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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Oliver's wide-eyed mouthing of "Mom" is killing me.
  2. Clip: Felicity's mom meets Oliver and Diggle: http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/11/05/exclusive-arrow-clip-felicity-s-mom-meets-oliver-and-diggle She does kind of flirt with him, ahahaha
  3. Just over here thinking about the, "and you know how I feel about her" quote. I wonder if Diggle suggests something risky regarding Felicity - maybe not volunteering her per se, but coming up with some part of the mission to catch the ex that will put her in danger, and Oliver fights him on it and says that. I was just re-reading DR's interview with THR, and this passage stuck out to me with regards to that dialog tease: Now that Oliver's actually aware that he loves Felicity, that's probably another lesson Digg can teach him that parallels his relationship with Lyla. He's accepted that Lyla has a risky job. Oliver needs to accept that too. Yeah, Oliver's always deferred to Felicity's choices to put herself at risk, but I imagine it's probably more difficult to do that now that he realizes he has a lot more to lose.
  4. Yeah, probably. I'm just suspicious of everything!
  5. I just find it strange that Snart interacted with the kid twice, and neither one of those interactions furthered the plot in any way. Seems like the kid was there for a reason, although that reason might be Flash related and not Oliver Queen related.
  6. Is it wrong that at this point I've lost so much faith in continuity/sense in this show that I don't find any of these to be an obstacle to the theory? HAHA.
  7. Yeah, the kid really doesn't look anything like him, that's the only snag in the theory. Although there was a reason why they focused on him, and I think they'd have the kid have a lot of the mother's coloring so as to keep it a 'surprise.' Not sure how Felicity would react to it. Yeah, she has issues with her own father leaving, but she knows Oliver is in no way, shape, or form ready to be/capable of being a father right now. That self-loathing runs deep, and I think she'd understand why he stayed away. I do think that she might encourage him to be involved as his mental state improves. I'd like it best if the kid had a good father in his life and Oliver stayed away but provided for him financially. He'd have to have set up a trust fund of sorts for him long ago though, because it wouldn't make sense if he provided for the kid on an ongoing basis and then just stopped when he had his "financial troubles." I'd think knowing he had a kid out there who depended on him in any way financially would've given him more drive to get QC back.
  8. Yeah, I think that too. And if it is someone needs to teach that kid not to take gum from strangers, goodness.
  9. I think you'd be naive to rule out the possibility of the kid, but otherwise, nah. And I don't really think they care about the Flash viewers who don't watch Arrow - they're revealing a big secret either way, and if it's that huge we should learn about it on Oliver's show, so...who knows.
  10. I mean, it's still early days, so who knows what will happen, but I'm somehow relieved to know that this is how it's probably going to be. I can stop being upset about it and just try to enjoy the things that I still find enjoyable about this show until they poo all over those too. IT'S THE THIRD SEASON CURSE, HAPPENS TO EVERYTHING I LOVE.
  11. The Arrow writers just can't resist those plot points. Especially the kind of unpopular ones. I actually believed these people when they said that they learned from what worked in S1&2 and what didn't and were combining the things that worked in the third season. LOL @ me, so gullible.
  12. I think that's her shocked, stunned, processing look. A blip in the circuitry. A major malfunction.
  13. Please, please let this kid run up to him and be all, "DAD!" Ah, god. I would cackle.
  14. Yeah, I can't think of anything else we could find out that would be that huge and would have to take place in Central City.
  15. I think maybe, here, she's trying to process the fact that Oliver just told her he had the ability to kill Malcolm but didn't. That bloodthirst is a bitch to swallow, man!
  16. It's weird how he worded it - we already know about the kid, haha. I guess saying that would take some of the intrigue out of it though, not that there's much to begin with, I guess.
  17. I don't really care if Felicity's mom has more interactions with Ray or with Team Arrow; it's the quality of those interactions that I care about. If mom recognizes that Oliver and Diggle are special to her and involved in her life in a way that Ray isn't, I'm okay with that.
  18. Well, look at the person who interviewed her. That's how, haha.
  19. Since they're actually putting whole scenes that already happened in the show in the comics, he can smiley face some of the comics crap into the show so we can understand exactly what's happening.
  20. Just because I'm not sure how this discussion falls in line with the new rules, all I'll say is yeah, I'm surprised too. Yikes.
  21. Well, they are trying to get the audience interested in Laurel/get them on her side. They don't have to do that with Felicity.
  22. I think Oliver's still sleeping in the foundry, although he's supposed to be getting his own place soon. It is weird that he never asked Thea (onscreen) where she was staying in Starling. I could kind of buy that he was just so happy that she agreed to return that he wasn't going to press any issues, but come on, dude.
  23. I thought one of the EPs mentioned that Team Arrow is being funded by a "surprising source" or something of the like? Did I make that up? I always assumed it was A.R.G.U.S., but who even knows at this point.
  24. I know it's not an apartment. And it was a shitty house (maybe a trailer), so it wouldn't have cost much. I wonder why they're giving him a new place when he already had one? Maybe Thea gave him a huge raise, so he moved out of the slums.Chances he and Oliver become roomies?
  25. We've seen Roy's place numerous times. He has a house in the Glades.
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