not participated) in her former husband's unlawful imprisonment of their adult child (which is what the court essentially ruled the now revoked Conservatorship to have been ), IMO, Miss Spears would be better off not giving Mrs. Spears air in a jar much less any more of her time!
  13. Speaking of someone who overcame incredible odds who has left us. As per wiki, on May 22,2023, Rick Hoyt passed away at age 62 in Leicester, Massachusetts. If the name doesn't sound familiar, he and his father Dick Hoyt (1940-2021) became an unbeatable team of determination competing in literally hundreds of triathelons, and no fewer 32 Boston Marathons. What makes this remarkable is that the younger Mr. Hoyt had been paralyzed from severe cerebral palsy from infancy onward and his young parents were urged to put him in an institution and 'forget about' him! Despite being 21-years-old at the time, Mr. Hoyt and his wife refused to consider that but raised him in their home and did everything they could to train their eldest son's mind. When the younger Mr. Hoyt was a teenager, one of his classmates in high school became paralyzed in a bad accident and he wanted to prove that life could still go on. Thus, he came with the idea of racing with his father pushing him ahead in a wheelchair and they'd do it for many decades- in addition to the younger Mr. Hoyt developing computer systems to help others with physical challenges. I'd like to believe in the next world, the Hoyts are running freely with the wind! RIP, Mr. Hoyt!
  14. Absolutely! Let's not forget that she was singing along with the Wall of Sound and likely was one of the few singers who could possibly OUTSING it! Yes, I know that, at the time, she hadn't yet overcome that nasty Ike. However, that VOICE gave a good clue that she could and would blaze her own trail against unbelievable odds AND have a happy union living in a beautiful land to help make her last years peaceful after so MUCH turmoil before ! So, RIP, Frau Bach!
  15. Who better to help her celebrate her 77th[?!] than Cookie! I'd like to imagine they've met! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
  16. As per Mr. Considine's 1st wife Charlotte Stewart, he had been allowed to direct a single episode of M3S earlier and decided to negotiate with both barrels demanding to direct no fewer than half the episodes per season and with a larger salary. He told the producers that if they didn't agree, he'd walk. He thought that his role of Mike was essential to the show but Mr. MacMurray wasn't so sure Mr. Considine could keep the MacMurray System (with an entire seasons episodes shot at once with scenes with Mr. MacMurray done first in each room/set before the whole thing would be edited). Moreover, the PTB didn't think Mike was the most important part of the show. ..and they had already made Ernie as a semi-regular character with him being Chip's sidekick (since Chip was already becoming a teen). Thus, they decided to tell Mr. Considine 'bye' and only have him guest in that wedding episode with Miss MacRae instantly sending them off on their honeymoon never to be seen again (and barely referred) before launching the arc in which Ernie turned out to have been a foster kid in need of a family and the Douglases pulled some interesting strings to adopt him (including have Uncle Charley as Ernie's new legal. .. .mother[?!]). Yep, as per Miss Stewart's account,Mr. Considine was out of a job right after he'd gotten married and was due to import a Ferrari from Italy! Thankfully, Steve McQueen (of all people) saw the Ferrari in the LA show room and paid cash for it before Mr. Considine was obligated to cough up the funds to the dealer! Of course, the irony was that there would only be the tiniest tiffs between the Zen Chip and Ernie with Ernie being his new brother while Hothead Robbie had constantly battled with Mike and Chip before he finally got somewhat tamed via marrying Katie!
  17. And it seemed he was oblivious to how vital it was for other folks to keep the horses they'd bought, bartered and/or had borne to them in a herd. I mean, it's not as though 19th century folks only used horses to pull hay wagons to look at stars. They needed them for everything from transportation to pulling plows,etc. not just to help them for their livelihood but even to live (and this often included city dwellers ). Yet CI seemed to think horses for other folks were mere toys like skateboards.
  18. I wonder how Ms. Steinem will react to the news. One can't say he lived a blah or tranquil life.
  19. OTOH, it's a bit ironic how single dads/male guardians were often depicted as comically clueless- even compared to female temporary guardians. Taking this back a few decades on My Three Sons, the protagonist (Steve Douglas played by Fred MacMurray) wound up having to babysit his rather hyperactive triplet grandsons one afternoon. Steve was unable to prevent them from destroying the family kitchen despite the fact that they'd known him their entire lives. In the midst of this chaos, he got called into his office for work. He brought them and had a temporary receptionist watch them while he did the ontask stuff. Anyway, in spite of her having been a total stranger, they gave this woman not the slightest trouble (and she was even able to efficiently do her own ontask receptionist duties WHILE watching them). She offered to take them to her place so Steve could complete his work and, believe it or not, he ACCEPTED her offer! I mean, it's bad enough to accept a stranger's offer to watch one's charges even temporarily but then to let them take them to their HOME?! What was he THINKING?! Of course, the show depicted that as acceptable behavior. . .until he absentmindedly used the card that she'd written her home telephone number as kindling to light a pipe after she left the premises! Only at THAT point did he realize that he'd totally FAILED his grandsons, their parents,etc. by essentially having them being 'accidentally' cut off! So, he had to call the temporary agency to get them to cough up her number. ..the whole time worrying more that he'd get flak from the adult family members than considering that he'd put them at risk with this total stranger! Yes, even then, one might have asked what were they THINKING having this depicted as acceptable behavior for a male guardian!
  20. And the crazy thing is that that was one of the very few times Laura was depicted actually making the effort to see Alicia! It didn't even seem as though the two wrote each other when the Edwardses were 'in California' - and barely acknowledged each other when Laura popped in with Pa to see them when Isaiah had to start his 'redemption arc' before he could return to Walnut Grove full time- without the REST of his family (and no mention of Laura keeping in contact with Alicia thereafter). Oh, here's another rule that only applied to Charles- if you decide you're having an emergency (e.g. your kids are on a loose caboose OR you found out they're riding the rails to California with their dying pal), just PUNCH the nearest horse's rider right off their saddle and 'borrow' the horse. Don't even try to ask much less explain how much of an 'emergency' you're having. Just PUNCH then swipe then leap up then ride off with this strange horse at breakneck speed (for rider AND horse)! Oh, and don't bother to try to reunite the horse with the legit human after all is said and done- or even leave a note explaining where the horse came from ! Sure, there all these annoying pesky laws on the books in many 19th century communities that spell out that horse thievery is a capital and HANGING offense but don't worry about that- you're Charles Ingalls! Seriously, ML is lucky no one attempted to do Grand Theft Auto to any of his motorized 20th century vehicles via just using one or two babysteps re ML justifying 19th century horse thievery!
  21. The irony is that even those of us who barely have seen Bart Simpson in decades would imagine that he'd be one of the first to deride Miss Cartwright's . .. expenditure priorities. Well, I haven't bothered to see The Simpsons since the before the Turn of the Millennium , so any boycott on my part would be a rather moot point.
  22. While I think in retrospect it would have been better had Jamie Foxx and/or his family had just bitten the proverbial bullet and fessed up what his debilitating condition instead of acting mysterious about it, it was his/their call and we the public aren't entitled to know every picayunish health detail of all the celebs. OTOH, had it been a literal life/death issue, I can somewhat see the outrage as that gets close to the line of legal perjury. Put it this way:both Charlie Chaplin and the music icon Prince would have prematurely born and malformed sons by their first wives who each died within a very short time- yet both the performers would somewhat obscure the circumstances (Prince going so far as to fake to Miss Winfrey that there had been no problems- with the interview taking place in a room looking like a nursery that would never be used). Yet the general public by and large didn't seem to balk or withhold their patronage despite literal life and death deceptions having taken place!
  23. Thank you! And the late Bob Elliot deserved a FAR better latter-day role than to have co-starred in his son Chris's meanspirited so-called sitcom- as did Elinor Donahue! I don't blame the elder Mr. Elliot one bit for quitting the show before it had finished its run as playing such a surly person (who annoyingly ALWAYS wore a robe and pajamas even far away from the family home), can't have been much fun for him. The only reason I can think of why he'd have agree to participate in the first place was because he wanted to help Chris (whom he adored) out but this likely wound up being one of those parental 'the things I DO for [him]' !
  24. But what's often funnier is how often a show will display a shot of the Eiffel Tower- and immediately underneath the Tower itself there will be a large illustrated title reading 'Paris, France' or just 'Paris'- as if the viewers at home might have thought the location had changed to the Kings Island Amusement Park outside Cincinatti, Ohio!
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