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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Hopefully he knows his daughter's dead by then, otherwise explaining Diggle Jr.'s name will be awwwwkward (still hoping that when Laurel finally goes to tell Quentin Sara's dead that she goes in for a hug and right as she's about to tell him he's all "Sara!" because she's standing in the doorway, Lazarus Pitted and alive. Shhhh, let me have it)
  2. Is she gonna be on hand to watch baby Sara during the Dyla nuptials? Then have to, I don't know, file a police report for some reason or another and have a meet cute with one Quentin Lance? He needs some, bless him.
  3. I get what you're saying, but that is stalker behavior (I didn't write that he was a stalker, merely that he was behaving like one). Felicity made it clear that the conversation was over, and he decided it wasn't, that his need to explain himself trumped her decision to leave things as they were. Instead of calling her or talking to her the next day at the office, or basically explaining himself at any other time when she was readily available to him, he tracked her down and showed up at a place where she was and was unlikely to refuse him. I don't think he's a stalker, and I get that intent plays a part here (and that they weren't intending for his behavior to come off as stalkerish and inappropriate), but this kind of thing isn't okay and it shouldn't be romanticized and I'd really prefer that they stop that particular quirk of his, because I really don't like it. He can be impulsive and screwball and socially inept without tracking her down to talk to her about things that aren't even related to her job.
  4. From the few comments I was able to look at before closing the tab with a quickness, most of the people I saw were of the "because comics!" variety.
  5. This is an interesting theory posted on Tumblr: http://jbuffyangel.tumblr.com/post/107993774228/weve-seen-the-lazarus-pit-but-oliver-doesnt-us
  6. Oh my god, I can't even look at those comments due to secondhand embarrassment reasons. I hope he ignores it (as he should ignore any and all shipper wars that start on his page), good lord.
  7. I'm one of the few (on here, at least) who kind of gave a pass to his aggressive pursuit of her professionally, because I've personally seen people recruited in similar fashion, so I didn't find anything really all that odd about it, and I think that knowing he's a potential love interest can color your interpretation of his actions before he actually IS a love interest. I know people on here feel differently about that and I'm not trying to rehash or reopen that debate, but okay, he initially did what he did for professional reasons, cool, EPs, cool. Then he goes and pings her cellphone to find her at Verdant because he just NEEDS to tell her that he doesn't regret kissing her and explain about his dead fiance. That? Is stalker, over-the-line behavior, and can't be excused as professional pursuit. They need to stop with that immediately. Felicity does ping people's cell phones and other such questionable activity, but it is in pursuit of justice 99.9% of the time, and you can make of that what you will. But she doesn't do it for personal reasons, unlike Ray. Her tracking Thea for Oliver could be considered questionable, but I'm choosing to look past that because her letter to Roy revealed that she wasn't in a good emotional place when she left and they had reason to believe she might be in danger/not where she said she was.
  8. I'm actually glad that he's doing this. Now that we know his opinion on the matter, he'll get some blowback. Not that it would matter necessarily, but being able to express my opinion about someone else's (wrong) opinion makes me feel better sometimes, haha.
  9. The only really bad thing I've seen is his assertion that some of Ray's behavior isn't stalkery.
  10. Of course, nothing is written in stone, but this is what I got from that comment too. Same. And I understand their reluctance to declare an endgame ship. Since the anticipation of Olicity fuels so much conversation, I doubt they want anyone to get lulled into a sense of complacency because they'd lose a huge chunk of their buzz-generating machine. Not that people wouldn't still talk about it, but they wouldn't talk about it nearly as much as they do now if they knew it was a sure thing.
  11. I wonder when they'll find out Oliver is dead in this ep. Toward the end?
  12. It could work depending on how they do it. We don't know the whats and whys and hows yet, so it's difficult to say how the audience would swing after Felicity does whatever she does. It's also difficult to gauge what exactly is going on based on these interviews, because a lot of things the EPs have deemed as devastating, heartbreaking or whatever really aren't. So maybe it won't be that bad and will actually be understandable.
  13. I bet they tell her he dies, but I doubt they'll tell her why. God, the potential for righteous, messed-up anger is so great when she finds out that Malcolm actually was responsible for Sara's death and Oliver let him go, I'm so sad nothing will probably ever come of it.
  14. From your keyboard to MG and the writer's room's ears. And then to their keyboards, I guess. Don't write that, guys.
  15. I guess we wouldn't have to see Nyssa for Laurel to contact her. Laurel could just call and ask her what to do, or use whatever archaic form of communication is preferred by the League. Purple smoke. Owl, maybe. Message in a bottle, etc.
  16. It is a female - you can see her in the comic. :)
  17. I think if we're going to see who it is, we're going to see it on the show.
  18. I haven't seen anything about her returning, but GBerlanti said something (I think it was in his "apology" about the makeup of the TCA panel) that Tatsu would be becoming Katana by the end of the season. I think it was supposed to be that bath we see Ra's in when Nyssa goes to Nanda Parbat at the end of "The Magician."
  19. He was stabbed through the lung, was kicked off of what seemed to be a pretty short cliff, then laid shirtless on the snow for a bit to staunch the bleeding. Some magical island herbs from his cute lil rucksack, a little TLC, and voila, baby. He's back!
  20. I actually tweeted that at Geoff Johns when the pics were first released. We have a mask, a freaking wig, head to toe leather with buckles galore, and the one thing that could without a doubt identify her? She leaves that completely uncovered.
  21. I meant Arrow the show. In this comic Felicity knows Barry's The Flash, so it must be taking place sometime after Flash 1x4 - way past the timeframe for the 2.5 comics.
  22. She was in a two-part arc that ended today. No clue what they're going to do with it. I guess they're going to continue it on the show since the Arrow season 2.5 comics take place in a different time period than Flash Season 0. If I had to guess, they'll probably finish this arc out on Arrow, since it took place at Palmer Industries and involves OMACs.
  23. But that particular article did cause a lot of people to flip, which then led to more speculation about Lauriver 2.0 and killing off Felicity - which is why I made my initial comment. Like I wrote above, if you're frustrated by what's already happened and you've lost your enthusiasm for the show, then yeah, by all means drop it. I just don't see the point in getting upset over things that haven't happened yet, because they might not ever happen (and this is not directed at you, just the general flurry of comments on here yesterday after that article was released). Also, I guess I must've taken MG's comment about charting their own course completely differently, because I thought it was more of their defense against the notion that the Oliver/Felicity relationship is fan pandering - that it was something they were planning on doing, and that a lot of what's happening isn't the result of shipper twitter campaigns since they plan half of the season out before anyone even sees a single episode. I didn't think it was some spiteful, 'you can't convince us to change what you don't like, we do what we want!' kind of comment. He and the other EPs have said some similar stuff about that (giving us the show we "need," not the show we "want" and whatever), but I don't think this is it.
  24. I loved that ending. And there was some discussion as to when this takes place in the Flash-verse - this is definitely post "Going Rogue." And this is another issue with these comics, because how would no one ever mention Felicity getting kidnapped by flying drones and, you know, HAVING SOMEONE SENDING ROBOTS AFTER HER TO KILL HER? Since this is part 2 of 2 of "Smoak Signals," does that mean that we're not going to find out who's after her in the comics? Is whoever that woman is behind it all going to be revealed on the show? And will it be Arrow or Flash? GAH
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