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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I also think that if Oliver and Felicity got married that MG would get a kick out of telling people it might not last. So I'm not sure I'd put too much stock in that answer. :)
  2. On Tumblr, MG said that it would be a wedding AND a marriage, which seems to rule out it being to randoms in the background of a scene, which is what I thought it would be at first.
  3. I think O/F makes the most sense given that they're the only ones who are a) in love and b) alive and not living under assumed names. If it is them, I just don't see the point? I mean, I can't imagine they'd settle Oliver's love life at this point in the series, so, that means they'd be getting divorced. Divorce angst? Nah, son. Seems like there's more drama to mine (if they're looking for romantic drama) in just having them date, so...yeah, I just don't see the point in marrying them off.
  4. I didn't think they'd keep it from her for fear of her job, but really, when someone fakes their death, the less people who know about it, the better. Laurel wasn't part of the plan, so seems like it'd just be a good idea, generally speaking, to keep her in the dark about it. Those Lances do seem to take nasty turns.
  5. I don't think he'd be hanging up the hood per se, but can he go vigilante in Starling City at this point in time? So it's not that he's leaving it behind so much as taking a break, IMO. I thought maybe he'd have a summer to himself and would be called to arms when this big bad starts wreaking havoc in the S4 premiere.
  6. I'm not sure that anyone should put any stock in MG saying he's not sure if the marriage will make it to season 4. IMO, that kind of makes me think O/F ARE getting married, because that seems like the trollish kind of thought he'd want to leave shippers with if O/F ride off into the sunset at the end of the season, having them all fearful that it won't last. But yeah, I could see it being Thea and Roy. Wasn't CH wearing what looks like a mechanic's uniform in that BTS shot of him? Maybe Thea goes and finds him? Could be that the team splits up over the hiatus - O&F going off to be happy where we won't get to watch, Thea & Roy, Diggle & Lyla, Laurel doing whatever. Then we'll get a shot of the S4 villain making plans to strike, all of us knowing that bad things are gonna happen and our faves being painfully unaware.
  7. For him to be brainwashed into being evil in the span of 3 weeks, it has to be drug-induced. No way would Oliver break that quickly (unless plot!).
  8. I think it's likely that she didn't know. Or, at least, I would prefer that she didn't. What point would there be in telling her? She's an ADA - there really is no reason for them to tell her about the plan, because they didn't need her in order to carry it out, and IMO, the less people who know about Roy being alive and out there, the better. it also protects her, given that she's an ADA. God, this vigilante lawyer business is so stupid.
  9. Regarding the promo, I'm just holding tight to the fact that Felicity's wearing lipstick when she goes to Oliver, but she's not when she's talking to Ra's. So, she talks to Ra's after. After. And what we're hearing about him telling her to say goodbye and let him know how much he loves him is the beginning of a threat because he'll finish it off with, "Because Oliver Queen doesn't exist anymore." or something of the like. After. After, after, after.
  10. Yeah, I don't think so either, just throwing that out there because MG's idea of things is really different than mine (like considering that Laurel "going pretty far for Oliver" was standing up to Quentin). Just trying to figure out ways around the very obvious "these two people are for real getting married" wedding/marriage spoiler.
  11. It bothers me. Not because I don't think the sentiment will be real, but because now that Felicity is well aware of how she feels about Oliver, I want her to stop being passive about it. Tell him because you want him to know, not because some bejeweled idiot in a duster told you to. There are ways that this scene wouldn't bother me, like if Felicity had already told Oliver that she loved him, or if this scene takes place after the sex, if this scene takes place before the sex and somehow Felicity tells him about her conversation with Ra's (or parts of it, because I'm guessing she won't want him to know all of it) and that she's worried it's her last chance, or something. So long as it's not just because Ra's tells her it's her last chance. I guess I'll withhold judgment until I see how it plays out.
  12. I don't think it would be any kind of cliffhanger like that, since MG said that they're going to go with their normal 5-month break. If I had to take a guess, we're probably going to see HIVE and/or the S4 villain start to put some plans into place. So, we'll see everyone being someone happy with no idea that this big cloud is hanging over them, because...of course.
  13. I'm really hoping that this scene comes after they sleep together, or at least after she's already told him that she loves him (on the plane, maybe)? If Felicity does anything romantic toward Oliver because Ra's told her to, then I will vomit. So, I'm guessing that's what happens, ha. The only thing that gives me some hope is that Felicity doesn't seem to have any lipstick on in that scene with Ra's, hopefully because Oliver kissed/licked it off and this is after the scene in the LoA honeymoon suite. After. Please, after. I really just want it to be that Ra's is telling her to go say her goodbyes because he's booting her ass out of there and she's not going to recognize Oliver when he's through with him.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if he just dropped love advice either, but I think it's going to be followed by some kind of blow/devastating news like, "tell him how much you love him, because you won't recognize him soon," or some other type of gloom and doom nonsense. I also wouldn't be surprised if that's the beginning of a threat to her, since I'm pretty sure she's going to threaten him, or at least tell him that she's going to find a way to get him out/that Ra's will never break him, etc. So, it'd be like, "You need to tell Oliver goodbye, tell him how much you love him, and do it now, BECAUSE I AM GOING TO MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP." or something like that.
  15. Okay, so, that Asian promo made me think that the wedding is either a) between Oliver and a League member (perhaps a daughter of Ra's that we've never heard of) or b) some kind of manipulation hallucination or something. If I allow myself to think like an evil dude (including some nonsensical stuff like why I'd want a guy I have to manipulate into leading my terrible organization into leading my terrible organization because plot), it makes sense to me that Ra's is interested in Oliver's love life. He had to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to join by taking away the Arrow, by killing Thea, things that killed all hope of him being able to refuse the offer. Once Ra's gets him to accept it, he's got to orchestrate reasons to compel Oliver to stay. Oliver can't want to go back to the Arrow, because the Arrow can't exist anymore. I'm guessing Thea will only go bananapants for a little while, so he won't have to worry about her so much if she returns to Starling (I mean, he'd worry, but...). What's the one tie that would keep Oliver wanting to go back? Felicity. So, Ra's is going to have to take that from him, too. If I had to guess, I'd say that Ra's is telling Felicity to go to Oliver and tell him how much she loves him as some kind of ploy that he's going to use later to manipulate Oliver into thinking that she didn't have sex with him or tell him she loved him because she meant it, it'll because she was trying to get him not to do what he was doing or something. Maybe that's another reason they had R/F together for so long with a breakup right before they left, with Oliver getting to see them together. That way he could be compelled to believe that whatever happened with Felicity wasn't real, with the help of some herbs or some other ridiculous shit, I don't know. So, maybe Ra's would make Oliver marry League member, or convince Oliver that Felicity and Ray will get married (hence my hallucination theory, which is reaching and ridiculous, I know). I just don't think it's O/F (and I'm relieved about that), despite the fact that they want us to think that. Or maybe it is Roy and Thea, since it seems like we'll see CH again, although I cannot imagine why they'd do that.
  16. Also, with that interview that came out (was it with GB? I can't remember), and the question he evaded about Oliver's new sidekick and this being the end of the chapter I'm thinking now that Oliver must hang it up over the summer, at least. But if that's the case, how will they sell 3.5 comics? It can't all be Laurel, Ray, and shipper stuff. I mean, it could, but I can't imagine it will be.
  17. Yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be. The CW Arrow tumblr reblogged a scene from last night's ep that went something like, "when you see Oliver's breakdown you will cry in a corner for the rest of your life". Paraphrasing, but you get the gist.
  18. I'd actually rather them not get married at this point, but if they do I guess...well, I won't complain about it. It just seems like too much though - I can't believe they'd actually go through with it. But then again I remember all of us doubting that O and F would go on an actual date in the premiere, and look at what happened with that.
  19. That guy on Twitter says they're still filming. Sunset scenes, apparently. Someone cut him off, I don't dare hope for some happiness for them. I DON'T DARE.
  20. Good thing for Oliver he won't have to read to her on a hammock because she's not ready to "do it" yet. I mean, I came to believe in it as a crack theory (bouquet catching, Dyla parallels, EBR telling SA Oliver should've put a ring on it at Paleyfest). It's still a crack theory but my god I'm starting to believe.
  21. If you're going full fanfic, he drives the car ONTO the plane. It's just more badass that way.
  22. Shhhh, no. Only good Alias parallels
  23. ASK ME ON THE BEACH AND THEY'RE NEAR THE WATER JUST LEAVE ME ALONE It's not what it looks like It's not what it looks like it's not
  24. It's a high-speed car chase and they drive off a cliff, Thelma and Louise style.
  25. He's a Guggenheim plant, trust no one!
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