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Everything posted by Blergh

  1. I sure wasn't expecting that to happen! But then again, I didn't expect Olivia Newton-John to leave this world despite her having detailed her own cancer fight! If nothing else, Ms. Somers was dedicated to her family and I truly believe that that likely gave her motivation to survive longer than she would have despite the cancer! RIP, Ms. Somers!
  2. While Lisa and everyone else in Hooterville let their illogical logic rule, Oliver constantly kept trying to fit the illogical round holes into his square pegs! For example, just because the USDA manual stated that plants needed to be X number of inches apart, he made sure the POTS each plant had been planted in were that number of inches apart! LOL
  3. I think this may have been about the time they conceived the poor doomed Freddie.
  4. I always liked Mr. Goddard's character Major Don West who not only seemed to have excellent chemistry with the Robinson's eldest daughter Judy (played by the always stunning Marta Kristen) but also was the ONE regular who never faked having any liking for Dr. Smith yet was professionally civil to him out of respect for Commander and Mrs. Robinson (even though he disagreed with the family's call to somewhat embrace the untrustworthy, cowardly Dr. Smith and all the messes he wrought). On a more serious note, later in life Mr. Goddard realized that performing wasn't his true calling. Hence, he went back to complete his college education and became (of all professions) a special education teacher and even taught his students acting as a means to expand their horizons despite their extra challenges! Good for him and, RIP Mr. Goddard!
  5. In addition to their wonderful original music, let's not forget that Mr.Isley and his brothers took Michael 'screams every single note like his toe is in an electric socket' Bolton to court over 'Love is a Wonderful Thing' (1991) which not only had the same title as title as their own 1966 song but a 1994 jury agreed that he'd plagiarized their earlier work and would reward them. THANK you Mr. Isley for standing up for your innovations and hard work against the aforementioned Mr. Bolton and winning! RIP,Mr. Isley!
  6. Yes, I agree that the whole storyline of the grown man merchant Nels letting Laura trade in Charles's horse to Nellie for the stove (instead of, at the very least, telling Laura that he'd have to clear it with Charles) was preposterous and annoying. However, on a . . jesting note I can't help but think you'd at least have been momentarily tempted to have allowed your [hypothetical] kid render the above transaction if it meant that you got a wood burning stove that never needed to have its chimney or base swept out- much less needed any wood placed into it to work and somehow this included having no dishes to wash (since the Widow Thurman's never were seen again after Charles did chores[and batted his eyes] for them and only in the Big Bad Cities of Winoka and Rochester did dishes require washing).
  7. Note, that I said 'IMO' (in my opinion) that I found them all annoying not that everyone in the world found them annoying. To each one's own. Moving on. I also thought Oliver Douglas of Green Acres (1965-1971)was an idiot for buying the Old Haney Place without even seeing it first- especially considering the fact that Oliver was a lawyer!
  8. Boiled down to essentials it seems that Ms. Pickett-Smith made a big effort to pitch her union with Mr. Smith as some kind of idyllic union- despite it being an open one- but now she fesses that they've been separated for 7 years. OK, I've known folks who've stayed technically wed but separated for a long time for a variety of reasons (including wanting to keep the marital shares of properties rather than chancing it being divvied up). If she'd wanted to have privacy about their union, she truly shouldn't have made a loud spectacle of how it was allegedly still hunky dory despite having had public bumps. I don't know how that can't be construed as anything but having been deliberately misleading and dishonest. Yes, if as Ms. Pickett-Smith claims, Mr. Rock bugged her for a fling after the separation became known in their inner circle and he's had a vendetta re her declining it instead of just contenting himself with interested consenting adults, that's wrong. However, the problem is that, even her own accounts, she's changed her story so many times, it's hard to say if she's NOW finally telling the whole truth and nothing but. My sympathies go to her offspring who seem to have had lived their entire lives in a three-ring circus of their so-called parents' making (note I am NOT letting Mr. Smith off the hookeroo for this since he COULD have easily said 'enough')!
  9. Would you have been willing to let your minor child trade one of the family horses to a mean child to have gotten it?
  10. IMO, the main flaw in that theory is that everyone on that show (sadly, including Phoebe by the end) 'was annoying as hell'. However, at least a parent has the opportunity via raising their offspring to change their child's personality for the better. Alas, Ross blew that chance to spend his time with his annoying same age peers who only seemed to change for the worse- another indication of his stupidity!
  11. Perhaps you should surf here AFTER you've eaten a large meal! Amazing how many large meals got served in Casa Ingalls- despite there being no refrigerator to store anything or even any kind of pantry or storage area depicted!
  12. Even were I to give this spin the benefit of the doubt, I would STILL think Ross is an idiot for preferring to spend time with these fellow so-called 'friends' to his own son.
  13. The Brady Bunch (1969-1974) kids weren't famous for their brain power. However, too many times, they would do rather stupid stuff to sabotage themselves. One of the dumbest moves had to be in 'To Move or Not to Move' (1970) in which, after whining about being too cramped and having to share a bathroom for six, the Brady parents heed their offspring's pleas and put up Casa Brady for sale, However, soon afterwards, the kids and even Alice claim to be encountering spooky sights and sounds. Of course, it turns out that, rather than just level with their parents that they've changed their minds about moving, they've been faking paranormal encounters to scare off prospective buyers (and poor Alice) . They ALMOST succeed when they send Bobby and Cindy. ... to attempt to scare them off wearing bedsheet ghost costumes in full view of Mike and Carol (and said buyers). I can't imagine even CINDY having been so dumb to have thought this would have worked (much less Greg or Marcia who'd planned it) ! D'UH!!!! I hope they were satisfied keeping their bladders on standby the next four years until Greg moved out instead of just letting their folks move into a house with one bathroom for each gender of sibs!
  14. Well, they'd have had straight fried potato wedges with just salt and eaten them at their dinner tables instead of their lounge chairs- but they'd have been more ready to hoist a sack of grain than modern TV viewers.
  15. Yet, I'm sure that future pioneers/archeologists who'd have come across this structure would have most likely considered it a failed chimney and wondered why the builder would have opted to put a wooden lightning rod instead of a metal one atop it. That is if it didn't just crumble into a pile of rubble after the first big storm came through.
  16. I suppose the idea was that seeing the small girls struggle to carry their father's load was more shame-inducing for the grown men than just watching the kite-injured grown man stranger hauling the heavy sacks solo. Then,too, that grain merchant (Liam O'Neil played by Ramon Bieri) seemed to have amscrayed out of WG almost immediately after that episode so I guess he was run out of town for attempting to insist Charles actually fulfill the contract he'd agreed to.
  17. The Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872- the first land set aside by a government for the express purpose of preserving the unique natural landscape for future generations to enjoy. Not only does Yellowstone have more geysers than any single nation (including Iceland or New Zealand) but it has about HALF of the entire world's geysers. Oh, and thanks to hunting being forbidden within the park's boundaries, 40 American bison (buffalo) were spared the slaughter of millions of their brethren during the 19th century- the ONLY members of the species to do so. Yes, ALL living American bison (buffaloes) are direct descendants of the Yellowstone survivors! Of course, the reason WHY it has so many geysers and hot springs in its territory is due to the fact that sits on a supervolcano that has burst forth every quarter million years with the last eruption having taken place. . . .about 250,000 years ago.
  18. I totally agree! Moreover, there's been no shortage of cons,grifters and frauds throughout history who were loaded in their own right yet have had no compunctions of trying to cheat others not so well off as themselves! Regardless of how the dust settles, at least now Mr. Oher has no more legal ties to them with the conservatorship being officially dissolved.
  19. Alas, they made the kids seem like two-dimensional caricatures of their live-action counterparts.Virtually the ONLY interesting character in the cartoon was an immortal magical mynah bird called Marlon voiced by the marvelous Larry Storch who actually wound up zapping the BK and. . .Jan's teacher Diana Prince back to Classical Athens. Yes, this snoozer of a cartoon actually holds the distinction of featuring the first animated depiction of Wonder Woman! Truly, they should have just given Marlon his own cartoon and let the BK devolve into a Bazooka Bubble Gum joke-a-day comic strip! BTW, somehow I don't recall them ever mentioning WHERE the Brady Parents and Alice were supposed to have been during their 'adventures'!
  20. Hazel had more or less spelled out that they lived in a somewhat distant but driveable NYC bedroom suburb and that the title protagonist herself had hailed from the Big Apple- and virtually every community in the US had African-American citizens at least working if not actually residing in said communities as far back as 1865 so big FAIL that no African-Americans would have been depicted as domestic employees in 1966 on that show! Also, one of the most pathetic moments which ostensibly was how unfair her boss Mr. B. (played by Don DeFore who seemed to have had far more fun playing Thorny on Ozzie and Harriet) was via not enjoying singing of the choir composed of the Hazel's club of fellow domestic employees happened when the Sunshine Girls (all still wearing their formal maids' uniforms) sang the most anemic and soulless rendition of that classic African-American spiritual 'Down By the Riverside'. Not only did the rather bland canned studio singers sound NOTHING like the lip-synching performers depicted but they sang it without any levity or spirit. If they weren't going to cast any African-Americans on the show, WHY have the characters blandly sing a song that is considered one of the best songs of the genre of African-American spirituals?
  21. Either Cher has staged a kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment of her own son OR her estranged daughter-in-law is a loose cannon kook. Mr. Allman doesn't seem to have had the most stable life in his adulthood. Regardless of how the dust settles (and who's right or wrong) it sure is a strange twist rather than a warm fuzzy!
  22. Hazel (1961-1966) was a cute sitcom but it bugged me that somehow Hazel, her neighbors,etc. in that toney New York suburb ONLY seemed to know/employ other servants of Western European extraction and no other ethnicity. I think there was one episode in which they thought they were so 'enlightened' by befriending a Japanese-American valet (who they thought had been born in Japan but whose family had been in the US five generations). Yep, that was the closest they came to attempting diversity!
  23. It wasn't the only series that sanitized things. Even when The Waltons was at its grittiest trying to show the struggles of a large family working together to survive the Depression, while John, Grandpa and the kids were depicted as sweaty, dirty and even in patched clothes, neither Olivia or Grandma were ever seen so much with a hair out of place or with a smudged apron despite the two women having to constantly feed, clothe and clean their household of eleven!
  24. And keep in mind that their characters' RL counterparts lived rather sedate lives of constantly going to banquets, teas and the occasional ballroom dance compared to the RL Ingalls who'd have literally earned every morsel of food by sweat! Also, the wealthier (or with access to more funds) a woman was, the more times she'd have had her entire outfit changed on a DAILY basis whereas servants and pioneers would wear the very same clothes (and underwear) day-in/day-out sometimes for weeks and months AND the laboring classes sweated far more yet had far less access to bathing than their wealthy counterparts!
  25. The two daughters were born in the US and their father is a US citizen so those two hoops alone would be tricky for Miss Turner to jump through but the fact that she's currently in England (another country and legal jurisdiction) makes it extra tough for Miss Turner to get her daughters returned to her. Sorry to say, at the very least, she likely would have to return to the US to start her custody fight!
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